

Youtube profile pic for CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[00:00 - 01:25]Jordan and the hosts discuss waking up and needing a guest for the podcast

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[01:25 - 02:30]Jordan has a Call of Duty commentary channel, but rarely posts on it

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[01:39 - 03:40]Jordan prefers playing old Call of Duty games for nostalgia

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[01:48 - 03:34]Jordan has a Call of Duty commentary channel, but rarely posts on it

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[03:06 - 03:28]Jordan prefers playing old Call of Duty games for nostalgia

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[03:41 - 05:47]The hosts explain the concept of being different parts of a sandwich, with Jordan being the diagonal slice

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[04:33 - 08:41]Discussing the role of mayonnaise and honey mustard in sandwiches

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[04:54 - 05:40]Mentioning how they were nervous about one guest being there and discussing sandwich toppings

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[06:00 - 08:41]Jordan is welcomed to be any ingredient he wants

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[06:19 - 08:11]Jokingly discussing the idea of mayo being the only sauce needed, and the guest being a "fiend" for wanting honey mustard

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[07:30 - 10:54]The hosts explain the concept of being different parts of a sandwich, with Jordan being the diagonal slice

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[08:41 - 09:39]Mentioning the idea of adding bacon bits to honey mustard

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[09:12 - 09:29]Discussing the role of mayonnaise and honey mustard in sandwiches

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[09:39 - 10:30]Joking about how far they can get from vegetables in a dish

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[10:30 - 12:36]Mentioning how they were nervous about one guest being there and discussing sandwich toppings

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[10:54 - 11:40]Bringing up the concept of "truth" in relation to sandwich toppings

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[11:21 - 13:03]Talking about getting yogurt and granola from a specific place.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[13:04 - 13:30]Mentioning a recent breakfast with peppers and spinach

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[13:43 - 14:44]Mentioning how they were nervous about one guest being there and discussing sandwich toppings

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[13:57 - 15:07]Mentioning a recent breakfast with peppers and spinach

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[14:18 - 16:41]Talking about getting yogurt and granola from a specific place.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[16:23 - 17:23]Discussing the importance of preparing brussel sprouts properly

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[17:45 - 19:46]Jokingly comparing one guest's breakfast to a Star Wars character

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[18:52 - 22:02]Talking about getting yogurt and granola from a specific place.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[18:58 - 21:11]Jokingly discussing who would be allowed to eat yo-crunch (a brand of yogurt with toppings)

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[20:51 - 22:02]Offers a drink, which turns out to be thickened water

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[21:27 - 21:41]Jokingly discussing the idea of mayo being the only sauce needed, and the guest being a "fiend" for wanting honey mustard

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[22:02 - 25:12]Introduction to the conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[24:30 - 28:54]Offers a drink, which turns out to be thickened water

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[28:54 - 30:36]Question about the difference between the person's appearance in photos and in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[30:38 - 32:25]Sponsorship ad for Albert banking

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[32:37 - 33:09]Joking about getting sponsorship from boxed water

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[33:22 - 33:47]Conversation about the family and bleeping out names

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[33:22 - 35:22]The speaker mentions the speed and power of their Tesla

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[34:13 - 38:08]The conversation shifts to discussing the worst things the speaker and the other person have ever done

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[35:22 - 35:46]The other person shares about being a burden on their mother during childbirth

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[36:14 - 37:33]They discuss the new updates and features in Minecraft and how it has evolved

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[36:24 - 37:03]There is a misunderstanding about the speaker potentially performing a c-section on their mother

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[37:33 - 40:46]The topic changes to Minecraft and the worst addition to the game, which they both agree is the phantoms

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[38:08 - 38:58]They recall the screams of the victims and discuss the concept of speaking things into existence

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[38:14 - 39:07]The topic changes to Minecraft and the worst addition to the game, which they both agree is the phantoms

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[39:28 - 40:23]The conversation shifts to discussing the worst things the speaker and the other person have ever done

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[41:11 - 46:00]They discuss the new updates and features in Minecraft and how it has evolved

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[43:33 - 43:41]The speaker mentions doing mod reviews in the past and now focusing on streaming and advanced mod server situations

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[43:53 - 44:07]They discuss the new updates and features in Minecraft and how it has evolved

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[44:13 - 44:25]There is a misunderstanding about the speaker potentially performing a c-section on their mother

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[44:25 - 45:51]The speaker mentions doing mod reviews in the past and now focusing on streaming and advanced mod server situations

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[45:26 - 47:33]The conversation briefly touches on the speaker's journey to becoming a Twitch partner and dealing with chat spam

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[46:00 - 46:54]The conversation shifts to discussing the worst things the speaker and the other person have ever done

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[46:10 - 46:28]The conversation briefly touches on the speaker's journey to becoming a Twitch partner and dealing with chat spam

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[46:55 - 47:13]They discuss the potential risks and benefits of selling a channel to this company.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[47:33 - 48:14]They mention a company called Jelly Smack, which edits content for Facebook

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[48:14 - 49:00]The other person shares information about a company buying back catalogs of YouTube channels

