

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[00:00 - 00:06] Organization has unique secret sauces

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[00:32 - 00:38]Allows for customizable workflows

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[00:44 - 00:51] supports successful organizations

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[00:44 - 00:51] is a flexible platform for any organization

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[00:44 - 00:51]Increases team productivity and automates tedious work

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[00:44 - 00:51]Organization loves using

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[00:51 - 00:56]Easy project planning and communication

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[00:57 - 01:02]Saves time and reduces human error

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[01:48 - 01:57]Audio recorded in a van in Super Megaplex backyard

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[03:44 - 04:00]Van was originally bought for a live action podcast

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[05:24 - 05:31]Van has a lot of history and stories

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[06:24 - 06:31]Super Megaplex house has a strange layout and tunnels

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[06:44 - 06:50]Weird electrical panel in new podcast room

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[07:14 - 07:23]Outdated security camera system with CRT TVs

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[07:58 - 08:05]Possible footage of someone jerking off in Let's Play room

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[00:00 - 08:05] is a flexible platform that supports successful organizations by allowing for customizable workflows, increasing team productivity, and saving time and reducing human error. The audio was recorded in a van in Super Megaplex's backyard, and the hosts discuss the history and layout of their house, including an outdated security camera system and a possible embarrassing situation in the Let's Play room.

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[08:05 - 08:13]Access to phone the whole time

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[12:43 - 12:51]Revealing Ryan McGee masturbating in Let's Play room

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[12:43 - 12:51]Ryan McGee trying to get anal beads out of butt

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[14:27 - 14:39]Recording podcast on phones in Japan and at airport

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[14:46 - 14:52]Finding a log of feces on couch and disposing of it

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[15:13 - 15:23]Enjoying doing podcast in different locations

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[15:13 - 15:23]Describing van's interior as carpeted, with drapes on walls and ceiling

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[15:23 - 15:30]Discussing the potential health benefits of nicotine in small doses

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[15:31 - 15:36]Joking about cartoon villain owners of different cigarette companies

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[15:37 - 15:44]Waiting for someone to piss me off

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[15:37 - 15:44]Discussing killing a mosquito and potentially getting AIDS from animal's blood

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[15:37 - 15:44]Filming live action video after podcast

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[15:37 - 15:44]Speculating about the history and cleanliness of the van's seats

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[15:37 - 15:44]Remembering when smoking was allowed in restaurants and on airplanes

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[15:37 - 15:44]Finding old newspapers from 2004-2005 in grandmother's attic

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[15:37 - 15:44]Wanting to do something creative with the newspapers, including movie reviews and crime news

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[08:05 - 15:44]Ryan and his friend discuss various topics, including revealing a coworker's masturbation habits, smoking in public places, and finding old newspapers in an attic. They also joke about cartoon villains owning cigarette companies.

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[15:44 - 15:51] The speaker discusses not wanting to link something to their grandmother and keeping trophies of crimes.

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[15:53 - 15:59]They mention newspaper clippings and understanding the desire to keep a trophy of a heinous act.

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[16:07 - 16:14]The speaker talks about being powerful and smart for taking advantage of someone's kindness and having their tooth in their pocket.

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[16:44 - 16:51]They reference a man walking and getting punched, and the idea of bringing back tabletopping.

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[17:43 - 17:49]The speaker tells a story of being table topped in school and the pain associated with it.

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[19:16 - 19:22]They mention Simon Rex playing a porn star in a new movie and making fart noises to annoy people.

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[21:16 - 21:24]They discuss shooting a tutorial video for a Chinese dragon painting and the progression of the drawing.

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[21:56 - 22:02]The speaker talks about videos that people either love or hate, and mentions reading comedy books.

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[22:46 - 22:55]The speaker compliments the other person's drawing skills and mentions the aesthetic of a child's drawing being endearing.

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[22:46 - 22:55]The speaker's drawings have improved and are better than a child's drawing.

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[15:44 - 23:00]The last bullet point should be a concise and comprehensive summary of the previous points.

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[29:36 - 29:42]The speaker and a friend visited a Taiwanese restaurant called Joy.

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[30:04 - 30:12]They were offered a free meal by the cashier, possibly because they were both white.

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[30:20 - 30:27]The speaker's friend mentioned that it was her favorite restaurant and that she hadn't been there in two years.

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[30:20 - 30:27]The cashier was friendly and the food was delicious.

