

Youtube profile pic for We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[00:00 - 00:17]The speakers discuss a place and ask each other if they have one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[00:17 - 01:59]They mention their Patreon and encourage viewers to join.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[00:26 - 02:46]They joke about using slang terms like "sheesh" and "lit".

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[01:59 - 02:38]They mention their Patreon and encourage viewers to join.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[02:21 - 03:05]They joke about having a lot of stuff and welcome the viewers back.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[02:46 - 03:23]They discuss the various exclusive content available to Patreon members.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[03:23 - 05:16]They joke about having a lot of stuff and welcome the viewers back.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[03:33 - 05:01]One of the speakers brings up a topic about circumcision and mentions a device used for the procedure.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[04:09 - 05:45]The speakers discuss a place and ask each other if they have one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[04:22 - 06:45]They joke about one of the speakers accidentally searching for a video about baby circumcisions.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[06:16 - 07:35]They talk about complications that can arise from adult circumcision.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[06:57 - 07:41]One of the speakers brings up a topic about circumcision and mentions a device used for the procedure.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[07:41 - 08:43]They mention a funny video that was viewed in the past about cleaning foreskin.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[08:43 - 09:08]They mention that they can never have a guest from Australia.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[08:49 - 09:01]They joke about the potential demonetization of the video if it were to be uploaded to YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[09:08 - 09:24]They mention a joke that was made earlier in the day but decide not to share it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[09:24 - 10:27]Ayman had a nightmare where he was in a mountainous, wooded area with a group of faceless people, including two bad guys from Sky High and Miles Teller from Whiplash

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[09:24 - 11:58]The speakers discuss a place and ask each other if they have one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[09:48 - 11:44]Ayman tried to explain to the group that he didn't want to be punched or peed on, but they continued to do so

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[09:55 - 11:36]They joke about using slang terms like "sheesh" and "lit".

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[10:27 - 12:38]The group of guys was reminiscent of the party scene from Project X, with Miles Teller possibly being influenced by Ayman watching the movie the day before

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[11:46 - 13:11]The dream ended with Ayman crying and desperately trying to reason with the group

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[12:10 - 12:59]They mention a joke that was made earlier in the day but decide not to share it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[12:10 - 13:17]Ayman tried to explain to the group that he didn't want to be punched or peed on, but they continued to do so

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[12:38 - 13:49]Ayman had a nightmare where he was in a mountainous, wooded area with a group of faceless people, including two bad guys from Sky High and Miles Teller from Whiplash

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[13:42 - 14:25]The dog is also scared and easily frightened, often barking at noises and people he knows

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[13:49 - 14:37]Ayman's friends brought up a story about him hanging out with a dog trainer who looked like a male model and gave them tips on how to control their dog, Swift

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[13:49 - 14:46]Cutie and the other person hired an expensive dog trainer to address these issues

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[14:01 - 15:11]The trainer was unsuccessful in solving the problem of Swift's fear of the TV remote

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[14:18 - 15:11]The trainer also suggested blocking off the TV with their body when disciplining Swift

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[14:26 - 14:46]Ayman's friends brought up a story about him hanging out with a dog trainer who looked like a male model and gave them tips on how to control their dog, Swift

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[15:11 - 16:07]Cutie and the other person hired an expensive dog trainer to address these issues

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[15:11 - 16:34]Ayman felt like the trainer knew what he was doing and that it felt good to be able to control an intelligent animal with his words

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[15:26 - 16:53]As the writer tries to calm the dog down, he accidentally falls down the stairs and hides under the bed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[15:42 - 17:42]The trainer was unsuccessful in solving the problem of Swift's fear of the TV remote

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[16:08 - 17:32]Ayman's friends brought up a story about him hanging out with a dog trainer who looked like a male model and gave them tips on how to control their dog, Swift

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[16:08 - 18:17]Swift is a sweet and gentle dog who sleeps between them every night

