

Youtube profile pic for Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[00:00 - 02:09]The group discusses a man who put a bullet in his mouth and then the other guy spit it out.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[00:15 - 01:08]They discuss another fictional character, The Hulk, who may have tried to commit suicide.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[01:08 - 01:20]The group introduces themselves and their sponsor, Coinbase.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[01:20 - 02:37]They talk about a potential license plate bracket with a humorous phrase.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[01:40 - 04:33]They discuss a bug on YouTube and how to fix it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[02:44 - 03:26]The group discusses a man who put a bullet in his mouth and then the other guy spit it out.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[03:37 - 04:00]They discuss a bug on YouTube and how to fix it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[04:07 - 04:26]They joke about receiving DMs from viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[04:33 - 05:06]They talk about their popularity on different streaming platforms.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[05:06 - 06:05]The group discusses a man who put a bullet in his mouth and then the other guy spit it out.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[05:17 - 05:50]They talk about their popularity on different streaming platforms.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[06:05 - 06:39]The group discusses a man who put a bullet in his mouth and then the other guy spit it out.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[06:39 - 07:23]They discuss the possibility of making merchandise related to health issues, such as shingles and gonorrhea.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[07:24 - 09:08]They talk about a potential license plate bracket with a humorous phrase.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[09:20 - 09:45]The speaker recalls a story about a kid who got stuck on a pool jet and his intestine inverted.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[09:25 - 10:08]They discuss the origins of the name "The Incredible Hulk" and joke about him being able to perform autofellatio.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[09:25 - 11:29]The speaker and their friends are discussing a monkey video and airplane bathrooms.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[10:08 - 10:37]They discuss a potential leaked video from a shoot and joke about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[10:14 - 11:41]They mention a story about an orgy and how Slime's father was involved.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[11:17 - 12:01]The group discusses a man who put a bullet in his mouth and then the other guy spit it out.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[11:29 - 12:21]The speaker then talks about using an airplane bathroom and the suction effect when flushing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[12:21 - 13:19]The speaker recalls a story about a kid who got stuck on a pool jet and his intestine inverted.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[13:39 - 14:46]The speaker describes their experience and how they tried different positions to avoid getting sucked in.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[14:28 - 15:58]The speaker also recalls their own experience of masturbating in an airplane bathroom during a first class flight.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[15:26 - 16:24]The speaker's friend admits to joining the "Mile High Club" on a flight with their parents.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[15:44 - 16:44]The speaker also recalls their own experience of masturbating in an airplane bathroom during a first class flight.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[15:44 - 17:22]The speaker's friend mentions a ticket they had and compares the speaker to Patrick Bateman.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[15:59 - 16:18]The speaker and their friends are discussing a monkey video and airplane bathrooms.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[16:30 - 17:36]The speaker describes their experience and how they tried different positions to avoid getting sucked in.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[17:03 - 17:57]The speaker's friend once flashed his nuts to him in class as a joke, but the teacher saw and he got suspended.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[17:09 - 18:24]They mention getting random boners and joke about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[17:15 - 17:42]The conversation ends with a humorous discussion about tucking shirts and underwear when using the bathroom.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[17:57 - 19:31]The speaker's friend once flashed his nuts to him in class as a joke, but the teacher saw and he got suspended.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[19:31 - 20:10]They mention a parody movie called "Taintlight" and make fun of it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[20:10 - 21:10]A girl in their class named Lauren raised her hand and asked a question about a previous class they were in.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[20:16 - 20:21]They joke about the teacher possibly pressing charges for showing a minor's genitals.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[21:10 - 22:27]The speaker's friend once named their team in class "The Blue Waffles" as a joke, referencing a shock site.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[21:28 - 22:38]A girl in their class named Lauren raised her hand and asked a question about a previous class they were in.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[22:27 - 24:01]The teacher unknowingly looked up the shock site in front of the class and gave detention to students who laughed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[22:33 - 24:28]The person speaking recalls a list they found, which reminded them of 9/11.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[22:39 - 24:16]The topic of 9/11 comes up and the speaker recalls being in 6th grade when it happened.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[22:50 - 23:04]The speaker's friend once named their team in class "The Blue Waffles" as a joke, referencing a shock site.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[22:50 - 23:04]The person speaking talks about how Ken reacted to 9/11, which was different from his usual joking demeanor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[23:46 - 24:36]The person speaking recalls reading an article about Matt Damon going to school near where they did.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[24:01 - 25:30]The topic of 9/11 comes up and the speaker recalls being in 6th grade when it happened.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[24:39 - 25:36]The person speaking talks about how Ken reacted to 9/11, which was different from his usual joking demeanor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[24:58 - 25:42]A girl in their class named Lauren raised her hand and asked a question about a previous class they were in.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[25:10 - 25:42]The person speaking recalls reading an article about Matt Damon going to school near where they did.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[25:24 - 26:37]They mention a person named Ken who had just started at NYU when 9/11 happened.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[25:50 - 25:55]The person speaking recalls reading an article about Matt Damon going to school near where they did.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[26:37 - 27:11]The person speaking talks about how Ken reacted to 9/11, which was different from his usual joking demeanor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[27:12 - 27:54]The person speaking recalls reading an article about Matt Damon going to school near where they did.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[27:30 - 28:01]The person speaking wonders if Matt Damon has sons.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[28:02 - 29:34]They mention a racist clown drawing they found in their old room.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[29:14 - 30:49]The person speaking recalls reading an article about Matt Damon going to school near where they did.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[30:15 - 31:46]They discuss Matt Damon using a homophobic slur in front of his family and only recently stopping.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[31:20 - 32:12]The speaker talks about their father meeting Matt Damon on a plane.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[31:20 - 32:43]The person speaking recalls reading an article about Matt Damon going to school near where they did.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[31:46 - 33:51]The speaker's father also met David Bowie and Vince Vaughn.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[33:51 - 34:34]The speaker recalls a time when they met a celebrity at a casino.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[34:15 - 35:04]The speaker talks about their father meeting Matt Damon on a plane.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[35:04 - 37:08]The speaker's father also claims to have met Jackie Chan at a marketing conference, but it turns out to be a scam.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[36:51 - 38:34]The speaker shares a story of being scammed into buying a mixtape from a street vendor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[37:08 - 37:37]The speaker recounts an embarrassing experience of almost falling for a mixtape scam.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[37:46 - 38:58]The speaker shares a story of being scammed into buying a mixtape from a street vendor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[38:10 - 39:05]The speaker recounts an embarrassing experience of almost falling for a mixtape scam.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[38:28 - 39:54]There is a discussion about who had the most shameless start on Twitch.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[38:34 - 39:05]Shame is often used as a tactic to get people to spend money.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[39:06 - 40:13]The speaker talks about how Riff Raff is now successful despite his initially lackluster music.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[39:06 - 40:18]One person mentions Ms. Kiff and Ice Poseidon's early streaming days.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[39:42 - 41:07]Another person mentions GreekGodX and his history of stream sniping.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[40:31 - 41:02]GreekGodX is currently fighting a DMCA strike for streaming the Olympics.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[41:07 - 41:34]He is being represented by the same lawyer as H3H3.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[41:35 - 41:46]One of the hosts mentions DMing the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" Twitter account and striking up a conversation with the social media person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[41:47 - 43:39]The group comes up with a humorous idea of advertising their Twitch channel on billboards.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[43:54 - 46:29]One person shares a story about explaining crypto to a family member.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[44:48 - 46:18]He is being represented by the same lawyer as H3H3.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[45:02 - 46:34]One person shares a story about explaining crypto to a family member.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[45:56 - 46:48]Shame is often used as a tactic to get people to spend money.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[46:49 - 49:20]The group jokes about starting their own cryptocurrency called "Yarn."

