

Youtube profile pic for Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

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[00:03 - 00:35]The speaker watched Johnny Bravo and enjoyed the "sexy girls" in the show.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[00:09 - 00:22]They also mention playing RuneScape and being "sh*t on" by other players for being new.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[00:22 - 00:51]The speaker wishes they could tell their younger self to be confident and not let others put them down.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[00:51 - 02:00]The speaker and their co-host Kevin joke about sound syncing issues before officially starting their podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[00:57 - 01:03]The speaker wishes they could tell their younger self to be confident and not let others put them down.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[01:04 - 01:23]The first question is from a user named Tropic Breezes.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[01:23 - 02:06]The speaker and their co-host Kevin joke about sound syncing issues before officially starting their podcast.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[02:07 - 02:48]The speaker jokes about wanting to be a "vice-roy" for Smosh.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[02:48 - 05:37]They talk about their morning routines and the Starbucks drive-thru near their office.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[05:46 - 06:10]They mention their therapy sessions and how they have been using quarantine time to reflect on their childhoods.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[06:11 - 06:58]The speaker and their co-host discuss the impact of childhood experiences on their adult lives.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[06:20 - 06:51]The speaker wishes they could tell their younger self to be confident and not let others put them down.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[06:35 - 07:28]The speaker and their co-host discuss the impact of childhood experiences on their adult lives.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[07:28 - 08:07]They segue into discussing toys, video games, and cartoons from their childhood.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[08:26 - 08:39]The first question is from a user named Tropic Breezes.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[08:40 - 09:16]They also played Sim City on an old Mac and enjoyed the city building aspect

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[09:16 - 10:31]They won a poetry competition and their parents bought them a game called Diablo

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[09:38 - 11:08]They mention the mature and terrifying aspects of the game, which they played at five years old

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[10:45 - 11:00]They discuss the influence of graphics and the preference for fantastical games over realistic ones

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[11:09 - 11:38]They were homeschooled and had limited access to games, but enjoyed playing them when visiting their cousins

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[12:15 - 14:22]The speaker discusses their favorite games growing up

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[12:51 - 13:44]They mention games such as James Bond GoldenEye, Turtles in Time, and Dead or Alive 3

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[13:44 - 14:15]They reminisce about renting games from Blockbuster and the nostalgia of the store.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[14:23 - 14:38]The speaker discusses their favorite games growing up

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[14:39 - 16:30]They mention playing the game Fable and its open world aspect

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[14:45 - 15:21]They discuss the influence of graphics and the preference for fantastical games over realistic ones

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[16:30 - 17:28]They mention playing the game Fable and its open world aspect

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[17:02 - 17:10]They discuss the influence of graphics and the preference for fantastical games over realistic ones

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[17:28 - 19:25]The speaker discusses their favorite games growing up

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[18:09 - 18:43]They mention playing the game Digimon World, which was universally despised

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[18:14 - 18:20]They discuss the influence of graphics and the preference for fantastical games over realistic ones

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[19:26 - 20:44]They mention a potential series for Knights of the Old Republic

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[19:54 - 21:20]The speaker discusses their favorite games growing up

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[20:06 - 20:30]They discuss their love for Star Wars and Final Fantasy games

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[20:52 - 22:31]The speaker discusses their favorite games growing up

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[21:21 - 22:23]They reminisce about renting games from Blockbuster and the nostalgia of the store.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[21:57 - 22:37]The speaker discusses their childhood and how they would always want to go out and do fun things, specifically mentioning biking to various places.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[22:02 - 22:09]They were homeschooled and had limited access to games, but enjoyed playing them when visiting their cousins