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[48:29 - 50:01]They discuss the potential risks and benefits of selling a channel to this company.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[50:01 - 52:27]He shares his experience with purchasing music and how he had a few songs on his iPod touch, including "Revenge" by CaptainSparklez.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[51:15 - 53:13]The conversation begins with the topic of Charlie's music videos and whether he has been approached for deals before.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[52:04 - 53:02]Jordan asks Charlie about what sparked his interest in creating YouTube videos, to which he responds with his love for Call of Duty and watching tutorials and gameplay commentaries.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[53:13 - 54:00]The group reminisces about their early days on YouTube and how they used to communicate through the platform's internal messaging system.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[54:00 - 56:27]The conversation begins with the topic of Charlie's music videos and whether he has been approached for deals before.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[56:27 - 57:45]They talk about their early videos and how they have improved over time, with Jordan mentioning the importance of starting even if your content isn't perfect.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[57:45 - 1.00:30]The conversation ends with the group talking about the unexpected success of Minecraft videos and how it shifted the focus from gameplay to personality.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[58:37 - 1.01:28]Charlie talks about his childhood, mentioning his limited knowledge of technology and his love for Minecraft.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[59:42 - 1.01:14]The group reminisces about their early days on YouTube and how they used to communicate through the platform's internal messaging system.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.00:58 - 1.02:06]He shares his experience with purchasing music and how he had a few songs on his iPod touch, including "Revenge" by CaptainSparklez.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.01:28 - 1.03:35]Jordan talks about how he started using the name "CaptainSparklez" and how it stuck with him.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.02:25 - 1.05:40]The group reminisces about their early days on YouTube and how they used to communicate through the platform's internal messaging system.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.04:37 - 1.05:32]Jordan asks Charlie about what sparked his interest in creating YouTube videos, to which he responds with his love for Call of Duty and watching tutorials and gameplay commentaries.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.05:24 - 1.05:40]They mention recording and talking over gameplay scores, and one person mentions a 50-kill streak in a game.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.05:40 - 1.06:44]The conversation ends with the group talking about the unexpected success of Minecraft videos and how it shifted the focus from gameplay to personality.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.05:40 - 1.06:44]Two individuals discuss video games, specifically Minecraft, and their experiences playing it.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.06:06 - 1.06:29]They talk about getting older and how it affects their reflexes and abilities in gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.06:11 - 1.06:29]They talk about their early videos and how they have improved over time, with Jordan mentioning the importance of starting even if your content isn't perfect.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.06:44 - 1.07:29]They talk about how certain skills in Minecraft may not necessarily translate to real-world abilities.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.07:39 - 1.10:35]One person claims that the correct way to craft a hoe is with the sticks on the left, while the other person thinks it should be on the right.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.09:48 - 1.10:03]One person mentions accessing the full video from years ago, causing the other to feel disappointed.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.10:39 - 1.11:53]They debate the correct way to craft a hoe and suggest doing a poll to settle the argument.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.10:58 - 1.12:28]They acknowledge that their conversation may sound insincere due to the pre-planned nature of the discussion.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.12:28 - 1.13:28]The conversation shifts to the Twilight movie franchise and its questionable plot points, such as a vampire-human hybrid child.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.13:29 - 1.14:12]They discuss the soundtrack of the Twilight movies and one person plays a song from the soundtrack.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.13:58 - 1.14:49]They acknowledge that their conversation may sound insincere due to the pre-planned nature of the discussion.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.14:49 - 1.15:24]One person mentions accessing the full video from years ago, causing the other to feel disappointed.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.15:02 - 1.15:42]They continue to talk about Minecraft and how it is still enjoyable for them to play.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.15:25 - 1.17:24]They acknowledge that their conversation may sound insincere due to the pre-planned nature of the discussion.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.15:42 - 1.15:54]They talk about getting older and how it affects their reflexes and abilities in gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.15:42 - 1.17:19]His music videos have gained a lot of views, but he still feels pressure to create more high budget content.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.15:55 - 1.17:19]One person mentions accessing the full video from years ago, causing the other to feel disappointed.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.17:42 - 1.19:34]Jordan met Mr. Beast and discussed the potential for an individual creator to reach 1 billion views on a video.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.19:34 - 1.21:55]He is hesitant to use TikTok regularly, but recognizes its potential for success as a content creator.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.21:20 - 1.21:41]TikTok is a platform where it is easy to gain views, but it is difficult to get people to watch content outside of the app.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.21:41 - 1.23:24]He is hesitant to use TikTok regularly, but recognizes its potential for success as a content creator.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.23:47 - 1.25:26]Ted Nivison compliments Jordan's merchandise.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.24:37 - 1.24:43]He finds streaming to be less stressful and more enjoyable because there are no expectations for high production value.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.25:26 - 1.26:14]His music videos have gained a lot of views, but he still feels pressure to create more high budget content.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.25:51 - 1.28:08]Jordan is currently playing the F1 racing game on his YouTube channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor CaptainSparklez - Chuckle Sandwich EP. 50

[1.26:41 - 1.27:57]Ted Nivison compliments Jordan's merchandise.