

Youtube profile pic for We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[00:00 - 00:19]Person A is upset and talking about leaving a person named Shane

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[00:19 - 01:41]Person A bailed on a wedding to attend the "moist moguls tournament"

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[00:35 - 01:05]Person A is upset and talking about leaving a person named Shane

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[01:41 - 02:07]Person A streamed a game while wearing a tuxedo shirt

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[01:47 - 02:26]Person A explains a conflict between a premiere and a game he wants to watch

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[02:26 - 02:50]Person A does not have a "Guimars".

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[02:50 - 03:02]Person A streamed a game while wearing a tuxedo shirt

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[03:02 - 03:15]Person A bailed on a wedding to attend the "moist moguls tournament"

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[03:17 - 03:23]Person A describes his girlfriend as beautiful but possibly ugly on the inside

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[03:23 - 03:56]Person A talks about sleeping on the floor and getting burned by a space heater

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[03:35 - 03:47]Person A streamed a game while wearing a tuxedo shirt

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[03:57 - 04:29]Person B asks if Person A and his girlfriend are intimate

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[04:30 - 05:22]Person A bailed on a wedding to attend the "moist moguls tournament"

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[05:22 - 05:49]Person A is trying to convince Ludwig to join a meeting

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[05:49 - 07:06]Person A describes his girlfriend as beautiful but possibly ugly on the inside

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[05:57 - 06:12]Person A is upset and talking about leaving a person named Shane

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[06:44 - 08:36]Person A talks about sleeping on the floor and getting burned by a space heater

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[07:45 - 08:30]Person B asks if Person A has a "Guimars"

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[08:12 - 08:23]Person A talks about sleeping on the floor and getting burned by a space heater

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[08:36 - 09:26]Person B suggests getting a heated floor

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[09:14 - 10:24]Person A talks about watching a show with a lot of breasts

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[09:41 - 10:54]The speaker talks about a line stolen from True Detective and mentions a Spanish verb.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[10:24 - 10:44]Person A does not like the term "Guimars"

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[10:55 - 12:28]They also mention a show called The Sopranos and the use of Italian slurs in it.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[11:31 - 12:54]The speaker's trainer talks about a fight and uses a term that the speaker finds offensive.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[12:41 - 14:17]The speaker attends a tournament in Canada and has a good time, but plays poorly.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[13:52 - 15:02]They mention a person at the tournament who is cringe.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[14:43 - 16:11]The speaker questions whether they were owned in this situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[16:45 - 17:56]The speaker attends a tournament in Canada and has a good time, but plays poorly.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[17:56 - 19:03]The speaker then talks about going to the Griffith Observatory and finding a lost bag that they try to return to its owner.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[19:03 - 20:15]The owner, who only speaks Spanish, does not want to take the bag and leads the speaker to the bag's original location.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[19:40 - 20:05]The speaker questions whether they were owned in this situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[19:53 - 21:40]It is revealed that the speaker also got owned for misidentifying a movie as Portuguese instead of Spanish and for not knowing what Kimba is.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[20:58 - 22:55]A group of people are discussing geography and their knowledge of European countries and their GDP.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[21:04 - 22:17]They then discuss the incorrect belief that the movie Lion King was based off of a previous show called Kimba.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[22:55 - 24:28]The person is unable to confidently point out Kosovo, leading to a discussion about their lack of knowledge.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[23:52 - 25:34]One person challenges another to point out Kosovo on a map of Europe.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[24:28 - 25:51]The person is unable to confidently point out Kosovo, leading to a discussion about their lack of knowledge.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[26:17 - 29:37]One person shares their experience of commentating at a tournament and feeling confident in front of a crowd.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[29:37 - 32:08]They then discuss a podcast and the benefits of using Manscaped products for grooming, specifically for men's genitals.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[32:09 - 34:05]One person recalls going to the gym and being called "Guile" by his coach

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[33:27 - 34:51]The person's friends also call him "Guile" and the coach starts calling him "Sonic Boom"

