

Youtube profile pic for He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[00:01 - 02:52]Two people are in a car, discussing coffee and a couch design

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[02:52 - 03:12]One person talks about going rock climbing recently and another reveals they haven't played in two weeks

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[03:12 - 05:05]They talk about playing Melee and ranked matches

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[03:40 - 04:36]They talk about playing against opponents and getting angry when they lose

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[04:36 - 05:15]They joke about one person being the "social Pokemon" of their group and not leaving their room to play Melee

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[05:15 - 06:54]They discuss disrespectful taunting in online games

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[06:20 - 07:01]They talk about playing against opponents and getting angry when they lose

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[06:31 - 07:14]They mention watching a stream of Melee and disliking the commentary

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[07:15 - 07:44]They mention playing as alternate names in games to avoid recognition

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[07:44 - 08:42]They talk about playing Melee and ranked matches

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[08:42 - 08:51]They discuss the addictiveness of playing Melee and the negative effects it can have on mental health

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[08:51 - 09:14]One person is playing Valorant, while the other is playing Melee

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[09:14 - 09:39]They talk about playing against opponents and getting angry when they lose

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[09:39 - 11:48]They joke about one person being the "social Pokemon" of their group and not leaving their room to play Melee

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[09:46 - 11:41]One person talks about going rock climbing recently and another reveals they haven't played in two weeks

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[11:48 - 13:00]They decide to do a gift exchange and everyone has one week to get a gift for each other

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[13:00 - 13:45]Josh's friend Sean from Hawaii did the tattoo and added some details to it

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[13:45 - 15:35]Discussion about how women have more creative outlets than men

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[16:11 - 16:47]Nick announces that he won his fantasy football league

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[16:47 - 17:55]Discussion about how women have more creative outlets than men

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[17:55 - 23:13]They discuss Josh's recent trip to America and his new tattoo of pyramids

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[21:42 - 21:58]They show the original image that was randomly generated for the tattoo

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[22:07 - 23:07]Josh's friend Sean from Hawaii did the tattoo and added some details to it

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[22:41 - 24:30]They discuss Josh's recent trip to America and his new tattoo of pyramids

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[24:31 - 25:39]Discussion about Josh's hairy feet and calling their mothers "mommy"

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[24:31 - 26:27]A group of people discuss their New Year's resolutions

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[24:39 - 27:23]They discuss a video game and a controller.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[27:24 - 30:13]They mention a YouTuber named Jebediah Schlatt

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[29:58 - 32:46]A group of people discuss their New Year's resolutions

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[32:19 - 35:36]They talk about a silent party fad where people wear headphones and choose which DJ to listen to

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[33:36 - 35:23]A group of people discuss their New Year's resolutions

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[35:36 - 38:12]They briefly mention the Logan Paul drama and a fact check video

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[37:07 - 37:38]The speaker admits that now they have come to appreciate COVID updates since they are few and far between.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[37:38 - 37:44]They mention how the media focuses on the hottest topics and provides extensive updates, but they personally don't care for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[37:45 - 38:47]The conversation shifts to the idea of content creation and how the speaker's friend believes they have found their "way out" by becoming a commentator rather than a streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[38:12 - 39:19]They mention a wrong fact in a previous Mogul Move video