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[46:55 - 48:00]They mention a friend who became a Dogecoin millionaire by using free electricity from their college.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[48:01 - 48:38]The podcast is sponsored by Coinbase, but they do not yet have a code.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[49:20 - 50:20]One of the hosts mentions DMing the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" Twitter account and striking up a conversation with the social media person.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[49:20 - 52:04]The speaker talks about having confidence and how it helps them with their work.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[51:05 - 53:11]They give an example of when they worked at a vape company and had to make up numbers to convince a popular social media influencer to promote their product.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[53:37 - 54:33]The speaker reflects on how being told they were smart and gifted growing up affected their work ethic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[54:33 - 56:35]They reveal that they cheated in school, including in a science class where their teacher gave them a passing grade even though they didn't deserve it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[57:30 - 59:49]The speaker reflects on how being told they were smart and gifted growing up affected their work ethic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[59:00 - 59:49]A man in Uganda spent 20 years training to be a weightlifter and made it to the Japan 2020 Olympics.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[59:12 - 59:17]One host has been using a free version of a fitness app and got sucked into downloading a slot game advertised on the app.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.00:21 - 1.02:03]Uganda is ashamed by his actions and is rehabilitating him.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.00:26 - 1.01:57]He traveled by train from Tokyo to another city and left a note saying he was ditching.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.02:03 - 1.04:55]The hosts of the audio podcast receive DMs from listeners, some of which are annoying or pointless.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.04:41 - 1.07:05]He traveled by train from Tokyo to another city and left a note saying he was ditching.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.05:41 - 1.07:18]One host has been using a free version of a fitness app and got sucked into downloading a slot game advertised on the app.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.06:27 - 1.07:52]The host played the slot game for 45 minutes and is curious about the top player who has 190 million lightning bolts.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.08:03 - 1.08:35]Green, blue, and brown M&Ms deemed most f*ckable

