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These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

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[00:00 - 00:05] Person admits to being a suck-up to parents and not speaking to them for three years

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[00:34 - 00:43]Introduction to Trash Taste podcast and discussion about purple t-shirts

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[00:55 - 01:11]Recent events on YouTube in Japan, including Johnny Smaller's actions and subsequent arrest

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[03:15 - 03:21]Opinions on Johnny Smaller and his actions

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[06:10 - 06:25]Mention of Vinland Saga and its themes of violence

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[06:55 - 07:10]Speculation on potential charges and consequences for Johnny Smaller

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[07:10 - 07:19]Discussion of Japanese legal system and its potential impact on foreigners

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[00:00 - 07:19]Japanese legal system and its impact on foreigners, specifically in relation to recent events with Johnny Smaller.

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[08:03 - 08:47]Content creator arrested in Japan for trespassing and being a public nuisance

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[12:50 - 13:02]This sets a dangerous precedent for Western content creators in Japan

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[12:50 - 13:02]The arrested creator was begging for money from Japanese people in his video

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[12:50 - 13:02]Taking advantage of Japanese people's helpful nature is considered scummy

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[13:37 - 13:43]Japanese authorities are grasping at straws to keep him in jail

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[13:43 - 13:55]Another streamer was also arrested for trespassing, but did not receive as much backlash

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[13:43 - 13:55]He also faked some parts of his video, including sneaking onto a bullet train

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[14:43 - 14:52]There are strict rules and consequences in Japan, and breaking them makes you a "piece of shit"

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[14:53 - 15:18]Non-confrontational nature of Japanese people makes it easier to take advantage of them

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[07:19 - 15:18]This incident highlights the negative impact of a few bad actors on the reputation of foreigners in Japan.

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[16:22 - 16:57]Video of questionable content in Japan sparks discussion about cultural differences and negative press

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[17:23 - 17:30]Concerns about potential increase in this type of behavior in other countries in Asia

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[18:57 - 19:06]Difficulty in enforcing laws and regulations for filming in public in Japan

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[19:52 - 19:59]Platforms like YouTube often inconsistent in enforcing rules and showing favoritism towards certain creators

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[20:13 - 20:22]Platforms only taking action when enough attention is brought to the issue

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[22:19 - 22:34]Twitch community pressure leads to eventual ban for dangerous behavior

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[22:19 - 22:34]Instances of creators getting away with questionable behavior until community backlash

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[15:18 - 22:54]Overall, platforms need to do better in enforcing rules and not playing favoritism.

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[23:34 - 23:54]The speaker discusses a tiktok video involving a British man committing crimes.

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[23:54 - 23:59]They discuss how this person can get away with breaking laws due to their popularity on tiktok.

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[24:21 - 24:39]They mention another instance of American kids filming themselves committing a hit and run and killing a police officer.

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[24:21 - 24:39]The speaker expresses frustration at the lack of punishment for these actions and mentions the need for parents to discipline their children.

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[27:15 - 27:27]The speaker believes that children need discipline and fear of disappointing their parents.

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[29:31 - 29:40]They share their own experience of being disciplined by their parents and how it taught them respect.

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[30:00 - 30:33]They discuss the difficulty of parenting teenagers and the importance of instilling values without being too overbearing.

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[30:39 - 30:44]The speaker shares their own experience of being a well-behaved child and having a good relationship with their parents.

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[30:39 - 30:44]The speaker mentions their parents occasionally using corporal punishment, but overall creating a safe and open environment for communication.

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[22:54 - 31:14]The speaker discusses the importance of discipline and fear in parenting, referencing current events and personal experiences. They also mention the value of creating a safe and open relationship with children.

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[31:15 - 31:21]Charles play is not a big deal

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[31:26 - 31:46]The speaker's dad was like a Shaolin monk with his fists

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[31:46 - 31:56]He would punch in a way that didn't hurt but had a lot of force

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[32:03 - 32:34]This force scared the speaker and instilled respect for his dad

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[32:03 - 32:34]The speaker's dad watches "trash taste" and didn't beat him up as a child

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[32:03 - 32:34]The speaker realizes that his fear and respect for his dad were instilled by this force

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[33:54 - 34:37]The speaker's philosophy is to learn from his parents' mistakes and take the good things from them

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[33:54 - 34:37]The worst thing to do is to not learn from your parents and not try to improve on them

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[33:54 - 34:37]Turning 180 degrees in the opposite direction is also not good

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[35:57 - 36:02]The speaker's dad had a "murder stare" that was feared by all three brothers

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[36:42 - 36:56]The speaker's dad would threaten to take them to a scary bridge, which was a smart and effective tactic

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[38:30 - 38:36]The speaker's parents always showed interest in what he was doing, which made him scared to disappoint them

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[39:30 - 40:00]Bad grades were not a big deal, as long as the speaker tried his best

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[31:15 - 40:00]The speaker's dad had a scary "murder stare" and would threaten to take them to a scary bridge, but also showed interest in their activities and instilled respect and fear through his forceful punches. The speaker's philosophy is to learn from his parents' mistakes and take the good things from them, while also trying to improve upon them.

