

Youtube profile pic for S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

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[00:00 - 02:29]Ferny, also known as The Furnace, has just regained his powers after absorbing the final piece of his core that was taken from him hundreds of years ago.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[01:04 - 04:18]They use the intercom to make an announcement to the whole building, intimidating the CEO.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[04:00 - 05:41]Ferny knows the layout of the building and heads straight for the CEO's office.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[04:06 - 05:30]The group debates whether to prepare for the final battle by searching for useful items, but ultimately decides to go straight for the CEO.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[05:09 - 07:29]The group sees Furnace in his completed form and realizes they have a chance to take down the CEO.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[05:16 - 09:12]Ferny, also known as The Furnace, has just regained his powers after absorbing the final piece of his core that was taken from him hundreds of years ago.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[08:19 - 10:02]They enter the elevator and head to the room with the core, where they encounter the CEO in a new and improved mech suit.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[10:03 - 11:55]Ferny, also known as The Furnace, has just regained his powers after absorbing the final piece of his core that was taken from him hundreds of years ago.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[10:22 - 11:49]Ferny knows the layout of the building and heads straight for the CEO's office.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[10:27 - 10:41]The group debates whether to prepare for the final battle by searching for useful items, but ultimately decides to go straight for the CEO.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[10:41 - 13:49]The CEO reveals that his name is Ashley and that he believes there is nothing more neutral than doing whatever he wants.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[13:49 - 14:43]Ernie uses a grenade launcher but misses.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[14:19 - 15:54]Koda prepares a spell.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[14:43 - 16:57]Dolores shakes off her stun and heals herself with a health potion.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[16:39 - 19:45]Bug casts Sacred Flame and deals damage to the CEO.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[16:57 - 18:07]Koda activates a Blade song and casts Shatter, hitting the CEO.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[18:26 - 20:01]The CEO retaliates with a lightning attack, stunning Dolores and Bug.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[19:22 - 21:16]Furnace uses Heat Metal on the CEO, who falls into the Souljuice.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[19:46 - 23:23]Dolores shakes off her stun and heals herself with a health potion.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[21:17 - 22:25]The characters are preparing for a surprise attack.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[22:25 - 23:39]The CEO has a swimming speed of 60 feet and is underwater.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[23:05 - 24:07]Furnace uses Heat Metal on the CEO, who falls into the Souljuice.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[24:07 - 26:14]Dolores shakes off her stun and heals herself with a health potion.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[26:23 - 27:24]The group notices that one of their opponents, a robot, is not coming up for air and wonders if he can breathe underwater.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[27:09 - 29:02]Two more robots enter the space, one of them attacking with a buzz saw hand.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[27:31 - 29:10]The group fights back, with the furnace using fire attacks and the CEO using soul juice to heal himself.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[29:10 - 32:53]One of the robots is immobilized by a spell and another is taken down by a hammer-wielding member of the group.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[32:01 - 33:54]The group fights back, with the furnace using fire attacks and the CEO using soul juice to heal himself.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[32:36 - 34:58]One of the robots is immobilized by a spell and another is taken down by a hammer-wielding member of the group.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[33:08 - 34:26]The group notices that one of their opponents, a robot, is not coming up for air and wonders if he can breathe underwater.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[34:59 - 36:59]One of the robots is immobilized by a spell and another is taken down by a hammer-wielding member of the group.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[35:16 - 37:06]Two more robots enter the space, one of them attacking with a buzz saw hand.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[36:46 - 38:46]The CEO regains his strength and the furnace tries to attack the core of the robot, but only manages to crack the tempered glass.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[38:47 - 40:19]Dolores jumps onto a horse and rides it perfectly, reminding Bug of a past incident.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[38:55 - 40:33]The CEO is holding onto a weak and volatile nuclear reactor, and his friends are trying to convince him not to destroy everything.