

Youtube profile pic for We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:02 - 00:48]The speaker is initially asked about how they are feeling and responds that they are fine.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:07 - 01:49]The first speaker defends themselves, saying that YouTubers have it harder than most.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:27 - 00:41]They then argue about different professions and which is more difficult.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:04 - 01:18]They joke about premature ejaculation and then introduce themselves and the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:19 - 03:51]They then introduce their drinks for the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:50 - 02:46]The first speaker defends themselves, saying that YouTubers have it harder than most.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:57 - 02:02]They mention a previous experience with inhaling a can of the mixer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:02 - 02:15]The first speaker defends themselves, saying that YouTubers have it harder than most.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:46 - 03:21]The other speaker then mocks them, saying they sound like a blue-collar dad.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:21 - 03:58]They then introduce their drinks for the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[03:58 - 06:05]They start the trivia game, with categories including themselves, their co-host, the podcast, guests, and miscellaneous topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:10 - 04:52]They mention that they have developed a lot of lore and information over the course of the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:31 - 05:02]They mention a previous experience with inhaling a can of the mixer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:38 - 05:20]They explain the categories for the trivia game they are about to play.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[05:26 - 06:10]They start the trivia game, with categories including themselves, their co-host, the podcast, guests, and miscellaneous topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[06:10 - 06:31]They joke about stealing each other's questions.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[06:31 - 06:51]The winner of the game will supposedly gain more equity in the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[06:51 - 07:22]They discuss how they have to call their business partner, Charlie, for major decisions.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[07:11 - 07:42]They joke about Charlie partying in Berlin.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[07:43 - 09:48]The first speaker drinks tequila with key lime liqueur as a mixer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:25 - 09:37]The speaker is initially asked about how they are feeling and responds that they are fine.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:48 - 10:30]The first speaker drinks tequila with key lime liqueur as a mixer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[10:08 - 11:31]They mention a previous experience with inhaling a can of the mixer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:32 - 12:04]A group of individuals begin discussing a game and how to determine who will go first

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:04 - 13:40]The third category chosen is "Jay Schlatt" for 500 points and the question is related to the true meaning of something

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:47 - 13:34]The next category chosen is "Chuckles sandwich" for 200 points and the question is related to an episode title

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:54 - 14:09]The third category chosen is "Jay Schlatt" for 500 points and the question is related to the true meaning of something

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[13:40 - 14:44]A group of individuals begin discussing a game and how to determine who will go first

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[13:47 - 16:25]The third category chosen is "Jay Schlatt" for 500 points and the question is related to the true meaning of something

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:37 - 15:43]The group argues about the accuracy of the answers and the person writing the questions defending their choices

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[16:26 - 17:25]The third category chosen is "Jay Schlatt" for 500 points and the question is related to the true meaning of something

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[17:12 - 18:04]The next question is related to a video where Ted visits the Rainforest Cafe before collaborating with Eddie Burbeck

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:04 - 18:10]They start giggling when they see the board.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:04 - 18:58]The group argues about the accuracy of the answers and the person writing the questions defending their choices

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:11 - 18:43]They request "Jay Schlatt for 200".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:11 - 18:49]A new category, "Miscellaneous" for 100 points is chosen and the question is related to a vehicle that was wrongly loaned to Schlatt

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:24 - 18:32]The question is clarified to be about individual people.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:32 - 18:37]The question is about the most viewed guest episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:43 - 18:49]They ask about Lamborghini Uris.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:49 - 19:47]Ted Nivecen takes the board and requests "a chuckle sandwich for 300".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:59 - 19:12]The question is about chuckle sandwich themed shorts on the Ted Nivism channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:59 - 19:32]The next question is related to a video where Ted visits the Rainforest Cafe before collaborating with Eddie Burbeck

