

Youtube profile pic for The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

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[00:00 - 00:05]The speaker welcomes the audience back to another episode of Trash Day vloggers.

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[00:25 - 00:32]The speaker's guest spills water on himself during the intro.

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[00:45 - 00:53]The speaker's guest reveals that he has been shitting himself for a week.

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[01:01 - 01:07]The speaker and his guest went to a restaurant and the guest ate liver.

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[01:34 - 01:39]The guest later reveals that he was sick from the liver and possibly got food poisoning.

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[02:48 - 02:53]The speaker also starts feeling sick and wonders if he has COVID.

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[04:44 - 04:52]The speaker's guest faints and they decide to go to the hospital.

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[04:52 - 04:58]The hospital staff think the speaker and his guest have COVID and perform tests.

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[04:52 - 04:58]The speaker describes the painful experience of getting a COVID test.

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[06:08 - 06:14]The speaker is still unsure of what is happening.

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[06:27 - 06:32]The speaker faints and the hospital staff also take his blood.

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[00:00 - 06:32]The speaker and his guest both get sick after eating liver at a restaurant and have to go to the hospital where they are tested for COVID.

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[06:32 - 06:38] The speaker is experiencing feverish symptoms and is afraid of fainting.

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[09:33 - 09:38]They go to a hospital in Japan where the doctor giggles while performing a test.

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[09:33 - 09:38]The speaker is worried about the results and the doctor reveals it's a boy.

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[09:33 - 09:38]The speaker is relieved but then has to do more tests.

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[10:50 - 10:56]They are impressed by the efficiency and cost of healthcare in Japan compared to the UK and US.

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[11:31 - 11:41]The speaker recalls a previous experience with healthcare in America and Australia.

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[11:31 - 11:41]The speaker's experience with healthcare in Japan is overall positive and efficient compared to other countries.

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[12:05 - 12:13]They discuss the differences in healthcare systems and the speaker's limited knowledge on the topic.

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[12:20 - 12:29]The speaker's experience at the Japanese pharmacy is positive but they struggle with communicating their blood condition.

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[06:32 - 12:51]The speaker has a positive experience with healthcare in Japan, noting its efficiency and lower cost compared to other countries. They also discuss their limited knowledge on the topic and a previous experience with healthcare in America and Australia.

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[12:51 - 12:56] The speaker talks about wanting to see a kanji for hemophilia

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[13:03 - 13:12]They were given medicine and a printed explanation in English

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[13:27 - 13:33]They discuss their experiences with American medicine and not being able to take certain medications

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[13:59 - 14:06]They talk about loving the taste of cow po as a kid

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[15:44 - 15:51]They discuss a childhood injury where they face planted into a pole and had a large bump on their forehead

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[16:10 - 16:16]The speaker talks about never having broken a bone and being scared of it

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[16:26 - 16:32]They discuss wanting to break a bone for attention in school

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[19:31 - 19:50]They mention another injury where a rock slammed into their hand while camping

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[12:51 - 19:50]Overall, the speaker discusses their experiences with medicine and injuries throughout their life.

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[20:11 - 20:21]Person talks about a painful memory of losing fingernails while snowboarding

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[23:39 - 23:48]They also mention another painful memory of being stung in the eye by a bee as a child

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[24:43 - 24:50]They discuss avoiding dangerous animals by not messing with them

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[25:18 - 25:26]They briefly mention watching an anime called Uzaki Chan and not enjoying it

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[26:21 - 26:33]The anime follows a loud loli with big titties and has become a popular meme

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[19:50 - 26:51]Person discusses painful memories of losing fingernails and being stung in the eye by a bee, as well as avoiding dangerous animals. They also briefly mention not enjoying an anime called Uzaki Chan, which features a popular meme character.

