

Youtube profile pic for The Most Drunk We've Been On Trash Taste | Trash Taste #169

The Most Drunk We've Been On Trash Taste | Trash Taste #169

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[00:00 - 00:06]Speaker discusses difficulty discerning differences in passion-making segment

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[00:07 - 00:17]They have met women who smell like trash on the podcast

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[01:40 - 01:45]Drinking wine and discussing their collections

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[01:40 - 01:45]Accumulating bottles of wine from guests

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[01:55 - 02:01]Rarely drinks at home unless after a nice meal

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[03:07 - 03:15]Cockroaches have been appearing in the speaker's house due to summer

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[03:40 - 03:55]Speaker feels more vulnerable when a cockroach appears in the bathroom

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[05:36 - 05:41]Previous attempts at killing cockroaches have been unsuccessful

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[06:43 - 06:49]They cannot let the cockroach out of their sight and need something to kill it with

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[06:43 - 06:49]Cockroaches are fast and can sense when the speaker is looking at them

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[06:43 - 06:49]The speaker's house is clean and there is no carpet

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[06:43 - 06:49]Speaker loves the Romans and has a set of Roman armor in their living room

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[06:43 - 06:49]Speaker's house is on the ground floor, making it vulnerable to cockroaches

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[06:43 - 06:49]The speaker is not afraid to kill the cockroach but is not "metal" enough to use their hands

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[06:50 - 06:55]A tissue is used to kill the cockroach and the speaker feels like they are in a DBZ fight

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[06:50 - 06:55]The speaker knows the tissue is there and turns to grab it

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[06:50 - 06:55]The cockroach did not move when the speaker tried to stomp on it

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[06:50 - 06:55]The speaker can stomp on the cockroach without making a mess

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[06:50 - 06:55]Previous attempts at killing the cockroach have been unsuccessful

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[06:50 - 06:55]Speaker feels more vulnerable when the cockroach appears in the bathroom

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[06:50 - 06:55]Speaker feels like they are in a DBZ fight with the cockroach

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[06:50 - 06:55]The cockroach is fast and can sense when the speaker is looking at them

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[06:50 - 06:55]The speaker's house is clean and there is no carpet

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[06:50 - 06:55]The speaker's house is clean and there is no carpet

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[06:50 - 06:55]The speaker's house is clean and there is no carpet

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most Drunk We've Been On Trash Taste | Trash Taste #169

[06:50 - 06:55]The speaker's house is clean and there is no carpet

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most Drunk We've Been On Trash Taste | Trash Taste #169

[06:50 - 06:55]The speaker's house is clean and there is no carpet

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most Drunk We've Been On Trash Taste | Trash Taste #169

[06:50 - 06:55]The speaker's house is clean and there is no carpet

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most Drunk We've Been On Trash Taste | Trash Taste #169

[06:50 - 06:55]The speaker's house is clean and there is no carpet

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[00:00 - 06:55]The speaker discusses their difficulty discerning differences in the passion-making segment and their experience with women who smell like trash on their podcast. They also discuss their wine collections and their accumulation of bottles from guests. The speaker's house has been infested with cockroaches and they feel vulnerable when the cockroach appears in the bathroom. They must have something to kill it with and previous attempts have been unsuccessful. Despite this, the speaker loves the Romans and has a set of Roman armor in their living room. They rarely drink at home unless after a nice meal.

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[06:55 - 14:21]• Someone talks about having the power of antennas and the benefits it could bring • They discuss the drawbacks of having wings and a heartbeat • The topic shifts to other hypothetical powers and potential drawbacks • The idea of teleportation is brought up and a potential drawback is given • The idea of reading minds is also discussed with a potential drawback • Useless powers with useless drawbacks are mentioned • The last idea is having the power to never spill a drink but having to eat an olive every day to maintain the power • Overall, the conversation focuses on discussing different powers and their potential drawbacks.

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[14:28 - 14:33] Man discusses the possibility of drinks running out and the existence of strong zero drinks

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[14:49 - 14:58]Conversation turns to snacking on black pepper chips and the drawbacks of eating a salad before drinking

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[15:17 - 15:23]Discussion about a hypothetical superpower that allows one to enjoy all media 200% more but also makes them constantly spoil it for others

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[16:23 - 16:30]The group discusses the drawbacks of being a Sonic fan and having the ability to run at Sonic's speed

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[17:32 - 17:41]The conversation shifts to time travel and the potential side effects and limitations of it

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[19:33 - 19:41]The group discusses the idea of time travel tourism and which time period they would want to visit as a tourist

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[21:05 - 21:13]One member suggests going back to the Edo period in Japan

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[21:22 - 21:28]Another suggests going back to the first Olympics to witness gladiator fights

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[14:22 - 21:56]A group of friends discusses various topics such as drinks, snacking, superpowers, and time travel.

