

Youtube profile pic for We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

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[00:00 - 01:15]Podcast episode with guests Ted Nevison and Jarod Johnson

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[00:37 - 01:09]Recording on a different day due to guest's upcoming trip to gay week in Miami

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[01:15 - 02:33]Guest's upcoming trip to New York for family stuff

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[01:46 - 02:13]Introduction of guest's second appearance on the podcast

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[02:33 - 03:32]Discussion about maggots and flies

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[04:13 - 04:57]Idea to eliminate all flying bugs

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[05:23 - 05:43]Flies being pollinators and their gross habits

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[05:43 - 07:23]Discussion about maggots and flies

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[07:23 - 08:01]Idea to eliminate all flying bugs

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[08:02 - 08:16]Podcast episode with guests Ted Nevison and Jarod Johnson

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[08:17 - 09:40]Guest's "fuck boy" attire and key chain

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[08:25 - 09:34]The speaker and their peers were into wearing lanyards and showing off their keys

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[08:34 - 09:58]The speaker and their friend discuss fashion and trends from their high school days

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[08:47 - 09:45]Guest's past experience with another fashion brand, Echo Unlimited.

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[09:58 - 11:04]The speaker admits to following trends and wanting to appear cool

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[10:18 - 11:32]The speaker then mentions wearing a Nelly Band-Aid to school, which was not understood by their peers

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[10:45 - 12:52]The speaker and their friend discuss fashion and trends from their high school days

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[12:57 - 15:08]They also discuss how the southern style of wearing vineyard vines became popular, despite its origins in a racist state

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[13:17 - 14:52]The speaker admits to ripping off a high fashion brand's design and creating their own version using old skate shoes

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[14:21 - 14:35]They also discuss how the southern style of wearing vineyard vines became popular, despite its origins in a racist state

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[14:52 - 15:44]The speaker also mentions their skateboarding days and the brand hookups, which featured hentai artwork on their clothing

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[15:44 - 16:00]The speaker then mentions wearing a Nelly Band-Aid to school, which was not understood by their peers

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[16:09 - 18:45]The speaker admits to ripping off a high fashion brand's design and creating their own version using old skate shoes

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[18:39 - 20:10]Ghostface single-handedly made wallabies

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[18:45 - 19:58]The speaker currently wears Clark's Wallabies, which are popular in New York hip hop culture

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[19:12 - 20:05]The speaker admits to ripping off a high fashion brand's design and creating their own version using old skate shoes

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[19:58 - 20:05]The conversation starts with a quick time event for marshmallows

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[20:05 - 20:39]The speaker currently wears Clark's Wallabies, which are popular in New York hip hop culture

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[20:10 - 20:16]The speaker admits to following trends and wanting to appear cool

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[20:39 - 21:12]Uncertainty on the reason for La Croix's popularity

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[20:52 - 21:58]The conversation starts with a quick time event for marshmallows

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[21:58 - 22:35]The conversation ends with confusion.

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[22:23 - 23:22]Peloton stock crashes after a Sex in the City revival episode features a character having a heart attack while using a Peloton

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[22:46 - 24:33]The conversation ends with confusion.

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[22:52 - 24:01]Sex in the City also caused a rise in sales for indoor rowing machines

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[23:49 - 24:44]Peloton stock inflated during pandemic

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[24:01 - 25:24]Sex in the City also caused a rise in sales for indoor rowing machines

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[24:58 - 25:11]Peloton stock crashes after a Sex in the City revival episode features a character having a heart attack while using a Peloton

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[25:11 - 25:55]Discussion on rowing terms and experiences

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[25:25 - 27:08]The conversation starts with a quick time event for marshmallows

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[25:55 - 26:43]Discussion on rowing terms and experiences

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[27:08 - 28:52]Introduction to the "America Me Up" segment where the host teaches his co-hosts about American history

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[28:07 - 28:45]The conversation starts with a quick time event for marshmallows

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[29:26 - 29:38]Previous "America Me Up" segment was about a massacre caused by balloons

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[29:44 - 31:25]The conversation starts with a quick time event for marshmallows

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[30:01 - 30:18]Guest is referred to as a penis

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[30:18 - 31:50]The speaker is discussing a man named Pinto Ron who is known for his love of tradition and the Buffalo Bills football team.

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[31:04 - 31:45]The conversation ends with confusion.