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[30:20 - 30:27]A previous encounter with good luck was mentioned, where the speaker acquired five prints from Ringo Starr's Microsoft Paint artwork.

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[30:27 - 30:34]The speaker and their friend had a meal consisting of rice bowls, noodles, and wine.

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[30:27 - 30:34]They also joked about becoming an art collector and curator.

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[30:34 - 30:42]This experience was considered amazing by the speaker.

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[30:34 - 30:42]They justified the purchase as an investment and the prints were also personally enjoyed.

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[30:34 - 30:42]The speaker also mentioned their interest in owning unique and limited items, such as the prints.

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[30:34 - 30:42]The speaker and their friend talked about their spending habits and joked about not being as rich as other YouTubers.

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[30:34 - 30:42]They then went on a sponsored break and discussed products from Meundies and Peloton.

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[30:34 - 30:42]The speaker also mentioned experiencing phantom tastes and smells after having COVID.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[30:34 - 30:42]They then resumed their conversation and discussed their plans for the future, including the potential value of the prints after Ringo Starr's passing.

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[30:34 - 30:42]The speaker also mentioned being around someone who had good luck, possibly referring to their friend or the cashier.

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[30:34 - 30:42]The speaker's friend also visited and they went to a restaurant called Joy, where they received a free meal.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[30:34 - 30:42]The cashier was friendly and the food was delicious.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[30:34 - 30:42]The cashier was friendly and the food was delicious.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[30:34 - 30:42]The cashier was friendly and the food was delicious.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[30:34 - 30:42]The cashier was friendly and the food was delicious.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[30:34 - 30:42]The cashier was friendly and the food was delicious.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[30:34 - 30:42]The cashier was friendly and the food was delicious.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[30:34 - 30:42]The cashier was friendly and the food was delicious.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[23:01 - 30:42]In summary, the speaker and their friend had a meal at a Taiwanese restaurant called Joy, where they received a free meal. They also discussed their spending habits and previous good luck, as well as potential future investments. They also discussed products from Meundies and Peloton.

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[30:42 - 30:54] The speaker went to round one with friends and children in the arcade.

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[32:18 - 32:25]They then went to Denny's where the speaker impressively chugged a large glass of milk and received it for free.

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[33:11 - 33:25]The group then attempted to visit the Academy Museum, but were told it was sold out.

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[33:11 - 33:25]The speaker and his friend snuck into the Miyazaki exhibit at the museum.

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[37:31 - 37:37]They then went to Kazunari and had a good time.

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[37:43 - 37:48]Similar incidents happened to the speaker the previous week.

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[30:42 - 37:48]The speaker had a fun and eventful trip to round one, Denny's, and the Academy Museum where they successfully sneaked into the Miyazaki exhibit and enjoyed a meal at Kazunari.

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[37:48 - 37:53]Driving to the office, wanted McDonald's hamburger

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[38:43 - 38:50]Went to drive-thru, worker recognized Matt from podcast

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[39:11 - 39:20]Talked about adding history to van, Armenian neighbors playing Matt's music

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[39:59 - 40:04]Watched first 6 episodes of Squid Game, intense but not too visceral

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[42:53 - 42:58]At the drive-thru, the worker recognizes Matt from his podcast

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[42:59 - 43:04]Matt drives to the office and wants a McDonald's hamburger

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[43:53 - 43:59]Seinfeld is like a play, watching with friends

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[43:59 - 44:04]Matt has watched 6 episodes of Squid Game and finds it intense but not too visceral

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[43:59 - 44:04]Matt is currently watching Seinfeld and appreciates its play-like feel

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[44:09 - 44:15]Bass player for Seinfeld theme set for life, had to make custom tracks for each episode

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[44:09 - 44:15]Conversation about adding history to van and potential for Armenian neighbors to play Matt's music

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[44:09 - 44:15]Bass player for Seinfeld theme is set for life, had to make custom tracks for each episode

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[44:36 - 44:43]Photo shoot for new merch planned for tomorrow morning Summary:

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[37:48 - 44:43]Tomorrow morning, there is a planned photo shoot for new merch.

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[44:43 - 44:49]Found a studio and booked it for a video shoot.

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[44:55 - 45:02]Also planning a merch shoot.

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[45:02 - 45:09]Bringing a green screen and new backdrop.

