

Youtube profile pic for TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[00:00 - 00:21]The speaker has seen their friends' penises many times and discusses crossing a barrier.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[00:07 - 00:15]They mention a strange vending machine in Japan that sells used underwear.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[00:21 - 02:04]The podcast guests are Gaunt, also known as Gigak, and they discuss the Trash Taste podcast, the number one anime podcast that doesn't talk about anime.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[00:30 - 01:21]They clarify that their name is Gaunt, not Grant, and it is a Thai name.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[00:51 - 01:53]The speaker primarily identifies as a YouTuber, but has recently started streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[00:56 - 01:02]The speaker is fully Thai but was born and raised in the UK.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[01:21 - 01:27]The speaker believes the content creator community is still niche and small.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[02:04 - 03:12]The podcast originally started as an outlet to talk about anime, but has now evolved to include other topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[03:13 - 03:40]The pandemic has led to an increase in anime watching and Vtubing.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[03:40 - 05:54]Twitch numbers went up by 30% in the first two months of 2019.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[04:33 - 05:27]The barrier of entry for Twitch is lower than it is for YouTube, which has a high quality standard.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[05:28 - 06:51]The speaker primarily identifies as a YouTuber, but has recently started streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[05:54 - 06:32]It can be difficult to maintain that level of creativity while streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[06:32 - 07:44]There is pressure to constantly be on the grind and maintain high viewership.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[06:52 - 07:09]The speaker believes YouTube is more creatively fulfilling and each video can be unique and cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[06:57 - 07:38]The speaker primarily identifies as a YouTuber, but has recently started streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[07:20 - 08:13]The live viewership count can be a vibe killer and affect the streamer's mood.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[07:50 - 09:04]It can be difficult to maintain that level of creativity while streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[08:13 - 08:39]The live viewership count can be a vibe killer and affect the streamer's mood.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[08:45 - 09:17]The speaker believes YouTube is more creatively fulfilling and each video can be unique and cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[09:04 - 09:11]It can be difficult to maintain that level of creativity while streaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[09:17 - 10:04]Many TikTokers want to transfer their audience to YouTube and legitimize themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[10:04 - 10:40]The speaker attended VidCon and felt out of place among the young, well-presented TikTokers.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[10:40 - 10:50]They mention a wild party with Mr. Beast at VidCon.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[10:51 - 11:16]The speaker is fully Thai but was born and raised in the UK.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[10:51 - 11:16]The speaker moved to Japan with their two friends, Connor and Joey, who they met through their Trash Taste podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[10:58 - 11:27]The speaker has a small network of content creators they work with, but most of their friends are non-creators.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[10:58 - 12:45]The influencer/creator circle in Japan is small compared to the US, but they hope more people will move there in the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[11:27 - 11:35]The speaker has seen their friends' penises many times and discusses crossing a barrier.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[11:35 - 11:41]They mention a strange vending machine in Japan that sells used underwear.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[11:42 - 12:33]The speaker has a small network of content creators they work with, but most of their friends are non-creators.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[11:52 - 12:27]The podcast originally started as an outlet to talk about anime, but has now evolved to include other topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[12:45 - 13:32]The speaker and their friends are going to Japan next month and are excited about the current exchange rate.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[13:40 - 14:47]Kyoto is busy during peak tourism season, but now is a great time to visit because of fewer tourists.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[14:47 - 15:05]Japan caters to any niche, making it a great country for streamers and content creators.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[15:05 - 15:11]The speaker and their friends are going to Japan next month and are excited about the current exchange rate.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[15:11 - 16:54]Japan is a content goldmine because of its weird and clickbaitable things.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[15:27 - 15:39]The speaker has been visiting Japan every year since 2017 and has seen their YouTube career grow with the anime fandom and industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[16:55 - 17:17]Seeing how big anime has become and how many celebrities watch it is surreal

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[17:17 - 17:35]The interviewer was going to bring up the topic of streaming anime on Twitch

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[17:35 - 20:14]The speaker thinks that streaming anime on Twitch could be a great promotion for old and forgotten shows

