

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

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[00:00 - 00:10]Hot summer months are here and it's important to stay hydrated and fueled up

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[00:11 - 00:21]One stick of Liquid IV in 16 ounces of water hydrates faster and tastes great with flavors like watermelon, strawberry, and lemon lime

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[00:00 - 08:33]Liquid IV contains essential

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[08:47 - 08:53]Ryan and the speaker discuss how people are becoming increasingly germophobic and don't want to eat anything that could potentially have harmful bacteria.

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[09:20 - 09:29]They mention how some people have adverse reactions to eating certain things, such as bugs or nightshade berries.

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[09:20 - 09:29]Ryan and the speaker talk about how they used to eat dirt and bacteria as kids and how LA had to pressure wash sidewalks due to a hepatitis outbreak.

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[09:56 - 10:03]They joke about sending homeless people out to sea on barges to start a new life as pirates.

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[11:40 - 11:49]The speaker mentions their new music video featuring Jason, and how they finally have women included in it.

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[13:04 - 13:09]They discuss why they don't have many women on their channel, joking about potty humor and periods.

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[14:39 - 14:49]The speaker brings up their mom's menopause and jokes about eating her used tampons.

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[15:07 - 15:13]They talk about not knowing their blood types and how it could be dangerous in an emergency.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[16:02 - 16:11]The speaker mentions going on a motorcycle ride with Tucker and needing a Bluetooth headset.

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[16:24 - 16:30]They joke about the speaker's electric bicycle and its turning radius.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[08:34 - 16:41]The speaker and Ryan discuss germophobia and reactions to different foods, joking about sending homeless people out to sea as pirates. They mention their new music video and lack of women on their channel. They joke about potty humor and periods, and the speaker brings up their mom's menopause. They also talk about not knowing their blood types and going on a motorcycle ride.

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[16:51 - 16:58]Person discussing their experience with a heavy bike that can reach speeds of 60 MPH

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[17:10 - 17:18]They mention a friend named Tucker and his failed attempt at a blood transfusion

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[17:18 - 17:25]Tucker's bike wouldn't start and they had to call AAA

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[18:06 - 18:30]They discuss the risks of buying used vehicles from Craigslist

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[19:51 - 19:58]They mention Tucker borrowing and possibly keeping a helmet

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[21:24 - 21:29]The person recording is at a beach house

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[23:35 - 23:41]They mention ad reads for Honey and Ultimate Ears Fits

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[23:41 - 23:47]Ultimate Ears Fits are comfortable due to molding technology

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[23:55 - 24:07]They mention using Ultimate Ears Fits while listening to music on the toilet

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[16:41 - 24:31]Person discusses their experience with a heavy bike, mentions friend Tucker and his failed blood transfusion attempt, talks about risks of buying vehicles from Craigslist, mentions ad reads for Honey and Ultimate Ears Fits.

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[24:32 - 24:44]Purple LEDs form earbuds to unique shape

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[24:44 - 24:53]30 day money back guarantee, free shipping, 1 year warranty

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[24:54 - 25:00]App allows for custom actions like voice, assistant, volume adjustment

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[25:01 - 25:10]15% off with promo code "super mega" at

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[26:44 - 26:49]Foosball and ping pong games mentioned

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[28:21 - 28:34]Discussion about relationship issues and potential prank on friend

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[28:21 - 28:34]Office prank idea involving Jackson building new desks

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[30:37 - 30:53]Discussion about potential extreme marketing tactics by companies

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[31:08 - 31:15]NASA predicts issues with the moon in mid-2030s

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[24:32 - 32:09]Conspiracy theory about companies causing issues to buy up beachfront property Overall, the speaker discusses a product with customizable features and a limited time discount, as well as personal anecdotes and potential pranks. They also mention games and a conspiracy theory about companies manipulating the moon for their own gain.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[32:34 - 32:40] Discussion about the potential effects of rising water levels and people's reactions to it

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[32:43 - 32:48]Concerns about the devastating impact of even a one foot rise in sea level

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[32:59 - 33:08]Mention of Charleston being flooded and the potential consequences for historic monuments

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[33:58 - 34:11]Apology for spreading misinformation about Sam Hyde and his show Million Dollar Extreme

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[36:46 - 36:55]Comments about reading and responding to comments from fans

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[37:22 - 37:33]Discussion about recent complaints from fans about ad reads and merch quality

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[37:33 - 37:42]Announcement of a new merch partner and emphasis on quality over profit

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[38:34 - 38:41]Mention of potential future collaborations, such as a Garfield collab

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[39:11 - 39:17]Discussion about upcoming move to New York City and jokes about renaming the SuperMega Flex to the Crack House

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[39:29 - 39:42]Congratulating anyone who is high on crack while listening to the podcast

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[32:09 - 39:51]The text is a discussion between two individuals about various topics, including climate change, fan feedback, and potential collaborations.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[39:51 - 39:59] Matt and the speaker are discussing a whiteboard and calendar in their office.

