

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 33: Reality Space Show

SuperMegaCast - EP 33: Reality Space Show

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 33: Reality Space Show

[00:09 - 00:16]Person shifts and accidentally pees themselves

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[00:16 - 00:23]Introduction to Super Mega Cast podcast

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[02:27 - 02:34]Discussion about receiving packages from Lego

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[03:07 - 03:23]Theory that a fan working for Lego is intentionally sending packages for free advertising

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[04:34 - 04:39]Discussion about stepping on Legos and collecting soda can tops

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[04:34 - 04:39]Recalling a painful memory of getting a finger cut from collecting soda can tops

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[06:02 - 06:07]Discussion about collecting box tops for schools

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[06:58 - 07:05]Discussion about schools making students sell things for fundraising

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[07:12 - 07:17]Mention of ROTC selling world's finest chocolate

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[00:09 - 07:17]Person recalls painful experiences involving urine, stepping on Legos, collecting soda can tops, and fundraising for schools.

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[07:18 - 07:25]The speaker recalls their favorite chocolate from World's Finest, but acknowledges it is not the best.

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[07:25 - 07:34]They reminisce about selling chocolate door to door in school.

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[08:06 - 08:18]The speaker notes the competitive nature of selling chocolate and the desire to outdo others.

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[08:42 - 09:10]They recall a scene from the movie Jaws and joke about messing up lines.

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[09:26 - 09:34]The speaker discusses using the insult "bellringer" and reflects on how language can change.

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[11:36 - 11:41]They mention Ricky Berwick and how he grossed them out with a video.

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[12:18 - 12:23]The speaker talks about the habit of chewing with mouth open and their dislike for it.

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[12:50 - 12:56]They mention a name for people who get aggravated by the sound of people eating.

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[12:50 - 12:56]The speaker recalls getting annoyed at dinner when they could hear people chewing.

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[13:43 - 13:48]They mention that it is a common thing and there is a name for it.

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[13:49 - 13:54]The speaker jokes about going to a doctor and saying they have a mental illness.

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[14:25 - 14:33]They imagine having "mega" versions of diseases like cancer, AIDS, and polio.

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[07:18 - 14:33]The speaker reminisces about selling chocolate door to door in school and discusses the competitive nature of it. They also mention Ricky Berwick, the habit of chewing with mouth open, and a dislike for certain sounds. They joke about having "mega" versions of diseases.

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[14:34 - 14:43]Discussing the possibility of super versions of sleep aids already existing

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[14:43 - 14:49]Misunderstanding of the term "sleep aids" and confusion with AIDS

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[15:11 - 15:22]Joking about the dangers of leaving your closet door open at night and encountering "sleep aids"

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[16:09 - 16:20]Mention of SpaceX's plan to send two tourists to fly around the moon and back in 2018

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[19:38 - 19:47]Speculation on the type of people who will be chosen for this trip

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[20:05 - 20:14]Suggestion to make it a lottery system instead of solely based on wealth

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[20:41 - 20:47]Discussion on the risks and potential for accidents in space travel

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[21:24 - 21:31]Concerns about ISIS potentially causing problems on other planets

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[22:01 - 22:11]Sarcasm about Trump potentially listening to the podcast and getting the idea for a "space cannon" to shoot ISIS into orbit

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[14:34 - 22:23]Overall, discussion about the possibilities and potential dangers of space travel and tourism.

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[22:24 - 22:29] Someone suggests shooting members of ISIS into space

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[22:35 - 22:41]Discussion about the logistics of burning up in the atmosphere

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[22:41 - 22:46]Speculation about what ISIS would do on the moon

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[23:13 - 23:18]Joking about claiming ownership of the moon and women

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[25:39 - 25:45]Discussion about extreme activities like bungee jumping and skydiving

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[26:34 - 26:41]Mention of falling from an airplane and surviving

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[27:44 - 27:51]Shocking story about a woman who survived falling from 30,000 feet after an airplane explosion

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[22:24 - 29:31]A discussion about extreme activities and survival stories, including a shocking story about a woman who survived falling from 30,000 feet after an airplane explosion.

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[37:25 - 37:31] Ming is compared to a cartoon or movie character.

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[37:56 - 38:01]The concept of old people going to hell is discussed.

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[37:56 - 38:01]The possibility of a lost book of the Bible saying old people go to hell is brought up.

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[37:56 - 38:01]Drunk people singing religious songs is mentioned.

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[37:56 - 38:01]Two instances of people vomiting outside a Buffalo Wild Wings is described.

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[37:56 - 38:01]The Ming Report is introduced and explained.

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[37:56 - 38:01]Ming's drug use and interactions with other homeless people is discussed.

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[38:01 - 38:07]A theory is mentioned about waking up in a different situation after dying.

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[38:01 - 38:07]Ming has been going to jail and coming back to the streets.

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[38:01 - 38:07]Ming's recent activities, including writing on the sidewalk and leaving trash, are mentioned.

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[38:01 - 38:07]The hosts see Ming yelling and pacing in an alleyway while they are out before recording the podcast.

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[38:01 - 38:07]A comparison is made to Ming's movement and the hosts mock it.

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[29:32 - 38:07]The audio discusses various topics, including theories about what happens after death, old people going to hell, and drunk people singing religious songs. The hosts also give updates on the activities of a homeless woman named Ming and see her yelling and acting erratic in an alleyway.