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[17:44 - 18:05]Anime was not as big as it is now when it started on YouTube

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[18:40 - 18:50]The speaker and the interviewer work in the anime industry and have to fight for approvals to use anime content online

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[18:51 - 18:59]The speaker explains that they chose it because it is one of their favorite sports anime and deals with realistic themes of hard work and natural talent

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[19:25 - 20:03]The speaker thinks that streaming anime on Twitch could be a great promotion for old and forgotten shows

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[20:15 - 20:21]The speaker and interviewer both have experience with Japanese companies being strict about copyright infringement

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[20:21 - 21:30]The speaker and the interviewer work in the anime industry and have to fight for approvals to use anime content online

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[20:57 - 21:03]The interviewer was going to bring up the topic of streaming anime on Twitch

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[21:30 - 21:51]The speaker and interviewer have a hard time working with Japanese companies due to old culture

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[21:51 - 23:45]The speaker and the interviewer work in the anime industry and have to fight for approvals to use anime content online

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[22:41 - 22:54]The speaker chooses the anime Ping Pong the Animation as a show they would like to watch with their fans

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[22:55 - 24:49]The speaker and the interviewer both watch anime

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[23:45 - 24:00]The interviewer asks the speaker why they started streaming anime on Twitch

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[24:01 - 24:40]The speaker explains that they did it to prove a point and because it was a trend among streamers to watch Hell's Kitchen with Gordon Ramsay

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[24:14 - 25:16]The speaker thinks that streamers often copy each other without thinking about the legality of it

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[25:39 - 25:47]The speaker and the interviewer both watch anime

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[25:53 - 26:14]The speaker has a newfound respect for the show Naruto after their experience with streaming it on Twitch

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[26:20 - 26:53]The speaker and interviewer both have experience with Japanese companies being strict about copyright infringement

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[26:33 - 27:25]The speaker thinks that streaming anime on Twitch could be a great promotion for old and forgotten shows

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[27:04 - 29:48]The speaker explains that they chose it because it is one of their favorite sports anime and deals with realistic themes of hard work and natural talent

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[27:25 - 27:31]The speaker and interviewer discuss the potential for collaborations between game companies and streamers in promoting anime

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[27:31 - 28:02]The speaker chooses the anime Ping Pong the Animation as a show they would like to watch with their fans

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[28:02 - 28:40]The interviewer asks the speaker if they only watch Naruto, and they reveal that they are also up to date with One Piece

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[28:46 - 28:52]The speaker chooses the anime Ping Pong the Animation as a show they would like to watch with their fans

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[29:35 - 29:42]The speaker explains that they chose it because it is one of their favorite sports anime and deals with realistic themes of hard work and natural talent

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[29:48 - 30:35]The interviewer asks if the speaker would watch anything else besides Naruto on stream, and they mention the possibility of watching Shapoot in the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[29:55 - 30:20]The speaker mentions that they may do it again with another anime, but it is a risky move

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[29:55 - 31:07]The speaker wants to avoid getting a permanent ban on Twitch for copyright strikes.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[30:05 - 31:34]The speaker has seen Twitch as a job, but also a career with longevity.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[30:21 - 30:26]The speaker thinks that streamers often copy each other without thinking about the legality of it

