

Youtube profile pic for Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[00:00 - 00:07]The speaker talks about being on a podcast and discussing diversification.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[00:32 - 00:40]They introduce themselves and their guest, Michael, who is a robotics content creator on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[00:46 - 00:52]They discuss how Michael's content is often described as that of a "crack head engineer" and how he introduces himself as a robotics content creator or software developer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[01:14 - 01:21]The speakers discuss their experiences with Uber drivers in Japan and the UK, and how some drivers are talkative while others are not.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[02:52 - 03:04]They mention a clever Uber driver who uses the job to find real estate clients.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[03:28 - 03:36]The speakers talk about their engineering degrees, with Michael revealing he dropped out after one year.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[04:17 - 04:23]They discuss the flaws of the engineering education system and how it often teaches things that are not applicable in the real world.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[05:43 - 05:48]They mention their different areas of engineering expertise.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[05:55 - 06:03]The guest and one of the speakers reveal they have both had "clown" interviews and share their experiences.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[06:14 - 06:21]The guest shares a funny story about drawing a dick in a job interview for a missile company.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[06:36 - 06:46]The guest did not quit his engineering degree for YouTube, as he did not get far into it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[00:00 - 06:46]The speakers and their guest discuss their experiences with Uber drivers, engineering degrees, and job interviews. They also share funny stories and criticisms of the engineering education system.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[06:46 - 07:00]Speaker discusses taking a Python introductory course for engineering

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[08:16 - 08:22]Talks about having to pay for college with job in engineering

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[08:53 - 09:00]Speaker believes they are mostly self-taught in engineering

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[09:01 - 09:07]Discusses learning through Google and YouTube tutorials

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[10:40 - 10:50]Mentions frustration with having to take unrelated classes

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[10:40 - 10:50]Talks about bad experiences with professors and lectures in university

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[11:21 - 11:30]Asks about creative process for making videos

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[12:02 - 12:10]Speaker mentions having a short list of ideas but many are dependent on working

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[12:10 - 12:22]Shares examples of potential video ideas, including a meat Roomba and a baby-killing drone

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[12:52 - 13:03]Discusses validating ideas before committing to them

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[13:41 - 13:47]Speaker is good at scrapping ideas before pursuing them

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[06:46 - 13:47]Speaker discusses their experience with engineering and education, as well as their creative process for making videos and validating ideas. They also mention a few potential video ideas, including a meat Roomba and a baby-killing drone.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[14:33 - 14:38] Person discusses a video that took them a long time to make

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[14:54 - 15:01]Mentions working on a 3D printed project and streaming it online

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[16:46 - 16:51]Recalls being shocked as a child while experimenting with electricity

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[18:17 - 18:24]Talks about using a taser for streaming and the dangers of electrocution

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[18:17 - 18:24]Discusses a YouTube video where someone accidentally shocks themselves

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[20:17 - 20:26]Mentions safety measures for electrical outlets in different countries

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[13:48 - 20:31]Person discusses working on a long video project, using a 3D printer, streaming the process, and experimenting with tasers and electricity. They also mention a YouTube video where someone shocks themselves and talk about safety measures for electrical outlets.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[22:47 - 22:53]Person talking about boxing and their experience with it

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[22:59 - 23:11]Trained five times a week for four months, sometimes even on vacation

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[24:27 - 24:32]Talks about walking out to their song playing and feeling good

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[24:55 - 25:05]Mentions a friend named Graham

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[25:26 - 25:38]Describes feeling nervous before the fight, but eventually feeling confident

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[25:52 - 25:57]Remembers the crowd chanting their name and feeling supported

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[26:16 - 26:25]Talks about not being able to hear their coach during the fight

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[27:01 - 27:06]Mentions that their coach was training three other fighters as well

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[27:27 - 27:32]Describes the backstage atmosphere and how one of the pros got TKO'd

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[27:46 - 27:53]Ends with the other fighters cheering and the person feeling nervous