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[40:07 - 40:14]They are worried about offensive content on the whiteboard.

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[40:33 - 40:48]Justin, a co-worker, has drawn symbols on the whiteboard that they find concerning.

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[41:17 - 41:22]Justin claims the symbols are a peace symbol and a tribute to his interests in Eastern medicine and spirituality.

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[42:06 - 42:12]He also has a Harry Potter tattoo.

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[44:35 - 44:41]They discuss Justin's past behavior, including pushing a kid at the airport and a lack of respect.

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[45:31 - 45:37]The speaker then transitions to an ad for Upstart, a loan company.

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[46:23 - 46:29]They also discuss the speaker's grandfather's birthday party, which he was not invited to.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[46:30 - 46:38]The speaker suggests using BetterHelp, an online counseling service, if something is interfering with one's happiness.

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[47:25 - 47:31]They talk about their personal experiences with debt and recommend the service.

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[47:31 - 47:36]The ad ends with a plug for BetterHelp and its benefits.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[39:51 - 47:36]The speaker and Matt discuss offensive content on a whiteboard in their office, drawn by a co-worker named Justin. They also talk about Justin's past behavior and the speaker's personal experiences with debt and not being invited to his grandfather's birthday party. They advertise for Upstart, a loan company, and BetterHelp, an online counseling service.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[47:37 - 47:44]The speaker's father did not invite them to his birthday party, causing the speaker to feel down.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[47:44 - 47:53]The speaker found help in BetterHelp, a mental health service offering a 10% discount to listeners.

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[47:59 - 48:06]The speaker and their co-host discuss the father's active sex life with his girlfriend.

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[47:59 - 48:06]The speaker's father appears to be in good physical and mental health, possibly due to his sexual activity.

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[48:48 - 48:56]The speaker plans to visit New York soon and asks for recommendations.

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[51:56 - 52:01]The co-host gets distracted by watching someone take apart the speaker's desk.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[51:56 - 52:01]The co-host gets distracted once again by the person dismantling the desk.

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[52:39 - 52:44]The co-host plays video games and the speaker discusses their love for Pikmin 3.

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[54:30 - 54:45]The co-host also enjoys video games and plans to stream a tougher version of a game he has already completed.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[54:51 - 54:56]The speaker mentions the game's lore and their plans to potentially stream it.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[47:37 - 55:04]The speaker discusses their father's active sex life, plans for a trip to New York, and love for Pikmin 3, while the co-host gets distracted by someone taking apart the speaker's desk. They also talk about their own gaming experiences and potential streaming plans.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[57:17 - 57:22] Matt and Ryan are discussing their video game streams.

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[1.01:23 - 1.01:28]They talk about their plans for streaming Pikmin 3 and co-op.

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[1.01:23 - 1.01:28]Ryan mentions his excitement for the new challenges and side stories in the game.

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[1.02:15 - 1.02:22]Matt suggests a prank on their friend Jackson during his stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[1.02:22 - 1.02:29]Matt mentions the graphics and how the game was originally for Wii U.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[1.02:29 - 1.02:36]They discuss their plans for the day and Matt jokes about committing a mass murder.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[1.02:37 - 1.02:45]They joke about billionaires going to space and Ryan mentions an 18-year-old who went with Jeff Bezos.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[1.02:37 - 1.02:45]They talk about the feeling of scratching an itchy anus.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[1.02:53 - 1.02:58]They discuss their plans for Let's Plays and streaming in the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[1.02:59 - 1.03:05]They make jokes about Jackson's haircut and facial expressions on stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[55:04 - 1.03:11]Matt and Ryan discuss their video game streams and plans for streaming Pikmin 3 and co-op. They mention the new challenges and side stories in the game, the graphics, and their plans for Let's Plays and streaming in the future. They joke about billionaires going to space and the feeling of scratching an itchy anus. They also make jokes about their friend Jackson's haircut and facial expressions on stream. The podcast ends with them discussing their plans for the day and apologizing for the audio quality, caused by Jackson's mistake.

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[1.03:11 - 1.03:16] "Stay safe."

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[1.03:18 - 1.03:19]"Stay healthy."

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[1.03:18 - 1.03:19]"And. Bye."

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[1.03:18 - 1.03:19]"Don't do the fart sound, Ryan."

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[1.03:18 - 1.03:19]"Do."

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 255: Long Distance Podcast

[1.03:11 - 1.03:19]"Stay safe, stay healthy, and don't do the fart sound, Ryan. This is the main message of the audio."