

Youtube profile pic for We Are The WORST Movie Reviewers | Trash Taste #115

We Are The WORST Movie Reviewers | Trash Taste #115

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[00:00 - 00:08] Joey and Gaunt not agreeing with opinions

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[00:47 - 00:53]Offer to purchase miniature Joey and Gaunt

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[01:08 - 01:15]Miniature Joey and Gaunt created to never disagree

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[02:51 - 02:58]Discussion about wearing masks in Japan

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[06:16 - 06:22]Confusion about Japanese fashion and wearing shorts

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[00:00 - 07:10]Discussion about cultural differences between Japan and other countries, and the struggle to adapt and fit in.

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[07:11 - 07:21]Discussion about looking good in shorts and stretching one outfit for the entire summer season

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[07:22 - 07:33]Mention of a pose by a guy who knows how to look good in shorts

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[07:39 - 07:50]Struggle between prioritizing fashion or comfort in hot weather

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[08:40 - 08:56]Personal struggle with looking good in shorts and feeling like a 14-year-old

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[09:22 - 09:29]Comment on legs being the ugliest part of the male body

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[10:19 - 10:26]Struggle with finding matching socks and underwear

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[12:02 - 12:08]Discussion about different types of underwear and socks and wanting them to all be uniform

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[12:20 - 12:29]Discussion about the ideal time to throw out old underwear and socks

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[12:54 - 13:10]Personal experience with finding a hole in underwear

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[13:42 - 13:50]Final comment on the decibels of a fart being equivalent to a Jojo Frice

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[07:11 - 13:50]Overall discussion about the struggle of finding comfortable and fashionable underwear and socks in hot weather

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[13:50 - 14:02] The speaker discusses how their socks often slip off their feet

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[14:02 - 14:13]They mention how their underwear is an indicator of when they need to do laundry

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[14:41 - 14:46]The speaker has a tier list for their underwear, with the newest ones being the most comfortable

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[14:41 - 14:46]They prefer to buy the same brand of underwear

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[15:34 - 15:42]They mention how Japanese underwear is not suitable for people with larger bodies

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[16:41 - 16:52]The low-tier underwear indicates when it's time to do laundry

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[17:17 - 17:28]The speaker's underwear routine involves wearing high-tier, mid-tier, and low-tier underwear throughout the week

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[18:14 - 18:20]The speaker and their friend discuss their laundry routines and preferences

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[18:14 - 18:20]The friend enjoys doing laundry while the speaker sees it as a chore

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[18:21 - 18:26]The line for the speaker to do laundry is when their underwear starts to smell bad

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[19:45 - 19:53]The speaker procrastinates doing other tasks by doing laundry instead

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[20:36 - 20:41]In Sydney, it is unclear who does the laundry.

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[13:50 - 20:41]The speaker's laundry routine involves wearing high-tier, mid-tier, and low-tier underwear throughout the week, with the low-tier underwear indicating when it's time to do laundry. They also discuss their laundry routines and preferences, with the speaker seeing it as a chore and procrastinating other tasks by doing laundry instead. The line for them to do laundry is when their underwear starts to smell bad.

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[20:42 - 20:56]The speaker primarily lives in Sydney and does laundry more often now because of frequent traveling

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[21:05 - 21:14]They prefer using a Roomba for vacuuming and find it more satisfying than regular vacuuming

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[21:14 - 21:24]The speaker's house has tiled floors which show dust easily and they find satisfaction in cleaning it up

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[21:42 - 21:56]They have a washing machine that doubles as a shower or bath and they do laundry while showering

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[22:29 - 22:42]The speaker has ADHD and often forgets to take their laundry out, leading to having to repeat the cycle

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[22:42 - 22:49]They use dryer sheets to avoid clothes becoming too crinkly in the dryer

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[25:18 - 25:28]The speaker enjoys ironing and finds it relaxing and mindless

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[27:11 - 27:18]They appreciate having clean and well-ironed clothes, especially when wearing formal attire

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[20:42 - 27:18]The speaker primarily lives in Sydney, uses a Roomba for vacuuming, has a washing machine that doubles as a shower, enjoys ironing, and appreciates having clean clothes. Their parents predicted they would appreciate chores as they got older, and the speaker has now come to enjoy ironing and other household tasks.