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.08:03 - 1.10:25]The hosts suggest having a race or yard Olympics, but it is unlikely to happen.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.08:11 - 1.09:13]He traveled by train from Tokyo to another city and left a note saying he was ditching.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.08:22 - 1.08:50]Orange M&M considered the least f*ckable

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.09:14 - 1.09:51]M&M cart racing game for Wii released in 2007

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.09:25 - 1.09:36]Conversation shifts to actor Justin Long

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.09:30 - 1.10:46]The hosts suggest having a race or yard Olympics, but it is unlikely to happen.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.09:51 - 1.10:33]Proposal of a hypothetical fight between Justin Long and one of the speakers

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.10:33 - 1.10:40]Final question about whether one would treat someone differently in person than online.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.10:40 - 1.12:19]Discussion about M&M commercials and marketing

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.11:07 - 1.12:28]Green, blue, and brown M&Ms deemed most f*ckable

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.12:01 - 1.13:08]Discussion about M&M commercials and marketing

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.12:35 - 1.14:10]Conversation shifts to actor Justin Long

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.13:15 - 1.14:47]Discussion about movie Accepted and Justin Long's acting abilities

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.14:47 - 1.17:00]Conversation shifts to actor Justin Long

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.15:30 - 1.16:39]Proposal of a hypothetical fight between Justin Long and one of the speakers

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.15:54 - 1.16:16]Mention of Justin Long being a good person on Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.16:39 - 1.17:07]Proposal of a hypothetical fight between Justin Long and one of the speakers

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.17:07 - 1.18:14]Discussion about a past online interaction with Justin Long

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.17:07 - 1.18:30]The speaker discusses their experience playing a video game called Melee, where they had a proud moment and challenged someone in the online community.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.17:26 - 1.18:14]The speaker won three games against the other player and declared they never want to play them again.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.17:41 - 1.17:47]Proposal of a hypothetical fight between Justin Long and one of the speakers

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.17:54 - 1.18:36]Final question about whether one would treat someone differently in person than online.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.18:14 - 1.18:51]The speaker discusses their experience playing a video game called Melee, where they had a proud moment and challenged someone in the online community.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.18:37 - 1.20:05]They argue that it is rude to one and done people in Melee, and that they should play at least a best of three.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.19:48 - 1.21:16]The speaker mentions Mr. Beast and discusses a conversation they had with them about viewer retention on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.21:16 - 1.24:08]The speaker discusses their experience playing a video game called Melee, where they had a proud moment and challenged someone in the online community.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.21:22 - 1.22:33]The speaker reveals that they have considered ending their daily uploads and focusing on higher quality content.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.23:01 - 1.24:21]The speaker mentions Mr. Beast and discusses a conversation they had with them about viewer retention on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.23:41 - 1.28:47]The speaker reveals that they have considered ending their daily uploads and focusing on higher quality content.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.27:28 - 1.29:29]They mention meeting other YouTubers and asking them about their goals and aspirations.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.29:16 - 1.30:21]They end the podcast with a goodbye and a reference to their Twitter handle.

A youtube thumbnail wor Mr. Beast Roasts Ludwig's YouTube | The Yard

[1.29:29 - 1.30:16]The speaker promotes their clip channel and TikTok channel, and thanks the three hosts named on Apple podcasts.