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:12 - 19:20]The host interrupts and asks if they are buzzing in.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:20 - 19:32]They want Ted Nivecen for 500 points.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:32 - 19:37]The host asks if that is the total number of guests.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:47 - 20:04]The question is about the total number of chuckle weeks.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[20:04 - 20:42]The person who guessed 27 takes the board again.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[20:14 - 20:48]The host asks if that is the total number of guests.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[20:49 - 20:54]The question is clarified to be about individual people.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[20:55 - 21:01]Ted Nivecen takes the board and requests "a chuckle sandwich for 300".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:02 - 22:41]They request "guests for 200".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:08 - 21:13]The question is about a guest who has appeared four times.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:14 - 21:19]The answer is revealed to be Swagger Souls.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:19 - 21:28]They request "Jay Schlatt for 200".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:29 - 22:59]They decide it's based on who makes a bigger stink.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:37 - 22:01]The host interrupts and asks if they are buzzing in.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:01 - 22:19]They discuss determining who buzzed in first.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:19 - 22:31]The host interrupts and asks if they are buzzing in.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:43 - 23:20]Ted Nivecen takes the board and requests "a chuckle sandwich for 300".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:48 - 22:54]The answer is revealed to be TommyInnit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:59 - 23:08]They discuss determining who buzzed in first.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:21 - 23:32]Ted Nivecen takes the board and requests "a chuckle sandwich for 300".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:36 - 23:44]The question is about the total number of chuckle weeks.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:44 - 23:57]They request "Jay Schlatt for 200".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:57 - 24:08]The question is clarified to be about individual people.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:10 - 25:08]Ted Nivecen takes the board and requests "a chuckle sandwich for 300".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:25 - 24:30]They want Ted Nivecen for 500 points.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:36 - 25:02]The question is about chuckle sandwich themed shorts on the Ted Nivism channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:55 - 25:42]The speaker discusses the concept of short videos and their popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:03 - 25:08]The speaker reflects on a former podcast guest, Charlie, and his popularity among listeners

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:10 - 25:42]The answer is revealed to be chuckle fuel.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:10 - 25:59]They mention making a playlist called "chuckle fuel" with short clips

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:16 - 25:23]The question is clarified to be about individual people.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:23 - 25:35]The question is about chuckle sandwich themed shorts on the Ted Nivism channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:42 - 25:48]The question is clarified to be about individual people.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:49 - 25:54]They request "Ted Nivism for 400".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:54 - 25:59]The answer is revealed to be a trench coat.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:00 - 26:14]The question is about the third member who was blown up.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:00 - 26:31]They mention filming a Jeopardy-style episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:14 - 26:31]The answer is revealed to be episode 54.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:32 - 26:38]The host interrupts and asks if they are buzzing in.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:32 - 26:57]They discuss the impact of nostalgia on missing past periods of time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:40 - 27:20]The question is about the most viewed guest episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:40 - 27:20]The speaker reflects on a former podcast guest, Charlie, and his popularity among listeners

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:48 - 26:57]The question is about chuckle sandwich themed shorts on the Ted Nivism channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:20 - 27:34]Ted Nivecen takes the board and requests "a chuckle sandwich for 300".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:20 - 27:51]The speaker mentions the correlation between the presidency of Donald Trump and people's happiness

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:35 - 27:40]The question is about the most viewed guest episode.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:40 - 27:46]The host interrupts and asks if they are buzzing in.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:46 - 27:51]The question is clarified to be about individual people.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:52 - 29:58]The speaker recalls their first successful video, which was featured on the playlist "Instant Regret"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:58 - 28:50]They mention making a playlist called "chuckle fuel" with short clips

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[28:26 - 28:32]The speaker recalls their first successful video, which was featured on the playlist "Instant Regret"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[29:20 - 30:05]The speaker discusses the concept of short videos and their popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:05 - 31:47]They discuss the success of Mark Rober's short video asking for subscribers

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[31:04 - 32:10]The speaker reflects on the value of subscribers gained through shorts and their impact on long-form content

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:10 - 33:10]The speaker discusses the concept of short videos and their popularity

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:24 - 33:55]They mention the split between their channels and how it affects their analytics

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[33:25 - 33:47]The speaker reflects on the value of subscribers gained through shorts and their impact on long-form content

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[33:55 - 34:35]The speaker recalls feeling small while attending a Mr. Beast event

