

Youtube profile pic for The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

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[00:02 - 00:08]The speaker expresses a desire to go to Disneyland with someone.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[00:08 - 00:34]There are three people present, two men and one woman.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[00:34 - 00:47]The podcast hosts have decided to exclude the woman for pride month.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[00:48 - 01:41]The woman compliments one of the hosts on his mustache.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[01:23 - 01:29]One host wants to do another "body off" challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[01:41 - 02:07]They discuss participating in a past event called the "body off" where the loser has to dance at a gay bar.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[02:07 - 02:34]One host is wearing a tie-dye jersey and is described as looking like an ex-military man who got into the Grateful Dead.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[02:23 - 03:26]One host wants to do another "body off" challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[03:06 - 04:45]A discussion about training for a body-off competition begins.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[03:19 - 04:52]The conversation shifts to talking about basketball and the speaker's dedication to training.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[03:27 - 03:51]They end the discussion on a comedic note, with one host jokingly asking when the woman will join them in the tub.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[03:52 - 04:03]The woman compliments one of the hosts on his mustache.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[04:03 - 04:14]They get distracted from the topic and talk about their skincare routines.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[04:03 - 05:25]They discuss the importance of not taking a balding man's hat.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[04:15 - 04:45]One host wants to do another "body off" challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[04:45 - 05:14]They discuss participating in a past event called the "body off" where the loser has to dance at a gay bar.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[05:14 - 06:08]One host wants to do another "body off" challenge.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[05:25 - 09:41]They discuss their current body fat percentages and goals.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[08:55 - 10:20]They mention a friend, Bradley Martin, who is known for his impressive physique.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[10:07 - 12:07]They discuss the importance of not taking a balding man's hat.

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[10:20 - 11:43]A video is shown of Bradley slapping another content creator who disrespected him in his gym.

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[11:49 - 13:25]The conversation shifts to talking about basketball and the speaker's dedication to training.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[11:58 - 12:37]The speaker admits to being a "crack addict" when it comes to getting invested in things.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[12:26 - 13:46]The speaker describes their brief window for recovery, which includes watching TV and taking a bath with Epsom salt and Nyquil.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[12:52 - 13:18]The speaker and another person (presumably Will) did not interact much while the speaker was visiting.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[13:46 - 15:47]The speaker and the other person discuss how they would act in each other's homes.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[14:28 - 15:24]The speaker and another person (presumably Will) did not interact much while the speaker was visiting.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[15:03 - 15:19]The speaker admits to being a "crack addict" when it comes to getting invested in things.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[15:47 - 16:48]The speaker talks about a DJ they saw at 6am and their friend's reaction to it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[16:48 - 18:45]The speaker admits to being a "crack addict" when it comes to getting invested in things.

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[16:54 - 19:50]The speaker mentions drugs and their experiences with them, including sex on Molly and doing taxes while on drugs.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[20:32 - 21:45]The speaker shares a story about sending provocative photos of Sydney Sweeney to their friend.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[21:03 - 21:20]The speaker talks about a DJ they saw at 6am and their friend's reaction to it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[21:21 - 22:19]The speaker admits to being a "crack addict" when it comes to getting invested in things.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[21:33 - 22:47]The other person mentions that they are gay and do not share the speaker's obsession with breasts.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[22:47 - 23:44]The conversation then shifts to Eddie Hall, a famous strongman who recently participated in a two V one fight.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[23:03 - 23:51]The conversation turns to a new trend in mixed martial arts called "two V ones" where one person fights against two others.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[23:30 - 23:35]The group discusses some of the current female wrestlers and their impressive skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[23:52 - 25:13]The conversation turns to a new trend in mixed martial arts called "two V ones" where one person fights against two others.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[23:59 - 24:19]The idea of a "freak league" in America, similar to the hospital of fight, is brought up.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[24:53 - 25:07]The conversation then shifts to Eddie Hall, a famous strongman who recently participated in a two V one fight.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[25:13 - 26:46]Eddie Hall's impressive performance leads to a discussion about his potential as a WWE wrestler.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[25:39 - 25:51]A viral video of a heavyset man fighting two women is discussed.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[26:46 - 27:47]The group discusses some of the current female wrestlers and their impressive skills.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[26:55 - 27:18]The conversation turns to the current state of WWE and the recent involvement of The Rock.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[27:28 - 28:27]The idea of a "freak league" in America, similar to the hospital of fight, is brought up.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[28:06 - 28:27]The speaker discusses the concept of political correctness and alternative terms for "little people."