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[27:18 - 27:25]Person discussing their threshold for doing chores and how it affects the appearance of their living space

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[27:46 - 27:55]Sponsored segment for Honey, a shopping tool for finding promo codes and saving money

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[30:11 - 30:18]Comparison to other household appliances and the argument for using a dishwasher

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[31:14 - 31:22]Discussion on dishwasher usage and how it is viewed as a status symbol

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[31:57 - 32:06]Personal experience with dishwashers in different countries and their availability

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[33:14 - 33:26]Mention of eco mode on dishwashers and the speaker's preference for using it

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[27:18 - 33:51]Discussion on household chores and the use of dishwashers, including personal experiences and views on their importance.

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[33:51 - 33:59]The speaker gives advice to wash things by hand, mentioning that they prefer a hard cleaning setting.

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[34:24 - 34:30]They mention their background as a machine and their preference for a strong cleaning setting.

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[36:14 - 36:24]The speaker talks about their dishwasher and how it is small and eco-friendly.

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[36:14 - 36:24]They discuss the challenges of fitting a full load into the dishwasher and how they sometimes end up with dirty dishes.

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[36:54 - 36:59]The speaker talks about their dislike for doing dishes and how they often end up with water spots or streaks.

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[38:34 - 38:42]They mention a favorite coffee shop that has recently closed down.

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[39:13 - 39:19]The speaker talks about their interactions with the coffee shop and how much they enjoyed their conversations.

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[40:00 - 40:05]They mention the struggle of finding good coffee and lunch options in Japan.

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[33:51 - 40:23]A concise and comprehensive summary would be that the speaker gives advice on washing by hand, talks about their background, discusses their dishwasher, mentions their dislike for doing dishes, and talks about their favorite coffee shop closing down. They also mention the struggle of finding good coffee and lunch options in Japan.

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[40:23 - 40:28] Person discusses privilege and Starbucks being the only place that offers certain options

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[40:36 - 40:58]Expresses frustration with ordering Starbucks in Japan compared to America

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[40:59 - 41:06]Japan has limited options for coffee

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[41:21 - 41:33]Only one size option for hot coffee on Uber Eats from Starbucks

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[43:14 - 43:22]Subway in Japan does not offer the option to order a toasted sandwich

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[43:39 - 43:48]McDonald's in Japan also has limited options, such as only offering the Oreo McFlurry

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[46:59 - 47:10]Japanese chocolate bars are tasty but often have concerning ingredients

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[40:23 - 47:16]The person talks about privilege and limited options at Starbucks and other food establishments in Japan, including only one size option for hot coffee, limited options at McDonald's and Subway, and questionable ingredients in Japanese chocolate bars.

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[47:17 - 47:22] The speaker discusses reading nutritional information and mentions the high sugar content in some products

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[48:15 - 48:33]The speaker talks about how they rarely eat sweets and would prefer a sandwich as a snack

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[48:39 - 48:45]They mention a specific brand of chocolate and their personal preference for it

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[48:39 - 48:45]They mention their favorite types of chocolate and compare them to American chocolates

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[53:17 - 53:23]They mention the lack of variety in Japanese sweets

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[53:41 - 53:46]The speaker talks about the history and ingredients of Hershey's chocolate

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[47:17 - 54:36]The speaker concludes by stating that Japan's desserts are "kind of lame" Overall, the speaker discusses their thoughts on nutrition and sweets, their personal preference for a specific brand of chocolate, and their overall disappointment with the variety of Japanese desserts.

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[55:42 - 55:48]Page content includes discussion about the newest Thor movie and its poor quality.

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[55:48 - 55:56]The speaker also discusses the abundance of Marvel movies and their declining quality.

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[58:08 - 58:17]They then mention watching the new Top Gun movie and giving it a positive review.

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[59:42 - 59:52]The speaker also shares their thoughts on the new Robert Pattinson Batman movie, finding it boring and too long.

