

Youtube profile pic for Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

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[00:00 - 00:08] Boys discussing new Trash Taste merchandise

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[00:14 - 00:22]Joey promoting Hawaiian shirt from merch collection

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[00:22 - 00:28]Hats, racing jackets, and more also available

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[00:28 - 00:34]Limited time offer until May 8, 2024

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[03:22 - 03:36]Boys discussing their changing opinions over the years on the podcast

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[03:58 - 04:13]Revisiting old controversial takes from early seasons

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[06:34 - 06:40]Joey's take on Jujutsu Kaisen being "still mid"

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[06:52 - 06:58]Connor's take on music being "just beeps and boops"

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[07:09 - 07:15]Everyone clowned on Joey for his take

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[07:20 - 07:26]Kevin's input on the music take as an industry professional

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[00:00 - 07:34]Comprehensive summary of the discussion and revisiting of old takes on the podcast.

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[07:40 - 07:46]The speaker discusses their lack of attention to lyrics in music and mentions that sometimes they don't listen if the lyrics are not worth it

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[07:46 - 07:52]They ask the other person how important lyrics are to them and both agree that it depends on the music

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[07:53 - 08:02]They use Daft Punk as an example of a band whose lyrics are not the main focus of the music

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[08:02 - 08:08]The speaker mentions that lyrics are not as important for catchy songs like "Around the World"

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[08:48 - 08:55]They talk about how some songs follow a story or convey a message, using Kendrick Lamar's music as an example

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[09:09 - 09:15]They argue about the quality of lyrics in certain songs and the other person calls the speaker a Neanderthal

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[09:55 - 10:02]The speaker talks about how they don't notice lyrics in songs until they've listened to it multiple times, while the other person immediately hears them

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[11:40 - 11:49]They discuss how lyrics can be misremembered and how karaoke can be a challenge for remembering lyrics

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[12:11 - 12:17]The speaker talks about how they may appreciate music more deeply because of their musical background

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[12:24 - 12:31]They mention the concept of a "musician's band" and how not everyone may appreciate certain artists

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[12:52 - 13:01]The speaker talks about how they see music as more about the vibe and feeling rather than the message

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[13:24 - 13:30]They mention discovering the true meaning behind songs they previously enjoyed, using "Pumped Up Kicks" as an example

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[13:38 - 13:43]The speaker talks about how they may not have realized the meaning behind the lyrics unless someone pointed it out

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[07:34 - 14:11]They briefly mention that they may have played the song on guitar without realizing what it was about Overall, the speakers discuss their differing levels of attention to lyrics in music and how it may be influenced by their musical background. They also talk about the impact of lyrics on a song's meaning and how it can change their perception of a song.

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[16:34 - 16:40]The speakers discuss how sometimes they have trouble understanding the lyrics of songs, even if they are in English.

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[19:31 - 19:39]The conversation turns to how often they google lyrics when they are unsure.

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[19:31 - 19:39]One speaker talks about how they like to read lyrics along with the song to get a better understanding of the meaning.

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[19:31 - 19:39]They give an example of a song they thought was just catchy, but learned it was about a serious topic and it changed their perspective.

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[19:49 - 19:56]They mention a specific example of a song where they misheard the lyrics for years.

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[19:49 - 19:56]They also mention that sometimes knowing the meaning of a song can ruin it for them.

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[19:56 - 20:05]The other speaker agrees, but also mentions how sometimes knowing the meaning can enhance their understanding and emotional connection to the song.

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[14:11 - 20:32]Overall, they discuss the importance of the emotional impact of music, regardless of the lyrics.

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[20:39 - 20:45] Discussion about the meaning of songs and how lyrics can enhance emotions

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[20:46 - 20:52]Example of "Turning Japanese" by The Vapors being about masturbation

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[21:07 - 21:14]Lead singer's infatuation with Japanese girls

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[22:24 - 22:32]Discussion about deeper meanings in songs around the world

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[22:58 - 23:04]Lyrics of the song and its meaning

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[23:19 - 23:25]Example of "Around the World" by Daft Punk not having a deeper meaning

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[23:45 - 23:50]Importance of music sounding good over having a deep meaning

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[24:03 - 24:14]Personal process for writing music, with emphasis on sound first

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[25:28 - 25:44]Introduction to sponsor Tokyo Treat and their monthly Japanese snack box

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[27:00 - 27:06]Connor's opinion on dojans (still images) and not being able to masturbate to them

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[27:34 - 27:39]Hypothetical question about watching porn blind or deaf

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[20:32 - 27:47]Discussion about the meaning of songs and their lyrics, with examples of "Turning Japanese" and "Around the World." Importance of music sounding good over having a deep meaning. Personal process for writing music. Sponsor mention. Connor's opinion on dojans and a hypothetical question about watching porn blind or deaf.

