

Youtube profile pic for Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:00 - 01:06]A group is waiting on Ted, who is always late.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[00:19 - 02:09]Tucker is surprised to see Ted at his apartment.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[01:57 - 03:34]Ted and Tucker discuss their trip to see the solar eclipse.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[02:47 - 04:21]Ted notices various concerning items in Tucker's apartment, including weapons and merchandise from other businesses.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:23 - 05:23]Ted arrives 15 minutes late and mentions that he is there to deliver something.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[04:50 - 05:09]Ted notices various concerning items in Tucker's apartment, including weapons and merchandise from other businesses.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[05:25 - 08:05]Ted and Tucker discuss their trip to see the solar eclipse.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[06:20 - 06:38]They originally planned to drive to Rochester, New York, but changed their destination due to cloudy weather.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[06:39 - 08:27]They eventually arrive at Newport, Vermont, to see the eclipse with minimal cloud cover.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[08:28 - 11:18]They end up driving to Burlington, Vermont, but continue further east due to increasing cloud coverage.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:33 - 09:55]Ted and Tucker discuss their trip to see the solar eclipse.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[09:55 - 11:01]They eventually arrive at Newport, Vermont, to see the eclipse with minimal cloud cover.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[10:56 - 13:18]They talk about how people with blue collar jobs may have a different perspective on the eclipse compared to others.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[11:04 - 13:33]The two friends drove to Vermont to see the eclipse, enduring long hours of traffic and eventually finding a place to eat.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[12:33 - 14:29]They talk about the actual eclipse, with one friend mentioning how it was black and another mentioning how it was just dimmer.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[14:30 - 15:26]They mention how some people may not be interested in the eclipse at all, like the friend's dad who didn't bother getting eclipse glasses.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[14:52 - 15:51]They joke about ancient societies and their rituals surrounding eclipses.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[15:57 - 16:43]Two friends, one named Tucker and the other unnamed, discuss their experience of watching the partial eclipse.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[16:47 - 18:04]They end by discussing how their three minutes of eclipse time was worth the long drive and traffic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[17:18 - 18:24]They discuss the traffic and how it was the worst traffic Vermont has ever seen.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[18:04 - 19:57]The two friends drove to Vermont to see the eclipse, enduring long hours of traffic and eventually finding a place to eat.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:13 - 19:44]They end by discussing how their three minutes of eclipse time was worth the long drive and traffic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[19:32 - 21:54]Two friends, one named Tucker and the other unnamed, discuss their experience of watching the partial eclipse.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:40 - 23:03]They mention how some people may not be interested in the eclipse at all, like the friend's dad who didn't bother getting eclipse glasses.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:54 - 23:57]They end by discussing how their three minutes of eclipse time was worth the long drive and traffic.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[21:54 - 25:02]They made a video during an eclipse, discussing it and taking photos

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:11 - 22:26]They discuss their recent posts on Twitter and TikTok

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:11 - 23:43]They mention how people around them were focused on the eclipse, while the influencer friend was setting up a TikTok dance.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:27 - 22:48]They made a video during an eclipse, discussing it and taking photos

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[22:48 - 23:03]They were on a road trip with barely any service

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:04 - 24:30]They had to add a sound to their TikTok video using someone else's phone

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[23:58 - 24:13]The video did well, with almost 400k likes

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[24:30 - 26:03]Someone is editing a video on their phone

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[25:02 - 25:50]They make a joke about someone being emotional because they are a woman

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:04 - 26:15]They mention other streamers, including Ludwig

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:15 - 27:52]Someone is editing a video on their phone

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[26:56 - 28:33]They make a joke about someone being emotional because they are a woman

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[27:15 - 29:15]They discuss old Wii games that they found

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[28:47 - 29:33]They talk about streaming on Twitch and the simplicity of it

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:18 - 30:52]They mention other streamers, including Ludwig

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[30:52 - 31:30]They talk about playing music on the server and subjecting people to the fitness gram-pacer test

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[31:00 - 32:41]They reflect on good times on the server.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[31:48 - 32:53]They talk about playing music on the server and subjecting people to the fitness gram-pacer test

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[32:53 - 34:39]They discuss a person named Jarvis who is skilled with computers

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[34:13 - 35:12]The conversation shifts to the Patreon logo redesign

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[35:13 - 36:22]The speaker is discussing streaming and trying to make it more watchable

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[36:23 - 37:25]They mention tricking their chat with small objects on their desk

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:25 - 38:11]The speaker is discussing streaming and trying to make it more watchable

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[37:34 - 39:05]They mention tricking their chat with small objects on their desk

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[38:27 - 41:40]The speaker is discussing streaming and trying to make it more watchable

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[41:14 - 43:33]The speaker talks about their own stream and how their chat enjoys gambling with channel points

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[42:59 - 45:33]The speaker received messages from viewers about going to Las Vegas after the stream.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[43:34 - 44:26]The speaker talks about their own stream and how their chat enjoys gambling with channel points

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:10 - 45:45]The speaker had a blast and went to Vegas to gamble.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[45:33 - 47:06]They were in a dungeon with four levels and fought boss mobs.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[47:07 - 48:12]They were on a server and typed in a capture for Ted Niveson.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[47:35 - 48:48]They received multiple captures during the fight, possibly due to another player stream sniping.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[47:41 - 49:40]The speaker was on a podcast during this and got bored, so they went to see who was streaming on the server.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[48:18 - 48:35]They received multiple captures during the fight, possibly due to another player stream sniping.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[49:24 - 50:18]The speaker had a blast and went to Vegas to gamble.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[50:07 - 53:13]The speaker died multiple times due to an infernal level mob that teleported, had regeneration, and could steal weapons.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:14 - 55:15]The speaker hears someone behind them and turns around.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:22 - 54:18]The speaker enjoys grinding and getting all the items on the server.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:31 - 55:08]The speaker had a blast and went to Vegas to gamble.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[53:43 - 55:15]The speaker and the listener are discussing the speaker's desire to build a table and get diamond armor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:32 - 54:55]The speaker and Tucker often start a new realm and the speaker immediately starts digging underground.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:39 - 56:45]The speaker mentions being on a break and returning to find a new, ugly house in the village.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[54:45 - 56:00]The speaker and the listener discuss the poor quality of some of the houses in the village.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[56:00 - 57:04]The speaker talks about using a build guide for their own house and being questioned about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[57:04 - 58:30]The listener mentions looking through the speaker's chests and the speaker's basement.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[58:31 - 59:28]The speaker talks about using a build guide for their own house and being questioned about it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[58:38 - 59:42]They discuss the honor system in the village and the listener's desire for trains.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[59:42 - 1.00:55]The speaker and the listener are discussing the speaker's desire to build a table and get diamond armor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.00:55 - 1.03:25]The speaker and listener reminisce about their previous SMP experiences and the passing of time since then.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.01:09 - 1.01:31]The speaker and the listener are discussing the speaker's desire to build a table and get diamond armor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.02:20 - 1.03:02]The speaker and listener reminisce about their previous SMP experiences and the passing of time since then.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.03:25 - 1.04:42]The listener mentions looking through the speaker's chests and the speaker's basement.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.04:06 - 1.05:08]The speaker mentions their dental work and the possibility of getting veneers in Turkey.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ted & Tucker's Solar Eclipse Catastrophe | Chuckle Sandwich

[1.05:48 - 1.06:03]The listener mentions looking through the speaker's chests and the speaker's basement.