

Youtube profile pic for 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[01:53 - 02:01] Started creating content in SF1 at BuildSpace with zero subscribers and minimal experience

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[02:08 - 02:19]Initially focused on YouTube videos, posting one per week with a goal of reaching 5,000 subscribers

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[02:43 - 02:54]Relationship with creating content decreased over time due to lack of growth and feeling discouraged

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[02:54 - 03:01]Realized the importance of focusing on consistent inputs rather than desired outputs

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[03:33 - 03:50]Advice for finding a posting schedule: choose something recurring that still allows for inspiration and living life

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[04:19 - 04:26]When to prioritize quality over quantity: when you know for a fact you will continue showing up, even on rainy days

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[05:57 - 06:04]Finished SF1 and took a break from focusing on metrics, instead finding joy in creating content and experimenting with short form content

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[07:43 - 07:55]Learned the importance of having fun in the process of creating, as it keeps you motivated and more likely to see success

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[00:00 - 07:55]focusing on consistent inputs, finding a manageable posting schedule, prioritizing quality when consistent in showing up, taking breaks from metrics and finding joy in the process, experimenting with different forms of content, and most importantly, keeping things fun.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[08:54 - 09:08] The speaker introduces the idea of creating content for fun and how it can benefit in the long run.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[10:35 - 10:48]They discuss the cycle of frustration most content creators face and how prioritizing fun can help break it.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[10:35 - 10:48]The speaker shares their own experience of creating content for fun and how it eventually gained momentum.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[10:58 - 11:09]They emphasize the importance of finding the intersection of fun and impact in creating content.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[10:58 - 11:09]They mention the importance of experimenting with intention in content creation.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[11:21 - 11:31]The speaker talks about their experiment with their 23 Lessons in 2023 series and how it helped them gain more views.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[14:39 - 14:48]The speaker shares a message from a fellow creator about finding other people in the community and utilizing resources for growth.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[15:55 - 16:06]They talk about their own experience of finding a community and getting recognition from big creators.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[15:55 - 16:06]The speaker concludes by mentioning how their account eventually blew up due to continued efforts and finding the right people.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[07:56 - 16:12]The speaker emphasizes the importance of creating content for fun and finding the right audience for success.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[16:20 - 16:28]The speaker talks about their experience of going viral and the expectation that it will solve all their problems.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[16:41 - 16:47]They discuss how they were sick and in their bedroom when they went viral and that nothing really changed in their life.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[16:47 - 16:52]Imposter syndrome doesn't go away and going viral won't solve your problems.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[16:58 - 17:05]The speaker talks about the importance of finding joy in the process and learning how to have fun.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[17:21 - 17:28]They mention that they signed on to a full-time job in January and that content creation is now more of a fun outlet for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[18:05 - 18:16]The speaker cautions against idealizing the creator lifestyle and relying solely on sponsorships for income.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[18:16 - 18:28]The speaker talks about their own struggles with monetizing their content and maintaining authenticity.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[19:23 - 19:41]They emphasize the importance of showing up authentically and being yourself as a creator.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[22:51 - 22:59]They offer advice on staying consistent with content creation, including being realistic and gradually increasing frequency.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[16:14 - 24:57]The speaker shares their experience of going viral and the realization that it didn't solve all their problems. They discuss the importance of finding joy in the process and being authentic as a creator. They also offer advice on monetizing content and staying consistent with content creation. The speaker shares their personal journey of wanting to create content for a long time but waiting until after they graduated to start.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[24:57 - 25:03]The speaker talks about the importance of being surrounded by like-minded individuals in a creative community.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[25:03 - 25:16]The speaker found Adrian's community and felt inspired and seen among people chasing similar goals.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[25:22 - 25:34]The speaker didn't receive much feedback from Adrian, but felt a sense of belonging in the community.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[27:25 - 27:34]After graduating from the program, the speaker recommends keeping in touch with cohort members and taking time to reflect on the experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[31:14 - 31:23]The speaker faced challenges in completing old ideas and instead decided to focus on new ideas that felt more exciting.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[33:28 - 33:40]The speaker recommends trusting intuition and following what feels easiest in the creative process.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[33:48 - 33:56]The speaker believes that following intuition leads to the best results as an artist.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[24:57 - 33:56]The speaker discusses the importance of finding a supportive creative community, reflects on their experience in Adrian's community, and gives advice for transitioning out of the program and following intuition in the creative process.

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[34:43 - 34:50]Creative process is constantly evolving

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[34:51 - 34:58]Start with idea and write script, usually at night

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[35:31 - 35:42]Film within a day or two, plan shots beforehand

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[36:56 - 37:05]Believe in yourself and your content, the right audience will find you

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[37:05 - 37:10]Don't focus on creating for others, create what interests you

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[38:24 - 38:32]Don't be afraid of criticism or hate, stay true to your why

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[39:24 - 39:36]Experimenting with visuals and video structure

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[40:06 - 40:21]Edit on InVideo

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[40:30 - 40:37]Connect with others through in-person events and seeking out niche communities

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[41:31 - 41:41]Trying to distance herself from her current niche to find her own style and ideas

A youtube thumbnail wor 6 lessons i learned from growing 0 to 150k followers.

[33:58 - 42:31]Creative process is chaotic but constantly evolving, believe in yourself and stay true to your why.