

Youtube profile pic for OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

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[00:00 - 01:07]A person named Broden joined offline TV two months ago

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[00:10 - 01:58]The D&D video didn't work out, but they tried new things

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[01:33 - 01:46]Broden's first video was animating anime openings with pixel art

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[01:46 - 01:52]The D&D video didn't work out, but they tried new things

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[01:59 - 03:22]The first video he worked on was a cooking video, followed by an unboxing and a haircut video

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[02:04 - 03:06]He has multiple roles, including producer, creative director, and head of production

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[03:23 - 03:40]Broden's idea involved rubbing ketchup, licking feet, and eating an egg in a video released today

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[03:40 - 04:30]The next video they worked on was the "grossest shoot" they've ever done

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[03:48 - 05:02]Michael has been MIA but recently released a video sponsored by Amazon

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[05:02 - 05:57]Michael's mind is "shattered" after all the hard work and he's looking forward to relaxing and playing Valorant after the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[05:57 - 06:42]Michael and his team worked extremely hard on the video, pulling multiple all-nighters

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[06:42 - 07:00]The shoot involved using compressed air and CO2 canisters, which posed some danger

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[07:00 - 07:31]Michael uses a valve to control the pressure and timing in his shoots

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[07:47 - 08:02]Michael usually does a few takes and then goes back to fix any issues

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[08:02 - 08:19]The first video he worked on was a cooking video, followed by an unboxing and a haircut video

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[08:02 - 08:45]Broden, who has worked with big artists, shares that they often don't understand how to market on Twitch.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[08:28 - 08:45]Michael's mind is "shattered" after all the hard work and he's looking forward to relaxing and playing Valorant after the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[08:45 - 10:18]They recorded the streamers' reactions and planned to use them in an ad.

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[10:18 - 11:31]Broden, who has worked with big artists, shares that they often don't understand how to market on Twitch.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[11:09 - 12:24]They recorded the streamers' reactions and planned to use them in an ad.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[12:24 - 12:53]Broden, who has worked with big artists, shares that they often don't understand how to market on Twitch.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[12:53 - 13:21]The stunt received backlash and was seen as a cheap move from a multi-million dollar company.

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[13:21 - 15:33]Burger King tried a new marketing stunt on Twitch by donating $5 to streamers and having them read out promotional messages.

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[14:13 - 16:00]However, they blurred the streamers' faces and distorted their voices to avoid legal issues.

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[16:00 - 17:36]This is a common trend among non-endemic companies trying to break into the gaming industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[17:36 - 17:57]They mention that the success of getting sponsorships can vary depending on the marketing team.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[17:57 - 18:21]The speaker talks about their own approach in working with sponsors and how they prefer to be given a creative direction rather than coming up with something entirely on their own.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[18:21 - 19:19]The speaker shares their personal experience with a sponsor who pulled out of a shoot last minute due to violent content.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[19:19 - 20:12]The speaker talks about their own approach in working with sponsors and how they prefer to be given a creative direction rather than coming up with something entirely on their own.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[21:25 - 22:48]The speaker discusses a questionnaire that is said to reveal an individual's true nature, and suggests that they and their co-hosts answer a few questions.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[22:48 - 26:18]The speaker shares their personal experience with a sponsor who pulled out of a shoot last minute due to violent content.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[26:18 - 29:57]They mention their past experience with a company hiring them directly without an agency, but they point out how agencies can end up getting paid more than the actual content creators.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[29:57 - 32:09]The speaker discusses a questionnaire that is said to reveal an individual's true nature, and suggests that they and their co-hosts answer a few questions.

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[32:09 - 32:39]The speaker discusses the quality he likes most in a woman, which is kindness.

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[32:45 - 35:36]The speaker expresses jealousy towards people with good relationships and success, but also acknowledges that happiness is intangible and can be found through contentment.

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[33:06 - 37:45]The speaker also mentions how they are generally happy and feel that the epitome of perfect happiness is having freedom and confidence to do what they want.

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[37:45 - 41:02]They then talk about virtues and discuss the most overrated ones, such as being humble and hardworking.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[39:09 - 40:27]The speaker acknowledges that their mindset may change as they get older and that they will likely crave life more.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[40:07 - 41:43]They then talk about virtues and discuss the most overrated ones, such as being humble and hardworking.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[41:49 - 47:00]The conversation turns towards death and how they would prefer to die in a cool or purposeful way rather than slowly in old age.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[45:40 - 46:16]They also mention wanting to know when they will die so they can settle their debts and say goodbye to loved ones.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[46:16 - 47:11]The speaker acknowledges that their mindset may change as they get older and that they will likely crave life more.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[47:11 - 51:11]Another recalls a memory from preschool, realizing their shadow was attached to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[49:17 - 50:10]They discuss how people's lives and routines are like NPCs in a video game.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[51:11 - 53:31]One speaker talks about getting in trouble at a private middle school for their behavior.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[52:13 - 54:08]Another recalls a memory from preschool, realizing their shadow was attached to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[54:08 - 57:53]The conversation shifts to discussing historical figures they identify with, and the difficulty of finding someone to hate.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[57:55 - 1.04:42]They reminisce on their happiest moments, with one mentioning winning a video game tournament and the other recalling the first time their video received a lot of views.

A youtube thumbnail wor OFFLINETV'S VIDEO DIRECTOR ft. Brodin Plett | OfflineTV Podcast #34

[1.03:53 - 1.05:14]The podcast ends with one speaker teasing exciting upcoming projects, which they cannot yet reveal.