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[38:07 - 38:12]Person wants to get up and move

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[38:20 - 38:26]They reference the crocodile guys in Donkey Kong Country

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[38:26 - 38:34]They want someone to describe their movements

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[38:40 - 38:46]They believe they are part of the reptilian higher society

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[38:46 - 38:54]The person is screaming and going crazy

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[38:55 - 39:00]They lose their car keys and eventually find them

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[39:07 - 39:20]They see Ming with an old Chinese security guard

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[39:31 - 39:37]The guard is unsure of what to do

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[41:09 - 41:19]The person thinks Ming may have gotten arrested

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[42:44 - 42:52]They discuss the quality of NPR microphones compared to their own

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[43:48 - 43:55]They offer to buy Aaron Hanson food if he listens to their podcast

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[43:55 - 44:01]They mention Julian from OniPlays

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[44:01 - 44:10]They mention the disappointment of fans when they canceled the talking show

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[44:35 - 44:42]They discuss anonymity and privacy on the internet

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[45:04 - 45:09]The person reflects on their friendship with Ryan and how they became business partners

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 33: Reality Space Show

[38:07 - 45:16]Person reflects on a night out with friends, discussing the movements of a person, their belief in them being part of the reptilian society, and their encounter with an old Chinese security guard. They also discuss the quality of NPR microphones and their own relationship as friends and business partners.

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[45:16 - 45:30]The podcast hosts discuss their upcoming travel plans.

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[49:11 - 49:22]They mention that movie reviews are coming soon and tease an upcoming episode where they discuss movies that critics loved but they hated, and vice versa.

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[49:22 - 49:31]The conversation turns to superhero movies and the hosts share their opinions on them.

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[50:04 - 50:12]They assure listeners that there will still be content released while they are away.

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[50:12 - 50:19]They also mention that they have more one-off videos planned.

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[50:19 - 50:44]They talk about their current series and mention that they have already started another one.

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[50:19 - 50:44]They announce that tomorrow is the finale of a series featuring Ding Dong and Julian.

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[50:50 - 50:56]They also mention that tomorrow is the release of the Nintendo Switch.

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[51:11 - 51:22]They transition to discussing holding in urine and whether or not it can be deadly.

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[51:11 - 51:22]They mention that they have been able to play with the Switch at the Game Grumps office.

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[51:23 - 51:36]They briefly discuss playing the new Zelda game on the Nintendo Switch.

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[51:36 - 51:52]The hosts share their positive opinions of the Nintendo Switch and its capabilities.

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[51:36 - 51:52]The hosts express their excitement for the future of gaming with the Nintendo Switch.

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[52:02 - 52:14]They praise the console for its revolutionary technology and potential for mobile gaming.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 33: Reality Space Show

[45:16 - 52:52]The hosts discuss upcoming travel plans, assure listeners of continued content, talk about holding in urine, share their opinions on superhero movies, tease upcoming movie reviews, mention upcoming one-off videos, discuss their current series and upcoming finale, talk about the release of the Nintendo Switch and their positive opinions on it, and express excitement for the future of gaming with the revolutionary console.

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[52:53 - 52:58] Speaker describes their experience with the Nintendo Switch.

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[53:06 - 53:13]They were shocked by the graphics and versatility of the console.

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[53:33 - 53:42]They plan on purchasing a Pro Controller and have already pre-ordered a case.

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[54:16 - 54:30]They mention wanting to see more popular titles on the Switch.

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[55:38 - 55:44]They are excited for future games and announcements at E3.

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[56:21 - 56:28]They also mention hoping for a new Animal Crossing or Pikmin game.

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[56:59 - 57:05]They express interest in the large open world of Breath of the Wild.

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[57:44 - 57:50]The conversation turns to discussing possible podcast advertisers.

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[59:29 - 59:35]The conversation ends with a humorous hypothetical scenario.

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[52:53 - 1.00:01]Speaker's overall experience and excitement for the Nintendo Switch, their plans to purchase accessories and games, and their hope for future announcements.

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[1.00:02 - 1.00:08] A person is seen ducking their head down when a car drives by

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[1.00:08 - 1.00:19]They have an aggressive and agitating look, as if they want to fight

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 33: Reality Space Show

[1.00:19 - 1.00:27]The person appears to be sizing people up and is ready for a fight

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[1.00:34 - 1.00:41]The narrator pretends to be scared when they drive by

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[1.00:42 - 1.00:47]The person is confirmed to be homeless and a bully

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[1.01:12 - 1.01:18]The narrator states that homeless people have the right to be assholes

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[1.01:44 - 1.02:05]The topic changes to gaming and the rise of mobile gaming

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[1.01:44 - 1.02:05]The narrator wishes for better mobile games instead of cash grab apps

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[1.02:55 - 1.03:03]They mention popular mobile games such as Clash of Clans and Game of War

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[1.04:03 - 1.04:09]The narrator's friend spent hundreds of dollars on Clash of Clans

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[1.05:13 - 1.05:24]The narrator leaves a message for their friend to defend their actions

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[1.05:25 - 1.05:32]The topic changes to their friend Jose and how they miss him

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[1.07:02 - 1.07:06]The conversation jokingly turns to smoking cigarettes being healthy

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[1.07:02 - 1.07:06]A word of advice is given to smoke cigarettes as they can't hurt you

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[1.00:02 - 1.07:06]A person describes an aggressive and agitating person they see while driving by. They then discuss the rise of mobile gaming and their friend's excessive spending on Clash of Clans.