

Youtube profile pic for The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[00:04 - 01:24]They found Amanda's old cooking show from 10-12 years ago on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[00:26 - 01:16]They invited Ian Hecox to react with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[00:51 - 02:12]Amanda's show was called "Food New England" and she was approached by a producer at Channel 7 News to film a cooking show at her favorite restaurants in Boston.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[02:13 - 02:55]They react to a video of Amanda's cooking show and talk about visiting a restaurant that they thought was featured in the show, but it wasn't.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[02:55 - 03:07]Shane and Amanda are hosting a show called "Smosh Mouth."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[03:08 - 06:13]Amanda and Ian both love food and have different palates.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[04:44 - 08:13]Amanda loves baking and follows recipes closely.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[07:26 - 09:22]They discuss using a Dutch oven to make stews and bread.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[07:33 - 07:47]Ian suggests trying to make mole as a cooking challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[09:05 - 11:08]Amanda loves baking and follows recipes closely.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[09:29 - 10:27]Amanda's husband is also a great cook and she has gotten better at cooking through him.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[10:06 - 11:19]They discuss using a Dutch oven to make stews and bread.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[11:08 - 12:17]Amanda's show was called "Food New England" and she was approached by a producer at Channel 7 News to film a cooking show at her favorite restaurants in Boston.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[11:19 - 12:33]The restaurant is called "The Fat Cat" and Amanda's sister took her there, thinking it was the one from the video.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[11:41 - 14:20]The video ends with the speaker panicking and feeling uncomfortable throughout the entire process.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[11:49 - 12:10]Amanda loves baking and follows recipes closely.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[11:56 - 15:23]The video starts with the speaker and another person at a bar, with the speaker feeling embarrassed and uncomfortable.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[14:26 - 15:31]The bartender pours margaritas into a pint glass and the speaker comments on the amount of salt used.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[14:59 - 16:47]The speaker and bartender taste the margarita and the speaker struggles to come up with positive things to say.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[15:56 - 18:27]The video ends with the speaker panicking and feeling uncomfortable throughout the entire process.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[16:28 - 20:44]The bartender pours margaritas into a pint glass and the speaker comments on the amount of salt used.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[17:49 - 20:38]The speaker and bartender taste the margarita and the speaker struggles to come up with positive things to say.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[19:50 - 22:45]The bartender pours margaritas into a pint glass and the speaker comments on the amount of salt used.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[22:45 - 25:14]The video ends with the speaker panicking and feeling uncomfortable throughout the entire process.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[22:52 - 23:07]There is a quick cut to a drawing of a cat on the wall.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[23:14 - 24:43]The bartender pours margaritas into a pint glass and the speaker comments on the amount of salt used.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[23:59 - 26:52]The speaker and bartender taste the margarita and the speaker struggles to come up with positive things to say.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[26:29 - 26:37]The speaker is reflecting on a past experience where they were on a show, possibly as a guest.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[26:37 - 26:59]They were picked for the show because they were a writer at channel seven.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[26:59 - 27:25]The speaker is not cooking the French toast themselves but is being served it and pretending to make it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[27:25 - 29:30]They talk about ice and a soda machine, mentioning their love for ice and how they chew on it like a dog.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[27:57 - 28:22]The speaker loves the diner they are in and makes a comment about how they would react if a robbery happened.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[28:22 - 28:43]The speaker reflects on the experience and admits that everything they said during the show was a lie coming from a place of panic.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[28:43 - 33:03]The speaker adds coffee to their drink and mentions their obsession with hazelnut.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[29:30 - 31:22]The speaker is wearing too many scarves on the show and jokes about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[30:47 - 33:08]The speaker adds coffee to their drink and mentions their obsession with hazelnut.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[31:27 - 32:23]They mention that they are eating the French toast without syrup or butter because they are panicking.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[31:54 - 34:36]The speaker cuts the French toast into small pieces and comments on the different flavors.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[33:44 - 34:16]The speaker loves the diner they are in and makes a comment about how they would react if a robbery happened.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[34:25 - 36:41]The speaker cuts the French toast into small pieces and comments on the different flavors.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[36:53 - 38:39]The speaker is not cooking the French toast themselves but is being served it and pretending to make it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[37:05 - 38:09]The speaker talks about living in an attic with five strangers they found on Craigslist and how they couldn't stand up straight in their room.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[37:26 - 38:22]The speaker is reflecting on a past experience where they were on a show, possibly as a guest.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[37:58 - 38:47]The speaker talks about living in an attic with five strangers they found on Craigslist and how they couldn't stand up straight in their room.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[38:47 - 39:40]They comment on how none of the items in the apartment are actually theirs and joke about it being a brand new apartment.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[39:41 - 40:28]The speaker is cooking a vegetarian Mediterranean egg sandwich while being filmed.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[40:01 - 41:30]The sandwich includes an everything bagel, orange slices for decoration, red onion, tomato, butter, alfalfa sprouts, Spanish onion, jalapeno cheese, and Jack Daniel's spicy mustard.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[41:30 - 42:12]The speaker's sister recently became a vegetarian and they are celebrating with this dish.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[42:12 - 43:46]The sandwich includes an everything bagel, orange slices for decoration, red onion, tomato, butter, alfalfa sprouts, Spanish onion, jalapeno cheese, and Jack Daniel's spicy mustard.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[42:49 - 43:52]The speaker is cooking a vegetarian Mediterranean egg sandwich while being filmed.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[43:14 - 44:58]The speaker struggles with cutting onions and uses a knife improperly.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[43:52 - 45:31]The speaker is cooking a vegetarian Mediterranean egg sandwich while being filmed.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[44:01 - 45:38]The speaker struggles with cutting onions and uses a knife improperly.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[44:15 - 45:50]The speaker has a tendency to lie unintentionally.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[45:38 - 46:09]The speaker discusses the benefits of being a vegetarian and the ease of cooking this dish.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[46:09 - 47:45]The video includes a bizarre and unnecessary sexy saxophone soundtrack.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[47:03 - 48:03]The speaker forgets to taste the sandwich and instead talks about their love life.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[48:03 - 48:44]The video ends with the speaker's co-host, Ian, introducing a new cooking show called "Put a Nesca with Ian Hecox."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[48:44 - 50:46]The speaker's sister recently became a vegetarian and they are celebrating with this dish.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[48:51 - 50:28]The video ends with the speaker's co-host, Ian, introducing a new cooking show called "Put a Nesca with Ian Hecox."

