

Youtube profile pic for ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[00:02 - 00:46]Projared was accused of soliciting nudes from fans and cheating on his wife

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[00:27 - 01:07]His wife then made a statement claiming he had been having an affair with someone else

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[01:08 - 02:03]Projared's actions have resulted in numerous memes and his name becoming associated with negative connotations

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[02:03 - 03:12]Projared was accused of soliciting nudes from fans and cheating on his wife

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[02:41 - 04:53]His wife then made a statement claiming he had been having an affair with someone else

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[04:14 - 06:13]The accused mistress responded to his statement, making the situation even worse

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[06:13 - 08:04]There have been other instances of YouTubers soliciting nudes from fans, such as Austin Jones who was sentenced to 10 years in prison

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[06:33 - 07:57]The focus should not be solely on the cheating, but also on the misuse of power and manipulation involved in soliciting nudes from fans.

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[08:05 - 10:56]Projared's actions have resulted in numerous memes and his name becoming associated with negative connotations

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[09:24 - 10:56]Podcast hosts discuss current events, including a disaster unfolding in front of their eyes.

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[09:24 - 11:47]The cheating is seen as a personal matter, but soliciting nudes from fans is seen as a misuse of power

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[09:31 - 10:32]They joke about how their conversations have evolved since the first episode of their podcast.

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[09:38 - 10:50]One host comments that Courtney, another host, seems to be enjoying the conversation.

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[10:56 - 11:29]They also discuss a celebrity couple and speculate about their relationship.

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[11:29 - 12:04]The focus should not be solely on the cheating, but also on the misuse of power and manipulation involved in soliciting nudes from fans.

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[11:29 - 12:25]The hosts mention their new merchandise and jokingly urge listeners to buy it.

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[11:38 - 12:04]They also discuss a celebrity couple and speculate about their relationship.

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[12:25 - 12:51]The conversation becomes lighthearted and silly as they imagine what the resulting feces would look like.

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[12:25 - 13:35]The speaker is upset and mentions taking a drink from a thermos bottle

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[12:40 - 14:04]They then transition to discussing the idea of eating and defecating Orbeez, a type of toy.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[13:05 - 13:18]The conversation becomes lighthearted and silly as they imagine what the resulting feces would look like.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[13:21 - 13:58]The speaker has been having a good morning routine, including going to the gym and making pour over coffee and a protein shake

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[13:21 - 14:57]One host comments that Courtney, another host, seems to be enjoying the conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[13:35 - 14:04]The speaker is upset and mentions taking a drink from a thermos bottle

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[13:35 - 14:24]They joke about how their conversations have evolved since the first episode of their podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[13:44 - 14:57]The speaker has been having a good morning routine, including going to the gym and making pour over coffee and a protein shake

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[14:58 - 15:41]The conversation becomes lighthearted and silly as they imagine what the resulting feces would look like.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[14:58 - 16:09]They accidentally pour creamer on their avocado toast and have a weird morning

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[15:41 - 19:09]They then transition to discussing the idea of eating and defecating Orbeez, a type of toy.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[16:09 - 16:48]The speaker has been having a good morning routine, including going to the gym and making pour over coffee and a protein shake

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[16:48 - 19:01]The Keurig machine in their office broke and they are now using a different one

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[17:09 - 17:37]The speaker is upset and mentions taking a drink from a thermos bottle

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[17:09 - 19:55]One host mentions a news story about a man who regretted creating a popular gun.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[17:17 - 17:37]They discuss the importance of being confident and having self-respect.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[17:47 - 18:12]They then transition to discussing the idea of eating and defecating Orbeez, a type of toy.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[18:27 - 19:09]They discuss the benefits of pour over coffee and why they stopped using a Keurig machine

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[19:09 - 19:48]The creator of Keurig realized the damage it was causing to the environment and sold the company

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[19:09 - 20:00]One host mentions a news story about a man who regretted creating a popular gun.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[19:26 - 19:38]The speaker is upset and mentions taking a drink from a thermos bottle

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[19:55 - 21:09]The speaker acknowledges that their lifestyle choices may not be the most environmentally friendly.

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[20:01 - 21:01]They then transition to discussing the idea of eating and defecating Orbeez, a type of toy.

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[20:08 - 21:15]The speaker mentions wanting to get a burger grinder for their coffee

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[20:34 - 21:25]One host acknowledges that their conversation may not be interesting to everyone, but they still find it important.