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[40:00 - 40:08] The speaker reflects on their past and how they were disappointed in themselves for not trying hard enough

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[43:21 - 43:27]They talk about how their parents' disappointment in them was a motivator for them to achieve their full potential

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[43:21 - 43:27]The speaker mentions their parents and how they did some things right, but there are also things they hope to learn from

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[44:14 - 44:23]The speaker asks the question of when they realized their parents were human beings with imperfections

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[44:14 - 44:23]They mention a specific moment when they realized their parents were not perfect and saw them in a different light

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[44:44 - 44:52]They discuss the concept of being satisfied and how it relates to motivation and self-improvement

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[44:44 - 44:52]They talk about how the idea of being satisfied or disappointed with oneself is important to instill in children and helps build a self-motivated mindset as an adult

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[46:04 - 46:22]The speaker talks about drifting away from their parents during their late teens and early adulthood, but eventually getting closer to them again after realizing their insecurities and vulnerabilities

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[46:28 - 46:39]They discuss how some parents never open up to their children and it's not as common as it should be

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[46:52 - 47:18]They reflect on the idea that parents may feel the need to play a certain role for their children, but eventually appreciate being able to have personal conversations

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[47:18 - 47:30]The speaker wonders if their parents were ever scared of them realizing they were just people and not superhumans

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[40:00 - 48:09]The speaker reflects on their past and their relationship with their parents, discussing moments when they realized their parents were not perfect and saw them as human beings with insecurities. They also talk about the importance of instilling a mindset of self-motivation and the concept of being satisfied with oneself. The speaker mentions their parents and how they did some things right, but also hopes to learn from their mistakes. They end by questioning if their parents were ever scared of them seeing through their facade and expecting their parents to see this episode and potentially discuss it with them.

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[51:43 - 51:50] The group discusses whether they are more like their father or mother.

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[51:56 - 52:02]They mention specific traits that they share with their parents.

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[52:15 - 52:20]They talk about imitating their parents, even though they try not to.

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[52:20 - 52:32]They mention how their parents have specific skills, such as building.

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[53:02 - 53:09]They express their desire to have more hands-on skills, such as building or crafting.

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[53:56 - 54:46]They discuss the trend of coffee enthusiasts and how intricate their methods have become.

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[55:34 - 55:47]They mention how they prefer a simpler method of making coffee.

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[55:47 - 55:53]They mention how grinding beans has improved their coffee game.

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[55:47 - 55:53]They end by saying that making coffee is a great way to start the day.

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[48:09 - 55:53]The group discusses their similarities to their parents, their desire for more hands-on skills, and the intricacies of coffee making. They also mention how grinding beans has improved their coffee game and how it is a great way to start the day.

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[57:51 - 58:00]Discussion about coffee and how people's preferences have changed over time

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[58:00 - 58:11]Mention of TikTok and how it has influenced trends in coffee and other areas

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[58:11 - 58:16]Discussion about hipsters and their impact on trends and availability of certain products

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[1.00:54 - 1.01:00]Mention of craft beer and how it used to be a fad but is now more widely accepted

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[1.02:40 - 1.02:47]Comparison of beer options at a recent event

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[1.02:40 - 1.02:47]Observation that draft beer is not as common in America as it is in other places

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[1.02:40 - 1.02:47]Personal preference for draft beer over bottled beer

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[1.02:59 - 1.03:06]Observation that American beer options are generally not as good compared to other places

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[1.02:59 - 1.03:06]Final observation about the overall quality of drinks in America

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[55:53 - 1.03:39]Overall, trends in coffee and other areas have been heavily influenced by TikTok and hipsters, resulting in a wider availability and variety of products. However, American beer options still lag behind those of other places.

