

Youtube profile pic for The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

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[00:00 - 01:03]They reflect on their past actions and the loss of a little boy they blew up with a pipe bomb.

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[00:06 - 00:21]The speaker, Schlatte, and the rest of the podcast team are excited for the holiday season and discuss the lack of snow in Los Angeles and Austin.

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[01:04 - 03:37]They reflect on their past actions and the loss of a little boy they blew up with a pipe bomb.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[01:41 - 06:17]Suddenly, there is a present in the room and it turns out to be Charlie, who has been missing for seven months.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[05:02 - 06:48]Charlie mentions that he is still chuckling and Schlatte jokes that he is still a skin upside down.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[07:07 - 11:40]Suddenly, there is a present in the room and it turns out to be Charlie, who has been missing for seven months.

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[09:22 - 12:21]Charlie's autofocus keeps targeting a mannequin in the room and they joke about his classic shorts, showing that not much has changed.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[11:40 - 13:58]Charlie reveals that his home has a gas leak and he has been unknowingly drinking Uranium.

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[12:34 - 15:13]The speaker discusses their water softener and how it affects the water in their home

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[13:06 - 16:28]They mention finding out their water has a high level of gross alpha, which can be harmful

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[13:59 - 14:32]Charlie mentions that he is still chuckling and Schlatte jokes that he is still a skin upside down.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[13:59 - 14:32]The speaker then talks about their fear of caving after watching videos about it and mentions the feeling of suffocation when going through tight spaces.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[15:35 - 16:50]The speaker discusses a Christmas-themed event and mentions the possibility of talking about hard rock water.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[15:51 - 18:02]They had someone come to test their water and found out the gross alpha was high due to uranium

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[15:56 - 16:04]One of the speakers mentions a gene that makes mint taste spicy to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[16:51 - 18:02]They mention someone coming in and saying something multiple times.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[17:06 - 18:42]The speaker then talks about their experience living in a home for the first time and the stress of dealing with neighbors

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[17:37 - 19:59]The speaker then talks about their fear of caving after watching videos about it and mentions the feeling of suffocation when going through tight spaces.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[17:43 - 18:34]The event handed out different types of candy, including dots, which the speaker expresses disdain for.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[18:35 - 20:06]The speaker and others discuss the similarities between milk duds and caramels.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[19:59 - 22:29]They mention living across from an old couple who would throw things on their doorstep and seemed to hate them

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[20:07 - 21:45]They then share their favorite Christmas treats, including sugar cookies with green and red dots, and a family recipe for double chocolate mint cookies.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[20:21 - 21:14]The speaker and others discuss the similarities between milk duds and caramels.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[21:46 - 22:42]They then share their favorite Christmas treats, including sugar cookies with green and red dots, and a family recipe for double chocolate mint cookies.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[21:46 - 24:16]They mention getting a new car smell air freshener and not realizing they needed to gradually pull it down

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[22:42 - 24:16]One of the speakers mentions a gene that makes mint taste spicy to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[22:42 - 24:24]The speaker then talks about their fear of caving after watching videos about it and mentions the feeling of suffocation when going through tight spaces.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[24:17 - 25:10]The other speaker guesses that their favorite Christmas treat is gingerbread, to which they confirm and add that they also enjoy eating gingerbread houses.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[24:25 - 26:09]The speaker then talks about their experience living in a home for the first time and the stress of dealing with neighbors

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[25:41 - 28:40]They mention getting a new car smell air freshener and not realizing they needed to gradually pull it down

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[27:29 - 29:58]They also discuss the possibility of getting a new car and considering a Tacoma with four doors

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[29:31 - 31:46]The speaker then talks about their fear of caving after watching videos about it and mentions the feeling of suffocation when going through tight spaces.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[30:13 - 33:59]The speaker discusses a video involving caving and the fear of small spaces.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[33:39 - 39:55]The speaker owns two guinea pigs and talks about their quirks and reactions to being dressed.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[39:56 - 40:52]Today on the Chuckles sandwich holiday episode, we will be featuring stories from our listeners in our new segment called Chuckle Mail.

