

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 22: Locker Room Talk and a Bowl of Soup

SuperMegaCast - EP 22: Locker Room Talk and a Bowl of Soup

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[00:09 - 00:17] Introductions and welcome to Super Mega Cast episode 22

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[01:07 - 01:13]Discussion about the schedule and the movie "Girl on the Train"

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[01:13 - 01:30]Mention of other movies and books in the same genre

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[03:05 - 03:13]Discussion about a book sent to them by a viewer

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[05:32 - 05:44]Discussion about Thomas trains and a potential live action remake of the Tootsie Roll commercial

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[06:27 - 06:32]Mention of a potential candy movie and the sequel to Sausage Party

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[06:55 - 07:09]Hypothetical election between Donald Trump and Ben Carson

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[07:24 - 07:30]Discussion about Donald Trump's controversial comments and locker room talk

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[07:30 - 07:36]Joking conversation about grabbing women by the pussy

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 22: Locker Room Talk and a Bowl of Soup

[00:09 - 07:54]The hosts discuss various topics including movies, books, a book sent by a viewer, Thomas trains, a potential candy movie, and a hypothetical election. They also joke about Donald Trump's controversial comments.

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[08:46 - 08:55]Audio starts with someone talking about trying to have sex with a married woman and bragging about being able to get away with it because he's famous

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[09:38 - 09:43]Discussion moves to Ben Carson's comments about "locker room talk" and whether words reflect character

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[11:25 - 11:31]Audio then jumps to a discussion about Casey Neistat challenging YouTubers to publicly state who they are voting for in the presidential election

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[12:30 - 12:39]The speakers express their opinions on politics and state that they are not trying to push their political agenda onto listeners

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[12:50 - 12:56]Discussion moves to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton's campaigns and some controversial statements made by both candidates

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[13:18 - 13:30]Audio ends with a clip of Alex Jones from Infowars having a meltdown on air about the presidential election and his belief that Hillary Clinton is a demon who hates God and children

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[07:55 - 14:46]Audio covers various topics including sexual assault, political opinions, and a clip of Alex Jones having a meltdown about the presidential election.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 22: Locker Room Talk and a Bowl of Soup

[14:46 - 14:53] Talks about love for Alex Jones and his entertainment value

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[14:53 - 15:16]Shares a story about Eric Andre and Alex Jones at the RNC

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[15:45 - 15:56]Discusses Hannibal Burris and his appearance on the Eric Andre show

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[16:52 - 17:01]Mentions watching documentaries about moons in our solar system

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[17:08 - 17:13]Expresses disappointment in Earth's boring moon

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[17:40 - 17:46]Suggests sending trash to the moon

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[18:45 - 18:50]Jokes about nuking the moon

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[19:12 - 19:26]Talks about the upcoming Jumanji movie and the cast

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[19:44 - 19:49]Discusses Kevin Hart's success as a comedian

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[20:33 - 20:39]Shares favorite comedians, including George Carlin, Bo Burnham, Louis CK, and more

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[20:46 - 20:54]Mentions seeing Daniel Tosh live

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[21:35 - 21:45]Talks about offensive comedians and their ability to push boundaries

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[21:35 - 21:45]Expresses relief for not saying anything as offensive as some comedians

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[14:46 - 21:54]Overall, the speaker discusses their love for Alex Jones and Eric Andre, shares some stories and opinions about comedians and the upcoming Jumanji movie, and talks about offensive comedians and their impact.

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[21:54 - 22:03] Narrator talking about playing Pikmin 2 on GameCube

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[22:04 - 22:10]Excited to play it on channel

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 22: Locker Room Talk and a Bowl of Soup

[22:19 - 22:25]Mention of knowing what to do in Pikmin but not fully

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[22:19 - 22:25]Hoping to fully know what to do in Pikmin 2

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[22:25 - 22:30]Game is bigger than expected

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[22:31 - 22:36]Mention of playing in person for first time

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[23:10 - 23:18]Discussion of Xenomorphs and Xenophobia

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[25:46 - 25:56]Narrator's cat Sully and his nail caps

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[27:30 - 27:35]Narrator's stomach gurgling during podcast

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[28:07 - 28:12]Narrator mentioning hunger and plans to order food

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[28:12 - 28:18]Mention of a Sentry Egg

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[21:54 - 28:39]Narrator talking about playing Pikmin 2 and looking forward to playing it on channel, mentioning previous experience with Pikmin and hoping to fully know what to do in Pikmin 2, discussion of Xenomorphs and Xenophobia, mentioning cat Sully and plans for ordering food, and mention of a Sentry Egg.

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[28:40 - 28:51]The speaker suggests that they may do something like this again in the future

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[29:02 - 29:14]They mention trying to one-up each other and making the soup gross

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[30:37 - 30:43]The speaker offers a reward of $1000 for finishing the whole bowl of soup

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[31:40 - 31:55]They discuss making the soup technically edible but possibly gross enough to pass health inspections

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[32:09 - 32:16]The speaker mentions putting a century egg in the soup, which they believe will make it impossible to keep down

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[33:28 - 33:36]They briefly discuss a movie called "Law Abiding Citizen" and the idea of taking on the justice system

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[33:36 - 33:43]The speaker comments on enjoying the video game "Mafia 3" and the debate about video games causing violence

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[34:54 - 35:05]They mention Mr. Rogers' quote about violent video games

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[35:31 - 35:39]The speaker suggests playing the original Oregon Trail game and then mentions wanting to actually go on the Oregon Trail in a covered wagon

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[36:04 - 36:28]It is debated whether the Oregon Trail is still a viable path for travel

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[36:04 - 36:28]The Oregon Trail was used for expansion in the past

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 22: Locker Room Talk and a Bowl of Soup

[28:40 - 36:28]The speaker and their friend discuss potentially doing something similar in the future, one-upping each other, and making gross soup. They discuss a possible reward for finishing the soup, and the idea of making it technically edible but possibly unappetizing. There is a brief mention of a movie and taking on the justice system. The speaker also mentions enjoying a video game and the debate around video games and violence. They briefly mention wanting to play the original Oregon Trail game and possibly going on the actual trail, which was used for expansion in the past.

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[36:36 - 36:46]People discuss their memories and experiences with the Oregon Trail game

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[36:46 - 36:51]They mention learning about it in elementary school but not remembering much about it

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[36:52 - 36:59]They also talk about how they don't remember much from their French classes in school

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[37:14 - 37:21]The phrase "Yes, daddy" comes up and how they used to say it a lot in their videos

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[37:40 - 37:51]They mention how it got overused and became a stale meme

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[37:51 - 37:57]They discuss the irony of catchphrases and how they can become popularized

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[38:29 - 38:37]They mention spelling words while singing and catching a fish called a gar

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[39:55 - 40:03]They talk about fishing and catching fish multiple times in a row without scaring them

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[40:21 - 40:27]They mention the possibility of getting a fish and letting fans name it

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[40:27 - 40:55]They discuss upcoming Halloween videos and a potential vlog

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[40:55 - 41:09]They mention Ryan's homemade soup and an upcoming trip

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[41:48 - 42:02]They talk about how announcements in school were annoying and make fun of them

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 22: Locker Room Talk and a Bowl of Soup

[42:22 - 42:37]The podcast is currently available on YouTube and iTunes

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 22: Locker Room Talk and a Bowl of Soup

[36:29 - 42:53]People discuss their memories and experiences with the Oregon Trail game, as well as their lack of memories from school and the overuse of a phrase in their videos. They also discuss fishing and potential future videos, as well as the availability of their podcast on YouTube and iTunes.