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[30:35 - 34:27]The speaker has concerns about the impact of copyright strikes on the streaming industry as a whole.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[33:58 - 35:48]The speaker has been streaming for 11 years and has never been banned, but is concerned about the potential for a changing platform.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[35:48 - 36:19]The speaker wants to avoid getting a permanent ban on Twitch for copyright strikes.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[36:29 - 39:00]The speaker has seen Twitch as a job, but also a career with longevity.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[36:59 - 37:55]The speaker primarily sees YouTube as a platform for repurposing streaming content.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[39:01 - 40:12]Streaming can sometimes feel routine, but the speaker finds ways to keep it fresh.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[39:31 - 41:44]The speaker primarily sees YouTube as a platform for repurposing streaming content.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[39:40 - 40:39]The speaker discusses the importance of creating unique and compelling content on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[39:47 - 41:25]The speaker mentions the difficulty of planning to be a successful streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[40:40 - 41:58]Streaming can sometimes feel routine, but the speaker finds ways to keep it fresh.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[40:40 - 42:22]The speaker discusses the importance of creating unique and compelling content on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[41:52 - 43:25]The speaker mentions the potential for a professional "Among Us" esports scene.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[42:23 - 43:12]The speaker mentions the difficulty of planning to be a successful streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[43:25 - 44:23]They discuss the career potential of online content creation, using Ray William Johnson as an example of a creator who has made a comeback.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[43:38 - 45:24]The speaker discusses the importance of creating unique and compelling content on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[44:34 - 47:33]The speaker mentions the difficulty of planning to be a successful streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[46:08 - 47:07]They admit to getting comfortable and wanting to be constantly stressed in order to maintain success.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[46:27 - 46:32]The speaker mentions the difficulty of planning to be a successful streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[47:15 - 47:39]The speaker discusses the importance of creating unique and compelling content on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[47:21 - 47:39]They also mention the creator's talent for writing and how they have released several one-shots in their free time.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[47:40 - 48:25]They discuss Ninja's masterclass on streaming and question its effectiveness.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[47:40 - 48:25]They talk about how the creator of Bleach is a genius and how they both started making anime reviews with Bleach as their first subject.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[47:49 - 48:51]The speaker mentions the difficulty of planning to be a successful streamer.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[47:55 - 48:51]They discuss the creator's talent for character design and how they make characters cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[48:52 - 49:19]They also mention other manga they have read and recommend a specific one about the entertainment industry in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[48:52 - 50:07]The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning and improving through the process of creating content.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[49:00 - 49:45]The first individual talks about how they wrote and edited their first anime review in one night because they had a math exam the next day.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[49:31 - 50:42]They also mention the creator's talent for writing and how they have released several one-shots in their free time.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[50:00 - 50:26]They discuss the review of Bleach and how the first individual gave it a seven out of ten.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[50:07 - 51:01]The speaker questions the value of views and reflects on the effort put into creating content.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[50:13 - 50:49]The first individual talks about how they wrote and edited their first anime review in one night because they had a math exam the next day.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[50:27 - 51:16]The second individual remembers that the Soul Society arc was the best and how they preferred the manga over the anime.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[51:02 - 51:38]The speaker mentions the potential for a professional "Among Us" esports scene.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[51:16 - 51:38]The first individual talks about how they have read all of the manga and how they read for hours every night.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[51:16 - 53:01]The speaker explains their approach to creating content, including using clickbait and focusing on specific games.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[51:39 - 53:01]They also mention other manga they have read and recommend a specific one about the entertainment industry in Japan.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[51:46 - 52:01]They mention other popular anime/manga and how they prefer the newer style like Chainsaw Man.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[52:14 - 53:07]They mention the impact of social media on creators and the need for a strategy to recover from being "canceled" by the public.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[52:21 - 52:50]They discuss the creator's talent for character design and how they make characters cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[53:01 - 53:13]They also mention the creator's talent for writing and how they have released several one-shots in their free time.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[53:13 - 54:41]They discuss the creator's talent for character design and how they make characters cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[53:20 - 55:45]They discuss how there should always be a "big three" in the anime/manga world, referring to Bleach, Naruto, and One Piece.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[53:36 - 54:34]They talk about how Bleach was a part of a generation of anime fans and how it ran for 10 years.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[54:41 - 55:23]They discuss the creator's talent for character design and how they make characters cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[55:24 - 56:08]The two individuals then discuss how the manga continued after the Soul Society arc and how they regret their initial review.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[55:31 - 56:37]The first individual talks about how even though the end of Bleach was not as good, they are still excited for its return.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[56:42 - 57:24]They discuss the creator's talent for character design and how they make characters cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[56:48 - 58:30]The second individual talks about how they are waiting for the Chainsaw Man anime.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[56:56 - 57:42]The first individual talks about how they have read all of the manga and how they read for hours every night.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[57:24 - 58:36]The second individual talks about how they are waiting for the Chainsaw Man anime.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[57:59 - 58:16]They also mention the creator's talent for writing and how they have released several one-shots in their free time.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[58:36 - 58:48]The first individual expresses their excitement for the Chainsaw Man anime and how they didn't expect it to become so popular.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[58:36 - 59:35]The speaker believes that an upcoming anime called Spike's Family will be very popular