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[26:51 - 26:56]Manga is popular, seen everywhere

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[27:04 - 27:17]Uzaki Chan is similar to Umarichan, but some may not like her

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[27:56 - 28:02]Uzaki's name means "annoying" in Japanese

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[28:39 - 28:44]Show is popular for doujinshi material

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[30:22 - 30:27]Uzaki's character design and facial expressions are popular

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[31:11 - 31:17]Some people may like the show for Uzaki's large breasts

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[32:00 - 32:05]Rent a Girlfriend is a popular show this season

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[32:12 - 32:18]Re-zero is also popular, emotional last episode

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[32:30 - 32:35]Protagonist in Rent a Girlfriend is disliked

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[32:54 - 33:00]Show may normalize unhealthy behavior towards women

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[26:51 - 33:00]Manga and anime, particularly Uzaki Chan and Rent a Girlfriend, are popular this season due to their characters' designs and facial expressions. However, some may not like Uzaki's personality and the protagonist in Rent a Girlfriend is disliked due to his actions towards women. Despite this, both shows have a large following and are popular for doujinshi material. The emotional last episode of Re-zero has also been well-received.

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[38:18 - 38:23]Two people are discussing a harem anime they are watching.

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[38:36 - 38:42]One of the main girls is considered "best girl" by the viewers.

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[38:36 - 38:42]The main character's friends act as they should, but he gets angry at them.

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[38:36 - 38:42]The protagonist does not go after the girl when she storms out.

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[38:36 - 38:42]The main girl is considered the MVP and is a fan favorite.

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[38:42 - 38:48]The protagonist is unlikeable and selfish.

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[38:42 - 38:48]The discussion expands to include other harem anime and the concept of "speedrunning" romance.

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[38:42 - 38:48]Some of the stories in harem anime are underwhelming.

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[38:42 - 38:48]The formula for enjoying a harem anime is picking a team/girl and rooting for them.

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[39:01 - 39:08]The protagonist's selfishness makes it hard to root for him.

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[39:01 - 39:08]Romance anime can also be viewed as a "speedrun" of the relationship.

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[39:01 - 39:08]Some romance anime has unrealistic or hard-to-believe plot points.

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[33:00 - 39:08]Overall, the discussion focuses on the protagonist's unlikeability and the enjoyment of picking a favorite character in harem anime.

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[39:08 - 39:16] The speaker discusses their enjoyment of romance anime.

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[39:16 - 39:26]They mention specific titles such as Golden Time and Toradora.

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[39:26 - 39:32]They admit to not actively seeking out romance anime but enjoying it when recommended by friends.

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[39:32 - 39:40]They also mention the negative stigma against harem anime, but still find enjoyment in it.

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[39:32 - 39:40]The speaker and the host discuss the common tropes in harem anime.

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[40:58 - 41:10]They mention the series Rent-a-Girlfriend and the addictiveness of watching it.

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[42:04 - 42:10]The speaker talks about the suspension of disbelief in anime and how it affects their enjoyment of certain scenarios.

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[44:31 - 44:41]They mention completing harem anime and experiencing the satisfaction of their favorite girl winning.

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[44:31 - 44:41]They discuss the recent ending of the manga and the satisfaction of their favorite girl winning.

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[45:00 - 45:07]The speaker recommends the harem manga We Never Learn.

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[45:15 - 45:30]The host brings up the reactions of fans when their favorite girl doesn't win.

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[45:30 - 45:35]The speaker finds enjoyment in seeing how people justify their losing position.

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[39:08 - 45:35]The discussion ends with a concise summary of the topic of harem anime and manga and the enjoyment it brings to the speaker and fans.

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[45:36 - 45:44]The speaker talks about the feeling of being on a winning streak and watching a successful horse race.

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[45:44 - 45:51]They mention a manga and anime series called Rensigirl and express interest in following the manga if the anime ends.

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[45:57 - 46:04]The speaker and their friend discuss their reading habits and the difficulty of finding time to read manga.

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[46:28 - 46:38]The speaker praises the art and pacing of One Punch Man and expresses interest in reading manga on a live stream.

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[47:22 - 47:27]They mention their enjoyment of sports manga and anime, specifically One Punch Man and High Q.

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[50:59 - 51:04]The speaker brings up a recent episode of God of High School that made them cry, even though they did not find it sad.

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[51:42 - 51:53]They mention their lack of emotional reactions while watching or reading something, unless they are in a specific mood.

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[51:53 - 51:59]They discuss the appeal of crying even when not sad and suggest that others may relate to this feeling.

