

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[00:09 - 00:15]Introduction to Super Mega Cast and new microphones

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[00:21 - 00:26]Discussion about the quality of the new microphones

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[00:27 - 00:35]Mention of McDonald's soda in the background

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[03:05 - 03:13]Sponsorship by MeUndies and discussion about their quality and styles

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[03:31 - 03:37]Discussion about potential alternative names for Ryan and Matt

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[04:57 - 05:02]Humorous banter about names and aging

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[05:21 - 05:26]Discussion about taking pills in old age

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[05:32 - 05:39]Banter about accents and family dynamics

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[00:09 - 06:13]Final remarks and conclusion about the podcast and their names.

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[06:13 - 06:19]Matt and the speaker discuss the different names and nicknames for the name "Matthew"

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[07:34 - 07:40]They joke about naming their future children weird names like "Sematony"

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[08:44 - 08:49]They talk about the movie "Baby Driver" and their plans to see it

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[08:57 - 09:02]They joke about milking their audience for money

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[09:03 - 09:08]The speaker reveals that he was scared of an episode of the TV show "Arthur" when he was younger

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[09:03 - 09:08]They discuss another scary episode of "Arthur" involving vomiting

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[12:13 - 12:23]The speaker admits to being scared of cockroaches

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[12:37 - 12:43]They discuss why cockroaches may be scary and their experiences with them

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[13:12 - 13:20]The speaker addresses someone listening to their conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[06:13 - 13:20]The overall theme of the conversation is discussing fears and irrational fears.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[13:21 - 13:29]The person is talking about cockroaches on the wall and how they are scary and gross.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[14:36 - 14:50]They mention living in South Carolina and having encounters with big cockroaches.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[14:36 - 14:50]They have had experiences with cockroaches crawling on them in their sleep.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[15:27 - 15:33]The person talks about watching the first episode of Dragon Ball with friends and wanting to watch more.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[16:57 - 17:09]They discuss collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards as a kid and their love for the red eyes red dragon card.

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[17:51 - 18:04]The conversation turns to the possibility of receiving Tim's as a gift and the potential danger of it.

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[19:33 - 19:40]The person mentions seeing expensive Supreme clothing while on Melrose Boulevard.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[20:01 - 20:10]They joke about creating their own "Supreme" brand with similar letters and selling it as merch.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[20:01 - 20:10]They joke about creating their own "Supreme" brand with similar letters and selling it as merch.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[20:10 - 20:23]The person mentions that they will be releasing merch soon and references their favorite YouTuber, Ray William Johnson.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[13:21 - 20:23]Overall, the person discusses cockroaches, watching Dragon Ball, collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and the potential danger of receiving Tim's as a gift. They also mention their upcoming merch release and reference their favorite YouTuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[20:36 - 20:45] Mr. Anime, a former YouTube anime reviewer who killed his family and went to prison, is coming on the podcast as a guest next week.

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[20:45 - 20:52]He started off doing anime reviews but eventually started incorporating more guns into his videos.

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[20:52 - 21:01]He was in some of the hosts' older videos but they did not know him personally.

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[21:01 - 21:08]He had a similar style to popular YouTube personalities such as Angry Video Game Nerd and Nostalgia Critic.

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[21:08 - 21:13]One day, he killed his whole family and brought a lot of ammunition to shoot up his school.

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[21:19 - 21:26]He is now in prison for life and cannot continue doing anime reviews.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[21:26 - 21:42]The hosts warn aspiring anime reviewers to not kill their family as it is a crucial step in becoming a successful YouTube personality.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[23:47 - 23:54]The conversation shifts to talking about Lil Yachty and his unusual eating habits.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[24:10 - 24:18]The hosts joke about wanting to have Lil Yachty as a guest on the podcast.

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[25:44 - 26:03]The conversation continues to random topics such as hypothetical scenarios and dream companies to work for.

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[26:29 - 26:39]The hosts express their admiration for ClickHole and their ability to perfectly replicate and satirize popular internet content.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[27:05 - 27:12]The hosts end the conversation on a positive note, saying that ClickHole's videos are "beautiful."

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[27:12 - 27:47]The hosts praise ClickHole's use of actors who fit perfectly into the roles they are portraying.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[20:23 - 28:00]Mr. Anime, a former YouTuber who killed his family and went to prison, is coming on the podcast as a guest next week.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[28:00 - 28:30]The speaker discusses watching Buzzfeed videos and finding them to accurately portray his issue with the company.