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[34:05 - 34:45]They discuss other characters from Street Fighter, including E-Honda and their appearances

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[34:52 - 36:45]They mention a boxing match between two YouTubers, Boogie and Wings of Redemption, and their current weight

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[35:19 - 35:42]The person is confused about the reference and doesn't know how to respond

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[36:46 - 37:18]They mention a boxing match between two YouTubers, Boogie and Wings of Redemption, and their current weight

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[37:19 - 39:29]The person is confused about the reference and doesn't know how to respond

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[37:25 - 38:00]The person's friends also call him "Guile" and the coach starts calling him "Sonic Boom"

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[37:55 - 40:13]They debate whether the toupee guy is bald or if he has a toupee himself

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[38:20 - 39:36]The conversation turns to geography and one person struggles to identify where Kosovo is

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[39:37 - 42:01]They joke about the appearance of one person and reference a dinosaur shirt

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[39:42 - 40:13]The person is confused about the reference and doesn't know how to respond

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[40:13 - 41:34]They discuss different options for the speaker's hair, including a bowl cut, a heart cut, and various styles inspired by other people

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[40:27 - 43:53]The speaker expresses a preference for longer hair, as it offers more options for styling

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[40:42 - 41:28]They discuss a person named "E-Money" and whether or not it is a reference to the band Slipknot

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[41:48 - 43:13]They mention someone who looks like "Corey Matthews" and a possible connection to a TV show character.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[42:01 - 42:37]They joke about the appearance of one person and reference a dinosaur shirt

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[42:12 - 43:35]They discuss photoshopping the speaker's face onto a different person's body to see what they would look like with a certain hairstyle

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[42:37 - 44:20]They debate whether the toupee guy is bald or if he has a toupee himself

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[44:05 - 47:28]The speaker discusses getting a toupee and mentions having a toupee guy who can make custom toupees for a thousand dollars

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[44:12 - 44:20]Slime's dad's number two.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[44:20 - 44:26]Look like a fucking Dr. Seuss movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[44:20 - 45:36]They discuss different options for the speaker's hair, including a bowl cut, a heart cut, and various styles inspired by other people

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[44:26 - 44:46]Needed to ignore the heart, he's a kid and I'm a child.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[44:54 - 44:59]It's too short.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[45:00 - 45:05]Ignoring the heart, ultimately a solving tank gunner.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[45:05 - 45:11]Cut the bullshit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[45:11 - 45:17]Guy is six, five.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[45:17 - 45:30]Fastest way to get Ludwig's jawline is by consuming factor meals.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[45:30 - 45:36]Needed to ignore the heart, he's a kid and I'm a child.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[45:36 - 45:42]Didn't get nuggies that day.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[45:36 - 47:39]They debate whether the toupee guy is bald or if he has a toupee himself

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[45:42 - 45:50]Next one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[45:50 - 45:58]It's kind of cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[45:58 - 47:39]This is you.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[46:03 - 46:09]Jesus.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[46:09 - 46:15]This is you.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[46:16 - 46:21]It's kind of cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[46:21 - 46:27]Jesse Eisenberg.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[46:28 - 46:34]It's kind of cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[46:34 - 46:40]Guy is six, five.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[46:40 - 46:45]Can put it, can seal a lot here.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[46:46 - 46:51]Jesus.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[46:51 - 46:59]Look at me.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[46:59 - 47:28]Fastest way to get Ludwig's jawline is by consuming factor meals.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[47:07 - 47:13]It's kind of cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[47:07 - 49:15]They consider a ponytail or "gamer guy" ponytail as a potential option

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[47:13 - 47:21]It's too short.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[47:28 - 47:33]Went crazy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[47:28 - 49:21]They discuss photoshopping the speaker's face onto a different person's body to see what they would look like with a certain hairstyle

