

Youtube profile pic for BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 75 - 79

BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 75 - 79

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[00:10 - 00:15]Discussion about Mythbusters and their new hosts in 2018

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[00:21 - 00:30]Suggestion for more diverse hosts on Mythbusters

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[01:38 - 01:44]Conversation about T-ball and a potential gay T-ball league

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[04:04 - 04:10]Ryan's Twitch stream and his attempt to get all S-ranks in Cuphead

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[04:35 - 04:40]Evan's comment about Link's appearance on a recent video

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[04:35 - 04:40]Mention of Logan Paul and Dr. Disrespect's apologies

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[05:14 - 05:24]Discussion about YouTubers making personal videos and Ming's current situation

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[05:24 - 05:31]Update on Ming's well-being

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[00:04 - 07:11]A group of people discuss various topics including Mythbusters, T-ball, Twitch streams, and YouTubers. They also give an update on Ming's current situation and decide to move on from her story.

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[07:12 - 07:21] She has moved on from her old ways

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[07:21 - 07:28]She talks to the person every other day

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[07:21 - 07:28]They are happy for her

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[10:20 - 10:30]The podcast hosts have a conversation about a small story involving a man with a shopping cart screaming about being gay

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[11:28 - 11:34]They discuss getting a typewriter and it's potential image

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[12:25 - 12:31]They mention drugs and alcohol in a conversation about vices

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[13:04 - 13:13]They will not update on her future mistakes

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[13:04 - 13:13]They are closing the chapter on her updates

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[13:22 - 13:31]The podcast host mentions Tesla and jokes about getting free cars

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[07:12 - 13:46]A concise and comprehensive summary is that the podcast hosts discuss updates on a person who has moved on from their old ways, share a story about a man screaming about being gay, and mention getting a typewriter and Tesla cars.

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[13:47 - 13:53]Podcast talk about giving away free Teslas to gain internet popularity

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[14:03 - 14:12]Discussion about the quality and cost of Teslas

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[14:41 - 14:47]Host's mom listens to the podcast every week and supports them

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[15:03 - 15:14]Host's mom hears jokes about inappropriate topics and still listens

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[17:23 - 17:29]Host's mom calls in and gets hung up on for a prank

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[19:34 - 19:40]Host's mom never mentions the prank and only talks about birthday gifts

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[20:30 - 20:45]Discussion about the low effort and uninspired lyrics of Christian songs

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[13:47 - 20:55]Podcast talks about giving away free Teslas, host's mom is a loyal listener, prank call to host's mom, discussion about Christian song lyrics.

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[20:56 - 21:04]The speaker talks about how Christian songs are easy to follow and join in on.

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[21:10 - 21:15]They discuss the simplicity of Christian music and its purpose to make it easy for people to join in.

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[21:25 - 21:35]They talk about their dislike for Christian rock music and its repetitive nature.

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[22:09 - 22:22]The speaker brings up the "infinite monkey theorem" which states that given enough time, a monkey could type a work of Shakespeare.

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[23:07 - 23:13]They discuss the possibility of a monkey accidentally typing "God damn it, Ross" on a typewriter.

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[24:13 - 24:19]The conversation shifts to the topic of druids and their existence in World of Warcraft.

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[24:44 - 24:50]The speaker's wife is mentioned and the possibility of her being a guest on the podcast.

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[25:09 - 25:17]The conversation turns to the concept of the purge and the use of masks.

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[26:38 - 26:44]They come up with the idea for a movie about a magician trying to escape the purge.

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[26:59 - 27:05]The podcast ends with a brief mention of a Beachbody free trial and the current temperature.

A youtube thumbnail wor BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 75 - 79

[27:29 - 27:52]The speaker thanks the guest, Ross, for being on the podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor BEST OF SuperMegaCast: 75 - 79

[20:56 - 27:52]The final summary point is that the conversation covered various topics including Christian music, the infinite monkey theorem, druids, and the purge, and ended with a mention of a brand deal and thanking the guest.