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[45:36 - 51:59]Overall, the speaker and their friend discuss their love for manga and anime, particularly sports series, and their interest in experiencing them in different formats.

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[52:16 - 52:23] The speaker discusses their lack of emotion and how music affects them

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[54:18 - 54:28]The speaker promotes a card game called Xenonzard

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[55:04 - 55:10]They talk about their opinions on the anime "God of High School"

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[58:21 - 58:30]They mention other upcoming anime adaptations

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[58:21 - 58:30]The speaker expresses interest in adult manga being adapted into anime

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[51:59 - 58:30]The speaker discusses their lack of emotion, promotes a card game, shares their opinions on the anime "God of High School", mentions upcoming anime adaptations, and expresses interest in adult manga being adapted into anime.

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[58:41 - 58:50]Discussion about a manga called "Sweet Guy" and its main character with the power to make women horny by touching them

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[1.00:16 - 1.00:23]Introduction of another manga called "Miss Mystic" and its plot involving an incel protagonist and a mysterious girl who sends him explicit messages

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[1.02:54 - 1.03:01]Discussion about the quality of art and character design in web comics and how it surpasses that of regular manga

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[1.04:09 - 1.04:17]Mention of other popular web comics like "Solo Leveling"

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[1.04:25 - 1.04:31]Personal reflection on the appeal of power fantasy shows and how they can activate the "monkey brain"

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[1.04:43 - 1.05:00]Comparison between the mindset of enjoying power fantasy shows and enjoying slice of life shows

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[58:30 - 1.05:00]Two web comics, "Sweet Guy" and "Miss Mystic," are discussed along with the quality of art in web comics and the appeal of power fantasy shows. Personal reflection is also shared on the mindset of enjoying these types of shows.

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[1.05:00 - 1.05:06] The speaker discusses their love for power fantasies and minimal engagement

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[1.05:24 - 1.05:30]They mention that they call these shows 'trash' but still enjoy them for the power fantasy aspect

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[1.06:21 - 1.06:27]The speaker and the other person discuss the appeal of being the powerful main character, especially in their teenage years

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[1.07:48 - 1.07:59]They mention specific shows, such as "SAO" and "Demon School Academy"

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[1.09:36 - 1.09:44]The speaker talks about the satirical nature of some power fantasy shows

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[1.10:14 - 1.10:20]They also mention a show with a character who has no powers but is a famous gun maker

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[1.11:19 - 1.11:25]They mention a specific show called "The Irregular Magic High School"

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[1.11:19 - 1.11:25]The speakers struggle to remember the title of the show and become frustrated

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[1.05:00 - 1.11:25]Overall, the speakers discuss the appeal of power fantasies and how it relates to their own experiences and preferences.

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[1.11:25 - 1.11:32]Discussion about regular magic high school and its similarities to other anime

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[1.12:36 - 1.12:46]Confusion about the appeal of slice of life anime

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[1.14:14 - 1.14:21]Personal connection to Non Non Biyori due to setting being similar to childhood

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[1.14:33 - 1.14:41]Mention of specific slice of life anime, Non Non Biyori and Girls Last Tour

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[1.14:33 - 1.14:41]Confession of not being able to finish Girls Last Tour due to slow pace and lack of engagement

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[1.16:15 - 1.16:22]Personal experience with K-On and not understanding the appeal of slice of life

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[1.16:23 - 1.16:31]Agreement that slice of life is an acquired taste and not for everyone

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[1.16:31 - 1.16:38]Disinterest in watching real life activities in entertainment

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[1.16:51 - 1.16:58]Comparison to acquired taste in music

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[1.16:59 - 1.17:08]Comparison to other forms of entertainment like documentaries or reality TV

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[1.17:14 - 1.17:19]Mention of Japanese reality TV show, Terror's House

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[1.17:45 - 1.17:53]Comparison to Big Brother and its selection of extreme personalities

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[1.11:25 - 1.18:01]Overall, the group is not a fan of slice of life anime and struggles to understand its appeal.