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[17:09 - 19:07]Ayman felt like the trainer knew what he was doing and that it felt good to be able to control an intelligent animal with his words

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[17:52 - 19:07]Cutie and the other person often leave the dog with Aiden, who he likes the most

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[17:59 - 20:00]Aiden struggles with keeping the crows and other animals from getting into the trash

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[18:23 - 19:38]Ayman tried to explain to the group that he didn't want to be punched or peed on, but they continued to do so

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[18:23 - 22:00]The issue continued for months until they got bigger trash cans.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[18:39 - 19:27]The speaker recounts a story about a trash issue they were having with crows.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[18:55 - 19:33]Swift's behavior towards the speaker changed after that night.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[20:13 - 20:54]They tried to solve the issue with bleach but it didn't work.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[20:28 - 22:00]Cutie and the other person try various methods to deter the animals, including using bleach and hot peppers

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[20:54 - 21:28]The speaker recounts a story about a trash issue they were having with crows.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[20:54 - 21:44]Aiden struggles with keeping the crows and other animals from getting into the trash

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[21:44 - 23:54]Swift is a sweet and gentle dog who sleeps between them every night

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[22:00 - 24:51]One night, the speaker's dog, Swift, smelled really bad and they couldn't sleep because of it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[22:37 - 25:10]On one occasion, the writer struggles to clean the dog's backside and the cat becomes agitated during the process

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[24:11 - 25:44]Eventually, the speaker let Swift out of the room and he ran away.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[24:29 - 25:44]As the writer tries to calm the dog down, he accidentally falls down the stairs and hides under the bed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[25:44 - 27:48]The speaker had to clean up the mess and ended up getting covered in soap and mud.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[27:08 - 29:40]As they were walking, Swift started peeing and pooping all over the house.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[27:21 - 27:41]The speaker had to clean up the mess and ended up getting covered in soap and mud.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[27:48 - 31:13]The speaker had to chase after Swift and ended up finding him hiding in the kitchen.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[30:05 - 31:36]The speaker had to clean up the mess and ended up getting covered in soap and mud.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[31:37 - 32:31]One night, the speaker's dog, Swift, smelled really bad and they couldn't sleep because of it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[32:32 - 35:30]They discuss clickbait and using footage from a stream with Hassan, where they cropped him out for clickbait.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[32:37 - 34:31]One of the hosts mentions getting called gay by 14-year-olds because of painted nails.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[34:49 - 36:14]They discuss clickbait and using footage from a stream with Hassan, where they cropped him out for clickbait.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[35:30 - 38:10]The hosts argue about being a shill and compromising themselves for views.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[37:24 - 40:01]They talk about a ring given to one of the hosts by Hassan and how it resembles a mood stone.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[38:39 - 41:51]The hosts give a shout-out to someone, possibly a guest.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[41:26 - 43:41]They mention looking into solutions for expensive shipping costs and joke about a hypothetical scenario involving a woman holding a vial that cures COVID.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[42:22 - 43:27]They talk about one of the hosts needing to carry the podcast and discuss how much work they do.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[43:13 - 45:32]They mention looking into solutions for expensive shipping costs and joke about a hypothetical scenario involving a woman holding a vial that cures COVID.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[44:25 - 45:25]They talk about a ring given to one of the hosts by Hassan and how it resembles a mood stone.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[45:33 - 48:00]They talk about one of the hosts needing to carry the podcast and discuss how much work they do.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[45:39 - 49:30]The hosts argue about being a shill and compromising themselves for views.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[45:47 - 48:20]They ask viewers to vote on who would get more of the women's vote in an election: Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders with a "breathtaking" pussy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[48:20 - 49:36]The hosts plug their sponsor, Coinbase, and encourage viewers to download it and ask for a discount code.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[48:27 - 49:36]Mention of Coinbase deposit time

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[49:24 - 52:04]Reference to Jesse Eisenberg planning a hit on them

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[49:36 - 50:47]Joking about not being included in the project