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[27:47 - 27:52] Discussion about the ease of making audio compared to visuals

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[27:53 - 28:00]Hypothetical question: Would you rather consume audio blindly or watch visuals with no sound?

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[27:53 - 28:00]Benefits of being blind while consuming audio content

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[28:07 - 28:15]Difficulty of making good visuals

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[28:58 - 29:06]Importance of imagination in consuming audio content

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[29:06 - 29:12]Difficulty of multitasking while consuming audio content

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[30:03 - 30:09]Hypothetical question: Would you rather use a sex hotline or a Playboy magazine?

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[30:18 - 30:24]Discussion about outdated technology used to access porn

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[31:57 - 32:03]First experience with adult content through a friend's phone

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[32:50 - 33:00]Memory of kids huddling around to look at a stolen adult magazine

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[33:50 - 33:56]Fear of wasting time on anime and games

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[27:47 - 33:56]The group discusses the ease of making audio compared to visuals and the benefits of consuming it blindly. They also talk about the difficulty of multitasking while consuming audio content and the importance of imagination. They then compare using a sex hotline or a Playboy magazine as options for accessing adult content. They also reminisce about their first experiences with adult content and the outdated technology used to access it. The discussion ends with a fear of wasting time on entertainment.

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[33:56 - 34:05]The speaker is discussing a past conversation about being scared of wasting time on anime and games.

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[34:33 - 34:42]They mention watching a lot of anime during the first season of Trash Taste and feeling nervous during their first IRL recording.

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[35:33 - 35:43]The speaker talks about overthinking and struggling to record second channel videos without an audience.

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[39:26 - 39:32]They mention COVID restrictions being lifted and wanting to travel, but feeling overwhelmed after doing a year of touring with Trash Taste.

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[39:57 - 40:03]The speaker talks about playing more games recently and finishing three JRPGs in the last month.

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[40:04 - 40:11]They mention that JRPGs have been consistently good lately and they plan on going back outside after finishing their current game.

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[41:00 - 41:07]The speaker briefly goes off topic to mention a sponsorship by Shopify.

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[33:56 - 41:47]The speaker discusses past conversations about wasting time on anime and games, struggles with overthinking and recording videos, and recent gaming habits. They also mention wanting to travel, but feeling overwhelmed after touring with Trash Taste. They briefly mention a sponsorship by Shopify.

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[41:47 - 41:53]Shopify offers a converting checkout and AI-powered support for online stores.

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[42:05 - 42:15]Joey uses Shopify for his business Nonsense and it has helped them grow.

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[42:22 - 42:34]Shopify powers 10% of all e-commerce in the US and supports businesses in 175 countries.

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[43:03 - 43:11]The hosts discuss the worst anime fan bases, including My Hero Academia, Dragon Ball, and Jojo's.

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[48:46 - 48:54]They debate which fan base is the worst and mention the Just Kaisen fan base as a newer and popular one.

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[48:46 - 48:54]The Just Kaisen fan base has a strong meme game due to the involvement of the Gen Alpha generation.

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[41:47 - 49:04]Overall, the hosts have a strong dislike for My Hero Academia and its fan base.

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[52:56 - 53:04]Discussion about how some fan bases are worse than others in terms of behavior and content

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[53:49 - 53:55]Mention of the "horniest" fan base and examples of their behavior towards certain characters

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[53:49 - 53:55]Comparison of fan bases and the concept of "chilling out"

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[53:49 - 53:55]Discussion about the "outlier" fan base and how it was the worst in anime

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[54:02 - 54:09]Mention of convention culture and its evolution

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[54:15 - 54:22]Statement that trash anime is superior because it is easier to watch and how most media consumed is "slop"

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[54:29 - 54:35]Personal explanation and justification of this statement

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[56:23 - 56:31]Final statement about the only time the speaker watches TV shows nowadays

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[49:05 - 56:31]The group discusses fan bases in anime, mentioning the "horniest" fan base and the worst fan base they have encountered. They also discuss the concept of "chilling out" and the evolution of convention culture. They then move on to discuss their opinion that trash anime is superior because it is easier to watch and most media consumed is "slop." The speaker justifies this statement and mentions the only time they watch TV shows nowadays.

