

Youtube profile pic for Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[00:00 - 00:58]The speaker discusses nepotism and makes a joke about Sergei Brin, founder of Google.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[00:58 - 03:16]They talk about the possibility of dogs being able to differentiate between human and dog vaginas.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[03:16 - 05:05]The vegan speaker claims to have quit eating meat that afternoon.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[03:22 - 04:06]Another speaker mentions a video in which bystanders are asked if the speaker is cut or uncut, and one bystander makes a joke about the speaker having sex with cats.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[05:05 - 07:02]A debate about the ethics of killing animals for food and sex ensues.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[05:10 - 05:44]One speaker argues for veganism, saying it causes less pain for the animal.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[05:51 - 09:40]Another speaker mentions a video in which bystanders are asked if the speaker is cut or uncut, and one bystander makes a joke about the speaker having sex with cats.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[09:40 - 11:52]The vegan speaker claims to have quit eating meat that afternoon.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[11:25 - 12:43]The guest reveals that he used to shoplift art supplies in high school.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[11:52 - 12:30]They mention shoplifting at a corner store in Bethel, Maine.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[12:43 - 14:02]The podcast host and his guest discuss a recent trip they took together.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[13:17 - 14:55]The host accidentally stole deodorant from Walgreens while purchasing other items.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[14:11 - 15:43]The guest reveals that he used to shoplift art supplies in high school.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[14:35 - 15:09]The guest mentions that the host had a good pickpocketing face.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[15:43 - 17:01]The host's friend had his rare magic cards stolen from his locker.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[16:02 - 16:09]The guest reveals that he used to shoplift art supplies in high school.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[16:32 - 16:38]The guest mentions that the host had a good pickpocketing face.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[17:01 - 18:02]The host's mom moved his stack of money from his room to his wallet without telling him, and he lost it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[18:08 - 19:17]The guest mentions that the host had a good pickpocketing face.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[19:17 - 20:17]They mention an incident at LAX airport involving a joke about peeing and pointing out strangers

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[19:25 - 21:06]The speaker talks about how Ludwig was constantly trying to make him laugh during the trip

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[20:17 - 21:54]Eventually, the speaker joins in the discussion and plays along with the joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[21:18 - 22:39]The speaker (presumably a friend of Ludwig's) talks about a recent trip with Ludwig

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[22:39 - 24:16]The speaker talks about how Ludwig was constantly trying to make him laugh during the trip

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[24:16 - 26:26]The speaker talks about how Ludwig's humor continued even after the trip, such as reciting UK drill lyrics and participating in online discussions

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[25:54 - 28:01]Eventually, the speaker joins in the discussion and plays along with the joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[28:02 - 29:13]The speaker talks about how Ludwig was constantly trying to make him laugh during the trip

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[28:37 - 31:08]Eventually, the speaker joins in the discussion and plays along with the joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[29:44 - 30:25]Doffy and Jack are die-hard fans of a series called One Piece.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[29:51 - 32:38]The group discusses spoilers circulating around One Piece and it ruining the experience for some people.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[30:02 - 30:55]The speaker mentions a previous incident where he took money from Ludwig.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[30:39 - 31:25]They discuss the chapter's content, but Doffy interrupts to talk about Robin's titties.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[30:45 - 31:20]They mention a particular incident where Ludwig joins a discussion about the anime One Piece and pretends to be a serious fan, using his iconic voice to fool the other participants

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[31:58 - 32:48]The speaker and Ludwig ride a Vespa and meet a confused fan.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[32:05 - 38:04]They play blackjack and the speaker wins a lot of money from his friend, who is a high earner.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[35:21 - 35:47]The speaker mentions a previous incident where he took money from Ludwig.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[35:48 - 36:23]They also discuss credit scores and car ownership.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[36:51 - 38:38]The speaker discusses an encounter with a character named Doffy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[37:21 - 38:10]Ludwig tries to convince people to watch Spirited Away while the speaker defends Shrek 2.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[37:27 - 37:56]They discuss how Shrek 2 became popular as a joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[38:10 - 39:58]The speaker and Ludwig ride a Vespa and meet a confused fan.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[39:58 - 42:02]Ludwig tries to convince people to watch Spirited Away while the speaker defends Shrek 2.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[40:48 - 41:55]The speaker and Ludwig have a poll on Instagram and Shrek 2 wins.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[42:02 - 43:03]They discuss how Shrek 2 became popular as a joke.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[42:30 - 45:08]The conversation starts with speculation about the behavior of a person, possibly a public figure.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[42:53 - 43:31]The conversation turns to The Beatles and how the speaker thinks they are overrated.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[43:31 - 44:13]The speaker discusses an encounter with a character named Doffy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[43:31 - 45:47]They discuss a Twitter interaction where they exchanged insults and jabs at each other

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[44:06 - 44:30]The discussion explores the idea that this person may have been in character or not invited to an event.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[44:56 - 46:34]The group discusses an emote or gesture that is perceived as representing cheating.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[44:56 - 50:20]One of them recalls a time when they made a dark joke during a game and a young teen responded insensitively

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[45:08 - 47:19]The conversation turns to the possibility that the person in question may have cheated on their spouse.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[47:19 - 49:00]The conversation ends with one person saying that the spouse said no to something, possibly in relation to the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[47:38 - 49:48]The conversation starts with speculation about the behavior of a person, possibly a public figure.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[48:27 - 50:15]Another person feels that the person in question just wants to focus on the game and feels guilty about the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[49:31 - 53:03]They joke about the idea of stacking men on a toilet and playing a coin game

