

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 346: The Pizza Party Incident

SuperMegaCast - EP 346: The Pizza Party Incident

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[00:00 - 00:05]Raycon is a brand that offers premium audio at an affordable price point

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[00:06 - 00:11]Their mission is to provide quality sound and smart tech features without breaking the bank

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[00:17 - 00:26]They offer buy now, pay later options and a 15% discount on orders through

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[01:58 - 02:07]The hosts discuss their childhood memories of watching TV shows like Little Bill and Thomas the Tank Engine

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[04:53 - 05:08]Jim, the person who runs their social media, is currently doing a "Sub of Fun" challenge where he has to spend the whole time outside

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[05:41 - 05:52]Jim has been doing the challenge for 10 hours and 33 minutes as of recording

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[06:05 - 06:13]The hosts call Jim to ask what time the pizza party for the challenge is and Jim screens Ryan's call

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[08:32 - 08:41]Jim paints Matt on stream and the hosts joke about Ryan owing Jim five subs for trying to get him mad

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[08:53 - 09:16]Ryan tries to get Matt mad at Jim for not picking up his call, but Jim picks up when Matt calls and Ryan gets mad

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[00:00 - 09:31]In summary, the hosts discuss Raycon, childhood TV memories, and Jim's "Sub of Fun" challenge, with a funny moment involving Ryan trying to get Matt mad at Jim.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 346: The Pizza Party Incident

[09:34 - 09:43] The speaker discusses a gift of five subscriptions to Jimbo and how he is now at 11 hours.

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[09:50 - 09:57]The speaker mentions getting earfuls from the chat and waiting for Jim's response.

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[10:21 - 10:27]The speaker talks about a pizza party happening at 2 PM and explains why they are having it.

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[11:24 - 11:41]Jim only ordered one pizza for eight people, causing disappointment.

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[12:36 - 13:14]The speaker and others have been generous with donations and entertainment for Jim's stream.

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[14:37 - 14:49]The pizza party is to make up for the lack of food.

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[14:57 - 15:17]The subathon was supposed to end on Saturday, but it is now Monday and Jim still has 10 hours left.

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[15:30 - 15:53]The temperature started to get colder and a cold front moved through.

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[16:06 - 16:17]The speaker and others felt bad that the stream was ending so soon and wished it would last longer.

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[18:15 - 18:28]Jim reassures them that the pizza will be better this time and there will also be soda and breadsticks.

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[18:44 - 18:50]The speaker calls Jim to confirm the time of the pizza party and expresses concerns about the pizza.

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[18:44 - 18:50]The speaker and others trust Jim to provide a proper pizza party.

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[18:50 - 18:57]The pizza party is at 2:15 PM.

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[19:06 - 19:13]The speaker asks about the temperature for the pool and Jim says it is not warm enough.

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[19:21 - 19:28]The speaker plans to bring swim trunks just in case.

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[19:28 - 19:34]The temperature in LA has been getting colder since the stream started.

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[09:34 - 19:34]15 PM.

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[19:34 - 19:54]Cold front coming in, dropping temperatures to the 50s

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[20:04 - 21:00]Rain starts unexpectedly, possibly due to a pizza mishap

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[20:04 - 21:00]Imagining a rain dance for revenge

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[21:20 - 21:44]Discussing film festival and long standing ovations

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[22:51 - 23:21]Discussing ad reads for Raycon earbuds

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[26:42 - 26:49]Justin is guest editing the video podcast

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[26:59 - 27:17]Visual and audio gags for both types of listeners

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[28:23 - 28:31]Imagining a gun fight for audio listeners

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[29:00 - 29:07]Imagining a train ride for visual listeners

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 346: The Pizza Party Incident

[19:34 - 29:07]Cold front brings rain, discussing pizza mishap and film festivals, ad reads for Raycon earbuds, Justin guest editing, gags for both types of listeners.

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[29:07 - 29:12]The speaker is on a train and imagines a train crash.

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[29:44 - 29:54]Luke, who normally edits the SuperMegaCast, is on a treasure hunt in Guyana.

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[32:37 - 32:52]Justin has gotten the speaker and McGee back into playing Pokemon Go.

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[34:15 - 34:38]The speaker suggests making another Pokemon Go vlog.

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[34:38 - 34:46]Luke's absence is due to his treasure hunt in Guyana.

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[34:38 - 34:46]The speaker and others are excited for Luke to return and start playing Pokemon Go with them.

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[35:22 - 35:29]The SuperMegaCast is currently on hiatus.

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[35:29 - 35:59]They reminisce about their older vlogs and discuss the possibility of making more short vlogs.

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[36:42 - 37:24]They mention their previous Pokemon Go vlogs in 2016, including one where they traveled to Area 51.

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[36:42 - 37:24]The speaker suggests making another Pokemon Go vlog as an excuse to use business time and money.

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[36:42 - 37:24]They discuss the possibility of making shorter vlogs.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 346: The Pizza Party Incident

[36:42 - 37:24]The SuperMegaCast is currently on hiatus due to Luke's absence.

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[37:35 - 37:58]The speaker mentions that they are trying to lose weight and talks about going to the gym.

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[37:35 - 37:58]The speaker has been noticing less back soreness due to improved diet.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 346: The Pizza Party Incident

[29:07 - 37:58]A concise and comprehensive summary is that the speaker is on a train, discussing Luke's absence due to a treasure hunt in Guyana and reminiscing about their older vlogs. They also mention getting back into Pokemon Go and the possibility of making more vlogs. The speaker also talks about trying to lose weight and their current hiatus from the SuperMegaCast.

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[37:58 - 38:09]Speaker discusses eating habits and suggests throwing up as a solution

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[38:09 - 38:22]They talk about a drink called Ipikek and Freon as possible options for making oneself throw up

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[38:22 - 38:27]Freon is mentioned to be cold and used in AC units

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[39:02 - 39:14]They discuss touring and potential conflicts with each other's tour schedules

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[41:53 - 44:02]An advertisement for Express VPN is read and discussed

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[44:02 - 44:29]The speaker promotes using Chime for financial stability

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[45:39 - 45:46]They sing and discuss Uncle Kracker and Backpack Kid

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[46:51 - 46:56]The speaker gets high and worries about the smoke alarm going off

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[47:14 - 47:48]They talk about playing Pokemon Go and the recent music releases of Backpack Kid

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[37:58 - 48:33]The last bullet point summarizes the entire audio as a conversation between two individuals discussing various topics.

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[48:54 - 49:04]Ryan and Matt discuss the "backpack kid" and his signature dance move called "flossing"

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[49:04 - 49:09]They debate whether or not he created the move or just popularized it

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[51:50 - 52:05]Ryan gets high from secondhand smoke and they discuss the effects of weed on YouTube videos

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[56:22 - 56:40]They mention their Patreon and plug their new show "Uncle Sleepover"

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[56:40 - 56:48]They encourage listeners to wish their editor, Luke, good luck on his treasure expedition

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[56:48 - 57:07]They thank their editor, Justin, for editing the episode

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[48:33 - 57:40]Ryan and Matt discuss the "backpack kid" and his dance move, get high, mention their Patreon and new show, and thank their editors.