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[47:40 - 47:46]It's kind of cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[47:47 - 47:53]Pluck Dylan.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[47:53 - 47:58]Guy is six, five.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[47:59 - 48:12]We go to the store and play Warhammer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[48:12 - 48:18]We smell like terrible shit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[48:18 - 48:24]Go to this one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[48:24 - 48:38]Face up ones are so sad looking.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[48:39 - 48:45]It's you.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[48:45 - 48:50]Teach me how to surf.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[48:51 - 48:57]I'm gonna switch.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[48:57 - 49:03]It's you.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[49:03 - 49:15]It's too short.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[49:03 - 51:39]They mention concerns about the length of the hair and whether it would feel like a wig.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[49:15 - 49:28]Chad.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[49:28 - 49:39]It's you.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[49:33 - 51:04]The speaker discusses getting a toupee and mentions having a toupee guy who can make custom toupees for a thousand dollars

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[49:39 - 49:46]This is money.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[49:46 - 49:52]Cut the bullshit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[49:52 - 50:13]This is money.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[50:13 - 50:19]Shut up.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[50:19 - 50:25]It's kind of cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[50:25 - 50:33]Jesse Eisenberg.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[50:33 - 50:45]Funny, looks like it would be fun.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[50:45 - 50:51]New number two.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[50:52 - 50:57]Pluck Dylan.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[50:58 - 51:04]Shut up.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[51:05 - 51:12]Chad.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[51:14 - 51:20]Funny.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[51:20 - 51:26]Next one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[51:27 - 51:32]Jesus.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[51:33 - 51:39]Look at me.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[51:39 - 51:44]Went crazy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[51:44 - 52:15]You can work on my bakery.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[51:49 - 51:57]Went crazy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[51:57 - 52:02]Look at me.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[52:02 - 52:08]Slime's dad's number two.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[52:15 - 52:20]This is money.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[52:21 - 52:27]Next one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[52:28 - 52:36]Can't do that.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[52:36 - 52:41]We smell like terrible shit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[52:41 - 52:46]Next one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[52:47 - 52:53]It's too short.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[52:53 - 53:09]It's kind of cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[53:09 - 53:15]Fun to look at.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[53:16 - 53:27]Little tummy looking snatched.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[53:27 - 53:32]Giving a lot of people at Mogul Moves.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[53:32 - 53:38]We'll fit right in.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[53:38 - 54:42]Factor family, included Shake Drizzle.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[53:46 - 53:52]Shake Drizzle lost weight, before and after picture.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[53:53 - 53:59]Attributed weight loss to factor.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[54:00 - 54:24]Protein dense meals, ready in two minutes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[54:24 - 54:30]We smell like terrible shit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[54:43 - 54:49]Choices, juices, smoothies, breakfast.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[54:49 - 55:36]Snatched and want to lose weight, go to for 50% off first box.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[54:59 - 55:12]Fastest way to get Ludwig's jawline is by consuming factor meals.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[55:12 - 55:18]Second fastest.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[55:18 - 55:25]Factor makes you weird.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[55:25 - 55:30]Code: "theyardofme".

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[55:36 - 55:42]Shut up.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[55:43 - 55:49]Look at me.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[55:43 - 1.06:00]The conversation ends with a comment about consistently getting haircuts to maintain a good look.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[55:49 - 55:55]Face up ones are so sad looking.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[55:55 - 56:01]Look at me.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[56:01 - 56:08]Face up ones are so sad looking.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[56:09 - 56:14]Guy is six, five.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[56:14 - 56:20]It's you.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[56:20 - 56:42]You can work on my bakery.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[56:42 - 56:48]Want to go to the store.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[56:50 - 57:02]It's kind of cool.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[57:02 - 57:07]Next one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[57:07 - 57:14]Look like a fucking Dr. Seuss movie.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[57:15 - 57:20]Needed to ignore the heart, he's a kid and I'm a child.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[57:20 - 57:25]I hate that fucking guy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[57:25 - 57:31]Jib rugby jersey.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[57:31 - 57:39]Maybe Larry Bird, or racist guy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[57:39 - 58:06]It's you.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[57:44 - 57:50]Maybe Larry Bird, or racist guy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[58:06 - 58:12]Jackson with an X.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[58:12 - 58:17]Jib rugby jersey.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[58:17 - 58:24]Can't do that.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[58:24 - 58:38]Can you look dumb?