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[1.18:01 - 1.18:11]The speaker discovered that a show they were watching was scripted

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[1.18:12 - 1.18:18]They compare this show to another reality show called "Terror's House"

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[1.18:38 - 1.18:45]The speaker prefers another show called "Ainori" which has a similar premise but with a romance element

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[1.18:38 - 1.18:45]They describe the show as a real-life harem anime

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[1.18:52 - 1.19:02]The show follows a group of single guys and girls on a bus tour around Japan, where they must confess their feelings to someone at each stop

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[1.19:25 - 1.19:34]Rejection is heart-wrenching but entertaining to watch

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[1.20:43 - 1.20:51]The speaker's favorite anime is "Lucky Star" because it appeals to otaku culture

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[1.22:23 - 1.22:29]They discuss the concept of guilty pleasures and their enjoyment of "Kissis" and "Domestic Girlfriend"

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[1.24:25 - 1.24:33]The speaker defends the ending of "Domestic Girlfriend" and compares it to the series "School Days"

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[1.18:01 - 1.24:55]Overall, the speaker enjoys shows that others may consider trash or guilty pleasures.

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[1.25:54 - 1.26:05] He discusses the controversial ending of the anime "Domestic Girlfriend" and how it tricked viewers into thinking it could end well.

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[1.28:36 - 1.28:42]They switch to discussing Japanese meme culture and how it can be brutal but also funny.

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[1.30:46 - 1.30:56]They talk about the hate movements that happen towards Japanese YouTubers and how it can ruin their careers.

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[1.30:56 - 1.31:04]They talk about the trend of threatening and harassing creators online, even in the Japanese community.

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[1.31:18 - 1.31:25]A specific example is given of a Japanese YouTuber who received backlash for flushing his pet goldfish down the toilet and how it still affects his videos years later.

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[1.24:55 - 1.31:53]Overall, the conversation touches on the controversial nature of endings in anime and the negative impact of online hate towards creators.

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[1.31:59 - 1.32:09] Discussion about the intense pressure and expectations placed on idols and voice actresses in the Japanese entertainment industry

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[1.32:41 - 1.32:50]Mention of Ayahirano, a former popular voice actress whose career was ruined after a scandal involving her bandmates

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[1.34:40 - 1.34:48]Comparison to the Western entertainment industry and how a similar situation may not have the same consequences

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[1.34:48 - 1.34:55]Mention of the recent controversy surrounding YouTuber Pokemon and how it wouldn't necessarily end her career

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[1.36:06 - 1.36:13]Discussion about the trend of YouTubers in relationships and the perception of maturity associated with making videos about it

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[1.36:49 - 1.36:55]Personal experience of waiting three months before publicly announcing a relationship

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[1.37:29 - 1.37:36]Mention of the potential pitfalls of being in a YouTuber relationship

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[1.37:49 - 1.38:01]The speaker's fear of dating another YouTuber due to the potential impact on their career

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[1.31:53 - 1.38:16]Discussion of the intense pressure and consequences faced by idols and voice actresses in Japan, comparison to the Western entertainment industry, and personal experiences with relationships in the YouTube community.

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[1.38:22 - 1.38:29] Joey and Aki have been dating for a long time, before Joey's return to YouTube.

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[1.38:29 - 1.38:37]Coming out as a YouTuber couple was nerve-wracking, but the reaction was mostly positive.

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[1.38:44 - 1.38:50]They both lost a significant portion of their respective audiences when they came out.

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[1.41:52 - 1.41:58]Long distance relationships are tough, and they both have experience with them.

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[1.43:26 - 1.43:31]Fans often ask about their relationship and try to pursue them in various ways.

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[1.44:12 - 1.44:23]There is a range of tactics fans use to try to get closer to them, from YouTube comments to donations.

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[1.44:36 - 1.44:41]Aki and Joey might make a PowerPoint presentation about the weird things fans do on YouTube.

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[1.38:17 - 1.44:53]Joey and Aki have been dating for a long time and have faced challenges with coming out as a YouTuber couple. They have also dealt with long distance relationships and have encountered various tactics from fans trying to get closer to them. They may make a PowerPoint about the strange things fans do on YouTube.

