

Youtube profile pic for Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[00:00 - 00:08] Introduction to Episode 2 of Tag Across Europe game

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[03:30 - 03:36]Adam uses his reservation to board the same train back to Strasbourg, heading towards his location in Borkam

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[03:53 - 03:59]Previous episode: runner ends up getting caught in Moves station, giving Adam the opportunity to become the runner

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[03:53 - 03:59]Adam has a significant lead in the game

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[04:22 - 04:33]Next train from Moves to Strasbourg is in three hours, putting the chasers at a disadvantage

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[04:22 - 04:33]Adam's goal is to reach Munster and catch a train at 12:46

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[05:35 - 05:45]Adam buys a power up that doubles the value of his next challenge, but also doubles the veto period

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[05:46 - 05:52]Quick refresher on the game and its rules

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[05:46 - 05:52]He lands on Amy's Trivia Corner challenge and successfully answers all three questions, earning 1600 coins

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[07:05 - 07:10]The group discusses options to cut off Adam's route, but ultimately decides to follow him and hope he loses time

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[08:34 - 08:39]He needs 3,820 coins and currently has 550

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[00:00 - 08:39]In Episode 2, Adam takes the lead in the game after getting caught in a station and using his reservation to board a train to Strasbourg. The chasers are at a disadvantage as the next train is in three hours. Adam's goal is to reach Munster and he earns 1600 coins through a successful challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[08:42 - 08:47] Amy is thanked for something

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[08:48 - 08:53]A discussion about human beings and a desire to steal something

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[08:54 - 09:01]The group talks about a snack empire and a pizza

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[09:45 - 09:53]Someone wants to earn coins and shuffles cards

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[10:20 - 10:29]They successfully cut an orange with a card

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[10:29 - 10:37]They encounter someone named Sid and attempt to cut an orange again

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[13:10 - 13:18]They discuss the risk of doubling up and shuffle cards again

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[13:31 - 13:42]They send a menacing image to the "chasers" from a beach

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[13:52 - 13:59]They discuss Winston Churchill and a riddle

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[15:36 - 15:44]They attempt to answer the riddle under a bridge

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[17:31 - 17:36]The answer is revealed to be "cloud"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[08:42 - 17:36]The group discusses various topics and attempts challenges, such as cutting an orange with a card and sending a menacing image to the "chasers." They also encounter someone named Sid and discuss the risk of doubling up. Eventually, they attempt to answer a riddle under a bridge, successfully guessing the answer to be "cloud."

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[18:06 - 18:27] Group is heading to Strasburg where Adam has been completing challenges

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[18:28 - 18:37]Adam completes a riddle and earns enough coins to reach Moonster in one go

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[18:53 - 18:59]He has 35 minutes before his first train leaves

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[18:59 - 19:10]He pulls a car and gets a challenge to make a putt

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[19:26 - 19:31]He only has 5 minutes to complete the challenge

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[22:38 - 22:44]The group tries to book a reservation on the next train but it's full

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[22:44 - 22:56]They decide to take a train an hour later

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[27:41 - 27:47]He barely misses the putt and decides to take the train to Frankfurt instead

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[27:48 - 27:54]Adam makes a last minute transfer and barely makes his connection

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[28:21 - 28:30]He texts Ben and Sam pictures of the Rhine to taunt them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[29:30 - 29:39]They all arrive in Moonster at around 7pm

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[17:37 - 29:39]The group travels to Strasburg where Adam completes a riddle and earns enough coins to reach Moonster in one go. He barely makes his connection and taunts his teammates with pictures of the Rhine. They all arrive in Moonster at around 7pm.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[29:40 - 29:47] The game pauses every night at 8 p.m. for 10 hours for the players to sleep.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[29:47 - 29:57]Adam's plan is to transfer onto a train towards Emden and then take a ferry to Borkham.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[29:47 - 29:57]He won't be able to reach Emden before the rest period, but he plans to make it to a town called Lincoln.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[29:58 - 30:03]Adam needs to catch a train out of Moonster tonight because the others are gaining ground on him.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[30:03 - 30:13]His train is half an hour behind schedule, which means he will miss his connection.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[30:03 - 30:13]The narrator's train is also delayed and they are worried about reaching their destination on time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[30:13 - 30:25]All the announcements have been in German, so Adam didn't realize the delay until now.

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[30:39 - 30:45]The narrator's GPS isn't working well, so they can't tell how far from Moonster they are.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[30:47 - 31:01]The narrator is scared they won't make it to Lincoln in time and Ben and Sam will catch up to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[31:12 - 31:17]The narrator considers backup plans and believes in manifesting their success.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[31:49 - 31:56]They find a backup train but have to get off a stop earlier.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[32:41 - 32:54]The narrator's train arrives late and they have to look for a different train.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[33:16 - 33:27]Adam is currently in Munster and the narrator hopes he will stay there for a chance to catch up to him.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[34:54 - 35:02]The narrator and their team decide to stay in Munster and try to sneak onto a train in the morning.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[35:39 - 35:51]They promote their streaming service, Nebula, where viewers can watch the next episode early and access exclusive content.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[36:44 - 36:51]A lifetime subscription to Nebula is being offered to support the show and other creators.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 2 — We Played a 72 Hour Game of Tag Across Europe (Again)

[29:40 - 37:30]The game pauses every night for players to sleep, Adam plans to transfer onto a train towards Emden but faces delays and backup plans, the narrator's train is also delayed causing concern, the team stays in Munster to try and catch up to Adam, and a lifetime subscription to Nebula is being offered to support the show and other creators.