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[45:22 - 45:27]Employee, Leighton Stollard, gives them marijuana.

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[45:32 - 45:38]Podcast is being recorded in a van, which is perfect for hotboxing.

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[46:46 - 46:51]Police report of an armed robbery at TJ Maxx.

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[48:06 - 48:16]The podcast ends.

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[49:14 - 49:21]Employee, Leighton Stollard, gives them marijuana and they continue recording the podcast in a van.

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[49:28 - 49:34]Omaze charity campaigns discussed.

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[50:17 - 50:22]Police report of an armed robbery at TJ Maxx is discussed.

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[50:54 - 50:59]Friends find a studio and book it for a video shoot and also plan a merch shoot.

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[50:54 - 50:59]They discuss the studio having a green screen and new backdrop.

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[52:04 - 52:10]Memories of playing with Hess trucks.

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[52:04 - 52:10]Memories of playing with Hess trucks are brought up.

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[44:43 - 52:10]Podcast ends.

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[52:59 - 53:07]Discussion about old toys and collectibles, specifically Hess trucks

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[53:59 - 54:05]Discussion about playing Roller Coaster Tycoon and other video games

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[54:13 - 54:19]Mention of a potential new series involving playing with toys and games

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[54:31 - 54:39]Plans to start filming more content after a hiatus due to COVID-19

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[54:52 - 54:58]Plans to do a Q&A on Patreon and apologies for missing previous ones

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[57:28 - 57:42]Excitement about upcoming audiobook release and plans to announce a release date soon

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[57:28 - 57:42]Mention of potential delays in release due to hardcovers taking longer to manufacture

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[57:55 - 58:01]Possibility of receiving physical copies of the book by the end of the week

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[58:43 - 58:48]Discussion about holding the book and dreams about it

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[58:55 - 59:01]Comparison to other authors and excitement about the book being better

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[52:11 - 59:13]Discussion about old toys and collectibles, plans to start filming more content after a hiatus, upcoming audiobook release and potential delays, and excitement about the book being better than other authors' works.

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[59:14 - 59:20]The discussion begins with talk of a popular book series called Redwall, followed by mention of another book series by author Dave Pilkey.

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[59:27 - 59:33]The conversation shifts to discussing the character and design of the villain in the Captain Underpants series.

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[59:56 - 1.00:02]The conversation returns to discussing the Captain Underpants series and its influence on the speaker's YouTube videos.

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[1.00:48 - 1.00:54]There is a brief tangent about nuns and hand jobs, followed by a search for information on the topic.

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[1.01:22 - 1.01:28]The discussion turns to a topic about old nannies giving hand jobs, leading to a search for related pornographic content.

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[1.05:11 - 1.05:19]The conversation then shifts to watching a video about the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and the concept of multiple universes.

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[1.06:51 - 1.06:56]The speaker reflects on the vastness of the universe and the possibility of billions of intelligent civilizations.

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[59:14 - 1.06:56]The conversation covers various topics, including popular book series, the design of a character in a children's book, a random tangent about nuns and hand jobs, and a discussion about the vastness of the universe and the potential for other intelligent life forms.

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[1.06:56 - 1.07:03]The speaker is upset about not being invited to a dodgeball tournament and not being put in by their coach.

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[1.07:21 - 1.07:28]They start discussing the conditions for life and the vastness of the universe.

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[1.07:21 - 1.07:28]They mention the potential for life on other planets and the ability for life to survive in hostile conditions, such as tardigrades.

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[1.10:44 - 1.10:56]The speaker wonders about the rarity of being a conscious human and the possibility of other advanced and peaceful civilizations.

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[1.10:56 - 1.11:02]The conversation shifts to joking about Layton giving them weed and watching Seinfeld.

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[1.12:00 - 1.12:06]They discuss addiction and the illustrations in their book, crediting the community for their help.

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[1.12:34 - 1.12:39]The speaker mentions finishing auditions for their audiobook and their secret sauces at their organization.

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[1.13:35 - 1.13:41]They introduce as a customizable software for teams to improve productivity.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 266: Podcast In A Van

[1.06:56 - 1.14:15]The speaker discusses their frustration about not being invited to a dodgeball tournament before delving into a conversation about the vastness of the universe, the potential for life on other planets, the rarity of being a conscious human, and the success of their organization. They also mention completing auditions for their audiobook and introduce as a helpful software for teams.