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[58:38 - 58:50]Cut the bullshit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[58:51 - 59:02]Machine gun Kelly, Machine James Keenan.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[59:03 - 59:08]It's you.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[59:08 - 59:16]I hate that fucking guy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[59:16 - 59:22]You can smell good.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[59:22 - 59:28]Insecure, doesn't care.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[59:29 - 59:34]Little tummy looking snatched.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[59:34 - 59:40]I hate that fucking guy.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[59:40 - 59:54]Good contact.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[59:54 - 59:59]Next one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.00:01 - 1.00:07]Can put it, can seal a lot here.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.00:07 - 1.00:15]Guy is six, five.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.00:16 - 1.00:21]It's too short.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.00:21 - 1.00:28]Can't do that.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.00:28 - 1.00:33]We'll fit right in.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.00:34 - 1.00:46]Cut the bullshit.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.00:46 - 1.00:52]Next one.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.00:52 - 1.00:59]This is money.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.01:25 - 1.02:40]The conversation shifts to a different topic, with the speaker mentioning a previous embarrassing moment at a barbershop.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.01:30 - 1.02:21]The speaker compliments the other person, calling them "electric" and "dude."

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.02:40 - 1.03:35]The other person shares a similar embarrassing experience at a barbershop.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.03:11 - 1.04:09]The speaker compliments the other person, calling them "electric" and "dude."

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.03:35 - 1.04:15]There is a conversation about being in a pyramid, with the speaker expressing doubt and the other person saying they will find a way in.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.04:15 - 1.05:35]The conversation shifts to a different topic, with the speaker mentioning a previous embarrassing moment at a barbershop.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.05:15 - 1.07:34]Mention of a black barbershop and the cultural aspect of barbershops in general.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.05:35 - 1.06:00]They discuss a situation where the speaker snuck into a pyramid and the other person jokingly responds with "money talks."

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.06:01 - 1.09:25]The conversation shifts to a different topic, with the speaker mentioning a previous embarrassing moment at a barbershop.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.06:40 - 1.09:13]The conversation ends with a comment about consistently getting haircuts to maintain a good look.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.09:46 - 1.10:24]The speaker is uncomfortable with a situation and expresses hesitation, but the other person encourages them to proceed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.10:24 - 1.11:59]The conversation shifts to a different topic, with the speaker mentioning a previous embarrassing moment at a barbershop.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.10:55 - 1.11:12]The speaker is uncomfortable with a situation and expresses hesitation, but the other person encourages them to proceed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.11:12 - 1.13:01]The speaker mentions apologizing for a previous awkward hug.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.11:40 - 1.13:33]The speaker reveals their low credit score and mentions having multiple subscriptions that they forget to cancel.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.13:33 - 1.15:03]The speaker discusses a personal finance app called "Rocket Money" that helps manage subscriptions and expenses.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.15:03 - 1.18:45]The speaker discusses their pickiness in friendship and how it affects their perception of others' friendships.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.15:28 - 1.23:50]They joke about the speaker's appearance, and the friendliness of their dog.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.20:52 - 1.24:40]They mention a cousin who had a difficult experience at customs.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.22:48 - 1.26:49]They joke about the speaker's appearance, and the friendliness of their dog.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.25:37 - 1.26:34]The speaker jokes about becoming a "floorwife" for Patreon subscribers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.26:34 - 1.27:24]The speaker discusses their pickiness in friendship and how it affects their perception of others' friendships.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.27:24 - 1.29:15]They joke about the speaker's appearance, and the friendliness of their dog.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.28:04 - 1.31:53]They mention seeing someone who looks like a YouTuber named Blouse Toys at a music festival.

A youtube thumbnail wor We gave our bald friend hair again.... | The Yard

[1.30:51 - 1.33:43]They joke about the speaker's appearance, and the friendliness of their dog.