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[31:04 - 33:42]The speaker talks about the extreme fandom of the Buffalo Bills, known as the "Bills Mafia," who are known for their extreme behavior, including jumping off buses and setting themselves on fire.

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[32:42 - 33:31]Pinto Ron is known for his extreme tailgate parties, where he uses unconventional items such as a car hood, army helmet, and filing cabinet to cook food.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[33:16 - 34:28]The speaker talks about the extreme fandom of the Buffalo Bills, known as the "Bills Mafia," who are known for their extreme behavior, including jumping off buses and setting themselves on fire.

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[33:53 - 37:29]Pinto Ron has fans who eat and celebrate with him, and he brings happiness to those around him.

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[34:01 - 35:06]Pinto Ron has been doing these tailgate parties for about 5 years and has become a legend among Bills fans.

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[34:28 - 36:26]The speaker discusses the recent trend of people being admired for extreme behavior, such as consuming large amounts of food, and how Pinto Ron is an example of this.

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[36:47 - 40:14]Pinto Ron is known for his extreme tailgate parties, where he uses unconventional items such as a car hood, army helmet, and filing cabinet to cook food.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[39:11 - 40:31]Pinto Ron has fans who eat and celebrate with him, and he brings happiness to those around him.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[39:35 - 40:31]The conversation returns to the Jets and the speaker's loyalty to them, even though it may not always be easy or popular

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[40:31 - 41:24]The conversation turns to the topic of football and the speaker's loyalty to the Jets

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[40:37 - 42:18]The discussion starts out with a bet being made about the New York Jets going to the Super Bowl and a "pento run" being involved

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[42:34 - 43:54]Gary Vee and his desire to buy the Jets is brought up, and the speaker is asked how he feels about having the same team as Gary Vee

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[43:22 - 44:32]The conversation ends with the speaker expressing his frustration at having to explain his loyalty to the Jets and his desire for them to finally win.

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[44:05 - 45:37]The conversation turns to the topic of football and the speaker's loyalty to the Jets

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[44:41 - 46:40]The speaker's grandfather may have played for the Brooklyn Dodgers, but he was born in Germany and does not have a specific football team

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[46:26 - 47:32]There is a brief tangent about the Golden State Warriors and how the speaker has been a fan since before they became popular

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[47:32 - 49:36]The conversation turns to the topic of football and the speaker's loyalty to the Jets

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[47:43 - 48:50]They look up the new Jets helmet and find that it features a jet

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[48:41 - 49:51]There is a brief tangent about the Golden State Warriors and how the speaker has been a fan since before they became popular

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[48:50 - 49:15]They discuss other NFL mascots, such as the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Chicago Bears

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[49:15 - 50:24]They mention the Jacksonville Jaguars and their mascot's costume change

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[50:24 - 50:57]The conversation shifts to mascots in other countries, such as a stealth jet mascot in Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[50:57 - 51:17]They bring up the San Diego banana slugs as a unique college mascot

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[51:17 - 52:29]They mention the possibility of a blimp as a mascot

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[51:37 - 52:09]The conversation shifts to mascots in other countries, such as a stealth jet mascot in Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[52:09 - 53:23]They bring up the San Diego banana slugs as a unique college mascot

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[53:09 - 54:26]They mention the Jacksonville Jaguars and their mascot's costume change

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[54:26 - 55:29]The conversation shifts to mascots in other countries, such as a stealth jet mascot in Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[55:30 - 58:37]The group discusses the word "niggardly" and its potential racist connotations

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[58:37 - 59:51]They also touch on the etymology of the word "nigga" and its variations

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[59:51 - 1.03:00]The group discusses the word "niggardly" and its potential racist connotations

A youtube thumbnail wor We Saw Something We Shouldn't Have.. ft. Ted Nivison & Jarvis Johnson | Fear&

[1.00:00 - 1.02:15]They also touch on the etymology of the word "nigga" and its variations

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[1.02:30 - 1.03:57]Ted shares a story about a politician who resigned after using a word that was misinterpreted as a racial slur

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[1.03:34 - 1.05:06]The group discusses the word "niggardly" and its potential racist connotations

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[1.05:06 - 1.07:43]They briefly mention Australian football and its unique rules

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[1.07:21 - 1.10:34]Austin offers his advice, stating that he has never approached a woman before.