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[1.01:57 - 1.02:03] The person used to skip all video game cutscenes

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[1.02:12 - 1.02:19]They were bullied into not skipping them

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[1.02:24 - 1.02:29]They realized that not skipping them made the game more enjoyable

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[1.02:36 - 1.02:42]They could still skip cutscenes in some games

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[1.02:42 - 1.02:49]The person now no longer skips all video game cutscenes

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[1.02:56 - 1.03:01]But they wouldn't be as invested in the story

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[1.03:01 - 1.03:10]Final Fantasy 7's material system was a fun aspect for them

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[1.03:10 - 1.03:16]They could theory craft builds with the material

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[56:31 - 1.03:16]The person used to skip all video game cutscenes, but after being bullied into not skipping them, they realized it made the game more enjoyable. They can still skip cutscenes in some games, but they wouldn't be as invested in the story. Final Fantasy 7's material system was a fun aspect for them. Now, they no longer skip all video game cutscenes.

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[1.03:16 - 1.03:22]Discussion about how long it took for the speaker to enjoy a game's story and menu system

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[1.03:28 - 1.03:42]Initial dislike of game 8, but eventual enjoyment of game 7

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[1.03:43 - 1.03:50]Preference for JRPGs and not skipping cutscenes

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[1.03:51 - 1.03:59]Dislike of voice acting in cutscenes, despite being a voice actor

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[1.05:23 - 1.05:30]Personal enjoyment of exploring dialogue through own interpretation of character

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[1.05:30 - 1.05:35]Realization that Final Fantasy VII remake was synced to English voice acting, causing discomfort

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[1.05:44 - 1.06:04]Personal dislike for lip syncing in English voice acting

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[1.07:14 - 1.07:20]Personal enjoyment of reading and voicing dialogue in games

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[1.07:31 - 1.07:43]Personal dislike for sitting and listening to voice acted scenes

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[1.08:38 - 1.08:44]Enjoyment of voice acting in Super Mario RPG remake

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[1.09:15 - 1.09:28]Personal preference for immersion in story-based games through voice acting

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[1.03:16 - 1.09:28]Discussion about the speaker's journey with enjoying game stories and menu systems, preference for JRPGs and not skipping cutscenes, personal dislike of voice acting in cutscenes despite being a voice actor, personal enjoyment of reading and voicing dialogue in games, and realization that lip syncing in English voice acting can cause discomfort.

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.09:28 - 1.09:35] The speaker talks about a Wojack with a caved in head and needing someone to read things for them

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[1.09:37 - 1.09:42]They discuss weak jams and needing things read to them

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[1.09:43 - 1.09:51]The speaker talks about not being able to immerse themselves in voices while masturbating but being able to immerse themselves in YouTube lore videos

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.10:14 - 1.10:23]They mention finding notes and world building in RPGs, and not being interested in it because they are already immersed in the game

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.11:59 - 1.12:11]The speaker talks about enjoying lore videos on YouTube, but not wanting to read item descriptions in games

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[1.12:23 - 1.12:34]They mention playing Chrono Trigger and wanting to discuss it with others

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[1.12:41 - 1.12:46]The speaker shares their favorite video game stories including Earthbound, the original Halo series, Undertale, and Dragon Ball

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[1.15:04 - 1.15:10]They mention Undertale's fan base and being sponsored by ExpressVPN

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.15:29 - 1.15:39]The speaker talks about the benefits of using ExpressVPN to keep browsing activity private

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.09:28 - 1.16:01]The last bullet point should be a comprehensive summary of all previous points, such as "The speaker discusses their favorite video game stories, including Earthbound, the original Halo series, Undertale, and Dragon Ball, and mentions using ExpressVPN to keep browsing activity private."