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[50:20 - 52:26]The conversation starts with speculation about the behavior of a person, possibly a public figure.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[51:51 - 53:35]The conversation ends with one person saying that the spouse said no to something, possibly in relation to the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[52:48 - 58:16]One of them recalls a time when they made a dark joke during a game and a young teen responded insensitively

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[53:36 - 55:48]Another person feels that the person in question just wants to focus on the game and feels guilty about the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[54:54 - 57:56]Another person points out that the person never explicitly admitted to cheating on their spouse.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[55:28 - 57:18]The conversation starts with speculation about the behavior of a person, possibly a public figure.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[58:17 - 59:00]They discuss a recent incident involving a pro player named Jason R and his controversial behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[59:00 - 1.00:20]They mention a clip of Jason R getting angry and swearing in a distinctive Canadian accent

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.00:21 - 1.02:40]They mention drama youtubing and how it is seen as controversial

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.00:33 - 1.01:10]They talk about not feeling guilty as a journalist

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.01:16 - 1.03:40]They discuss how they excel in poetry and feel confident in delivering their opinions on Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.01:34 - 1.04:10]The speaker brings up a video about someone being sexist and trying to deny it

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.02:20 - 1.02:26]They mention drama youtubing and how it is seen as controversial

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.03:41 - 1.04:00]They discuss how they excel in poetry and feel confident in delivering their opinions on Twitter

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.04:11 - 1.04:17]They discuss their disappointment in someone not playing a game with them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.04:17 - 1.05:24]They mention a tweet about Michael Hastings and his son

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.05:11 - 1.05:54]The speaker talks about how they wish they knew earlier about a person not wanting to play a game with them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.05:24 - 1.06:44]They mention drama youtubing and how it is seen as controversial

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.06:09 - 1.06:18]They discuss their disappointment in someone not playing a game with them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.06:44 - 1.08:02]They discuss a lie detector stream and someone being asked about saying the n-word

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.07:44 - 1.09:15]The speaker talks about how they wish they knew earlier about a person not wanting to play a game with them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.08:25 - 1.09:34]The speaker disagrees with the idea that one must have a "gamer gene" to be successful in Fortnite

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.08:39 - 1.10:32]They mention a tweet they were "ratioed" on

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.09:34 - 1.10:17]The speaker talks about how they wish they knew earlier about a person not wanting to play a game with them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.10:17 - 1.11:52]They mention wanting to do the same thing with Valorant

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.10:32 - 1.11:05]The speaker mentions a server they have called "join or pussy"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.10:38 - 1.12:21]The speaker talks about how they wish they knew earlier about a person not wanting to play a game with them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.10:51 - 1.10:58]They talk about playing League of Legends with friends and inviting toxic players to join their Discord server to discuss their behavior

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.11:52 - 1.12:30]The speaker disagrees with the idea that one must have a "gamer gene" to be successful in Fortnite

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.11:58 - 1.13:38]The speaker mentions Mendo, who is good at battle royale games despite not playing them often

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.12:04 - 1.13:07]They discuss their disappointment in someone not playing a game with them

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.12:30 - 1.12:43]The speaker mentions a server they have called "join or pussy"

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.12:43 - 1.13:02]The event was a great spectator sport, similar to actual soccer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.13:02 - 1.14:25]The speaker and Nick make fun of each other.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.13:07 - 1.13:38]The speaker and his friend, Nick, are talking about their experience playing Rocket League.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.13:20 - 1.13:48]The speaker mentions Mendo, who is good at battle royale games despite not playing them often

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.13:20 - 1.14:11]They spent a lot of time playing and have a lot of fun being toxic and yelling at other players.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.14:25 - 1.14:50]The event was a great spectator sport, similar to actual soccer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.14:50 - 1.15:13]They were invited to the Rocket League Winter Major by a friend who works at bts.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.15:13 - 1.15:26]The speaker and Nick make fun of each other.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.15:26 - 1.16:34]The speaker and his friend, Nick, are talking about their experience playing Rocket League.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.16:23 - 1.16:29]People kept asking the speaker for pictures, which is not something that happens often.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.16:40 - 1.17:18]They spent a lot of time playing and have a lot of fun being toxic and yelling at other players.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.17:18 - 1.18:30]The event was a great spectator sport, similar to actual soccer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.17:37 - 1.18:36]The speaker recommends attending a Rocket League event.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.18:36 - 1.19:43]The event was a great spectator sport, similar to actual soccer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.19:43 - 1.20:11]The speaker and Nick make fun of each other.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.19:59 - 1.21:05]People kept asking the speaker for pictures, which is not something that happens often.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.20:11 - 1.20:47]The speaker's childhood friend was also at the event and they met up.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.21:05 - 1.21:45]The speaker and his friend, Nick, are talking about their experience playing Rocket League.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.21:14 - 1.22:14]The speaker recommends attending a Rocket League event.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.22:14 - 1.23:22]Nick is trying to come up with a million dollar idea.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.22:27 - 1.23:28]Nick had a great protein bar at the airport.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.23:28 - 1.24:31]The speaker and Nick make fun of each other.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.24:04 - 1.24:42]The speaker talks about a friend named Eric and his new bit about being cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.24:43 - 1.25:46]They discuss playing Fortnite and the speaker's limited building skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.25:46 - 1.29:01]The speaker talks about a friend named Eric and his new bit about being cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.29:01 - 1.30:11]They reminisce about old times playing Super Smash Bros. at a friend's house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.30:11 - 1.32:06]The speaker talks about a land party they had with friends, including one named Active who made controversial statements about religion and guns.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.30:16 - 1.31:27]They reminisce about old times playing Super Smash Bros. at a friend's house.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ludwig got into a fight. It went too far. | The Yard

[1.30:39 - 1.33:21]The speaker talks about a friend named Eric and his new bit about being cool.