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[58:48 - 58:59]They describe Chainsaw Man as a comedy, slice of life anime/manga that they dropped but plan to pick up again.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[59:08 - 1.00:28]They mention the success of the anime Genshin and predict that there will be many Genshin cosplayers

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.00:29 - 1.02:50]The speaker believes that an upcoming anime called Spike's Family will be very popular

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.01:45 - 1.02:32]They mention wanting to create an anime that tells their own stories and their love for the medium of animation and anime.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.02:32 - 1.05:17]The speaker talks about the popularity of League of Legends and their show Arcane, which they consider the best show of the year

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.05:17 - 1.07:15]They discuss the potential for a League of Legends MMO and the world-building done through their card game Legends of Runeterra

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.06:36 - 1.07:30]They mention a bucket list of things they want to do before they die, including traveling to Iceland and Australia.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.07:16 - 1.09:45]The speaker expresses their desire to create their own anime and mentions a previous project they did with OTV

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.07:30 - 1.09:50]The speaker also talks about a specific expensive activity they want to do, but acknowledges it may not have a return on investment.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.08:53 - 1.11:01]They mention a bucket list of things they want to do before they die, including traveling to Iceland and Australia.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.11:01 - 1.15:47]Another person in the conversation talks about their desire to avoid fear or regret on their deathbed.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.11:43 - 1.14:05]They mention a video on YouTube where a 90-year-old philosopher reflects on his life and realizes he has figured nothing out.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.13:05 - 1.15:22]The speaker and the hosts talk about their ages and how they are considered "old" in the world of content creation.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.14:27 - 1.18:03]They talk about meeting celebrities in LA and discuss an encounter with an actress from Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.15:30 - 1.17:36]The topic shifts to their love for walking, specifically in Japan and the convenience of being able to walk to get coffee.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.16:16 - 1.17:31]Another person in the conversation talks about their desire to avoid fear or regret on their deathbed.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.16:36 - 1.19:48]The topic shifts to their love for walking, specifically in Japan and the convenience of being able to walk to get coffee.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.17:25 - 1.17:49]The speaker thanks the hosts for having him on and expresses his discomfort being on someone else's podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.17:36 - 1.19:41]The speaker also talks about a specific expensive activity they want to do, but acknowledges it may not have a return on investment.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.18:08 - 1.20:34]They talk about meeting celebrities in LA and discuss an encounter with an actress from Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.18:27 - 1.19:07]They briefly discuss the rise of virtual YouTubers and how it has become mainstream.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.18:41 - 1.21:11]The topic shifts to their love for walking, specifically in Japan and the convenience of being able to walk to get coffee.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.18:41 - 1.21:46]The speaker and the hosts talk about their ages and how they are considered "old" in the world of content creation.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.20:05 - 1.22:51]They also suggest visiting an onsen (hot spring) for a relaxing and cultural experience, especially in the winter when it can be combined with snowfall.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.20:35 - 1.21:37]The speaker recommends becoming a "foodie" while in Japan and trying various types of food, including higher-end and artisan options.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.21:48 - 1.23:19]They also suggest visiting an onsen (hot spring) for a relaxing and cultural experience, especially in the winter when it can be combined with snowfall.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.21:48 - 1.24:43]The hosts reveal that they have seen each other's penises during a bonding experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.24:43 - 1.25:24]The speaker thanks the hosts for having him on and expresses his discomfort being on someone else's podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor TRASH TASTE CROSSOVER ft. Gigguk - OfflineTV Podcast #22

[1.24:53 - 1.25:07]They briefly discuss the rise of virtual YouTubers and how it has become mainstream.