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[1.16:01 - 1.16:10]ExpressVPN is an easy-to-use app that secures browsing activity from prying eyes

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[1.16:10 - 1.16:17]Stop letting strangers invade your online privacy by going to

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[1.16:18 - 1.16:23]Get an extra three months for free by going to

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[1.18:15 - 1.18:21]Some games, like Grand Blue Fantasy, offer a summary of skipped cutscenes

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.18:15 - 1.18:21]There should be an option to skip cutscenes or dialogue scenes in games

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[1.19:14 - 1.19:19]Skipping cutscenes in narrative-driven games can lead to confusion and missed information

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[1.19:43 - 1.19:56]Two-thirds of adults prefer watching movies at home rather than in cinemas

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.19:43 - 1.19:56]This is despite the fact that cinemas are convenient for many people

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[1.20:49 - 1.20:59]Some movies, like Dune, are better experienced in cinemas

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[1.21:42 - 1.21:49]Warner Brothers initially didn't greenlight Dune Part 2 until they saw the success of Part 1

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[1.22:19 - 1.22:24]In general, people still prefer watching movies at home

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[1.22:30 - 1.22:39]Going to cinemas supports the movie industry and ensures more movies are made

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[1.22:39 - 1.22:47]However, some people only go to cinemas for movies they really want to watch

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[1.22:48 - 1.22:55]The last movie the speaker watched in cinemas was Avatar

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[1.16:01 - 1.23:01]People prefer watching movies at home rather than in cinemas, despite cinemas being convenient and supporting the movie industry. However, some movies are better experienced in cinemas. Skipping cutscenes in games can lead to missed information, and there should be an option to skip them. ExpressVPN is an easy-to-use app for securing browsing activity.

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[1.25:26 - 1.25:33]The speaker and the other person are discussing movies they want to watch in cinemas, including "Dune II" and "Oppenheimer."

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[1.26:42 - 1.26:48]The other person mentions watching the "Super Mario" movie in cinemas and how it was a great experience.

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[1.27:06 - 1.27:12]They talk about their preferences for watching movies at home or in cinemas, with the speaker mentioning the luxury of being able to pause a movie at home.

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[1.27:43 - 1.27:48]They discuss the upcoming "Minecraft" movie, with Jack Black and Elijah Wood playing roles.

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[1.28:20 - 1.28:26]The speaker brings up how Jack Black can make any movie more fun and enjoyable.

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.29:02 - 1.29:08]They mention the decline of DVD sales and how internet memes and IPs are now becoming popular in movies.

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.29:51 - 1.30:01]The speaker introduces the sponsor of the episode, "Honkai Star Realm," which is celebrating its one-year anniversary.

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.29:51 - 1.30:01]The speaker expresses excitement to tell the other person about the game.

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[1.23:01 - 1.30:01]The speaker and the other person discuss movies they want to watch in cinemas, their preferences for watching movies at home or in cinemas, and upcoming movies featuring popular actors. They also mention the decline of physical media sales and the rise of internet memes and IPs in movies. The speaker then introduces the sponsor of the episode, "Honkai Star Realm," which is celebrating its one-year anniversary.

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[1.31:19 - 1.31:25]One year anniversary of Star Realm

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[1.31:25 - 1.31:32]2.1 update with new characters and gameplay

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[1.31:25 - 1.31:32]Free in-game rewards for logging in

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[1.31:25 - 1.31:32]New main storyline with various gaming experiences

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[1.34:35 - 1.35:14]Friendship dynamics in the online content creator community

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[1.35:31 - 1.35:48]Importance of meeting friends in person

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[1.35:49 - 1.36:00]Importance of human touch and physical presence

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[1.36:14 - 1.36:23]Disagreement on watching videos at two times speed

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[1.30:02 - 1.37:24]Discussion on Star Realm's 1 year anniversary, new updates and rewards, and the importance of in-person connections and not watching videos at double speed.

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[1.37:25 - 1.37:30] YouTube videos at 1.5 or 2 times speed

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[1.38:18 - 1.38:25]Compromise is difficult when watching at 2 times speed

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[1.38:26 - 1.38:36]Some people speak too slowly in videos

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.38:26 - 1.38:36]If a video is too slow, don't watch it and find another one

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[1.38:37 - 1.38:42]There is a lot of low-quality content on YouTube

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[1.38:43 - 1.38:49]Sometimes the pacing in videos is off and makes it hard to watch

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[1.39:10 - 1.39:20]Some people skip filler episodes in anime

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[1.39:10 - 1.39:20]Skip function on Persona

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[1.40:44 - 1.41:00]Reading manga at your own pace

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[1.40:44 - 1.41:00]Watching videos at faster speeds is a common YouTuber practice

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[1.41:00 - 1.41:11]Media designed around time constraints

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[1.41:33 - 1.41:44]Sloppy media can be watched at faster speeds

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[1.41:33 - 1.41:44]Opinions and video essays can be watched at faster speeds

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[1.44:19 - 1.44:25]Mr. Beast and TikTok have taken this practice to the extreme