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[50:47 - 51:09]Reference to Jesse Eisenberg planning a hit on them

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[51:09 - 53:06]Speaker jokes about being annoying lately and his progress on diet

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[52:05 - 53:42]Joking about not being included in the project

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[52:26 - 52:52]Discussion about WWE guest appearance offer

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[53:17 - 54:25]Speaker expresses boredom with regular streams and excitement for German stream

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[53:22 - 55:09]Anecdote about visiting Chuck E. Cheese as adults and playing Guitar Hero

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[54:30 - 55:14]Joking about eating a dozen donuts for $10,000

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[55:14 - 55:34]Joking about not being included in the project

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[55:47 - 57:06]Anecdote about visiting Chuck E. Cheese as adults and playing Guitar Hero

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[57:07 - 58:25]Reference to Jesse Eisenberg planning a hit on them

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[58:11 - 1.00:57]Joking about eating a dozen donuts for $10,000

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.01:01 - 1.02:26]Speaker jokes about being annoying lately and his progress on diet

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.02:01 - 1.02:57]This leads to conversations about the videos and other content they've been watching.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.02:26 - 1.03:58]The speaker mentions sending a TikTok to a friend and being disappointed when they didn't watch it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.03:12 - 1.05:13]The speaker recently started watching more online content with their friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.04:05 - 1.04:49]The speaker recalls a time when their friends would play YouTube sounds during gameplay, causing chaos and frustration

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.04:36 - 1.05:43]The group discusses staying in touch with current trends and staying in the "creator zone" while in high school.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.04:49 - 1.06:45]The speaker admits to resenting streaming and streaming culture in the past, but has since changed their views and become more tolerant

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.05:02 - 1.07:10]The speaker also started watching Linus Tech Tips again and reflects on how they used to think Linus was a dick, but now realizes people may think the same about them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.05:58 - 1.07:38]The boss is described as not joking around and being unpleasant to be around at times

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.07:10 - 1.08:40]The speaker recently started watching more online content with their friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.07:10 - 1.08:40]The speaker admits to resenting streaming and streaming culture in the past, but has since changed their views and become more tolerant

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.07:50 - 1.09:02]The group talks about being banned from streams, with one member admitting to having a low tolerance for people who annoy them

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.08:06 - 1.09:34]The speaker reflects on their tendency to imagine every person standing in front of them when reading chat messages

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.09:02 - 1.10:30]The speaker admits to resenting streaming and streaming culture in the past, but has since changed their views and become more tolerant

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.09:08 - 1.10:03]The speaker also started watching Linus Tech Tips again and reflects on how they used to think Linus was a dick, but now realizes people may think the same about them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.09:08 - 1.10:17]The speaker reflects on their tendency to imagine every person standing in front of them when reading chat messages

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.09:34 - 1.09:41]The speaker questions if they are being fair to Linus in their perception of him.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.09:48 - 1.12:32]They mention having insane thoughts about someone they know, but decide not to act on them

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.10:31 - 1.13:06]A member of the group is described as being more concerned with the truth in every situation

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.10:36 - 1.13:51]The boss is described as not joking around and being unpleasant to be around at times

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.13:29 - 1.14:18]One member recalls playing CS:GO with their friends and using a soundboard to annoy other players

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.14:19 - 1.16:33]The speaker recalls a time when their friends would play YouTube sounds during gameplay, causing chaos and frustration

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.15:27 - 1.17:33]The group discusses staying in touch with current trends and staying in the "creator zone" while in high school.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.15:33 - 1.16:59]One member recalls playing CS:GO with their friends and using a soundboard to annoy other players

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.17:00 - 1.17:14]A listener shared their own CS:GO binds, including one that says "look me in my balls" every time the player jumps

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.17:15 - 1.18:26]The speaker admits to resenting streaming and streaming culture in the past, but has since changed their views and become more tolerant

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.17:20 - 1.19:53]Their conversation turns to drugs and whether or not they could act differently on camera if they were to take certain drugs