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[20:31 - 27:53]Person talks about their experience with boxing, including training, feeling nervous before the fight, and not being able to hear their coach during the fight. Mentions a friend named Graham and the backstage atmosphere before the fight.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[27:54 - 28:02]The speaker talks about watching a fight and being nervous before their own fight in Minecraft.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[28:11 - 28:20]They mention having Matt in their room and watching the TV during the first round.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[28:26 - 28:33]The speaker talks about their nerves and being filmed with headphones on.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[28:33 - 28:43]They compare the experience to sparring and discuss the conscious effort needed in boxing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[29:34 - 29:41]The speaker mentions sparring against a professional and a skilled 14-year-old.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[31:51 - 31:58]They talk about different techniques and the power of anime in boxing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[32:03 - 32:09]The speaker tries a boxing class and discusses the intense physical toll it takes.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[34:13 - 34:18]They mention wanting more personalized training and feeling confident after landing a successful punch.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[27:54 - 34:40]The speaker compares their experience to Alex's and describes the feeling of seeing their opponent wobble.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[35:20 - 35:25]Speaker discusses their recent boxing match and how it went

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[36:42 - 36:47]Speaker mentions props to everyone who participated in the event and how it was a big deal

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[36:47 - 36:54]Speaker discusses not knowing the event would be that big or serious beforehand

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[37:57 - 38:04]Speaker reflects on a moment during the match where they got mad

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[37:57 - 38:04]Discussion about the strict weight requirements and how the speaker had to lose weight before the weigh-in

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[38:04 - 38:12]Discussion about upcoming YouTube boxing events and how it feels like a "clown show" at times

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[38:04 - 38:12]Speaker's opponent was chosen a few weeks after they agreed to participate

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[38:36 - 38:44]Speaker's experience with needing to use the bathroom before the fight and how a friend helped them in the bathroom with their gloves on

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[39:09 - 39:15]Brief discussion about a drinking game called "Edward 40 hands" or "Edward side of hands"

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[40:36 - 40:43]Sponsorship mention for a healthy energy drink for gamers

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[41:36 - 41:42]Mention of a potential future event where creators fight to the death

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[41:42 - 41:49]Discussion about British food and the speaker's love for it, specifically mentioning jelly deals and haggis

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[34:40 - 42:01]Overall, the speaker discusses the success and unexpected size of the YouTube boxing event and their positive experience participating in it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[42:01 - 42:06] The speaker is talking about food in the East End and mentions it looks disgusting with gravy and pie

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[42:07 - 42:14]They discuss trying it with corn and the speaker's taste buds not liking it

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[42:53 - 43:01]The speaker mentions loving beans and toast and plans to make it with cheese, fried egg, and sauce

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[43:16 - 43:22]They talk about how many foods in the UK have origins in war time and how British food is often associated with beans and toast

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[43:16 - 43:22]They talk about how in the UK, beans are eaten frequently and often paired with British cuisine

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[43:42 - 43:51]The speaker mentions that they have never been to Europe but they love Ireland and Japan for their aesthetics

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[44:32 - 44:38]They discuss how Wales is often overlooked as a tourist destination and joke about it only having sheep

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[45:47 - 45:52]They joke about how Americans are still young as a country and haven't hit the "depression age" where they just give up and drink

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[46:17 - 46:24]They talk about how in the UK, people over 50 often go to the pub at noon and start drinking

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[47:09 - 47:15]The speaker mentions that in Australia, if it's too early for the pub, people go to the beach instead

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[47:16 - 47:22]They discuss how drinking on the beach is the best, but it's not allowed on many Australian beaches

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[47:38 - 47:46]The speaker shares a story about a man who drank three beers alone at the pub in the morning

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[48:08 - 48:14]They talk about how Australians are also cynical and self-deprecating, especially with humor

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[48:15 - 48:21]The speaker mentions loving cringe humor and recommends British TV shows like Peep Show and The Inbetweeners