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[39:56 - 45:55]The conversation shifts to a memory of receiving Mighty Beans as a gift and the popularity of the collectible toys in their childhood.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[40:53 - 43:29]They joke about the best and worst things that can happen during the holidays.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[42:36 - 43:23]Charlie is seeing this segment for the first time and is excited to participate.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[44:13 - 45:21]Tucker went and found some of these stories and will now read them on the show.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[44:21 - 47:01]Charlie and Tucker talk about their experiences with finger skateboards, including Charlie's unique way of playing with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[44:35 - 47:25]The conversation begins with a discussion about finger skateboards being banned at school.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[45:27 - 48:48]They joke about the best and worst things that can happen during the holidays.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[47:25 - 49:14]The conversation ends with a joke about suits trying to interfere with the creative vision.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[47:37 - 50:03]The first story comes from Screamy Jim from France, who woke up on Christmas morning to find that his hamster had died.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[47:37 - 53:34]A listener shares a story about a Christmas tree falling off their car on the highway.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[48:49 - 50:22]They joke about the best and worst things that can happen during the holidays.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[53:34 - 58:08]Another listener shares a story about accidentally seeing their grandpa naked while playing tag.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[53:45 - 57:35]The conversation then shifts to the topic of old men walking around naked in locker rooms.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[57:35 - 1.01:16]The conversation ends with a joke about suits trying to interfere with the creative vision.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[57:42 - 59:04]He had a smaller Lego castle set that he played with throughout his childhood.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[57:42 - 1.01:24]Charlie shares his childhood memory of playing with a toy rug that had roads and houses on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[58:01 - 1.00:54]Aiden also talks about his love for imagination games and creating narratives while playing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[58:24 - 1.00:48]He also had a table version of the castle set and would incorporate his Legos and Thomas the Tank Engine toys into imaginative games.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.00:54 - 1.01:30]Aiden also talks about his love for imagination games and creating narratives while playing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.01:30 - 1.05:46]He also had a table version of the castle set and would incorporate his Legos and Thomas the Tank Engine toys into imaginative games.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.03:44 - 1.08:38]He had a smaller Lego castle set that he played with throughout his childhood.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.05:46 - 1.09:02]They also mention traditions such as getting a Hestruck toy every year and opening stockings.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.09:03 - 1.12:37]The group discusses their childhood Christmas traditions, such as opening one present on Christmas Eve and taking turns opening gifts on Christmas morning.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.09:31 - 1.13:22]They also discuss the difference between the chaotic gift-opening at one side of the family and the more structured and slow-paced gift-opening at the other side of the family.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.12:51 - 1.15:47]The group shares their memories of Christmas morning and the rush of excitement and dopamine they felt as children.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.13:43 - 1.16:04]The group discusses their childhood Christmas traditions, such as opening one present on Christmas Eve and taking turns opening gifts on Christmas morning.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.14:57 - 1.17:34]The speaker reminisces about leaving cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.16:53 - 1.20:08]The speaker expresses concern about the amount of cookies and milk Santa must consume in one night

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.19:07 - 1.19:38]They joke about Santa potentially having an eating disorder or a tapeworm

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.19:38 - 1.21:28]The speaker reminisces about leaving cookies out for Santa on Christmas Eve

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.22:00 - 1.24:21]The speaker imagines what it would be like if Santa was a character in Greek mythology

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.22:53 - 1.25:41]The speaker shares a hypothetical scenario of a person who believes in Santa and their parents passing away

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.24:53 - 1.27:07]The speaker imagines what it would be like if Santa was a character in Greek mythology

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.25:42 - 1.27:18]The conversation turns to the topic of whether or not to tell a 20-year-old that Santa isn't real

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.26:54 - 1.27:48]They joke about the potential disadvantages of believing in Santa as an adult

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.27:19 - 1.28:12]The speaker shares their experience of waiting for Santa on Christmas morning and finding candy coal in their stocking

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.28:13 - 1.29:45]They discuss receiving trinkets and food in their stockings instead of toys

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.28:24 - 1.29:05]The speaker shares their experience of waiting for Santa on Christmas morning and finding candy coal in their stocking

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.29:45 - 1.32:00]The speaker shares a hypothetical scenario of a person who believes in Santa and their parents passing away

A youtube thumbnail wor The Chuckle Sandwich Holiday Special! (2022)

[1.29:54 - 1.32:28]The podcast ends on a light-hearted note with the guest, Charlie, returning to the North Pole.