

Youtube profile pic for Illegal "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich EP 76

Illegal "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich EP 76

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[00:00 - 01:38]They sarcastically thank the character "Flow" from Progressive for their insurance coverage.

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[00:52 - 01:31]The speaker and their friend discuss other insurance mascots and their annoyance with them.

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[02:00 - 02:24]They debate the pros and cons of each, with the speaker ultimately choosing the death note.

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[02:09 - 05:07]They transition to discussing a debate between having an "omnitrix" (from the show Ben 10) or a "death note" (from the show Death Note).

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[03:15 - 04:33]They debate the pros and cons of each, with the speaker ultimately choosing the death note.

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[03:59 - 07:01]They transition to discussing a debate between having an "omnitrix" (from the show Ben 10) or a "death note" (from the show Death Note).

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[05:33 - 05:41]They joke about using "gamer stops" to stay awake and avoid nightmares.

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[05:55 - 07:07]They transition to discussing a debate between having an "omnitrix" (from the show Ben 10) or a "death note" (from the show Death Note).

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[06:14 - 08:36]They debate the pros and cons of each, with the speaker ultimately choosing the death note.

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[07:26 - 09:05]They transition to discussing a debate between having an "omnitrix" (from the show Ben 10) or a "death note" (from the show Death Note).

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[08:22 - 10:59]They debate the pros and cons of each, with the speaker ultimately choosing the death note.

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[09:52 - 12:33]The podcast ends.

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[10:28 - 13:38]The conversation then shifts to a discussion about whether they would rather have constant terrifying hallucinations or nightmares every night.

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[12:40 - 13:07]The speaker mentions having strange dreams while taking melatonin and jokes about a website called ""

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[13:47 - 15:13]They joke about using "gamer stops" to stay awake and avoid nightmares.

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[14:30 - 15:08]The speaker mentions having strange dreams while taking melatonin and jokes about a website called ""

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[15:14 - 17:02]In his dream, he and a group of people from work are at a convention in a giant mall, and there are also a group of high schoolers who are characters from a show with their own quirks.

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[17:03 - 17:20]Throughout the dream, the high schoolers keep showing up and experiencing wacky scenarios.

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[17:21 - 18:49]The speaker also talks about lucid dreaming and how it can help control nightmares.

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[18:49 - 20:53]The speaker and his friends go back and forth on which option they would choose, weighing the pros and cons of each.

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[20:12 - 22:07]The conversation then shifts to a question about living with a hoarder, a neat freak, an exhibitionist, or someone who is pet-obsessed, with most of them choosing the neat freak option.

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[22:08 - 23:39]The speaker and his friends go back and forth on which option they would choose, weighing the pros and cons of each.

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[22:33 - 27:26]The discussion then turns to a question about whether it would be better to live in a world where Nintendo and Sega never existed or one where Sony and Microsoft never existed.

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[25:23 - 27:26]They joke about playing the game Age of Empires and the different strategies they would use.

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[27:27 - 28:48]The speaker and another person are discussing a hypothetical question about choosing between understanding what happens after death or being able to see into the future.

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[28:04 - 29:24]They mention a movie called "The Discovery" where people start killing themselves after finding out about an afterlife.

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[29:24 - 31:31]The speaker and another person are discussing a hypothetical question about choosing between understanding what happens after death or being able to see into the future.

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[31:31 - 32:57]The speaker and the other person discuss the question of whether they would rather live in the Middle Ages or fight in World War I.

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[32:15 - 34:16]The speaker ultimately chooses to live in the Middle Ages and be a farmer, rather than fighting in World War I.

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[33:10 - 34:03]They joke about playing the game Age of Empires and the different strategies they would use.

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[34:17 - 36:48]The speaker and the other person discuss the question of whether they would rather live in the Middle Ages or fight in World War I.

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[36:49 - 37:44]The speaker is asked a question about being an expert in every language or every instrument

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[37:10 - 38:08]The speaker expresses their lack of interest in musical instruments

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[38:08 - 39:06]The conversation turns to a hypothetical scenario of being an expert in every instrument

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[38:14 - 38:40]They argue with someone about their choice and mention a music channel they have

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[39:08 - 40:23]The conversation turns to a hypothetical scenario of being an expert in every instrument

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[39:55 - 40:29]They continue to debate the pros and cons of being a polyglot or a musical expert

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[40:00 - 41:36]They discuss the ability to travel and communicate in any language fluently

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[40:29 - 41:14]The conversation turns to a hypothetical scenario of being an expert in every instrument

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[40:45 - 41:05]The speaker expresses their lack of interest in musical instruments

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[41:14 - 42:05]The speaker argues that being an expert in every language would be more useful