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[48:38 - 48:45]They discuss how they don't watch much TV anymore, but the last anime they watched was Mob Psycho

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[48:51 - 49:02]A brief mention of the speaker liking Banana Fish

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[48:51 - 49:02]The speaker and the person they are talking to have spoken before and the speaker mentions briefly discussing Banana Fish before.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[42:01 - 49:02]The speaker and the person they are talking to discuss food in the East End, the origins of British food, and how beans are often eaten in the UK. They also talk about Wales as a tourist destination, the aesthetics of Ireland and Japan, and drinking culture in the UK and Australia. They mention their love for cringe humor and briefly discuss their favorite TV shows and anime.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[49:02 - 49:08]The speakers discuss their shared love for the anime "Banana Fish" and how it was underappreciated.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[49:08 - 49:15]The first speaker is surprised that the other has watched "Banana Fish" because it is not well-known among anime fans.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[49:15 - 49:21]They both agree that the show was marketed poorly and was considered "yaoi bait."

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[51:06 - 51:12]They briefly discuss "Harry Potter" and a Harry Potter club in their high school.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[51:24 - 51:29]They mention other anime they have watched, including "Food Wars" and "Death Note."

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[52:43 - 52:49]The first speaker talks about owning a Boston Dynamics dog robot and using it in offline TV videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[54:08 - 54:13]They mention going to Japan and the possibility of renting a scooter or motorcycle.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[54:39 - 54:44]The second speaker explains the rules and regulations in Japan, including registering bicycles with the police.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[55:16 - 55:30]They conclude by discussing the importance of asking for forgiveness rather than permission in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[49:02 - 55:53]The speakers discuss their shared love for the anime "Banana Fish" and briefly mention other anime they have watched. They also mention owning a Boston Dynamics dog robot and their upcoming trip to Japan. They discuss the strict rules and regulations in Japan and the importance of asking for forgiveness rather than permission.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[55:59 - 56:05]Difficulty obtaining permission to film in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[56:05 - 56:15]Culture of asking for forgiveness rather than permission

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[56:05 - 56:15]Trains always run on time

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[56:16 - 56:22]Difficulty finding scooter rentals in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[56:48 - 56:54]Visited Shibuya and Shinjuku

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[57:07 - 57:12]Tried amazing food and saw Mount Fuji

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[57:07 - 57:12]Japan is picturesque and aesthetically pleasing

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[57:58 - 58:13]Previous positive experience in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[58:13 - 58:18]Refreshing to be a "cog in the machine" in Japan compared to LA

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[58:48 - 59:02]Spoiled by fast and efficient customer service in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.00:43 - 1.00:50]Offline TV is mostly self-produced

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.01:11 - 1.01:28]Difficulty finding specialists to help with content creation in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.01:42 - 1.01:48]Filming in Japan is challenging due to lack of infrastructure and language barriers

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.02:19 - 1.02:26]Sushi Ramen is a popular and interesting Japanese YouTuber

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.02:26 - 1.02:32]Japanese YouTubers often try to mimic Japanese TV shows

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[55:53 - 1.02:32]Japan is difficult to film in due to cultural and logistical challenges, but offers a refreshing change of pace from LA. Offline TV mostly produces their own content and struggles to find specialists in Japan. Sushi Ramen is a popular Japanese YouTuber.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.02:32 - 1.02:37] Person talking about YouTube thumbnails and Japanese market

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.02:45 - 1.02:52]Different trends in Japan for YouTube than rest of the world

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.03:08 - 1.03:13]Japanese creator community smaller compared to LA

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.03:14 - 1.03:20]Japanese people who speak English encouraged to do English content

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.03:14 - 1.03:20]Slow growth of English channels in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.03:26 - 1.03:35]J vlogging scene making a comeback, influenced by Felix's move to LA

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.03:49 - 1.03:55]LA city sucks, but can't leave because of people and industry