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[49:49 - 50:38]The show's intro is surprisingly wholesome and earnest compared to Ian's usual comedic style.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[50:32 - 52:26]Flora is the Nana he will be cooking with.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[50:39 - 51:22]The first episode is shot like a Paul Rudd movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[51:34 - 51:56]They use a lot of tomatoes in the recipe.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[51:56 - 52:15]They are making Puttanesca.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[52:15 - 52:32]They also make salsa and sangria.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[52:32 - 53:19]Ian gets punched by the Nana while cooking.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[53:20 - 54:28]Flora has been making Puttanesca since she was 8 or 9 years old.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[53:37 - 54:15]Ian's hands are shown a lot in the video.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[53:54 - 54:00]The first episode is shot like a Paul Rudd movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[54:00 - 54:50]They are making Puttanesca.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[54:50 - 55:33]There is a lot of sexual tension between Ian and the Nana's.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[55:33 - 55:50]They also make salsa and sangria.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[55:50 - 57:07]Ian gets punched by the Nana while cooking.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[56:25 - 56:38]There is a lot of sexual tension between Ian and the Nana's.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[57:08 - 58:09]They are making Puttanesca.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[57:28 - 58:14]They also make zucchini with vinegar.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[57:35 - 58:01]Ian is going to learn how to cook from his Nana.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[58:15 - 59:01]They are making Puttanesca.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[58:32 - 58:43]There is a lot of sexual tension between Ian and the Nana's.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[58:32 - 58:43]God and the speaker compliment each other's chemistry and teamwork

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[58:43 - 58:55]They also make zucchini with vinegar.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[58:43 - 59:07]The speaker asks if the other person remembers them and they have many memories together

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[59:01 - 59:55]Ian gets punched by the Nana while cooking.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[59:07 - 1.00:42]The nanos lived up to the speaker's expectations

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[59:17 - 59:25]They try zucchini and discuss how the nanos (possibly a group of people) are regular and happy to share their creations

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[59:17 - 1.00:15]They made spaghetti bolognese together.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[59:25 - 59:55]The topic shifts to cooking shows and the potential for the speaker to have one

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[59:55 - 1.00:08]They use a lot of tomatoes in the recipe.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[59:55 - 1.00:08]The speaker tries an entire chicken and enjoys it

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[1.00:28 - 1.00:36]They try zucchini and discuss how the nanos (possibly a group of people) are regular and happy to share their creations

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[1.00:43 - 1.01:25]The video ends with a goodbye and thank you message.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[1.01:26 - 1.02:41]They discuss a potential cooking show where the speaker reviews different chicken tenders from different places

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[1.02:42 - 1.03:39]The segment "Smart Mouth" is introduced, where they share interesting facts and see if the other person knows them

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[1.03:40 - 1.04:39]The first fact is about the largest animal that has ever existed on Earth, which is a blue whale

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[1.04:39 - 1.05:19]The second fact is about Gandhi being a stretcher bearer in a war in South Africa

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[1.05:20 - 1.05:25]The speaker tries an entire chicken and enjoys it

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[1.05:25 - 1.06:19]The first plant planted in space is revealed to be a potato

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[1.05:45 - 1.06:13]Nana is mentioned and thanked for being on the show

A youtube thumbnail wor The Worst Food Show Ever w\ Ian Hecox | Smosh Mouth 21

[1.06:19 - 1.06:28]The audience is asked to comment their favorite Amanda Quo and Dutch oven cookbooks