

Youtube profile pic for The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

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[00:00 - 01:30]A request is made for someone to read in their best anime voice.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[01:10 - 03:51]Ted returns and explains his brief absence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[03:51 - 05:30]A phone is found in the couch and its mysterious origins are discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[05:31 - 07:44]Ted returns and explains his brief absence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[07:00 - 09:04]The idea of a fishing episode is brought up.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[07:44 - 09:17]A debate ensues over whether or not to fulfill the request.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[09:17 - 11:27]The idea of a fishing episode is brought up.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[10:36 - 13:04]There is a discussion about the avian flu and chicken factories.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[13:04 - 15:12]Ted loses connection, causing a break in the conversation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[13:13 - 15:50]A phone is found in the couch and its mysterious origins are discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[13:39 - 15:41]The speaker shares a personal story about going to physical therapy for a back injury.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[14:09 - 15:02]Conversation about raccoons and their ability to grab objects

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[15:03 - 15:12]Discussion about hardest portion of training process

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[15:13 - 15:41]Disagreement about the level of danger posed by raccoons

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[15:41 - 15:50]Concern about potential issues during truth control

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[15:50 - 16:36]Ted returns and explains his brief absence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[15:50 - 17:06]Reassurance and offer for assistance before completing rentals

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[16:37 - 19:42]Conversation about raccoons and their ability to grab objects

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[17:12 - 19:30]Disagreement about the cuteness of raccoons

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[18:56 - 19:16]Discussion about the presence of bobcats, leopards, and coyotes in Austin

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[19:42 - 20:02]Conversation about raccoons and their ability to grab objects

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[20:02 - 23:07]Mention of stinky shirt saga

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[20:25 - 21:35]The speaker bought an expensive outfit for a stream reward, spending $7,000 on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[21:36 - 22:03]They perform a "goat see" with their hands to make a funny image, and the speaker remembers doing this on camera before.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[22:03 - 23:07]The speaker bought an expensive outfit for a stream reward, spending $7,000 on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[22:10 - 22:59]The speaker asks for the shirt to be dry cleaned, but it still smells bad the next day.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[23:09 - 25:19]Joke about not liking women and women in positions of power

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[23:09 - 25:19]The co-host asks the speaker how many tampons women use per day during their period, to which the speaker replies that he has a general idea but doesn't think about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[24:20 - 24:27]Disagreement about the level of danger posed by raccoons

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[24:20 - 26:49]The co-host suggests doing it again with their round mine, but the speaker is hesitant.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[24:55 - 25:02]Disagreement about the cuteness of raccoons

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[25:24 - 25:55]The conversation shifts to the speaker's fear of pink frosted sprinkle donuts, but he eventually eats one in a comical way.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[26:16 - 27:32]The speaker eventually agrees and they perform the "goat see" again, with the speaker's earring getting caught in their co-host's hand.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[27:32 - 30:49]They watch a Marine Corps commercial where a man slays a dragon and is then transformed into a Marine.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[28:51 - 30:08]The co-host mentions a movie with Heath Ledger and they watch another Marine Corps commercial where a man is knighted with a sword and then transformed into a Marine.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[30:49 - 31:38]They perform a "goat see" with their hands to make a funny image, and the speaker remembers doing this on camera before.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[31:07 - 35:26]The speaker eventually agrees and they perform the "goat see" again, with the speaker's earring getting caught in their co-host's hand.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[31:19 - 32:14]The conversation shifts to the speaker's fear of pink frosted sprinkle donuts, but he eventually eats one in a comical way.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[31:24 - 33:16]The speaker eventually agrees and they perform the "goat see" again, with the speaker's earring getting caught in their co-host's hand.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[32:14 - 33:07]The conversation shifts to the speaker's fear of pink frosted sprinkle donuts, but he eventually eats one in a comical way.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[34:25 - 36:07]The speaker eventually agrees and they perform the "goat see" again, with the speaker's earring getting caught in their co-host's hand.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[34:39 - 38:05]The guy is portrayed as the asshole in the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[38:05 - 38:53]They live in New York City and use an app to buy reduced-price restaurant leftovers.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[38:53 - 41:19]The girlfriend just wants a hot meal and is disappointed with the soup.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[40:09 - 41:40]The guy offers to buy her something, but she doesn't want soup.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[40:51 - 42:06]The guy is portrayed as the asshole in the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[41:40 - 42:51]The girlfriend just wants a hot meal and is disappointed with the soup.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[42:51 - 48:38]The guy is portrayed as the asshole in the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[46:51 - 48:30]Two people are discussing a situation where the guy didn't share his food with his girlfriend.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[48:39 - 53:08]A debate about the quality of pizza at different establishments

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[53:09 - 56:25]The first person also believes that troops collecting money outside of stores do not deserve the donations

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[56:25 - 57:16]A father is frustrated with his son for only wearing underwear around the house

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[56:37 - 59:49]The father also sets the thermostat high to save money

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[59:24 - 1.02:37]The father is also upset with the son's habit of scraping butter from the top rather than slicing it

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.02:52 - 1.04:45]A game show host asks a guest if they would rather have unlimited bacon or unlimited games

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.03:18 - 1.06:06]The speaker is discussing a situation where he accidentally butt dialed his mother while losing his virginity.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.05:41 - 1.08:28]The voicemail contained unsavory content and the speaker is embarrassed by the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.06:56 - 1.09:41]The speaker reflects on how the team name is culturally relevant and could potentially be turned into a cool thing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.09:42 - 1.12:20]The speaker is discussing a situation where he accidentally butt dialed his mother while losing his virginity.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.12:40 - 1.13:55]The speaker wonders how long the mom listened to the voicemail and how he would explain the situation to her.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.13:41 - 1.15:28]The team name was "bussy bus" and the speaker pronounced it as "bussy bus" over the intercom.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.15:28 - 1.16:08]The speaker reflects on how the team name is culturally relevant and could potentially be turned into a cool thing.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.16:09 - 1.17:47]The speaker talks about bald eagles and how they're humongous.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.17:22 - 1.20:32]They also mention the national bird and animal of Canada and the US.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.20:32 - 1.22:04]The conversation then shifts to different animals, including pigeons, bearded dragons, and beavers.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.21:48 - 1.21:58]They then rank different animals on a tier list and discuss the proper way to eat a candy cane.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.22:04 - 1.26:19]The speaker shares a conspiracy theory about Mickey Mouse sniffing employee underwear at Disney World.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.24:04 - 1.26:43]He then talks about how he's seen them in person and they're not as big as they seem.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.26:43 - 1.28:35]The conversation ends with a "would you rather" question about unlimited bacon or unlimited games.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.27:56 - 1.30:59]The speaker and another person discuss whether or not a bald eagle could give a blowjob.

A youtube thumbnail wor The Best of Chuckle Sandwich 2023!

[1.28:43 - 1.30:14]They then rank different animals on a tier list and discuss the proper way to eat a candy cane.