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[39:56 - 41:44]Dolores jumps onto a horse and rides it perfectly, reminding Bug of a past incident.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[41:33 - 44:13]She also uses her channel divinity to regain a spell slot.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[41:52 - 42:25]Dolores casts a curse on the CEO, but it doesn't work.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[42:00 - 44:42]She calls out to her friend Morecell for help, promising to do anything he wants in exchange for his assistance.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[44:13 - 44:59]Morecell agrees to help and will arrive soon.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[44:23 - 46:13]Bug is worried about their friends and doesn't want anyone to die.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[44:59 - 47:17]Dolores jumps onto a horse and rides it perfectly, reminding Bug of a past incident.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[45:59 - 47:48]She also uses her channel divinity to regain a spell slot.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[47:24 - 48:41]Coda casts a spell to slow down the CEO, and then casts a magic weapon spell on Bed.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[47:39 - 48:04]The CEO uses a legendary action to fire a lightning cannon at Bug and Koda, dealing 19 damage to each of them.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[48:05 - 48:17]The robot on the ground taunts and laughs at the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[48:05 - 48:47]Bug is worried about their friends and doesn't want anyone to die.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[48:18 - 48:27]The CEO is unable to escape and the group takes shelter in a spell-protected dome as the explosion occurs.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[48:28 - 48:41]The robot on the ground taunts and laughs at the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[48:42 - 50:00]The furnace turns around and prepares to attack, but the CEO presses a button and the soul chamber starts to crack.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[50:00 - 51:28]The furnace transforms into a metal shrapnel flaming allosaurus and attacks the CEO, knocking him prone and biting him for 12 damage.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[50:40 - 50:54]The CEO uses a legendary action to fire a lightning cannon at Bug and Koda, dealing 19 damage to each of them.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[51:53 - 54:05]The furnace transforms into a metal shrapnel flaming allosaurus and attacks the CEO, knocking him prone and biting him for 12 damage.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[52:13 - 52:44]The CEO uses a legendary action to fire a lightning cannon at Bug and Koda, dealing 19 damage to each of them.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[53:17 - 54:23]The group realizes they only have one round left before the explosion.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[54:24 - 55:17]The group debates on who should escape using the vortex potion, but the furnace insists on staying and protecting the others.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[54:58 - 56:40]The CEO is unable to escape and the group takes shelter in a spell-protected dome as the explosion occurs.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[56:12 - 56:46]The furnace transforms into a metal shrapnel flaming allosaurus and attacks the CEO, knocking him prone and biting him for 12 damage.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[56:46 - 57:53]The furnace transforms into a giant allosaurus and continues to attack the CEO.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[57:28 - 58:16]The furnace casts hallucinatory terrain to show the CEO the horrors he has caused.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[57:42 - 58:48]Bug, who no longer has a hometown, starts to have self-doubt as a mercenary hero.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[57:53 - 1.00:07]A twig shoots out of the ground and resembles Fernie.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[59:05 - 59:41]Dolores is exploring a distant land and playing her drums.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[1.00:07 - 1.02:38]The group notices that the ground is scorched but not as damaged as it should be, and they can see that the land is fertile.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[1.00:50 - 1.02:59]Bug, who no longer has a hometown, starts to have self-doubt as a mercenary hero.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[1.03:19 - 1.04:28]They see a green ball that turns out to be Fernie, with a message to plant it in his garden.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[1.04:28 - 1.05:11]They return to the castle and Coda, a year older and stronger, is training new mercenaries.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[1.04:51 - 1.06:21]Bug, who no longer has a hometown, starts to have self-doubt as a mercenary hero.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[1.05:45 - 1.06:27]Dolores is exploring a distant land and playing her drums.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[1.06:29 - 1.07:20]A twig shoots out of the ground and resembles Fernie.

A youtube thumbnail wor S2E8 One Last Ride | Sword AF

[1.07:20 - 1.08:03]The group says goodbye to Fernie and reflects on their growth and experiences together.