

Youtube profile pic for The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:00 - 02:53]The speaker reflects on their outfit and jokes about turning into a bimbo

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:29 - 04:46]They talk about visiting YouTubers and cutting out nipple holes in their shirts as a prank

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:53 - 04:13]The speaker reflects on a topic that they wrote down in their chat about addressing a current event

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:46 - 06:01]They discuss a deal to sell their podcast and mention ads being added for listeners

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[06:01 - 07:47]They mention not being good at addressing the topic and feeling like they are missing Tupper's presence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[07:47 - 12:33]The speaker reflects on their outfit and jokes about turning into a bimbo

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:00 - 13:47]They mention not being good at addressing the topic and feeling like they are missing Tupper's presence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:48 - 14:07]The event also featured actors dressed up as Oompa Loompas and Willy Wonka himself.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[13:41 - 14:50]The event turned out to be an empty warehouse with only a few props and quarter cups of lemonade for refreshments.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[14:51 - 17:56]The entrance fee was $45 and children were promised a paradise experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:47 - 17:23]The event also featured actors dressed up as Oompa Loompas and Willy Wonka himself.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[16:27 - 17:50]The experience was advertised with AI and promised to make chocolate dreams come true.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[17:57 - 20:08]The organizers used AI to create a new character called "The Unknown" who was an evil chocolate maker.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:44 - 21:08]The event turned out to be an empty warehouse with only a few props and quarter cups of lemonade for refreshments.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:08 - 23:05]The father of one of the attendees spoke out about the disappointment and false advertising.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:13 - 22:11]The event has gained viral attention and has sparked discussions about the use of AI and false advertising.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:27 - 22:31]The event also featured actors dressed up as Oompa Loompas and Willy Wonka himself.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:05 - 23:46]The event turned out to be an empty warehouse with only a few props and quarter cups of lemonade for refreshments.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:48 - 25:13]The event also featured actors dressed up as Oompa Loompas and Willy Wonka himself.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:47 - 24:58]The organizers used AI to create a new character called "The Unknown" who was an evil chocolate maker.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:13 - 26:27]The event also featured actors dressed up as Oompa Loompas and Willy Wonka himself.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:47 - 27:01]The organizers used AI to create a new character called "The Unknown" who was an evil chocolate maker.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:53 - 26:21]The event was put on by a company called House of Illuminati without the proper licensing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:21 - 27:58]He calls himself an enigmatic wordsmith and is being marketed as a rising star in the literary world, with AI-generated blurbs

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:27 - 27:08]He gives actors a 15-page script written by a machine to learn for a play

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:58 - 28:12]The discussion shifts to the Sphinx and the hosts' previous discussion about it being censored by their podcast manager

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[28:14 - 30:31]The hosts consider doing a similar prank, creating a Chuckle Sandwich AI experience with a fake immersive event and merch booth

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[28:29 - 29:13]The hosts argue over their ideas being accepted or rejected by their manager, with one feeling sensitive about their ideas being dismissed as "fringe"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[29:14 - 30:06]The podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp, a virtual therapy service, and the hosts briefly discuss the benefits of therapy

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:31 - 32:53]They brainstorm different ideas, including a sandwich building ritual and using GPT to generate the experience

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:53 - 33:52]The hosts discuss millennial terms, with one suggesting "trill" as an example

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[33:22 - 34:34]He calls himself an enigmatic wordsmith and is being marketed as a rising star in the literary world, with AI-generated blurbs

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[33:52 - 34:28]The hosts continue discussing their ideas for the Chuckle Sandwich AI experience, including using sweaty meats and a trap door on the Sphinx's head

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[34:34 - 35:15]The hosts discuss millennial terms, with one suggesting "trill" as an example

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[35:16 - 37:02]The hosts continue discussing their ideas for the Chuckle Sandwich AI experience, including using sweaty meats and a trap door on the Sphinx's head

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[35:26 - 37:35]They anticipate their manager asking them to cut the discussion about the Sphinx, and one host searches for images of the trap door.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:03 - 38:05]The hosts argue over their ideas being accepted or rejected by their manager, with one feeling sensitive about their ideas being dismissed as "fringe"

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:16 - 37:58]They anticipate their manager asking them to cut the discussion about the Sphinx, and one host searches for images of the trap door.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:59 - 38:05]The original purpose of the hole was to affix a headdress, but it is now used for other purposes.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:07 - 39:42]The speakers must come up with a new word to avoid being detected by the AI.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:12 - 38:55]A hole in the head of the Great Sphinx of Egypt measures five feet square and six feet deep.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:30 - 39:17]It is unknown whether the dog face on the Sphinx was a mask or was chiseled.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[39:43 - 41:06]They mention a writer strike and not wanting to cross a picket line.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[39:51 - 41:13]The speakers must come up with a new word to avoid being detected by the AI.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:15 - 41:56]One of the speakers made a video about watching every Barbie movie before going on a trip.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:57 - 43:15]They discuss their childhood influences, including Fox News personalities.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:24 - 44:54]One of the speakers made a video about watching every Barbie movie before going on a trip.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:31 - 44:16]They discuss their childhood influences, including Fox News personalities.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[44:17 - 44:46]They mention a writer strike and not wanting to cross a picket line.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[44:54 - 45:30]They discuss their childhood influences, including Fox News personalities.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:01 - 45:50]One of the speakers made a video about watching every Barbie movie before going on a trip.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:30 - 47:28]They mention a writer strike and not wanting to cross a picket line.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:36 - 48:10]One of the speakers made a video about watching every Barbie movie before going on a trip.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:10 - 48:42]They mention a writer strike and not wanting to cross a picket line.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:18 - 48:55]The speaker discusses a recent event where influencers were not allowed to discuss certain movies due to SAG strikes

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:55 - 49:51]The speaker talks about watching a lot of Barbie movies for a video project and falling asleep while doing so

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:33 - 51:28]They mention a potential project involving compiling TikToks into a movie-length reaction video

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:29 - 52:50]The conversation shifts to a viral video about a breakdancing dad who abandoned his family and became famous

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[51:36 - 52:07]The speaker talks about watching a lot of Barbie movies for a video project and falling asleep while doing so

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[52:23 - 53:45]The conversation shifts to a viral video about a breakdancing dad who abandoned his family and became famous

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:48 - 55:19]The dad responds to criticism about not paying medical bills and defends himself, including a mention of being a fan of Elon Musk

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:05 - 56:03]The conversation shifts to a viral video about a breakdancing dad who abandoned his family and became famous

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[55:24 - 55:57]The dad responds to criticism about not paying medical bills and defends himself, including a mention of being a fan of Elon Musk

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:03 - 56:25]The speaker recommends watching Curtis Conner's video on the topic and mentions their own video reacting to viewers' best presentations

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:25 - 56:55]The speaker talks about watching a lot of Barbie movies for a video project and falling asleep while doing so

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:43 - 58:09]The speaker thanks audio listeners and reminds them to rate the podcast on Spotify.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Willy Wonka AI Disaster | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:55 - 58:20]The conversation briefly turns to the Dune movie and the use of sand screens instead of green screens for visual effects