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.18:26 - 1.20:33]They discuss a friend who is known for their powerful farts and an incident involving skydiving

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.19:28 - 1.20:50]The speaker discusses a video called "The Quailoods", which they found scary but also enjoyable.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.19:54 - 1.21:02]The speaker watched an old video about a guy named Slime Lander's gaming, who they think is strange around other people.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.19:54 - 1.21:08]The conversation ends with the second speaker calling the first speaker a "dick" and the first speaker responding with "fuck you"

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.20:05 - 1.20:56]The second speaker expresses their dislike for the first speaker's habit of saying "I says" in conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.20:39 - 1.23:27]They mention wanting to see what happens if Slime rips ass into a vuvuzela.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.21:08 - 1.23:14]The conversation then shifts to a bet between the two speakers, involving farting in the office and a $10,000 prize

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.22:52 - 1.25:26]Text features two speakers, discussing a variety of topics in a conversational manner

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.23:27 - 1.25:47]The conversation then shifts to a bet between the two speakers, involving farting in the office and a $10,000 prize

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.23:27 - 1.26:01]The speaker watched an old video about a guy named Slime Lander's gaming, who they think is strange around other people.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.24:25 - 1.27:33]The speaker and their friend discuss crossover between their audience and fans of the show "The Sopranos".

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.24:51 - 1.25:34]Text features two speakers, discussing a variety of topics in a conversational manner

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.25:48 - 1.26:27]The conversation then shifts to a bet between the two speakers, involving farting in the office and a $10,000 prize

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.26:27 - 1.27:41]They discuss a friend who is known for their powerful farts and an incident involving skydiving

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.26:41 - 1.27:07]The conversation ends with the second speaker calling the first speaker a "dick" and the first speaker responding with "fuck you"

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.27:35 - 1.28:31]They discuss playing a game called Fall Guys and a video about skydiving.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.27:41 - 1.28:51]The second speaker expresses their dislike for the first speaker's habit of saying "I says" in conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.28:23 - 1.30:53]They discuss a friend who is known for their powerful farts and an incident involving skydiving

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.28:32 - 1.31:54]The speaker watched an old video about a guy named Slime Lander's gaming, who they think is strange around other people.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.29:16 - 1.31:54]The second speaker expresses their dislike for the first speaker's habit of saying "I says" in conversation

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.31:31 - 1.33:45]The speaker and their friend have a disagreement about what "content" means, with the speaker watching videos about fiber and obscure media formats.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.33:02 - 1.35:48]They mention a media console that looks like a giant cassette and a machine that plays laser discs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.33:13 - 1.34:44]Narrator describes attending an estate sale for the first time and feeling sad

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.33:13 - 1.38:09]The speaker watched an old video about a guy named Slime Lander's gaming, who they think is strange around other people.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.33:21 - 1.34:23]Narrator is waiting for his friend with the garage door open, talks about a tree that does something every time the friend comes home

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.33:21 - 1.37:36]They mention a media console that looks like a giant cassette and a machine that plays laser discs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.34:23 - 1.35:55]Narrator is gifted a vintage Michelobultra sign from the estate sale

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.35:56 - 1.37:36]Narrator and friend attend an estate sale together and find a strange room with a blue carpet and swimming pool inside

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.36:36 - 1.37:00]Friend purchases the Michelobultra sign and also discovers a room with a red carpet, an oval table, and a vault, speculates that the deceased owner was in a cult

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.37:36 - 1.40:29]Narrator and friend attend an estate sale together and find a strange room with a blue carpet and swimming pool inside

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.38:53 - 1.40:12]Friend purchases the Michelobultra sign and also discovers a room with a red carpet, an oval table, and a vault, speculates that the deceased owner was in a cult

A youtube thumbnail wor We took edibles before this podcast | The Yard

[1.40:18 - 1.43:31]Narrator and friend discuss potential bonus shows for their Patreon, with one idea being a skateboarding video featuring all the members of the podcast