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[1.06:06 - 1.06:12] Person attended Twitchcon and had a booth

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[1.06:18 - 1.06:25]Originally planned to do human crane game, but cost became too high

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[1.08:20 - 1.08:32]Ended up building three white walls for people to draw on

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[1.09:11 - 1.09:22]Walls cost $60,000 in total

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[1.09:54 - 1.10:02]Sponsor helped fund some of the costs

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[1.09:54 - 1.10:02]Person was grateful for sponsor's help

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[1.10:39 - 1.10:49]Person finally got their badge after 4 hours

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[1.10:39 - 1.10:49]Person was critical of Twitchcon organization and badge retrieval process

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[1.10:49 - 1.10:56]Design was changed last minute due to badge printing issues

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[1.03:39 - 1.10:56]Person attended Twitchcon, planned to do human crane game but costs became too high. Ended up building three walls for people to draw on, costing $60,000. Sponsor helped fund costs, design was changed last minute due to badge printing issues. Badges took 4 hours to retrieve, person was critical of Twitchcon organization and badge retrieval process.

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[1.10:57 - 1.11:03]The speaker had a bad badge pickup experience at a convention.

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[1.11:10 - 1.11:19]They suggest that the organizers should mail badges instead of making people pick them up in person.

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[1.11:26 - 1.11:32]The speaker arrived at the convention and had trouble finding their booth.

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[1.11:32 - 1.11:39]The speaker had to make adjustments to the booth to make it more suitable for their needs.

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[1.12:15 - 1.12:25]They found out that the middleman they had been using did not forward their booth design, resulting in a different booth being built.

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[1.14:13 - 1.14:22]They were frustrated with the amount of time and money they had already invested into the booth.

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[1.15:18 - 1.15:25]They only used a set amount of cash to gamble and did not withdraw more.

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[1.15:25 - 1.15:35]The speaker went to gamble in Las Vegas and had a bad experience the first night.

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[1.15:49 - 1.15:56]The next day, the speaker had trouble with their backpack and had to get tech support.

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[1.16:34 - 1.16:40]People wrote their names on the wall but the speaker would often erase them.

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[1.16:47 - 1.16:57]The stream started an hour late due to technical difficulties and bad lighting in the venue.

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[1.16:57 - 1.17:09]The speaker streamed for four hours and the wall idea was well received.

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[1.10:57 - 1.17:43]Overall, the speaker's experience at the convention was frustrating but their wall idea was successful.

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[1.17:44 - 1.17:53]People were primarily writing instead of creating artwork at an event

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[1.20:59 - 1.21:08]Organizers switched to using different materials each day, but still had limited success with artwork

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[1.20:59 - 1.21:08]A sign was eventually put up to encourage only artwork to be created

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[1.20:59 - 1.21:08]A TwitchCon event was successful in terms of artwork and streamers participating

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[1.21:08 - 1.21:23]The event was a fun idea but needed better execution and lower costs

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[1.22:36 - 1.22:41]The organizers had taken on too many activities and were exhausted from lack of sleep

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[1.23:22 - 1.23:27]Gambling was prevalent among attendees

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[1.23:28 - 1.23:34]The event was held in Las Vegas, which was not a preferred location

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[1.23:28 - 1.23:34]The event lasted for four days, but two days would have been sufficient

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[1.23:48 - 1.23:53]Day one was exciting, day two was fun, but day three was boring

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[1.24:33 - 1.24:49]The last day involved attending a loud and sticky club, which was not enjoyable

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[1.17:44 - 1.24:49]Overall, the event was a mix of fun and exhaustion, with some successful moments but also some room for improvement.

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[1.24:55 - 1.25:00] The speaker describes being at a club with friends at 2am and not wanting to commit to drinking or getting drunk

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[1.28:40 - 1.29:02]The speaker talks about how they hate dealing with bouncers and the VIP section at the club

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[1.29:02 - 1.29:12]A loud cannon goes off, causing the speaker and their friends to leave the club

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[1.29:59 - 1.30:05]They ask for a moly and eventually decide to leave the club after 30 minutes

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[1.30:11 - 1.30:30]The speaker reflects on their overall dislike for clubbing and how it's only fun when it's a spontaneous decision

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[1.30:36 - 1.30:41]They mention that the club was sponsored and they were on a list, but the experience was not enjoyable

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[1.31:31 - 1.31:37]They mention going to TwitchCon and not regretting not going due to the clubbing experience

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[1.31:45 - 1.31:53]The most enjoyable nights were just hanging out and talking with friends

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[1.24:50 - 1.31:53]Overall, the speaker has a negative opinion of clubbing and does not enjoy the lack of control in crowded spaces.