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[21:56 - 22:03]Time travel involves calling a coin toss every time and entails fear and hunger

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[22:08 - 22:15]Failing at time travel results in death

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[22:08 - 22:15]Odds of failure are high, not worth it

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[22:21 - 22:29]Having a power to spawn a monster from "It Follows"

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[22:29 - 22:37]Drawback: Cannot drink alcohol without fear of the monster appearing

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[22:37 - 22:43]The monster is deadly but moves slowly and can take on any human form

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[23:20 - 23:28]Time travel power allows one to become a year younger every time

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[23:45 - 23:52]This essentially makes one immortal, but may lead to unhappiness

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[23:53 - 24:03]Time travel power can also be used to relive past memories

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[24:29 - 24:34]Drawback: Memories may be lost after traveling back

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[24:36 - 24:42]Drawback: Losing memories of the years traveled back to

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[25:03 - 25:10]Drawback: Cannot remember the power after one glass of wine

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[25:10 - 25:17]Drawback: May forget about the power altogether and be stuck in a loop

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[26:38 - 26:49]Superpowers are overrated, but having the ability to instantly watch any media is desirable

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[27:04 - 27:12]Drawback: There is a 1 in 5 chance of forgetting a piece of media forever

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[28:19 - 28:26]Drawback: TV screen gets 2 inches smaller each time a show is rewatched

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[28:54 - 29:00]Fluent in every language power has the drawback of having difficulty communicating like a call center operator

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[29:09 - 29:18]This power is not desirable for introverts

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[21:56 - 29:34]In conclusion, time travel and other powers have many drawbacks and may not be worth it in the end.

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[30:02 - 30:09]People discussing a debate about taking a pill to learn all languages but forgetting one language a day

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[30:34 - 30:40]They discuss the number of languages in existence (31,000) and days in a lifetime (28,000)

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[30:34 - 30:40]They debate whether it's worth the risk and the potential consequences of forgetting important languages

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[33:58 - 34:03]They discuss a video about people with no internal monologue and whether it's real or not

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[35:15 - 35:21]Some people recognize words by their shape instead of hearing them in their head

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[36:33 - 36:43]They debate whether people fabricate memories or experiences

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[29:34 - 36:43]In conclusion, the discussion covers topics such as taking a pill to learn all languages, internal monologues, and fabricating memories and experiences.

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[36:52 - 37:02] People can make up stories for attention and some people believe in them

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[37:39 - 37:46]Some people claim to have magnets in their body and can stick objects to themselves

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[39:04 - 39:12]There are smart people who believe in conspiracy theories and it's hard for them to change their beliefs

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[40:15 - 40:20]Some people believe in historical events that never happened

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[40:41 - 40:49]Some people believe in conspiracy theories even when presented with evidence that disproves them

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[40:41 - 40:49]There have been proven conspiracy theories, which can make it difficult to dismiss all conspiracy theories

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[40:41 - 40:49]Some people believe in far-fetched theories, like nano machines controlling the government

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[41:05 - 41:15]One example of a conspiracy theory is the idea of kabals in the government

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[41:20 - 41:27]Reality can be boring and it's satisfying to feel like you've figured something out

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[42:44 - 42:52]Some people believe global warming is a scam, but still buy environmentally friendly products

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[36:43 - 43:14]Overall, people can make up stories for attention and some people believe in them, even when presented with evidence that disproves them. Some people believe in far-fetched theories and it can be difficult to change their beliefs. However, there have been proven conspiracy theories, which can make it difficult to dismiss all conspiracy theories.