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[34:35 - 35:11]A question is posed about the value of a free app and website for booking doctors who prioritize patient comfort and listening.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[34:47 - 34:53]The speaker shares a personal experience using Zock-dock to quickly find a doctor in Texas and plans to do the same in New York.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[34:54 - 36:00]The app is called Zock-dock and it has tens of thousands of highly rated doctors with verified patient reviews.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[35:35 - 36:06]The speaker shares a personal experience using Zock-dock to quickly find a doctor in Texas and plans to do the same in New York.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:07 - 36:23]Listeners can get free appetizers for life by going to

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:23 - 37:03]HelloFresh provides pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes, making meal planning and shopping easier.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:42 - 37:32]Listeners can get free appetizers for life by going to

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:32 - 37:37]The speaker shares a personal experience using Zock-dock to quickly find a doctor in Texas and plans to do the same in New York.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:32 - 41:35]Tucker and another person are playing a game, and the person is currently winning.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:37 - 37:48]A question is posed about the value of a free app and website for booking doctors who prioritize patient comfort and listening.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:37 - 39:44]There is a discussion about who got the last question and who has control of the game board.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:49 - 38:02]The podcast episode then returns to a discussion about chip rankings, specifically Cape Cod chips and Lay's kettle chips.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:55 - 39:05]There is a debate over the best type of chip, with someone mentioning Cape Cod chips.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:04 - 38:12]The speaker shares a personal experience using Zock-dock to quickly find a doctor in Texas and plans to do the same in New York.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:13 - 38:58]The podcast episode then returns to a discussion about chip rankings, specifically Cape Cod chips and Lay's kettle chips.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[39:05 - 39:38]Schlatt and Tucker get into a heated argument about environmental science and animal posters on Tucker's wall.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:01 - 40:42]Tucker and another person are playing a game, and the person is currently winning.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[40:50 - 41:41]Schlatt and Tucker get into a heated argument about environmental science and animal posters on Tucker's wall.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:01 - 43:01]Tucker and another person are playing a game, and the person is currently winning.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[42:08 - 42:43]There is a discussion about who got the last question and who has control of the game board.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[42:44 - 44:32]Schlatt shares a story from many years ago and mentions putting something or someone in a seat.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:07 - 44:09]Tucker and another person are playing a game, and the person is currently winning.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:13 - 44:15]Schlatt shares a story from many years ago and mentions putting something or someone in a seat.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:48 - 44:26]Tucker and another person are playing a game, and the person is currently winning.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[44:15 - 46:37]Schlatt shares a story from many years ago and mentions putting something or someone in a seat.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[44:32 - 45:41]There is a discussion about who got the last question and who has control of the game board.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:48 - 47:35]Tucker and another person are playing a game, and the person is currently winning.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[46:39 - 47:20]They briefly discuss a YouTuber named Makey Jakey and wonder why he hasn't been on the podcast yet.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[47:36 - 48:44]They discuss their lack of pocket dice and reminisce about old letters and memories.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:09 - 49:27]Tucker and the other person share stories about letters they sent to each other during boot camp.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:00 - 50:32]Schlatt shares a story from many years ago and mentions putting something or someone in a seat.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:33 - 52:46]Ted and Schlatt are playing a game of Jeopardy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:30 - 53:06]They are given a question about old school YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:31 - 55:13]Ted answers with five names, but Schlatt challenges one of them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:16 - 55:19]The episode ends.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[55:00 - 55:58]They banter and make jokes with each other, and Jumbo the puppet makes an appearance.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[55:44 - 57:56]Ted and Schlatt are playing a game of Jeopardy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[55:59 - 57:50]They continue playing until they get to the final question, worth 800 points.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:05 - 56:38]Ted and Schlatt are playing a game of Jeopardy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:05 - 57:43]The episode ends.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:56 - 59:20]Ted and Schlatt are playing a game of Jeopardy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[58:25 - 1.00:26]The question is about a creator who has hosted both Ted and Schlatt on his podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[58:42 - 1.01:03]Ted answers with Ludwig, but the correct answer is Anthony Padilla.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.00:35 - 1.02:43]Ted and Schlatt are playing a game of Jeopardy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played a Gameshow About Ourselves | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.01:08 - 1.02:05]They banter and make jokes with each other, and Jumbo the puppet makes an appearance.