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[20:40 - 20:54]They then transition to discussing the idea of eating and defecating Orbeez, a type of toy.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[21:25 - 22:08]The speaker wants to donate to charities, but is unsure which ones are reputable

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[22:09 - 23:08]They discuss the complications of giving to charity and making a profit

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[22:46 - 23:15]The speaker mentions specific charities with past scandals

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[23:15 - 24:13]They express frustration with not knowing where to donate

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[24:13 - 24:55]They mention picking up trash on their running route and participating in beach cleanups

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[24:56 - 26:36]The speaker and their friends plan to volunteer at a horse rescue

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[26:07 - 26:54]The speaker and their colleagues regularly donate clothes and participate in small acts of community service

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[26:24 - 27:25]They mention picking up trash on their running route and participating in beach cleanups

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[27:25 - 27:36]They express frustration with not knowing where to donate

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[27:36 - 28:01]The speaker and their friends plan to volunteer at a horse rescue

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[28:02 - 29:59]They briefly mention a recent theft that occurred in their family

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[30:21 - 31:23]The speaker's father is retiring from his job as a firefighter after 35 years

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[31:24 - 33:22]The speaker's father's role in the military shifted from being a pilot to dealing with bureaucracy as he moved up in rank.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[31:57 - 32:26]The speaker's father is retiring from his job as a firefighter after 35 years

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[32:32 - 33:30]The speaker jokes about their own career as a YouTube sketch comedian compared to their family's impressive careers

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[32:38 - 34:30]The speaker's father's role in the military shifted from being a pilot to dealing with bureaucracy as he moved up in rank.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[33:30 - 33:57]The speaker jokes about their own career as a YouTube sketch comedian compared to their family's impressive careers

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[33:49 - 36:18]The speaker's parents were supportive of their desire to become an actor, and the speaker's mother in particular encouraged traditional roles.

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[36:18 - 38:00]The speaker's views on relationships and traditional gender roles changed over time, with a shift towards valuing independence and career success.

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[37:44 - 39:21]The speaker's sister is newly single, and there is a joke about setting the speaker up with her.

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[39:27 - 41:30]The speaker's sister lives near the speaker, which could potentially lead to a romantic relationship.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[40:58 - 41:42]The speaker's sister is newly single, and there is a joke about setting the speaker up with her.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[41:42 - 42:53]The speaker's sister will be a guest on the podcast, along with the speaker's ex-girlfriend and a mutual friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[42:29 - 43:52]The speaker's sister lives near the speaker, which could potentially lead to a romantic relationship.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[43:32 - 45:16]The speaker's sister will be a guest on the podcast, along with the speaker's ex-girlfriend and a mutual friend.

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[45:16 - 47:06]The speaker and their ex-girlfriend have maintained a friendly relationship after their breakup, and the podcast will discuss this as a positive example of a healthy breakup.

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[46:16 - 47:44]The speaker's sister will be a guest on the podcast, along with the speaker's ex-girlfriend and a mutual friend.

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[47:44 - 49:59]They discuss the design and animation of the Pokemon, as well as specific moves used in the movie

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[49:35 - 51:12]There is a debate about the acting and writing in the film

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[51:12 - 55:06]They discuss the design and animation of the Pokemon, as well as specific moves used in the movie

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[54:40 - 56:46]Audio is transcribed from a conversation about the movie Detective Pikachu

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[55:43 - 56:15]The conversation shifts to a video they filmed involving Crocs

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[56:15 - 57:43]They mention an upcoming video involving cheese on Smosh Games

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[57:43 - 1.00:02]The conversation shifts to a video they filmed involving Crocs

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[57:57 - 59:49]They discuss their thoughts on Crocs and Daoism

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[1.00:02 - 1.01:42]The conversation shifts to discussing taking off shoes and foot sweat

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[1.01:42 - 1.01:55]They mention an upcoming video involving cheese on Smosh Games

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[1.01:58 - 1.04:16]The conversation shifts to discussing the h3h3 video, which is about an ongoing topic on the internet.

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[1.02:13 - 1.03:49]Trisha Paytas was one of the people shown in the video and she heavily edits her photos.

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[1.02:53 - 1.06:42]The guests discuss their own use of photo editing and the pressure to look good on social media.

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[1.03:21 - 1.04:11]Ethan, who made the video, also criticizes himself and goes hard on himself.

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[1.04:11 - 1.06:01]The guests discuss their own use of photo editing and the pressure to look good on social media.

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[1.05:24 - 1.06:52]The pressure to look good on Instagram is especially high for women.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[1.06:52 - 1.12:11]The guests discuss their own use of photo editing and the pressure to look good on social media.

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[1.07:12 - 1.10:43]The idea of creating a false image of oneself is not sustainable in the long run.

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[1.11:03 - 1.14:03]The guests discuss their own use of photo editing and the pressure to look good on social media.

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[1.12:42 - 1.14:26]Instagram may be considering getting rid of the like counter.

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[1.12:50 - 1.15:45]A video was made about people heavily editing their photos on Instagram to create a false image of themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[1.13:21 - 1.15:00]The idea of creating a false image of oneself is not sustainable in the long run.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[1.14:03 - 1.18:49]The pressure to look good on Instagram is especially high for women.

A youtube thumbnail wor ProJared Drama & Ian Dating Courtney's Sister? - SmoshCast #13

[1.18:07 - 1.19:00]A video was made about people heavily editing their photos on Instagram to create a false image of themselves.

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[1.19:00 - 1.21:02]The hosts promote their new clothing line and encourage listeners to clean up litter.