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[43:14 - 43:20]Guy talks about an encounter with someone who is "miseducated" and believes in vibrations and unintelligible science

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[43:20 - 43:30]Discussion about how science became incomprehensible to the layman

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[43:37 - 43:45]Brief mention of things like quantum theory and string theory being confusing

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[43:45 - 43:52]Suggestion to watch Rick and Morty to gain a better understanding of complex concepts

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[45:23 - 45:28]Explanation of Schrödinger's cat thought experiment and how it relates to quantum physics

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[46:20 - 46:32]Schrödinger's cat is in a state of superposition, both alive and dead, until the system is closed

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[47:15 - 47:26]Discussion about what determines reality and the concept of multiple dimensions and uncertainty principle

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[47:54 - 48:02]Mention of Flat Earth theory and their map resembling Game of Thrones world-building

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[48:40 - 48:47]Discussion about how Flat Earth theory is a boring and easily proven wrong conspiracy theory

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[50:35 - 50:41]Personal anecdote about playing demo discs and not having access to gaming magazines in Australia

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[43:14 - 51:02]Guy discusses an encounter with someone who believes in unintelligible science and talks about how science has become incomprehensible to the layman. They also discuss concepts like quantum theory and string theory and suggest watching Rick and Morty to gain a better understanding. The concept of Schrödinger's cat and its relation to quantum physics is explained, as well as the idea of what determines reality. The conversation then shifts to Flat Earth theory and demo discs.

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[51:03 - 51:12]Speaker talks about playing a robot battling game in Ratchet and Clank demo 20 plus times

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[51:12 - 51:18]They never played the full game due to not being able to afford it

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[51:25 - 51:33]They talk about similar experiences with other game demos and limited access to games as a child

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[51:39 - 51:45]Speaker reminisces about playing Mario Sluggers with friends on the GameCube

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[55:00 - 55:05]They share a story about not being able to obtain a copy of the second Mario Sluggers game, which was never released in Europe or Australia

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[55:41 - 55:47]Speaker mentions their nostalgia for playing Rollercoaster Tycoon and Theme Park World

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[56:00 - 56:07]Speaker ponders which game they would play for their last day before a five year gaming hiatus

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[56:37 - 56:42]They discuss the difficulty of running PS1 games and their fondness for Pokemon Heart Gold

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[57:10 - 57:16]They ultimately choose TFT (Teamfight Tactics) as their final game

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[51:03 - 57:48]Speaker discusses various childhood gaming experiences and their chosen game for their last day before a five year gaming hiatus.

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[58:00 - 58:06] The speakers talk about their love for Bloons Tower Defense game and watching YouTube videos about it.

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[58:13 - 58:25]They mention their sponsor, Co-Geoff Solution of the Rebellion, Lost Stories, a free strategy game based on an anime.

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[59:14 - 59:21]The game features the original voice actors, epic gameplay, and the ability to create your own unique battle squad.

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[1.00:36 - 1.00:43]The speakers discuss their changing preferences for pets, with one allergic to cats and the other wanting a dog and a cat.

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[1.03:17 - 1.03:22]They share their personal experiences with pets, including a story about naming two puppies Pepsi and Cola and losing seven pets in their lifetime.

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[1.04:14 - 1.04:20]The speakers reflect on how losing a pet feels like a family death.

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[57:48 - 1.04:27]This episode is sponsored by Co-Geoff Solution of the Rebellion, Lost Stories, a free strategy game based on the popular anime of the same name.

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[1.04:44 - 1.04:54]Speaker discusses the rewarding feeling of being with an animal throughout its life and being there when it passes.

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[1.05:05 - 1.05:13]They reflect on their childhood pets and how their parents' emotions affected them.

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[1.06:26 - 1.06:39]They discuss their dream pets, including a parakeet and an owl, and the unique animal ownership laws in Japan.

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[1.07:41 - 1.07:47]The idea of getting a dog for their podcast is brought up.

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[1.09:35 - 1.09:40]The conversation turns to naming children and the pressure that comes with it.

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[1.09:53 - 1.09:59]Congratulations are given to a friend for becoming a father.

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[1.11:02 - 1.11:11]They reflect on the importance of physical senses in relationships.

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[1.11:12 - 1.11:20]One speaker shares a concern about their long-distance partner's potential smell before meeting them in person.

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[1.04:27 - 1.11:32]The speakers discuss the rewarding experience of being with an animal throughout its life, their dream pets, and the pressure of naming children. They also congratulate a friend on becoming a father and discuss concerns about their partner's smell before meeting them in person.

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[1.12:46 - 1.12:52]The conversation begins with a discussion about smells and how they can be a deal breaker in relationships.

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[1.12:52 - 1.13:00]The speakers also discuss the importance of liking someone's natural smell, especially if they are a partner.

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[1.14:58 - 1.15:04]There is a conversation about long-distance relationships and the thoughts and worries that go through someone's head when meeting their partner for the first time.

