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DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[00:00 - 00:51]The speaker discusses their concerns about the stock market and asks for financial advice.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[00:10 - 02:25]The speaker shares their experience of participating in a boxing match and reflects on their training and injuries.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[01:31 - 03:34]They discuss their habit of taking items from places they visit, such as restaurants.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[03:36 - 04:44]The speaker shares their experience of participating in a boxing match and reflects on their training and injuries.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[03:41 - 05:05]The speaker mentions a person who got lasek surgery specifically for boxing.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[05:06 - 08:56]The speaker shares their experience of participating in a boxing match and reflects on their training and injuries.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[08:56 - 09:58]They express interest in seeing how seriously future contestants will take the events.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[08:56 - 11:27]They mention other fights from the event and discuss the physical toll it took on the participants.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[09:39 - 11:03]The speaker admits that they wouldn't have participated in the event after seeing the first one due to the sacrifices involved.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[10:43 - 12:28]They express interest in seeing how seriously future contestants will take the events.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[10:56 - 11:57]The speaker mentions a person who got lasek surgery specifically for boxing.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[12:29 - 13:51]The speaker introduces themselves as Graham Stefan and the conversation continues.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[13:10 - 14:07]The speaker mentions their own involvement in a cameo website and talks about their prices and approach to making videos for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[14:07 - 14:54]The speaker introduces themselves as Graham Stefan and the conversation continues.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[14:13 - 16:09]The speaker mentions their own involvement in a cameo website and talks about their prices and approach to making videos for it.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[16:09 - 16:48]They mention the influx of new investors in the stock market and how they may be panicking due to the current state of the market.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[16:48 - 17:11]The speaker introduces themselves as Graham Stefan and the conversation continues.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[17:00 - 18:38]The speaker discusses his love for fish and his friend's impressive fish tank.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[17:39 - 18:30]There are communities for every niche interest, including a specific type of coral called Acropora.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[18:38 - 21:42]The speaker's interest in fish tanks started at a young age, and he got a job at a wholesaler where he was paid in coral and fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[20:19 - 20:30]He eventually started getting paid in cash as well, but spent it all on his tank.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[21:23 - 22:04]The speaker's interest in fish tanks started at a young age, and he got a job at a wholesaler where he was paid in coral and fish.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[21:43 - 22:09]The speaker discusses his love for fish and his friend's impressive fish tank.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[22:09 - 22:16]The speaker's approach is to present new information and allow viewers to make their own decisions.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[22:17 - 24:03]The speaker's partner helps with editing and filming for their YouTube channel, which focuses on finance and investing.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[22:17 - 24:03]The speaker has multiple YouTube channels, including a main channel, a reaction channel, and a vlog channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[22:24 - 24:16]He spends 30 minutes a day tending to the tank and is part of Facebook groups for trading coral.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[22:24 - 24:16]The speaker mentions their reliance on Google Calendar and other technology in their daily life.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[22:38 - 22:49]The speaker's partner helps with editing and filming for their YouTube channel, which focuses on finance and investing.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[22:49 - 25:38]They also have a podcast discussing investing and financial advice for millennials.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[23:19 - 23:54]The speaker's approach is to present new information and allow viewers to make their own decisions.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[23:19 - 23:54]The next video will be related to boxing.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[23:32 - 23:38]The tank is located in the middle of his house and is the pride and joy of the owner.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[24:03 - 26:58]The speaker focuses on creating videos that are not repetitive and often talks about current news or topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[24:32 - 24:50]They also have a podcast discussing investing and financial advice for millennials.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[24:32 - 25:19]They believe it is important to present facts and allow viewers to come to their own conclusions rather than telling them what to do.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[24:50 - 25:14]The speaker's approach is to present new information and allow viewers to make their own decisions.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[25:14 - 25:33]The speaker's partner helps with editing and filming for their YouTube channel, which focuses on finance and investing.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[25:20 - 26:06]The speaker focuses on creating videos that are not repetitive and often talks about current news or topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[25:45 - 26:52]The speaker has tried changing their thumbnails but has found that their audience responds better to a consistent style.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[25:53 - 27:59]The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a strong title, thumbnail, and first three minutes of a video to attract viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[27:24 - 28:29]The speaker believes that TikTok could potentially influence people's opinions or actions.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[27:46 - 28:43]The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a strong title, thumbnail, and first three minutes of a video to attract viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[28:43 - 31:04]They mention TikTok and how it can be useful for finding travel recommendations or satisfying content.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[29:08 - 30:18]The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a strong title, thumbnail, and first three minutes of a video to attract viewers.