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[38:47 - 39:19]They briefly mention the speaker's deceased mother and a "gas up moment" for the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[39:19 - 41:03]The conversation shifts to the idea of content creation and how the speaker's friend believes they have found their "way out" by becoming a commentator rather than a streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[41:03 - 41:16]The speaker continues to talk about their trip to Hong Kong and how they ultimately had a terrible Christmas due to the COVID situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[41:17 - 42:05]They mention how their mother died on Christmas, but it is unclear if this is true or a joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[41:28 - 41:35]They briefly mention the speaker's deceased mother and a "gas up moment" for the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[41:35 - 41:40]They briefly discuss the Ukraine conflict and how it has become tiresome to hear about.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[41:40 - 42:16]They briefly mention the speaker's deceased mother and a "gas up moment" for the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[42:20 - 43:04]The speaker then shares their experience of traveling to Hong Kong for Christmas and how they were able to do so due to the restrictions being lifted.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[43:15 - 44:03]They mention the process of testing for COVID upon arrival and receiving a barcode for proof of a negative result.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[43:37 - 46:07]The conversation shifts to the other person's mother, who apparently thinks highly of the speaker's writing.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[44:03 - 44:19]The speaker then goes out with their family and receives a positive COVID test result, leading to them being placed in a COVID holding facility.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[44:28 - 44:41]The conversation shifts to the other person's mother, who apparently thinks highly of the speaker's writing.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[44:41 - 45:06]They briefly discuss the Ukraine conflict and how it has become tiresome to hear about.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[45:13 - 45:54]The conversation shifts to the other person's mother, who apparently thinks highly of the speaker's writing.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[45:19 - 45:59]The conversation shifts to the idea of content creation and how the speaker's friend believes they have found their "way out" by becoming a commentator rather than a streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[46:07 - 47:41]The speaker then goes out with their family and receives a positive COVID test result, leading to them being placed in a COVID holding facility.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[46:43 - 48:08]One friend talks about how he had to unexpectedly leave a trip and fly home, and how frustrating it was.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[47:22 - 49:23]The first friend talks about how he spent his time in the airport, alone and frustrated.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[47:27 - 48:42]They discuss the strict measures and the possibility of being stuck there for two weeks.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[49:24 - 51:32]The conversation turns into an advertisement for MeUndies, with the friends joking about the brand and their own experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[51:32 - 53:11]The first friend talks about his long flights and how he spent his Christmas alone, playing video games and watching movies.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[52:40 - 54:11]One friend talks about how he had to unexpectedly leave a trip and fly home, and how frustrating it was.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[54:11 - 54:41]The first friend talks about his long flights and how he spent his Christmas alone, playing video games and watching movies.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[54:41 - 56:18]They briefly discuss Gandalf's genitalia and his cleanliness.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[55:03 - 55:38]The first friend talks about how he spent his time in the airport, alone and frustrated.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[55:55 - 57:48]The conversation shifts to the second friend's recent experience watching Love Island UK and how he preferred it to the American version.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[57:10 - 58:12]They end the conversation with a joke about tanning their balls to "beat the demons."

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[57:35 - 59:00]The first friend talks about how he spent his time in the airport, alone and frustrated.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[58:13 - 58:26]The conversation shifts to the second friend's recent experience watching Love Island UK and how he preferred it to the American version.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[58:53 - 1.03:29]Talking about getting sick around the time of a scuff world tour and wearing masks for COVID

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[59:00 - 59:36]They end the conversation with a joke about tanning their balls to "beat the demons."

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.01:45 - 1.03:10]Mentioning a recent tournament in New York City with high energy and intense matches

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.03:10 - 1.04:59]Apologizing for lying about beating Kingdom Hearts on Proud mode, and discussing a recent attempt at playing it on Proud mode that didn't go well

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.05:00 - 1.06:40]Discussing a recent stream where they played a game with a shock collar, causing headaches for days

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.05:47 - 1.06:31]Mentioning a funny experience with a game based on Teen Titans

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.06:40 - 1.10:55]Discussing a recent stream where they played a game with a shock collar, causing headaches for days

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.10:56 - 1.12:35]Nick gives a book as a gift, but is disappointed when it's not read

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.12:36 - 1.14:34]Podcasters discuss reading different books

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.14:06 - 1.15:31]Nick gives a book as a gift, but is disappointed when it's not read

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.14:50 - 1.16:55]They debate the popularity of just chatting on Twitch

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.17:10 - 1.17:30]Nick receives a gift for quality time, but Aiden does not

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.17:30 - 1.19:01]They talk about upcoming gaming event and some teams dropping out

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.18:17 - 1.20:20]Aiden thinks they secretly have a nickname for him

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.19:12 - 1.21:33]Podcast ends with a disagreement between the producer and Nick.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.20:00 - 1.23:17]Aiden thinks they secretly have a nickname for him

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.22:31 - 1.22:53]Aiden calls Brandon and asks for a ranking of funniest podcasters

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.23:18 - 1.24:30]Podcast ends with a disagreement between the producer and Nick.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.24:11 - 1.25:18]Podcasters discuss getting each other related nicknames

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.24:30 - 1.26:20]Nick receives a gift for quality time, but Aiden does not

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.24:35 - 1.25:09]Aiden calls Brandon and asks for a ranking of funniest podcasters

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.26:21 - 1.28:28]Podcast ends with a disagreement between the producer and Nick.

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.26:39 - 1.28:16]Podcasters discuss believing women and dehumanization

A youtube thumbnail wor He got kicked out of Hong Kong | The Yard

[1.27:04 - 1.27:55]They mention an upcoming 100th bonus episode