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[30:07 - 30:13]The speaker's tweet about farting in front of friends gets featured in a Buzzfeed article.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[30:13 - 30:18]He mentions reading some ridiculous titles and tries to find the most absurd ones for entertainment.

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[30:13 - 30:18]The speaker and his friend discuss whether making fun of Buzzfeed is punching down.

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[31:02 - 31:37]The speaker's tweet is displayed in the article without any self-awareness.

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[31:37 - 31:49]They discuss the absurdity of the article and the writer's job of finding 31 tweets about farts.

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[31:58 - 32:09]They joke about framing the article and hanging it up.

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[33:03 - 33:08]The speaker then brings up Ryan sticking his fingers in his mouth and potentially getting him sick.

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[34:18 - 34:23]They discuss Ryan's fingers being grimy and the possibility of germs.

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[34:48 - 34:53]The speaker gets mad at Ryan and jokes about him being a "tar baby."

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[34:53 - 35:08]They discuss the racial implications of that term.

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[35:41 - 35:47]The speaker brings up Anthony Hopkins and his role in the most recent Transformers movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[28:00 - 35:47]A concise summary of the conversation is that the speaker and his friend discuss watching and making fun of Buzzfeed videos, the speaker's tweet about farting in front of friends getting featured in a Buzzfeed article, and the absurdity of the article and its writer's job. They also briefly discuss Ryan potentially getting the speaker sick and mention Anthony Hopkins.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[36:36 - 36:44]Matt and the speaker discuss Anthony Hopkins and his roles in various movies, including Silence of the Lambs and Transformers.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[37:05 - 37:10]They also mention seeing Chris Pine in person and make a joke about him not being in Transformers.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[37:40 - 37:47]They discuss the idea of going to an open mic night and creating an awkward environment between the audience and the speaker.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[40:49 - 41:02]The speaker shares a story about a weird girl from high school who vomited in a cup and poured it on the water fountain.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[41:26 - 41:33]The speaker recalls the girl wearing a bicycle helmet on the bus and explains that it was likely because she biked to the bus stop.

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[41:58 - 42:22]The speaker accidentally flashes a flashlight in the girl's face while trying to take a picture of her and tries to cover it up by pretending to play with the flashlight.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[42:30 - 42:36]They joke about the girl giving the speaker a love letter and throwing up letters to spell out "I love you."

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[42:30 - 42:36]The speaker reflects on the idea of karma and makes a joke about the girl throwing up letters in a specific order.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[35:47 - 43:07]The speaker and Matt discuss various topics, including Anthony Hopkins, Chris Pine, and a strange girl from high school. They also joke about the idea of causing chaos at an open mic night and share a story about a girl who vomited in a cup and poured it on a water fountain. The speaker accidentally flashes a flashlight in her face while trying to take a picture, but tries to cover it up. They also joke about the girl giving the speaker a love letter and throwing up letters to spell out "I love you."

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[43:07 - 43:18] A girl brought a cup to class and wore a bicycle helmet on the bus

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[43:35 - 44:01]The narrator remembers a bus driver from high school who dressed up in various outfits and crashed the bus three times

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[44:07 - 44:16]The bus driver was still allowed to drive despite the crashes

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[44:24 - 44:36]The narrator recalls one incident where the bus driver slammed into someone at a red light and several cars were involved in the accident

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[45:25 - 45:31]The bus driver also took pictures with some of the kids on the bus and cried on the last day of school

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[46:29 - 46:35]The narrator and his friend caused trouble on the bus and the bus driver got upset

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[46:41 - 47:12]Miss Sheila once pulled over the bus and threw up because someone sprayed perfume

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[47:43 - 47:49]The narrator also remembers another bus driver named Miss Sheila who had a chemical sensitivity and would get sick if she smelled perfume

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[48:40 - 48:46]The narrator suggests starting a sunglasses review channel and a water bottle review channel

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[48:46 - 48:51]They already have a Diddy Kong and Donkey Kong dancing channel

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[49:18 - 49:35]The podcast episode is number 51 and the narrator encourages listeners to like and comment and come back for episode 52

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 51: Stand-Up Supreme

[49:35 - 49:41]The podcast is available on iTunes and Google Play Music

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[49:41 - 50:09]The episode is sponsored by Me Undies

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[49:41 - 50:09]The narrator thanks John Lennon sarcastically

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[43:07 - 50:09]The comprehensive summary is about the narrator's memories of a strange bus driver from high school and his idea for starting multiple review channels.