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[29:23 - 29:53]The speaker mentions their reliance on Google Calendar and other technology in their daily life.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[29:41 - 31:11]They mention TikTok and how it can be useful for finding travel recommendations or satisfying content.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[31:20 - 32:34]The speaker mentions their reliance on Google Calendar and other technology in their daily life.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[31:25 - 32:58]The speaker has seen some strange and disgusting content on TikTok, including a person who creates meals from moldy rice and random street garnishes.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[33:14 - 33:53]They mention TikTok and how it can be useful for finding travel recommendations or satisfying content.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[33:54 - 34:21]The speaker has seen some strange and disgusting content on TikTok, including a person who creates meals from moldy rice and random street garnishes.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[34:21 - 35:58]The speaker believes that TikTok could potentially influence people's opinions or actions.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[35:00 - 35:35]They also mention a TikTok user who has been doing the same dance every day for three years in hopes of finding a girlfriend.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[35:35 - 36:24]They discuss the amount of personal information that apps like TikTok and Google have access to and how it can be concerning.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[36:24 - 37:03]The speaker mentions their reliance on Google Calendar and other technology in their daily life.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[37:03 - 38:00]They have mixed feelings about targeted ads and sometimes intentionally avoid purchasing items that are advertised to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[37:21 - 38:05]The speaker encourages supporting smaller creators by clicking on their ads.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[37:52 - 38:05]The speaker is invited to a podcast to talk about investing.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[38:05 - 39:53]After leaving their job, they realized they only had $5,000 in their bank account.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[38:21 - 39:15]They once went to an expensive dinner and the owner said he would pay for it, but never did.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[39:54 - 40:40]The speaker's financial advisor approves of their 40% savings rate.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[40:40 - 41:25]They ask for advice on when to get back into the stock market.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[41:02 - 42:13]They discuss the current state of the stock market and the speaker's recent decision to sell all their stocks.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[42:13 - 43:56]The conversation turns to cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[42:27 - 44:11]They discuss the current state of the stock market and the speaker's recent decision to sell all their stocks.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[42:34 - 45:01]The conversation turns to cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[45:01 - 46:05]The speaker's friend has made a lot of money trading in the cryptocurrency market.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[45:09 - 45:35]The conversation turns to cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin and Dogecoin.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[46:06 - 46:47]The speaker has lost money in both cryptocurrency and options trading and has decided to never touch either again.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[46:12 - 48:28]They mention that many people in the LCS (League of Legends Championship Series) invested in cryptocurrency and weed stocks.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[46:18 - 46:36]The speaker's friend has made a lot of money trading in the cryptocurrency market.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[46:48 - 47:50]They mention that many people in the LCS (League of Legends Championship Series) invested in cryptocurrency and weed stocks.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[47:39 - 48:34]People are dropping from playing professionally to becoming professional gamers, making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[47:51 - 48:46]After leaving their job, they realized they only had $5,000 in their bank account.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[47:57 - 48:55]The speaker believes they have become more financially powerful over the years and want to use that power to do more interesting things.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[48:28 - 48:40]The speaker hopes that Bitcoin and Ethereum will become the "Amazon" of the cryptocurrency market.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[48:56 - 50:59]The speaker loves working and making money, and has rejected 98% of sponsors over the years.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[49:26 - 50:45]They have recently spent 10 grand on a vtuber model and are considering spending another 10 grand on another one.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[50:59 - 52:30]Finding someone to work with on the back end of their content has been difficult, as they want someone who can think independently and look out for the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[52:31 - 54:08]They have a steady income and don't feel the need to take on sponsors, and instead focus on creating better content.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[52:38 - 54:45]The speaker believes they have become more financially powerful over the years and want to use that power to do more interesting things.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[54:17 - 57:00]The speaker has received many offers and opportunities, including one from a Chinese streaming website for six figures.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[55:01 - 58:09]They have had some unintentional sponsorships, like with the company Vessie who makes waterproof shoes that they wear constantly.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[57:12 - 59:50]The speaker believes they have become more financially powerful over the years and want to use that power to do more interesting things.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[58:44 - 59:42]The speaker loves collecting and would like to collect rare cars and art in the future.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[59:50 - 1.02:13]The speaker discusses their difficulty in taking vacations due to their constant focus on work and the fear of missing out on opportunities.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.02:16 - 1.06:26]The speaker watches a variety of YouTube channels, including finance and comedy ones.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.05:47 - 1.07:11]They also enjoy long-form content and speedrunning videos.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.07:14 - 1.09:00]The speaker believes it is important to limit exposure to daily news in order to maintain happiness.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.07:52 - 1.09:00]The speaker discusses a significant event and mentions someone dying

