

Youtube profile pic for Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

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[00:00 - 01:21]They discuss how to pronounce her last name and her full name

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[01:22 - 03:10]They discuss how they all experience writer's block and are currently going through it

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[01:51 - 04:04]Angela struggles with writer's block and motivation in the creative world

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[04:04 - 05:27]The exercise of writing bad sketches helps them get through writer's block and not take themselves too seriously.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[05:27 - 07:31]Shaintop mentions how he wants to tap into the other side of creativity and write a book someday

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[07:32 - 08:48]Angela struggles with writer's block and motivation in the creative world

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[07:59 - 09:06]They decide to do an exercise where they each write a bad sketch and bring it in for the podcast

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[08:49 - 10:14]Angela talks about how her past experience with writer's block was caused by fear and doubt after a sketch she thought was great bombed

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[10:15 - 11:33]They discuss Ira Glass' theory on the gap between taste and ability in creating art

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[11:03 - 11:25]The exercise of writing bad sketches helps them get through writer's block and not take themselves too seriously.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[11:33 - 19:54]Jeff and Cynthia continue to argue and eventually one of them gets up and walks into an invisible wall.

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[19:57 - 21:10]Rebecca, the daughter, starts arguing with her parents, Jeff and Cynthia, about finding a good "mime boy" to marry.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[20:26 - 22:35]A group of people, the Mime Family, are sitting at a dinner table dressed as mimes and eating invisible food.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[21:38 - 23:18]Rebecca, the daughter, starts arguing with her parents, Jeff and Cynthia, about finding a good "mime boy" to marry.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[23:18 - 24:54]The group discusses the funny aspect of mimes talking and how it's a break from the stereotype.

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[24:04 - 25:37]The speaker wrote the stage directions in a robotic manner for a cold read during pitching

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[24:14 - 24:54]A woman with a Bluetooth earpiece is not allowed to talk on the phone because she is a mime

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[25:07 - 28:13]The sketch is about a valet guy who takes his job very seriously and is upset when people don't listen to him

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[25:38 - 26:22]The speaker has a sketch called "Valet Guy" that they wrote in Groundlings

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[26:08 - 30:21]The sketch ends with the valet guy shining his boots and the women walking away, still not listening to him

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[28:26 - 31:58]The valet guy has a utility belt and measures things to enforce his rules

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[30:43 - 32:09]The sketch is about a valet guy who takes his job very seriously and is upset when people don't listen to him

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[31:35 - 33:28]The sketch ends with the valet guy shining his boots and the women walking away, still not listening to him

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[32:17 - 34:18]The speaker has a sketch called "Valet Guy" that they wrote in Groundlings

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[33:16 - 34:24]The speaker wrote the stage directions in a robotic manner for a cold read during pitching

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[34:25 - 36:00]The speaker originally wanted the valet guy to whip the women, but decided against it

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[34:32 - 35:32]The sketch is about a valet guy who takes his job very seriously and is upset when people don't listen to him

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[36:00 - 36:23]The two friends watch Cecily leave and comment on her weirdness

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[36:23 - 37:19]They decide to read Angela's sketch first

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[36:41 - 37:42]Angela's sketch is titled "Hamcake" and is about a strange woman who loves ham

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[36:49 - 39:03]Two friends are discussing writing sketches, one is hesitant to share hers

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[39:03 - 39:42]Cecily's baby starts crying and she uses a block of ham to soothe him

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[39:42 - 41:26]Angela's sketch is titled "Hamcake" and is about a strange woman who loves ham

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[40:09 - 41:42]Cecily, the strange woman, shows up at the park and talks about her love for ham

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[41:05 - 42:48]The two friends watch Cecily leave and comment on her weirdness

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[41:26 - 43:29]She uses a slice of ham as a phone and reveals she hasn't had sex with her husband in a while

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[43:02 - 44:30]Cecily's baby starts crying and she uses a block of ham to soothe him

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[43:29 - 45:56]Cecily, the strange woman, shows up at the park and talks about her love for ham

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[44:54 - 46:18]They joke about performing the sketch live and the friend says they'll call her when they get "ham" instead of home.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[45:02 - 45:56]Two people are discussing the TV show Yellowstone, which they have never seen before.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[45:11 - 46:36]They come up with a sketch idea involving a ham cake, a stroller, and a ham.

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[46:37 - 48:31]They talk about the concept of "the game" in sketch writing and how it has evolved over time.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[47:50 - 49:33]They discuss the importance of surprise and grounding in reality in sketch writing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[49:13 - 49:39]They discuss the font size on their phones and joke about older people struggling to read small text.

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[49:39 - 50:57]They read a sketch about an escape room and get excited about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[50:08 - 50:34]They read a sketch about two moms talking about having sex with their husbands and the TV show Yellowstone.

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[50:35 - 52:03]They read a sketch about an escape room and get excited about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[51:14 - 51:57]They discuss the font size on their phones and joke about older people struggling to read small text.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[51:57 - 54:02]Two friends, Rachel and Nancy, are led into an escape room by Steve, who is dressed as an escape room worker.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[52:04 - 52:16]They assign roles for the sketch, with Amanda playing Rachel and Angela playing Nancy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[52:32 - 53:25]The room is designed like a jail hall and Steve explains that they are prisoners at Alcatraz Island.

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[52:54 - 54:20]Steve leaves the room and the clock starts, giving them one hour to escape.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[53:27 - 54:41]The room is designed like a jail hall and Steve explains that they are prisoners at Alcatraz Island.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[54:29 - 55:31]Rachel gets angry and threatens Nancy, but they eventually work together to find clues and escape.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[54:51 - 57:03]Steve barges in and finds them smoking, but they deny it and are pushed out of the room.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[55:31 - 56:13]The group discusses filming the escape room and other sketches.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[55:40 - 57:35]They celebrate their escape and joke about their Brooklyn accents.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[56:35 - 56:57]Steve barges in and finds them smoking, but they deny it and are pushed out of the room.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[57:35 - 59:42]The group discusses filming the escape room and other sketches.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[57:41 - 58:05]They celebrate their escape and joke about their Brooklyn accents.

A youtube thumbnail wor Reading Our Rejected Sketches w\ Angela Giarratana | Smosh Mouth 8

[58:56 - 1.01:02]The group discusses filming the escape room and other sketches.

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[1.01:03 - 1.01:18]Steve offers hints through a speaker and mentions that Bobby is getting remarried.