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[1.37:25 - 1.44:37]The speaker discusses the practice of watching YouTube videos at 1.5 or 2 times speed and how some people speak too slowly in videos. They also mention the difficulty of compromising when watching at 2 times speed and the option to find another video instead. They believe that there is a lot of low-quality content on YouTube and that sometimes the pacing in videos is off, making it hard to watch. They also mention the practice of skipping filler episodes in anime and the skip function on Persona. The speaker also talks about reading manga at one's own pace and how media is designed around time constraints. They believe that sloppy media can be watched at faster speeds and that opinions and video essays can also be watched at faster speeds. Lastly, they mention that watching videos at faster speeds is a common practice among YouTubers, and that Mr. Beast and TikTok have taken it to the extreme.

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[1.44:37 - 1.44:44]Person discusses not caring about content creators unless their presentation is important

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[1.44:44 - 1.44:51]Consumption of content on YouTube is similar to reading a Wikipedia article

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[1.44:51 - 1.44:56]Discussion about watching John's videos at 1.5 speed

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[1.44:56 - 1.45:02]John's videos are slow-paced and set the tone and emotions

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[1.45:21 - 1.45:28]Person will only watch content if they know the person presenting it

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[1.45:28 - 1.45:35]Discussion about consuming "trash TV" and not caring about the content or presentation

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[1.45:43 - 1.45:48]Person prefers room temperature water over ice cold water

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[1.47:21 - 1.47:26]Argument over whether cold water is more refreshing or not

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[1.48:28 - 1.48:34]Person prefers room temperature water over ice cold water due to taste and experience

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[1.49:04 - 1.49:13]Discussion about the science of refreshment and hydration

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[1.49:21 - 1.49:32]Argument over whether cold pizza is preferable

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[1.50:23 - 1.50:28]Discussion about the lack of ice on set and the preference for cold water

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[1.51:00 - 1.51:08]Person states they would rather drink boiling hot water than ice cold water

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[1.51:29 - 1.51:37]Argument about the taste of cold water and its effect on the person's enjoyment

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[1.44:37 - 1.51:43]Person discusses their lack of interest in content creators unless their presentation is important and preferences for room temperature water over ice cold water due to taste and experience.

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[1.51:50 - 1.51:55]Discussion about water taste and how it differs at different temperatures

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[1.54:02 - 1.54:08]Debate about the validity and importance of water sommeliers

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[1.54:43 - 1.54:58]Argument about the taste and refreshment of water

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[1.55:43 - 1.55:52]Mention of pollutants in the Arctic ice

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[1.57:19 - 1.57:30]Discussion about Antarctica and the landmass underneath the ice

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[1.58:03 - 1.58:09]Speculation about the size and composition of the landmass

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[1.59:14 - 1.59:20]Mention of ice as a record of Earth's history

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[1.59:28 - 1.59:40]Final statement about the dangers of drinking water. Summary:

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[1.51:44 - 1.59:40]Discussion about the taste and validity of water sommeliers, pollutants in the Arctic ice, and the landmass underneath Antarctica's ice, with a final statement about the dangers of drinking water.

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[1.59:40 - 1.59:53]Person discussing a giant land underneath Antarctica

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[2.00:48 - 2.00:57]Explorers attempting to reach this land when the ice thaws

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[2.00:48 - 2.00:57]Discussion about the melting of the ice in Antarctica

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[2.02:25 - 2.02:44]Mention of potential dangers in the ice, such as parasites

A youtube thumbnail wor Has Trash Taste Changed? | Trash Taste #201

[2.03:32 - 2.03:37]Discussion about the freshness of water from glaciers

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[2.03:32 - 2.03:37]Debate over the best water source in the world

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[2.03:57 - 2.04:03]Skepticism towards water sommeliers and their claims

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[2.05:23 - 2.05:44]Mention of Patreon and exclusive video for patrons

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[2.05:51 - 2.06:14]Shoutout to Twitter and subreddit

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[2.05:51 - 2.06:14]Plug for listening to the podcast on Spotify

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[2.06:14 - 2.06:23]Call for water sommeliers to reveal themselves

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[2.06:23 - 2.06:27]Conclusion and goodbye from the hosts

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[1.59:40 - 2.06:27]Discussion about the existence and exploration of a giant land underneath Antarctica, the melting of the ice and potential dangers within it, debate over the best water source in the world, and skepticism towards water sommeliers and their claims.