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.08:28 - 1.08:55]They find financial news interesting and use Reddit as a resource for immediate updates.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.08:35 - 1.08:55]The speaker saw a picture comparing Betty White's face to XXXTentacion's

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.09:01 - 1.09:35]The speaker talks about a networking concept and meeting someone at an event

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.09:10 - 1.09:52]The speaker discusses a significant event and mentions someone dying

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.09:10 - 1.10:02]The speaker did not believe in credit cards when they were younger and still don't.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.09:17 - 1.09:35]The speaker now has good credit, but still rarely uses credit cards and prefers to use debit.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.09:36 - 1.12:51]The speaker discusses the possibility of making large purchases with unlimited money in five minutes

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.10:02 - 1.10:52]The speaker's credit score was improved by having a credit card they never used or activated.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.10:09 - 1.10:27]When they tried to buy real estate, they were denied a loan due to having no credit history.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.10:53 - 1.11:59]Someone opened a credit line in the speaker's name, improving their credit score.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.11:01 - 1.11:52]The speaker's credit score was improved by having a credit card they never used or activated.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.11:07 - 1.12:13]The speaker talks about a networking concept and meeting someone at an event

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.11:59 - 1.12:27]The speaker now has good credit, but still rarely uses credit cards and prefers to use debit.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.12:08 - 1.12:13]The speaker did not believe in credit cards when they were younger and still don't.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.12:22 - 1.13:40]The speaker discusses the possibility of making large purchases with unlimited money in five minutes

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.12:27 - 1.14:09]They mention a credit card for creators that offers good rewards and is easy to get approved for.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.12:51 - 1.14:14]The speaker talks about a networking concept and meeting someone at an event

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.13:40 - 1.13:46]Someone opened a credit line in the speaker's name, improving their credit score.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.13:40 - 1.15:01]They discuss the Creator Clash event and wanting to go backstage next year

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.13:46 - 1.13:59]They apologize for the inconvenience.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.13:46 - 1.15:08]The speaker discusses a significant event and mentions someone dying

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.15:08 - 1.15:44]The speaker shares their biggest regret of not defending their teammates publicly on social media in the past

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.15:44 - 1.17:34]They mention learning to not make decisions based on relationships

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.17:35 - 1.18:17]The speaker discusses the possibility of making large purchases with unlimited money in five minutes

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.17:45 - 1.18:49]They mention buying Teslas, gold bars, and BTS merchandise as potential purchases

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.18:18 - 1.20:05]The hosts discuss the rising prices of items due to COVID, including watches, cars, pets, and their associated costs.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.19:52 - 1.20:37]They mention the difficulty of restarting chip manufacturing in the US and the long process it takes to reach the current standard.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.21:11 - 1.23:54]The hosts discuss the shortage of chips and its impact on various industries, including cars, smartphones, and even printer ink cartridges.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.22:46 - 1.22:59]The conversation revolves around collectible points, which could include items such as gold bars, cars, art, coins, or other valuable items.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.23:54 - 1.25:02]They mention the difficulty of restarting chip manufacturing in the US and the long process it takes to reach the current standard.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.24:38 - 1.26:10]The conversation touches on the rapid growth of platforms like Twitch, TikTok, and YouTube during COVID due to people staying at home.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.25:17 - 1.26:04]The hosts also mention their personal preferences for staying at home and the comfort of wearing sweatpants.

A youtube thumbnail wor DEFINITELY NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE ft. Graham Stephan - OfflineTV Podcast #21

[1.25:51 - 1.27:00]They end the conversation by jokingly promoting their respective channels and thanking the audience for listening.