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[22:37 - 25:02]They talk about their experiences with popular girls in school who would shame them for trying to look cute or dress up.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[24:20 - 26:54]The speaker wishes they could tell their younger self to not care about what others think and to do what makes them happy.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[27:16 - 29:10]They discuss their favorite childhood cartoons, including Nicktoons and Cartoon Network shows like Ed Edd n Eddy, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Lab, and Recess.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[28:03 - 30:58]The speaker also mentions their love for the show Invader Zim and how it shaped their sense of humor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[29:17 - 30:04]The speaker discusses their childhood and how they would always want to go out and do fun things, specifically mentioning biking to various places.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[30:05 - 30:28]They mention wanting to become a high school film teacher to help kids dealing with similar struggles.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[30:58 - 33:55]The speaker also mentions their love for the show Invader Zim and how it shaped their sense of humor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[31:07 - 32:26]The speaker discusses their childhood and how they would always want to go out and do fun things, specifically mentioning biking to various places.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[33:55 - 34:58]The speaker also mentions their love for the show Invader Zim and how it shaped their sense of humor.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[34:58 - 35:27]The speaker discusses a show called Mighty Max that was popular in the 80s or 90s.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[35:13 - 36:05]The show was marketed as the "boy version" of Polly Pocket and involved a kid with a special hat that transported him to a D&D-style world.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[35:33 - 36:37]The show had dark elements, including a last episode where everyone dies and the main character is stuck in a time loop.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[36:39 - 37:00]The show was marketed as the "boy version" of Polly Pocket and involved a kid with a special hat that transported him to a D&D-style world.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[37:00 - 39:29]The speaker also mentions a cartoon called My Scene, which was marketed as a more diverse version of Barbie and had accompanying dolls.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[39:29 - 40:53]The speaker talks about the popularity of toys in the 90s and early 2000s, including a robot dinosaur and self-contained games.

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[40:53 - 42:48]The speaker mentions mixing Barbie and GI Joe toys, as well as having Hot Wheels cars and tracks.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[42:49 - 43:44]The speaker briefly mentions an Easy Bake Oven and making cakes with a small light bulb.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[42:55 - 43:52]The speaker talks about a disappointment with a toy called Metal Moulder, which was supposed to let kids make metal objects but didn't work as expected.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[43:52 - 45:47]The speaker recalls a time when they overheard teachers discussing a movie they had watched, and their parents being surprised that they were allowed to watch it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[45:47 - 48:06]The other person mentions being scared by movies like Mars Attacks and Signs, and not being allowed to watch scary movies until their late teens.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[48:06 - 49:13]The other person then brings up their love for video games, including Doom and Duke Nukem, and how their parents were strict about certain games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[49:15 - 50:41]The speaker recalls a time when they overheard teachers discussing a movie they had watched, and their parents being surprised that they were allowed to watch it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[50:50 - 51:51]The other person then brings up their love for video games, including Doom and Duke Nukem, and how their parents were strict about certain games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[51:51 - 51:58]The other person mentions being scared by movies like Mars Attacks and Signs, and not being allowed to watch scary movies until their late teens.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[51:58 - 52:48]The other person then brings up their love for video games, including Doom and Duke Nukem, and how their parents were strict about certain games.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[52:48 - 55:04]The conversation then shifts to discussing the potential negative effects of toxic interactions in online gaming communities.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[53:56 - 54:03]The speaker recalls a time when they overheard teachers discussing a movie they had watched, and their parents being surprised that they were allowed to watch it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[55:04 - 56:05]They also mention Gaia Online and Club Penguin as games they enjoyed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[56:05 - 56:39]The speaker used to play a game called Neopets and talked about the different creatures in the game.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[56:39 - 1.00:25]They talked about a YouTube channel called Extra History and how they have been hooked on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[1.00:25 - 1.02:06]They mentioned watching the series "Glow Up" and "Next in Fashion" on Netflix.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[1.02:06 - 1.03:01]The speaker also talked about watching movies they had been putting off, such as "Silence of the Lambs" and "12 Years a Slave".

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[1.03:01 - 1.04:46]They talked about a YouTube channel called Extra History and how they have been hooked on it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[1.04:01 - 1.06:24]They shared a story about presenting to clients and accidentally showing a personal email notification from Manscaped.

A youtube thumbnail wor Advice for Our Younger Selves - SmoshCast #78

[1.04:46 - 1.08:06]The speaker and co-host discussed their own experiences with accidentally showing personal or embarrassing things on their screens.

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[1.07:41 - 1.09:52]They then wrapped up the episode by discussing their childhood and bonding over shared memories.