

Youtube profile pic for Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[00:02 - 00:50]Speaker discusses a conversation about doing acupuncture

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[00:32 - 00:59]Speaker would hang out at dollar stores and liquor stores, making friends and asking questions

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[01:00 - 02:00]Speaker's first friend in middle school was the custodian

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[01:09 - 01:48]Speaker stopped going to after school classes in middle school and would wait for hours until their mom picked them up

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[02:00 - 02:32]Speaker would hang out at dollar stores and liquor stores, making friends and asking questions

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[02:32 - 02:42]Speaker's mom would leave them at school or other places for hours at a time

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[02:43 - 03:31]Speaker stopped going to after school classes in middle school and would wait for hours until their mom picked them up

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[03:07 - 03:19]Speaker and listener may have crossed paths in LA at some point

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[03:19 - 03:54]Speaker would hang out at dollar stores and liquor stores, making friends and asking questions

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[03:38 - 03:43]Speaker stopped going to after school classes in middle school and would wait for hours until their mom picked them up

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[03:54 - 04:37]Speaker grew up in LA and would visit strange places and meet people at a young age

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[04:02 - 04:16]Speaker became friends with people who did performance art involving hooks in their bodies

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[04:38 - 05:07]Speaker also became friends with someone who made a documentary about people in the movie Psycho

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[05:07 - 06:12]Speaker would also hang out at a bookstore and meet interesting people

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[05:19 - 06:07]Speaker became friends with people who did performance art involving hooks in their bodies

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[06:12 - 06:59]Speaker's life was more exciting and interesting than the listener's after school activities.

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[07:00 - 07:17]Speaker would hang out at a dollar store and later with the custodian

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[07:18 - 07:32]Speaker was very curious and loved meeting new people and asking them questions

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[07:32 - 07:39]Speaker also became friends with someone who made a documentary about people in the movie Psycho

A youtube thumbnail wor Olivia’s BFF Was The Janitor - SmoshCast #40 Highlight

[07:39 - 07:53]Speaker would also hang out at a bookstore and meet interesting people