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[1.14:58 - 1.15:04]One of the speakers mentions his own long-distance relationship and how he was worried about coming off as cool and how it turned out to not matter in the end.

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[1.17:17 - 1.17:25]The speakers reflect on the different sides of each other they discovered when they met in person and how it strengthened their relationship.

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[1.17:54 - 1.18:04]The conversation shifts to the topic of how the speakers' relationship went public and the announcement video that was made.

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[1.11:32 - 1.18:10]The speakers discuss the importance of natural smells in relationships, share their thoughts and worries about long-distance relationships, and reflect on how their relationship went public and strengthened after meeting in person.

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[1.18:38 - 1.18:44]Decided to keep relationship private for first few months

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[1.19:16 - 1.19:23]Aki brought up idea to keep it private

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[1.19:16 - 1.19:23]Eventually decided to go public after visiting each other in Japan and Vegas

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[1.19:40 - 1.19:46]Announced relationship publicly through YouTube videos

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[1.20:14 - 1.20:33]Surprisingly received positive reactions from other Anitubers

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[1.20:14 - 1.20:33]Helped bridge gap and connect with other creators in the Anitube community

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[1.23:28 - 1.23:33]Nowadays, people don't make videos about their relationships as often

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[1.23:48 - 1.23:55]Sponsored by Vessy

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[1.24:25 - 1.24:32]Vessy shoes are comfortable, waterproof, and suitable for any occasion

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[1.24:38 - 1.24:44]Wore Vessys on tour in Europe and to own wedding

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[1.18:11 - 1.24:44]Couple decided to keep relationship private at first, then went public through YouTube videos and received positive reactions from Anitubers, bridging gap and connecting with others in the community. Currently sponsored by Vessy and highly recommend their shoes for any occasion.

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[1.24:44 - 1.24:50] Vessys has a variety of shoe styles

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[1.24:50 - 1.24:56]Vessy also has an entire collection of different shoes

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[1.25:05 - 1.25:10] is mentioned

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[1.25:11 - 1.25:16]Bailey is mentioned

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[1.25:29 - 1.25:42]Discussion about smell and genetics

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[1.26:56 - 1.27:04]Discussion about long distance relationships

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[1.30:38 - 1.30:44]Discussion about playing chess and being on podcasts

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[1.30:45 - 1.30:52]Meeting Jarvis and Jordan at chess boxing

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[1.31:12 - 1.31:21]Jarvis and Jordan are from the UK

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[1.31:53 - 1.32:00]Jordan is good at making latte art

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[1.24:44 - 1.32:05]Discussing Vessys shoes, long distance relationships, smell and genetics, playing chess and being on podcasts, and meeting Jarvis and Jordan at chess boxing.

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[1.32:06 - 1.32:14] The speaker discusses not needing artwork but appreciating when others create it for them.

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[1.32:14 - 1.32:19]They talk about a specific plant artwork that is popular and mention a failed attempt at making it themselves.

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[1.32:31 - 1.32:37]The speaker talks about ruining their previous apartment with a coffee machine and mentions a specific YouTuber who is knowledgeable about coffee.

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[1.33:17 - 1.33:27]They discuss the importance of automation in coffee making.

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[1.35:05 - 1.35:11]The topic shifts to online relationships and the speaker's experiences with them.

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[1.36:00 - 1.36:08]They joke about their past relationships and how others found out about them.

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[1.37:37 - 1.37:46]The speaker shares personal experiences with long distance relationships and how they have become outdated.

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[1.37:47 - 1.37:52]A listener interrupts to mention that the host has left.

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[1.38:22 - 1.38:34]The speaker's confusion about when their relationship became public.

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[1.38:45 - 1.38:57]The speaker expresses confusion about when their relationship with Sid Snap became public.

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[1.38:45 - 1.38:57]The speaker and Sid Snap are in a relationship.

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[1.38:58 - 1.39:06]They mention Sid Snap's break from content creation and how they met through the online community.

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[1.38:58 - 1.39:06]The speaker mentions Sid Snap's break from content creation.

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[1.39:07 - 1.39:13]They discuss how they met and mention Sid Snap's voice acting and online presence.

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[1.39:07 - 1.39:13]The speaker and Sid Snap met through voice acting and the online community.

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[1.32:06 - 1.39:13]The speaker and Sid Snap are in a relationship and met through the online community and voice acting.

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[1.39:39 - 1.39:47]The speaker talks about their relationship with their partner, Aki, and how they never officially announced that they were dating.