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.04:24 - 1.04:31]Exploring LA by using bird scooters and bikes

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.05:35 - 1.05:41]Portland also has interesting and crazy people like LA and New York

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.06:19 - 1.06:26]Friend's experience with a homeless person on the train in Portland

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.07:12 - 1.07:18]Similar experience with a homeless person on the UK tube in London

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.08:35 - 1.08:42]Conditioned to not talk to people in the UK, but in Japan it's normal

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.02:32 - 1.09:06]Discussion of YouTube and Japanese market, LA city and exploration, and encounters with interesting people in Portland and London.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.09:06 - 1.09:14]The speaker talks about their experience living in London and how they quickly adapted to the fast-paced lifestyle.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.09:15 - 1.09:25]They mention their frustration with people not following the proper escalator etiquette in England.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.09:26 - 1.09:34]The speaker then talks about their recent trip to Japan and how they accidentally stood on the wrong side of the escalator due to different customs in different regions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.10:59 - 1.11:07]They mention their admiration for YouTubers like Filthy Frank and their own beginnings on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.12:17 - 1.12:23]The speaker discusses their lack of balance between creating content for YouTube and other activities like Twitch and offline TV.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.13:01 - 1.13:09]The speaker talks about their experience with boxing and the intense training regimen they went through.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.13:57 - 1.14:09]They mention trying out new hobbies and constantly trying to improve themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.15:03 - 1.15:09]They mention the rule in boxing to not masturbate before a fight, and their initial skepticism about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.15:25 - 1.15:30]The speaker shares their own experience with this rule and how they struggled to even go a week without masturbating.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.09:06 - 1.15:30]The speaker talks about their experience living in London, their admiration for YouTubers like Filthy Frank, and their lack of balance between creating content for YouTube and other activities. They also discuss their experience with boxing and the rule to not masturbate before a fight.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.15:31 - 1.15:37]The speaker talks about feeling lethargic after training and his coach telling him to open his hand.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.16:15 - 1.16:21]He discusses a strange "fighting secret" where coaches advise not to ejaculate before a fight.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.18:02 - 1.18:12]The speaker questions if this is a common practice and mentions other fighters who have been told the same thing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.20:13 - 1.20:30]The group talks about the benefits of using a bidet and the speaker's friend spending a lot of money on one.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.21:43 - 1.22:00]They discuss visiting onsen (public baths) in Japan and how it has become a bonding experience for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.22:51 - 1.22:59]The speaker and his friends enjoy trying new experiences while traveling in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.23:05 - 1.23:15]The speaker mentions a rude wake-up call while staying in a spa hotel.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.15:31 - 1.23:15]The speaker and his friends discuss their experiences with training, using a bidet, and visiting public baths in Japan, as well as a strange "fighting secret" they have been told by their coaches.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.23:16 - 1.23:22]The speaker got drunk the night before a Japanese meal with sake.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.24:36 - 1.24:44]Breakfast burritos in LA are too much food in the morning.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.24:45 - 1.24:50]The breakfast was either amazing or a chore.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.25:30 - 1.25:35]They were hungover the next morning when the hotel staff arrived.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.26:42 - 1.26:59]The speaker lived in Hawaii, which has a liberal culture but also loves guns and hunting.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.28:20 - 1.28:30]The speaker saw a deer get hit by a car and a kid from their class carried it home.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.29:08 - 1.29:15]It was refreshing to leave the island and come to the mainland.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.29:45 - 1.29:51]The UK has a lot of history and castles, which the speaker appreciates now.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.29:57 - 1.30:17]The UK also has modern conveniences like Greg's and McDonald's.

A youtube thumbnail wor Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

[1.23:16 - 1.30:17]The speaker got drunk the night before a Japanese meal, was hungover for breakfast the next morning, and lived in Hawaii before moving to the UK, which has a lot of history and modern conveniences like fast food.