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[41:36 - 41:44]The speaker shares their own experience of being judged as an ignorant American due to language barriers

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[41:45 - 42:37]They discuss the ability to travel and communicate in any language fluently

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[42:18 - 42:29]The speaker expresses confusion and disbelief over the need for such a commercial

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[42:37 - 43:02]The conversation shifts to a hypothetical scenario of being mayonnaise or a woman

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[43:05 - 43:36]They joke about the weirdness of the question and discuss their preference for a squeeze bottle

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[43:36 - 44:12]The conversation turns to a Super Bowl commercial for mayonnaise

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[44:12 - 44:46]They discuss the various brands of mayonnaise and the superiority of Hellman's

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[44:47 - 46:02]The conversation shifts to a hypothetical scenario of being mayonnaise or a woman

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[44:55 - 45:13]The conversation turns to a hypothetical scenario of being an expert in every instrument

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[45:14 - 46:38]The speaker is teased for not noticing that their headphones changed color during the conversation.

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[46:39 - 46:53]They joke about the weirdness of the question and discuss their preference for a squeeze bottle

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[46:53 - 47:11]The speaker is teased for not noticing that their headphones changed color during the conversation.

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[47:11 - 49:12]JJ from Ontario, Canada asks what the weirdest or most fascinating rabbit hole they've ever gone down is.

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[47:26 - 48:16]Raw Instinct responded with a video accusing I Fly A Line of being caught jerking off on a cam site.

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[47:43 - 48:10]Raw Instinct was accused of stealing video ideas and thumbnails from T Martin, and I Fly A Line called him out for it.

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[48:25 - 48:57]The speaker recalls this being a wild and unexpected turn of events at the time.

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[49:12 - 50:24]Another rabbit hole the speaker went down was the filmography of David DeCoteau, a director who made family-friendly films and soft core, homoerotic porn.

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[49:28 - 50:11]They mention one of his films titled "Bigfoot vs. DB Cooper" which featured a soft core porn scene between the two characters.

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[50:12 - 50:18]The speaker mentions a channel called "Schlag" that they hired someone to run, but have not received any revenue from due to issues with verification.

A youtube thumbnail wor Illegal "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich EP 76

[50:25 - 50:32]The speaker recalls this being a wild and unexpected turn of events at the time.

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[50:32 - 51:39]They joke about when the speaker will receive their cut of the money from the channel.

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[50:39 - 51:14]The speaker shares that they have not watched any of the videos on Tucker's TikTok channel, but have heard about them and supports his success.

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[51:40 - 52:04]They discuss issues with age-restrictions and demonetization on YouTube, specifically in regards to Tucker's channel.

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[52:05 - 54:13]The speaker mentions a channel called "Schlag" that they hired someone to run, but have not received any revenue from due to issues with verification.

A youtube thumbnail wor Illegal "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich EP 76

[52:14 - 53:36]They joke about when the speaker will receive their cut of the money from the channel.

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[52:30 - 53:13]The speaker mentions a channel called "Schlag" that they hired someone to run, but have not received any revenue from due to issues with verification.

A youtube thumbnail wor Illegal "Would You Rather" Questions | Chuckle Sandwich EP 76

[53:37 - 54:43]The speaker recalls this being a wild and unexpected turn of events at the time.

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[54:43 - 55:23]Tucker reads a question from a listener asking them to describe their appearance since they only have their voices and a vague hint.

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[54:55 - 56:04]The speaker ends by jokingly continuing to describe Tucker's appearance in a dramatic and poetic manner.

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[55:32 - 56:17]They confirm that they both are white and the speaker adds that Tucker is lean and lives in Los Angeles.

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[55:42 - 56:11]Tucker reads a question from a listener asking them to describe their appearance since they only have their voices and a vague hint.

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[56:17 - 57:17]The speaker jokingly describes Tucker's appearance, mentioning his height, facial features, and hair.

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[56:54 - 59:48]Description of Schlatt's appearance as a cartoon character: large nose, eyebrows, furrowed brow, concerned and sometimes sad expression, and overall joyful appearance

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[57:18 - 57:31]They confirm that they both are white and the speaker adds that Tucker is lean and lives in Los Angeles.

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[57:31 - 57:52]The speaker ends by jokingly continuing to describe Tucker's appearance in a dramatic and poetic manner.

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[59:48 - 1.01:03]Conclusion and outro for the podcast episode.

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[1.01:03 - 1.02:56]Personal experience with Burger King in China and in the US

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[1.02:57 - 1.04:27]Negative experience with Burger King employees and their advertising for the "Burger Chicken" sandwich

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[1.04:28 - 1.05:10]Conclusion and outro for the podcast episode.