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[1.39:55 - 1.40:06]They mention feeling like everyone already knew about their relationship without them having to say anything.

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[1.42:06 - 1.42:13]The other speaker also mentions regretting a video they made early in their career.

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[1.43:17 - 1.43:24]They then discuss regretting certain videos they have made, with one mentioning a video they made while drunk and later deleted.

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[1.43:59 - 1.44:06]The speaker also mentions making a video about coming out as a couple, and how it affected their audience demographics.

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[1.44:37 - 1.44:43]They discuss not remembering all the things they have said on their podcast, and how they used to watch and review each episode together.

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[1.45:01 - 1.45:08]The last episode they fully watched was with a guest, Pete.

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[1.45:14 - 1.45:22]They mention not needing to rewatch their own episodes because the conversations are ingrained in their memory.

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[1.45:38 - 1.45:44]They also discuss the enjoyment of releasing a new episode and not remembering everything they said.

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[1.45:59 - 1.46:13]Both speakers admit to making controversial statements on the podcast and not caring about the aftermath.

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[1.39:14 - 1.46:13]The speakers discuss their relationship and how they never officially announced it, as well as the effect of releasing a video about their relationship. They also talk about regretting certain videos they have made and not remembering the things they have said on the podcast. They mention not needing to rewatch their episodes and making controversial statements without caring about the aftermath.

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[1.46:14 - 1.46:20]Speaker talks about feeling powerful and comparing themselves to "scumbag YouTubers"

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[1.46:20 - 1.46:28]They mention not caring about negative comments and being able to reach a point where they don't care about hate

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[1.46:49 - 1.46:58]One speaker recalls a conversation with another YouTuber who was afraid to share their opinion on a Ghibli movie for fear of backlash

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[1.48:28 - 1.48:38]They discuss how it's acceptable to have negative opinions about media, but not widely accepted opinions

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[1.48:28 - 1.48:38]One speaker mentions receiving backlash for saying Sword Art Online is bad and becoming known for hating it

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[1.48:28 - 1.48:38]They talk about how constant negativity can harm a YouTuber's reputation

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[1.48:28 - 1.48:38]One speaker mentions shifting their content to avoid being known as negative

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[1.49:12 - 1.49:18]One speaker mentions their past of making negative videos and how it affected their audience

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[1.51:34 - 1.51:39]They discuss the importance of not "shooting on" popular media just for views

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[1.46:14 - 1.52:27]Speakers discuss the power and consequences of being negative on YouTube, sharing personal experiences and insights on the matter.

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[1.52:27 - 1.52:33]The speaker discusses how one video they made labeled them as the person who hates Sword Art Online.

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[1.57:48 - 1.58:07]The speaker talks about their approach to creating content and how they focus on things they like rather than things they don't like.

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[1.58:39 - 1.58:45]The speaker and the other person discuss the trend on YouTube to focus on negative content.

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[1.59:19 - 1.59:25]They mention that starting an anime-focused channel today would be difficult due to the lack of financial incentive.

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[1.59:25 - 1.59:30]They explain that they have received criticism for their opinions and that their opinions are often invalidated.

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[1.59:31 - 1.59:37]The speaker reveals that many talented creators who initially covered anime have pivoted to other content.

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[1.52:27 - 1.59:47]In summary, the speaker discusses their experience as a top anime YouTuber and the challenges and trends within the anime community on the platform.

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[1.59:48 - 1.59:54] John is a talented storyteller who is good at making videos

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[1.59:54 - 2.00:04]On YouTube, John stopped talking about anime and started covering other topics

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[2.00:23 - 2.00:29]Other anime YouTubers also realized they could apply their skills to more general content

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[2.01:20 - 2.01:25]The speaker also got bored of making only anime content and started exploring other topics related to Japanese culture

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[2.01:55 - 2.02:03]The speaker and John have different angles and approaches to content creation

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[2.02:47 - 2.02:55]The speaker discusses the challenges of expanding content to other countries

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[2.04:09 - 2.04:20]It takes time to transition to new content and keep the audience engaged

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[2.04:55 - 2.05:06]The cosplay videos were a turning point for the speaker's channel

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[2.04:55 - 2.05:06]The speaker has stopped making cosplay videos but still has more costumes

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[2.05:59 - 2.06:06]The speaker's standards for content on the main channel have changed over time

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[2.06:30 - 2.06:39]The crane game videos are popular and easy to film, making them a great way to collaborate with others

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[1.59:48 - 2.06:39]John and the speaker both transitioned from making only anime content to covering other topics related to Japanese culture. They have different approaches to content creation and have faced challenges in expanding to other countries. The speaker's standards for content have changed, and they now focus on easy-to-make and popular crane game videos for collaborations.

