

Youtube profile pic for dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[00:27 - 00:34] The speaker welcomes everyone to TMW class 0 and introduces himself as someone who does everything that hits the user at Bill's Face.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[04:27 - 04:35]The speaker talks about the importance of understanding design, marketing, and writing in order to get one's story out to the world.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[06:29 - 06:45]He gives examples of how inspiration can be found in everyday things, and how it can help improve one's work.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[07:21 - 07:30]The speaker emphasizes the importance of being surrounded by inspiration at all times, and shares his own method of utilizing screenshots for reference.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[07:31 - 07:45]He explains that the class will cover logistical things and open up for questions at the end.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[07:31 - 07:45]He mentions that the sessions will include lessons and learnings from his experiences in the past decade.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[07:31 - 07:45]The curriculum will be flexible and will be tailored to address the challenges faced by the students.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[00:00 - 07:54]The speaker welcomes everyone to TMW class 0 and talks about the importance of understanding design, marketing, and writing in order to get one's story out to the world. He shares his own method of utilizing inspiration and gives examples of how it can help improve one's work. The curriculum will be tailored to address the challenges faced by the students.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[08:00 - 08:07] Next week, they will start with marketing 101 with both the speaker and Jeffrey

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[08:08 - 08:17]The week after, they will cover writing 101

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[08:08 - 08:17]The third week will focus on design, specifically for Valentine's Day

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[08:25 - 08:34]After that, they will "freestyle" and cover topics based on what they have learned about the audience

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[08:35 - 08:49]They will be flexible and discuss and analyze what worked and what didn't, including any viral examples or failures

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[10:40 - 10:46]The speaker also gives an example of a successful viral experiment that generated hype and pre-orders

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[10:40 - 10:46]Timing, a good product, innovative elements, and a reasonable price all contributed to the success of the viral experiment

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[14:02 - 14:07]They will also cover mental models and stories that can help with gaining an audience, such as "chopping wood, collecting sawdust"

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[14:41 - 14:47]The speaker gives an example of helping his barber gain more business by incorporating content into his existing workflows

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[07:54 - 16:15]In summary, the speaker will cover various topics and examples related to gaining an audience and viral marketing, with a focus on being flexible and incorporating content into existing workflows.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[16:15 - 16:25] Create interactive content with stories and chat features

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[16:32 - 16:39]Offer promotions or discounts for before and after shots

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[17:26 - 17:35]Use hashtags and encourage tagging for content

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[17:26 - 17:35]Embrace cringe content and be authentic

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[23:16 - 23:41]Utilize open dialogues and brainstorm with others

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[23:16 - 23:41]Be consistent and have fun with content creation

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[24:12 - 24:18]Don't be afraid to try new and unconventional things

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[24:20 - 24:27]Use influencers to promote content

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[25:56 - 26:02]Incorporate interactive and funny elements into content

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[26:16 - 26:27]Consider creating physical products for monetization

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[26:16 - 26:27]Utilize different platforms such as TikTok and Instagram

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[26:16 - 26:27]Utilize multiple avenues for monetization

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[16:15 - 26:27]The text discusses using interactive and authentic content to engage with an audience and potentially go viral, utilizing promotions and hashtags, embracing cringe content, brainstorming with others, utilizing influencers and different platforms, being consistent and having fun with content creation, and considering multiple avenues for monetization.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[26:29 - 26:44] Subi Tech created a Twitch channel where he used a lip syncing model to make it seem like Paul Graham was answering questions in his own voice.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[26:58 - 27:03]The video went viral with 25-30K views and was later used to create AI Drake on the faces platform.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[27:19 - 27:31]To make the video go viral, they got it seen by more people and had the real Gary 10 commenting and asking questions.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[27:19 - 27:31]They also had the actual Paul Graham retweet the video.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[28:48 - 28:59]Other ideas to productize the video included making versions with different personalities and creating a 24/7 stream where viewers could ask questions.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[33:52 - 34:04]Other lessons and learnings discussed were not overcomplicating things and leveraging the internet for distribution and building trust with fans.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[34:44 - 34:58]Examples of this were shown with the success of Lofeigro, a faceless online presence, and the ease of distributing music compared to 20-25 years ago.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[26:29 - 35:33]Subi Tech's video of a lip syncing Paul Graham answering questions went viral and was used to create AI Drake. Other ideas for productizing the video were discussed, as well as lessons on not overcomplicating things and leveraging the internet for distribution and building trust with fans. Examples of this were seen with the success of Lofeigro and the ease of distributing music compared to 20-25 years ago.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[35:34 - 35:40]Lofeigro site features signed artists

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[35:40 - 35:48]Being signed with Lofeigro is a big deal

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[36:56 - 37:01]Lofeigro took a stance allowing free use of its music

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[37:24 - 37:31]Lofeigro offers distribution opportunities for musicians

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[37:24 - 37:31]Lofeigro music and gaming mesh well

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[37:32 - 37:41]TikTok channels are a popular way to discover new music

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[38:35 - 38:50]Putting out songs consistently can lead to success

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[39:19 - 39:36]Analyzing and sharing content with others can be helpful

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[43:22 - 43:31]Understanding where your audience resides is important

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[35:34 - 43:41]Competing for attention is crucial in today's digital landscape

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[35:34 - 43:41]Competing for attention is crucial in today's digital landscape

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[43:50 - 44:01] The speaker discusses the importance of standing out and stopping people's scrolls on social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and Hacker News.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[44:12 - 44:27]The speaker mentions that these platforms do not penalize users for posting multiple times a day and encourages consistency and adding value to the network.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[44:44 - 45:07]The speaker gives an example of a successful marketing strategy used by a content creator on Minika Tana.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[47:49 - 48:03]The speaker also mentions another successful content creator, My Le, who gained a significant following by sharing valuable lessons on her page.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[48:55 - 49:02]The speaker emphasizes the importance of being authentic and making it easy for the audience to understand what you are doing.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[49:10 - 49:22]The speaker announces that the class will be held every Wednesday at 2 PM.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[50:40 - 50:47]The speaker shares a success story of a student's tweet that went viral and gained 3 million views with only 800 followers.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[51:01 - 51:10]The speaker encourages the class to share their own work for feedback and improvement.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[51:32 - 51:44]Intentional scrolling is encouraged to find interesting content to share with the class.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[43:41 - 51:44]In summary, the speaker discusses the importance of standing out and being consistent on social media platforms, shares successful marketing strategies and success stories, and encourages class participation for feedback and learning.

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[51:44 - 51:54]Just DM on WhatsApp

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[55:37 - 55:42]Encouragement to make the most of the three months

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[57:09 - 57:15]Don't focus on going viral, focus on understanding who is interested in your content

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[57:09 - 57:15]Utilize tools for insights on post performance

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[57:21 - 57:39]Genuine content is highly effective, capture anything and everything

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[57:51 - 57:57]Tips for keeping the kitchen clean

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[59:09 - 59:14]Everyone has something to offer and learn from each other

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[59:15 - 59:20]Consistency is key in growth, aim for 3-5 posts per day

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[59:15 - 59:20]Learn from each post and adjust accordingly

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[59:15 - 59:20]Share content in the group chat without asking for engagement

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[59:44 - 59:51]Group leaders will be monitoring the chat and watching content

A youtube thumbnail wor dmw class 0: why design, marketing, and writing matter.

[51:44 - 1.00:03]Focus on consistency, genuine content, and understanding your audience while sharing and learning from each other. Utilize tools and group chat for support and growth.