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[1.51:16 - 1.51:21]Person is discussing comments on YouTube videos

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[1.51:22 - 1.51:27]They mention wanting to comment first but not expecting a reply

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[1.51:22 - 1.51:27]They talk about being tempted to comment to prove someone wrong, but decide not to

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[1.51:22 - 1.51:27]They mention having a strategy for commenting without anyone else knowing

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[1.51:28 - 1.51:34]They discuss receiving nonsensical comments on their videos

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[1.51:28 - 1.51:34]They mention commenters having conversations with each other in the comments section

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[1.51:28 - 1.51:34]They mention a commenter having a mental breakdown and someone asking if they're okay

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[1.51:28 - 1.51:34]They discuss commenters referencing other YouTubers or videos they've never heard of

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[1.51:28 - 1.51:34]They mention the comment section being better now than in the past

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

[1.51:28 - 1.51:34]They mention the funny comments often have zero likes

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

[1.51:28 - 1.51:34]They talk about the comment section on reality TV shows being entertaining

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

[1.51:28 - 1.51:34]They talk about the comment section on reality TV shows being entertaining

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

[1.51:28 - 1.51:34]They talk about the comment section on reality TV shows being entertaining

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

[1.51:28 - 1.51:34]They talk about the comment section on reality TV shows being entertaining

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

[1.44:53 - 1.51:34]Person discusses commenting on YouTube videos, including strategies for commenting and receiving nonsensical comments. They also mention commenters having conversations and referencing other YouTubers, as well as the entertaining nature of comment sections on reality TV shows. They also express a desire for YouTube-style comments on other streaming platforms.

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[1.51:34 - 1.51:41]Reddit discussions are often filled with people trying to prove their intelligence.

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[1.53:13 - 1.53:18]Reddit comments can be a minefield to navigate, with some good threads but mostly self-serving and toxic.

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[1.54:08 - 1.54:13]YouTube discussions are more light-hearted and self-aware.

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[1.54:13 - 1.54:22]Twitter can also have toxic discussions, but with the added element of an avatar.

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[1.54:13 - 1.54:22]Arguments on social media rarely lead to productive discussions.

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[1.55:21 - 1.55:26]It takes a lot of restraint to not engage with negative comments.

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[1.57:02 - 1.57:12]The satisfaction of responding to a negative comment is short-lived.

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[1.57:02 - 1.57:12]The most memorable negative comment was received after sharing the personal news.

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[1.57:23 - 1.57:29]Some people will even criticize others for enjoying content from a creator they dislike.

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[1.58:03 - 1.58:19]Personal life is kept separate from online presence.

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[1.58:03 - 1.58:19]A personal announcement was made on Twitter about getting engaged.

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[1.51:34 - 1.58:29]Online discussions can be toxic and unproductive, and it takes restraint to not engage with negative comments. Some people will even criticize others for enjoying content from a creator they dislike. Personal life is kept separate from online presence, but a personal announcement was made on Twitter about getting engaged, which received a memorable negative comment.

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[1.58:29 - 1.58:35] The speaker is very happy and wants to share their happiness.

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[1.58:35 - 1.58:45]They have a close relationship with someone named Sydney and they can make jokes together.

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[1.58:45 - 1.58:51]They proposed to Sydney and joked about still having their "waifus" and number one.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

[1.59:19 - 1.59:29]Someone screenshotted the joke and posted it on their personal Twitter, criticizing the speaker's relationship.

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[1.59:52 - 1.59:58]Sydney defended the joke and the person who posted it was surprised that she responded.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

[2.00:12 - 2.00:20]The speaker and their friends make fun of people who criticize them online.

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[2.01:19 - 2.01:24]They advise not to act differently online than in real life and not to be a jerk.

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[2.02:09 - 2.02:15]They talk about the character Subaru from the anime ReZero and how he was an "insult" in season one.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Most BORING Anime | Trash Taste #14

[2.02:57 - 2.03:06]They thank their patrons and ask for hot memes to be sent to their subreddit.

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[1.58:29 - 2.03:35]The speaker talks about their happiness and close relationship with Sydney, and how they defended a joke that was criticized online. They also discuss their views on internet behavior and thank their patrons for their support. They mention the anime character Subaru and advise not to be a jerk online.