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[28:14 - 28:34]The speaker introduces a topic about a theme park called Action Park in New Jersey.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[28:34 - 28:50]The topic of Hezbollah is briefly mentioned, with a joke about Logan Paul defending them.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[28:34 - 28:50]There is some confusion about the specific name of the place, with the speaker suggesting it may be related to their size.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[28:51 - 29:17]The speaker's friends express disappointment and frustration.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[28:51 - 29:41]The conversation ends with a request to look up a video of Logan Paul talking about Hezbollah.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[29:02 - 29:24]There is some confusion about the specific name of the place, with the speaker suggesting it may be related to their size.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[29:24 - 29:54]They mention having topics prepared for the show because the regular host, Cutie, is not present.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[29:30 - 30:35]The speaker jokes about putting their "whole pussy" into the show, and expresses excitement about going to Disney soon.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[29:55 - 30:47]The speaker's friends are disappointed and suggest they cancel their other plans, but the speaker says they cannot.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[30:35 - 31:41]The speaker's friends express disappointment and frustration.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[31:25 - 31:36]The speaker's friends are disappointed and suggest they cancel their other plans, but the speaker says they cannot.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[31:41 - 33:02]There is some confusion about the specific day the speaker will be gone and whether it is cancelable.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[31:53 - 32:03]The group discusses the importance of the Disney trip and how long they have been planning it.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[32:03 - 32:10]The group tries to move past the issue and the speaker apologizes for making their friends feel guilty.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[32:10 - 32:29]The speaker's friends suggest they make their own "gay Disney" in response to the speaker's absence.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[32:29 - 32:50]The speaker's friends are disappointed and suggest they cancel their other plans, but the speaker says they cannot.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[33:02 - 33:44]There is some confusion about the specific day the speaker will be gone and whether it is cancelable.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[33:14 - 34:22]The group tries to move past the issue and the speaker apologizes for making their friends feel guilty.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[33:33 - 34:17]There is some confusion about the specific day the speaker will be gone and whether it is cancelable.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[33:49 - 35:01]The speaker introduces a topic about a theme park called Action Park in New Jersey.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[34:22 - 34:29]The group tries to move past the issue and the speaker apologizes for making their friends feel guilty.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[34:29 - 34:44]The speaker talks about potential controversy surrounding the term "able," and expresses confusion about what is considered acceptable language.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[35:02 - 35:53]They play a jingle for the park and describe it as having "total freedom" for its patrons.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[35:07 - 36:28]The speaker introduces a topic about a theme park called Action Park in New Jersey.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[36:29 - 37:34]They reveal that there were multiple deaths at Action Park.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[36:36 - 37:12]The speaker mentions the park's different sections and notes that many of the employees were untrained teenagers.

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[36:36 - 38:13]Patrons discovered that putting a tennis ball in go-karts could make them go up to 50-60 mph.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[37:06 - 39:22]The park was advertised as safe for all ages, even allowing women carrying babies on rides.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[37:13 - 40:17]The park had a high number of injuries and deaths, leading to stricter regulations for amusement parks in the US.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[37:42 - 39:05]The Alpine Slalom ride, which had concrete sleds with one break controlled by the patron, caused a fatal head injury.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[39:05 - 40:04]The park was sold and revived in 2014, but the owner died two years later.

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[40:18 - 42:13]The park did not have proper engineers and many rides were poorly designed, such as the infamous Cannonball Loop waterslide.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[41:33 - 44:10]The audio discusses the dangerous and poorly regulated Action Park in New Jersey.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[42:35 - 44:57]The park had a high number of injuries and deaths, leading to stricter regulations for amusement parks in the US.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[44:57 - 46:26]One host shares a story about almost hitting a squirrel and feeling a sense of detachment and inhumanity.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[46:02 - 48:19]They also briefly mention a warning about rental car insurance.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[46:56 - 47:17]The park was advertised as safe for all ages, even allowing women carrying babies on rides.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[47:25 - 49:14]They also briefly mention a warning about rental car insurance.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[47:32 - 49:27]The hosts discuss their own experiences with driving and accidents.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[49:27 - 50:36]One host shares a story about almost hitting a squirrel and feeling a sense of detachment and inhumanity.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[51:02 - 52:54]The speaker goes to the bathroom and talks about valet keys.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[51:25 - 52:41]They discuss the sound of peeing and how it can indicate the length of a car.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[51:33 - 53:16]The speaker goes to the bathroom and talks about valet keys.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[52:55 - 54:55]They talk about listening to music again and a song called "Chego 3" by a Portuguese artist.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[53:59 - 54:09]The speaker discusses a last topic, but then says they don't talk about topics.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[54:23 - 56:03]The speaker and someone else argue about the genre of the song.

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[56:03 - 57:15]The topic switches to TikTok and how it's affecting the speaker's brain.

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[56:18 - 58:23]The speaker mentions wanting to do a thousand bucket challenge to raise money for Gaza.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[56:32 - 56:51]They mention having people attend the fundraiser and doing "gay shit" together.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[56:51 - 58:15]The speaker goes to the bathroom and talks about valet keys.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[58:03 - 58:08]They discuss different tiers and benefits of their Patreon membership.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[58:23 - 59:09]They mention having people attend the fundraiser and doing "gay shit" together.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[59:09 - 59:50]The speaker mentions wanting to do a thousand bucket challenge to raise money for Gaza.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[1.00:14 - 1.00:34]They mention having people attend the fundraiser and doing "gay shit" together.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[1.00:34 - 1.02:28]They discuss potential challenges for the fundraiser, including shooting blindfolded and being guarded.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[1.02:28 - 1.03:01]The speaker goes to the bathroom and talks about valet keys.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[1.03:01 - 1.04:10]The speaker announces a paywalled episode where they will review the new Charlie X CX album and potentially be naked.

A youtube thumbnail wor The WillNeff vs HasanAbi Body-Off 2024 | Fear&

[1.04:11 - 1.05:36]They discuss feeling unwanted and shame in the speaker's home.