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[2.06:39 - 2.06:44]Person talking about enjoying live streaming

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[2.06:45 - 2.06:51]Mention of being a streamer with YouTube as a side hobby

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[2.06:51 - 2.06:58]Spent 7 years dedicated to one idea and concept

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[2.07:08 - 2.07:18]Switching focus to live content

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[2.07:38 - 2.07:47]Jealous of others' ability to turn off camera and be done

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[2.07:38 - 2.07:47]Tired of post production aspect of YouTube videos

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[2.07:58 - 2.08:12]Difficulty with post production and collaborating with others

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[2.09:41 - 2.09:56]Improved at creating content but still not fully satisfied

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[2.09:56 - 2.10:05]Mention of being ahead on second channel but also feeling creatively stagnant

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[2.10:05 - 2.10:11]Enjoyment of turning off stream when done

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[2.10:12 - 2.10:17]Excitement for live content and lack of enjoyment for scripted content

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[2.11:30 - 2.11:36]Hiring people and being frank about expectations

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[2.11:30 - 2.11:36]Trust and communication with employees is important

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[2.06:39 - 2.13:21]person has switched focus from YouTube to live streaming and enjoys the freedom and creativity it allows. They have also learned how to manage people and value trust and communication in their work relationships.

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[2.13:35 - 2.13:46]The speaker talks about being lucky with the people involved in their clothing company

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[2.14:32 - 2.14:44]They admit to being incompetent compared to their team

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[2.16:20 - 2.16:32]The end goal of the company is to be recognized and worn by people who don't know the speaker

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[2.16:32 - 2.16:39]They also want to make cool things regardless of their social standing

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[2.16:40 - 2.16:52]The speaker wants to expand the brand's audience and make it accessible to anyone

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[2.17:33 - 2.17:39]They discuss the potential end of their podcast, Trash Taste, and how it will be a mutual decision

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[2.18:33 - 2.18:39]The possibility of leaving Japan and how it may affect the continuation of the podcast is also mentioned

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[2.19:39 - 2.19:45]Having a child is a top priority for the speaker and they want to prioritize their child's well-being

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[2.19:59 - 2.20:06]The speaker wants to be a committed and responsible parent, not treating their child as a toy or pet

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[2.20:15 - 2.20:21]The decision to settle down in Japan is still undecided

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[2.13:21 - 2.20:21]The overall goal is to make something cool and successful, regardless of where they are in the world.

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[2.21:27 - 2.21:40]They discuss their end goals and priorities in life, including wanting to live in both Japan and the UK, and the idea of having enough money to do so comfortably.

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[2.24:58 - 2.25:08]One of the hosts has reached their end goal of creating content and getting married, while the other is still focused on creating and has big projects in the works.

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[2.26:04 - 2.26:09]They also talk about the possibility of foreigners being able to live in Japan for the rest of their lives, and the importance of mentality in achieving this.

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[2.26:09 - 2.26:17]They discuss the importance of helping others and giving back, and how they have used their platform for charity work.

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[2.27:12 - 2.27:20]The hosts reflect on how society values loud and attention-seeking behavior, and how this can lead to success, but they also believe it is important to use their platform for good causes.

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[2.27:27 - 2.27:39]In the past, creators may have done more charity work, but it seems to have decreased in recent years.

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[2.20:22 - 2.27:39]Overall, the hosts prioritize living a fulfilling life, creating content, and using their platform for positive impact.

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[2.28:24 - 2.28:32]Discussion about the risk of doing charity and gaining attention from it

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[2.30:41 - 2.30:52]Personal connection and story needed to sell charity to viewers

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[2.31:02 - 2.31:10]Pressure to care about specific issues and illnesses

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[2.32:42 - 2.32:50]Importance of supporting local charities and being a good person

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[2.32:50 - 2.32:56]Patron shoutout and potential for more drunk episodes

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[2.32:50 - 2.32:56]Struggle with language barrier and Patreon promotion

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[2.27:39 - 2.33:54]Discussion about the risks and challenges of doing charity work as a creator, including the pressure to have a personal connection and the potential for backlash and criticism. Emphasis on the importance of supporting local charities and being a good person, along with a shoutout to Patrons and a potential for more drunken episodes.