

Youtube profile pic for The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

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[00:00 - 00:06]The speaker talks about wanting to wear a particular item and a DLC character.

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[00:06 - 00:13]The speaker introduces their podcast, Trash Taste, and welcomes the other hosts.

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[00:20 - 00:25]They discuss how they have all had a busy week.

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[00:39 - 00:46]One of the hosts recently traveled to Korea for the first time.

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[01:27 - 01:34]They talk about exploring Seoul and how big it is.

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[03:27 - 03:36]The speaker and their friend vlogged their trip and found that people were comfortable being filmed.

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[04:14 - 04:26]English is widely spoken in Korea, which the speaker finds surprising.

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[04:14 - 04:26]They mention some differences between Korea and Japan, particularly in terms of English usage.

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[04:58 - 05:08]The speaker reflects on the benefits of knowing English while traveling.

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[05:39 - 05:49]They note that Japan is not as English-friendly as other places.

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[06:06 - 06:12]The speaker talks about the delicious food they tried in Korea, including Korean fried chicken.

A youtube thumbnail wor The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

[00:00 - 06:34]The speaker and their friends had a busy week and one of them traveled to Korea for the first time. They enjoyed exploring Seoul and trying different types of food, including Korean fried chicken. They were pleasantly surprised by the prevalence of English in Korea and reflect on the differences between Korea and Japan in terms of language usage.

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[06:34 - 06:41]Person talking about their experience in Korea with a Korean friend

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[06:49 - 06:54]Went to a recommended place for fried chicken and had a great experience

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[06:49 - 06:54]Korean barbecue was also amazing and cheap

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[07:03 - 07:13]Initial confusion with prices due to currency exchange

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[07:26 - 07:34]Had amazing street food and friendly and hospitable people

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[09:37 - 09:47]Korean culture more comfortable with being on camera and internet culture

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[10:45 - 10:50]Drinking culture in Korea is brutal, with a lot of soju being consumed

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[11:20 - 11:30]Stranger friendliness almost backfired when a random Korean man approached and started a conversation

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[12:29 - 12:37]Happened to the person multiple times during their 3-day stay in Seoul

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[12:37 - 12:46]Possible reason for the man's approach was to practice his English

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[13:11 - 13:18]Man mentions living in the UK for a few years to learn English

A youtube thumbnail wor The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

[06:34 - 13:18]Person talks about their positive experience in Korea, including recommendations for food and the friendly and hospitable nature of the people. They also mention the drinking culture and an encounter with a random Korean man who approached them to practice his English.

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[13:43 - 13:53] The speaker was conversing with a man in Korea who asked where they were staying.

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[13:55 - 14:01]The speaker became suspicious and mentioned another hotel.

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[14:01 - 14:07]The man offered to take them to the hotel, but the speaker declined.

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[15:14 - 15:23]The speaker noticed a difference in escalator etiquette between Tokyo and Osaka.

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[17:35 - 17:47]The speaker also noticed a difference in drinking culture between Japan and Korea.

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[17:35 - 17:47]The speaker also mentions their experience in Japan, specifically Tokyo.

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[18:42 - 18:47]In Korea, people mix soju with beer, which the speaker does not like.

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[19:02 - 19:08]The speaker had a conversation about Korean beer with a Korean man.

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[19:21 - 19:28]The speaker had a bad experience with Cass beer in Korea.

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[13:18 - 19:28]Overall, the speaker is sharing their experiences and observations in Korea and Japan.

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[19:48 - 19:54] The speaker discusses the quality of Korean beer and how it is affordable and easy to drink, making it their favorite out of mass-produced beers.

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[20:24 - 20:29]They then talk about their experience with Thai beer and how they didn't enjoy it.

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[21:13 - 21:19]They briefly mention their weight gain from all the delicious food in Korea.

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[21:28 - 21:38]The conversation shifts to discussing kimchi and how the Korean version is fresher and less saucy compared to Japanese versions.

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[22:39 - 22:44]The speaker also mentions their love for topogi, a Korean dish that they ate too much of during their trip.

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[23:44 - 23:53]The conversation then turns to the quality of the airport in Korea and how it is similar to Narita airport in Tokyo.

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[24:36 - 24:42]They mention wanting to visit the Singapore airport and how it is considered the best airport.

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[25:21 - 25:29]They also briefly mention their experience with Vancouver airport.

A youtube thumbnail wor The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

[25:21 - 25:29]The speaker struggles to remember other airports that have left an impression on them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

[19:28 - 25:29]Overall, the speaker discusses their experiences with Korean beer, food, and airport, as well as their desire to visit the Singapore airport.

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[25:45 - 25:51]The speaker describes the theme of Vancouver Airport, reminiscing about Indigenous groups

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[25:51 - 26:02]There is a conversation about airports being a favorite place, and the speaker mentions a massive waterfall inside Vancouver Airport

A youtube thumbnail wor The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

[26:21 - 26:29]The group discusses other airports, such as LAX, UK, and Sydney, with a focus on alcohol availability and prices

A youtube thumbnail wor The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

[27:38 - 27:51]The speaker talks about their experience at New Brunswick Airport and its small size and time zone difference

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[29:50 - 29:57]Another speaker shares their experience at an airport in Greece, where the passport check was simply waving their passport at a security guard

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[30:30 - 30:36]The episode is briefly interrupted for a sponsored message about Boxu, a Japanese snack box delivery service

A youtube thumbnail wor The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

[30:37 - 30:47]The group tries snacks from the Boxu box and talks about their favorites

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[25:29 - 31:50]The speakers discuss various airports and their experiences, including Vancouver Airport's theme and massive waterfall, the availability and prices of alcohol at different airports, and their experiences at small airports in New Brunswick and Greece. The episode also includes a sponsored message about Boxu, a Japanese snack box delivery service.

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[31:51 - 31:58] The speaker went on an RV trip for four days, live streaming for 12 hours a day

A youtube thumbnail wor The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

[32:04 - 32:10]The trip was stressful and tiring, with little time for sleep and preparations in between

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[32:15 - 32:21]There were issues with sleeping arrangements in the RV, such as a small bed and only having air pillows

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[34:55 - 35:04]The speaker opted to sleep in a hotel on the third day, despite wanting to be fully immersed in the experience

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[36:47 - 36:53]A lot of planning went into the trip, including finding interesting activities and ensuring good signal for streaming

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[36:47 - 36:53]Despite the challenges, the trip was enjoyable and successful

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[37:04 - 37:09]The speaker wanted to stream in 4K, but Twitch does not allow it

A youtube thumbnail wor The SPICY Food Takes Don't Stop | Trash Taste #146

[31:51 - 37:09]The speaker went on a four-day RV trip, live streaming for 12 hours a day. The trip was stressful and tiring, with issues regarding sleeping arrangements. However, the planning paid off and the trip was ultimately enjoyable.