

Youtube profile pic for BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 100 - 104

BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 100 - 104

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[00:23 - 00:29]Introduction to episode 100 of the Super Mega podcast

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[01:18 - 01:25]Discussion about the significance of the episode number and lack of special events planned

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[02:09 - 02:16]The hosts' knowledge of their family members' ages and a phone call to confirm Ryan's sister's age

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[04:24 - 04:29]Proposal to make a documentary about growing a mustache

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[05:08 - 05:14]Discussion of the Arby's Meat Mountain sandwich and idea for a video where they try it

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[05:20 - 05:30]Mention of the addition of fish to the meat mountain sandwich and a graphic description of Ryan's reaction

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[06:03 - 06:17]Idea for a video where they make grape jelly by stomping on grapes

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[06:41 - 06:53]Suggestion to try a childbirth simulation for a video

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[07:24 - 07:31]Reminder of a promised story from Ryan involving petroleum jelly

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[07:24 - 07:31]Conclusion with a request for listeners to share their thoughts and a call for Ryan to tell his story

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[07:24 - 07:31]Ryan's petroleum jelly story involves a sexual encounter with petroleum jelly and a shower

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[07:24 - 07:31]Ryan's partner's parents walk in on them in the shower and Ryan has to explain the petroleum jelly

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[07:24 - 07:31]The story is requested by listeners and has become a recurring topic on the podcast

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[00:06 - 07:31]Introduction to episode 100 of the Super Mega podcast, discussion of various video ideas, and the anticipation of Ryan's petroleum jelly story.

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[07:31 - 07:36]Person hears crickets and wind at night, gets knock on door from mom

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[08:34 - 08:44]Mom comes in happily, asks for petroleum jelly

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[08:34 - 08:44]It was missing, person tells mom to check garage

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[08:50 - 08:58]Next morning, mom wears cloak and top hat, says she couldn't find it in the garage

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[09:04 - 09:12]Reveals she had it the whole time with a magic trick

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[10:50 - 10:56]Person's dad is proud of them, they have a close relationship

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[12:41 - 12:53]Person runs into actor from Breaking Bad at grocery store

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[13:23 - 13:31]Tucker is watching person's cat while they are away, Tucker carries multiple guns

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[07:31 - 14:47]Person tells a story about their mom asking for petroleum jelly, revealing she had it all along with a magic trick. They discuss their close relationship with their dad and running into an actor from Breaking Bad at a grocery store. They also mention their friend Tucker who carries multiple guns. The person receives a call about being sued over their name.

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[14:53 - 15:06]Talking about big pink hats and wanting to see a detailed drawing of hanging off a bendy straw into a woman's vagina

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[15:34 - 15:40]Ryan accidentally says something inappropriate about gaping children's mouths

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[15:59 - 16:04]Discussion about whistling and how people do it differently

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[17:04 - 17:10]Matt talks about getting a bidet and how great it feels

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[18:45 - 18:53]Tucker talks about sticking a can of beer down his pants while getting his balls shaved

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[18:59 - 19:04]Mention of snorting sex dust and dick cheese

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[20:17 - 20:24]Discussion about Steve-O and Brandon Novak's documentaries and their struggles with addiction

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[20:36 - 20:45]Mention of Steve-O being a guest on Game Grumps and Kevin's current career as a professional skater

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[14:47 - 21:11]Overall, the audio is a casual and humorous conversation between friends.

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[21:12 - 21:18]Person talking about someone masturbating on a skateboard

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[21:19 - 21:25]Wondering if the person being talked about listens to their podcast

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[21:19 - 21:25]Mention of previous interaction with the person on Twitter

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[21:34 - 21:49]Joking about receiving emails from skateparks asking the person to stop masturbating

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[22:03 - 22:08]Discussion about funny requests from fans

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[24:11 - 24:19]Talk about dip and a bad experience with it

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[25:18 - 25:23]Mention of MeUndies and an ad read

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[25:24 - 25:31]Role-playing and introducing themselves as different people

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[26:09 - 26:14]Discussion about Fortnite and branded skins

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[26:59 - 27:05]Mention of getting a tattoo of Ryan's face

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[21:12 - 27:11]Discussion about a person masturbating on a skateboard, joking about their potential listenership, interaction with the person on Twitter, receiving emails from skateparks about the behavior, funny fan requests, freestyling and beatboxing, talk about dip and bad experience with it, role-playing, ad read for MeUndies, and discussion about Fortnite and getting a tattoo of Ryan's face.

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[27:11 - 27:16]Matt Watson talks about his unique tattoo, a mix of his mother's blood and ashes

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[27:56 - 28:01]They discuss calling parents "mommy" and "daddy"

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[28:18 - 28:24]They joke about doing impressions of Jacksepticeye and Barack Obama

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[29:16 - 29:21]Matt and Ryan reveal they are being audited by the IRS and need money to cover their taxes

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[30:26 - 30:31]They talk about wasting money on Kickstarter and a fake Nigerian prince scam

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[30:26 - 30:31]They talk about wasting money on Kickstarter and a fake Nigerian prince scam

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[32:14 - 32:22]Matt reveals he recently bought three houses and two cars for each house

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[32:27 - 32:33]Ryan questions where the money came from and warns about paying it back with interest

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[33:12 - 33:19]The podcast ends with a discussion about the movie The Meg and the character of a billionaire

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[27:11 - 33:19]Matt and Ryan's financial troubles and questionable spending habits are discussed and joked about.

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[33:20 - 33:26] Faux-rich person, real millionaire discussion

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[33:35 - 33:41]Steve Jobs' signature black turtleneck and hickeys

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[33:58 - 34:03]Steve Jobs' death and joke about it

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[34:49 - 34:57]Mistake of throwing out recycling instead of trash

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[36:40 - 36:46]Game Grumps animated featuring Ryan getting eaten out by Aaron

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[38:30 - 38:36]Impersonation of Cleveland Brown

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[39:14 - 39:19]Gaming content coming soon

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[39:32 - 39:40]Ryan's fear of dying in a car accident

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[39:32 - 39:40]Request for viewers to wish Ryan well in the comments

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[39:53 - 39:58]Unfinished Powerade and ending of podcast

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[33:20 - 40:11]Discussion of faux-rich person and real millionaire, Steve Jobs' signature look and death, mistaken recycling, Game Grumps animated, Cleveland Brown impersonation, upcoming gaming content, Ryan's fear of dying in a car accident, and ending of podcast with unfinished Powerade.