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[1.32:00 - 1.32:09]The speaker talks about not enjoying loud places and clubbing.

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[1.36:47 - 1.36:59]The navy booth was opposite the speaker's booth and they were nice.

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[1.36:47 - 1.36:59]They also suggest having more meaningful interactions through booths instead of just meet and greets.

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[1.36:59 - 1.37:12]They mention going to Twitch Con and not liking it because it is too loud and crowded.

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[1.36:59 - 1.37:12]At Twitch Con, there are many brands and it feels like one big ad.

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[1.37:23 - 1.37:32]The speaker prefers hanging out at someone's house.

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[1.38:14 - 1.38:22]They mention the lack of utilization of space and not involving streamers in the planning.

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[1.38:22 - 1.38:27]The speaker talks about their experience at Twitch Con and the issues they had with it.

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[1.38:22 - 1.38:27]The speaker talks about their attempts to do something cool at Twitch Con but having to pay a lot for it.

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[1.38:36 - 1.38:59]They suggest Twitch Con giving out spaces to streamers and having a pre-built framework for them to use.

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[1.38:36 - 1.38:59]The speaker also suggests that this would benefit both streamers and brands.

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[1.39:04 - 1.39:09]The speaker suggests having more interactive activities for creators and viewers at Twitch Con.

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[1.39:04 - 1.39:09]Twitch Con and other conventions should consider implementing these changes to make the experience better for everyone.

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[1.31:53 - 1.39:09]The speaker discusses their dislike for loud places and clubbing, and their experience at Twitch Con. They mention issues with the convention, such as it feeling like one big ad and the lack of interactive activities for creators and viewers. They suggest involving streamers more in the planning and offering pre-built frameworks for them to use, which would benefit both streamers and brands. They also mention the potential for improvement at other conventions.

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[1.39:18 - 1.39:23]Get more people involved in cons for longevity

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[1.39:39 - 1.39:45]Cons are not going in the right direction for longevity

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[1.39:39 - 1.39:45]Some cons, like Magfest and the South Africo Con, are more fun and have more to do

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[1.39:39 - 1.39:45]Most cons do not have much to do

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[1.40:15 - 1.40:34]Meet and greets at cons only allow for a short interaction with content creators

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[1.40:15 - 1.40:34]Shows at cons are a better experience for viewers

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[1.40:45 - 1.40:56]It takes a lot of effort and planning to do a show at a con

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[1.41:04 - 1.41:12]TwitchCon needs more options for creators and fans

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.41:04 - 1.41:12]Money is a major obstacle for doing anything at TwitchCon

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.42:57 - 1.43:04]People are not happy about the strict rules at cons

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.43:11 - 1.43:22]There is a disconnect between older generations and younger generations in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.44:30 - 1.44:46]Some foreigners don't care about the rules and it could worsen Japanese-foreign relations

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.44:30 - 1.44:46]There is frustration about the prejudice against foreigners in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.44:30 - 1.44:46]The current situation at cons could lead to further problems

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.45:08 - 1.45:43]Japanese government tries to control behavior at cons but it often has the opposite effect

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.45:08 - 1.45:43]Japanese news often portrays foreigners as rule-breakers

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.45:08 - 1.45:43]Foreigners are blamed for issues even when Japanese people are involved

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.39:09 - 1.46:13]Cons need more options for creators and fans, Japanese government's attempts to control behavior at cons have had the opposite effect, and there is frustration about prejudice against foreigners in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.46:13 - 1.46:39] The speaker discusses the increasing interest in Japan over the past few years

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.46:40 - 1.46:50]They attribute this to their own and other TikTok accounts showcasing Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.47:57 - 1.48:11]The speaker shares a story about easily getting a popular food item in Japan by reserving it in advance

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.49:17 - 1.49:28]They also share a negative response to their video from someone accusing them of being a "foreign tourist" who doesn't want to wait in line

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.49:41 - 1.49:58]They debate whether this interest is due to their location in Japan or their personal interests

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.51:22 - 1.51:29]The speaker encourages respectful behavior and following rules in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.51:51 - 1.52:02]They also promote their Patreon and social media accounts

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.52:02 - 1.52:13]The speaker mentions an upcoming Halloween episode

A youtube thumbnail wor These YouTubers Are Destroying Japan | Trash Taste #176

[1.46:13 - 1.52:13]The speaker discusses the increasing interest in Japan, the role of social media in promoting it, and shares a personal experience with easily obtaining a popular food item in Japan. They also mention a negative response to one of their videos and promote their Patreon and social media accounts.