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[54:36 - 1.01:31]The speaker discusses their opinions on recent movies, including the poor quality of the newest Thor and Batman movies, as well as the abundance of Marvel movies and their declining quality. They also mention enjoying the new Top Gun movie.

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[1.01:31 - 1.01:37] The hour was too long and dragged on

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[1.02:41 - 1.02:48]The main character, Batman, had too little lines

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[1.03:29 - 1.03:36]It is assumed that the audience already knows about Batman's character

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[1.04:22 - 1.04:28]The Joker's recent movie was also modernized

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[1.05:27 - 1.05:32]The next movie is hoped to be more exciting with the addition of Batman's guns

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[1.05:38 - 1.05:44]The police viewed Batman as a weirdo

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[1.07:19 - 1.07:32]The main character, Batman, was the most boring

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[1.07:40 - 1.07:47]Shadow will be in the next Sonic movie

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[1.07:48 - 1.07:55]Loki is recommended as it has an interesting story and character progression

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[1.07:55 - 1.08:04]The Riddler's character was modernized and relevant

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[1.07:55 - 1.08:04]Commissioner Gordon was the only one who helped Batman

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[1.08:04 - 1.08:10]Dr. Strange's character did not change or progress in the recent movie

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[1.08:11 - 1.08:17]The Sonic movie was enjoyable and straddled the line between cringe and campy

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[1.08:11 - 1.08:17]The Sonic movie was more enjoyable than the last two Marvel movies

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[1.08:11 - 1.08:17]The Loki series hits all the boxes of what Marvel used to be

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[1.08:17 - 1.08:22]The Marvel movies are only enjoyable if one is invested in the universe

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[1.08:17 - 1.08:22]Loki affects the wider universe of Marvel

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[1.01:31 - 1.08:22]The hour was too long and dragged on, Batman had too few lines, the next movie is hoped to be more exciting, the Riddler and Joker's characters were modernized, the Sonic movie was enjoyable, and the Loki series is recommended.

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[1.08:23 - 1.08:28] Narrator praises Loki and recommends watching it

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[1.08:29 - 1.08:34]Narrator also enjoyed watching The Big Lebowski for the first time

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[1.09:29 - 1.09:40]Narrator describes the movie Greenland, starring Gerard Butler, as a realistic representation of an apocalyptic scenario

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[1.11:04 - 1.11:14]Narrator shares his thoughts on the movie Don't Look Up, criticizing its length and use of political satire

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[1.11:53 - 1.12:01]Narrator discusses a recent heat wave in the UK and a news segment that downplayed its severity

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[1.14:17 - 1.14:39]Narrator expresses growing appreciation for Tom Cruise in action movies

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[1.15:01 - 1.15:09]Narrator mentions Tom Cruise and his dedication to performing stunts in his movies, specifically a halo jump in Mission Impossible

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[1.08:23 - 1.15:32]Overall, the narrator discusses recent movie recommendations, his thoughts on disaster and political satire films, and admiration for Tom Cruise's stunts.

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[1.15:53 - 1.15:59] The speaker discusses a high altitude skydive and the movie scene involving it.

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[1.17:01 - 1.17:16]Tom Cruise's character has to fix a parachute mid-skydive after being hit by lightning.

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[1.17:16 - 1.17:24]The sequence was shot in one long take and only one take was allowed per day.

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[1.18:18 - 1.18:39]The speaker expresses admiration for Tom Cruise's dedication to performing stunts without CGI.

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[1.18:45 - 1.18:53]The topic shifts to the movie "Top Gun" and its action scenes involving real jets.

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[1.20:11 - 1.20:18]The speaker praises the film "Everything Everywhere All at Once" for its humor and cinematography.

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[1.20:31 - 1.20:37]The speaker mentions another film featuring Michelle Yeoh.

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[1.21:27 - 1.21:33]They discuss a film set in Malaysia but struggle to remember its title.

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[1.22:18 - 1.22:24]They compare watching the film to the experience of seeing "The Matrix" for the first time.

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[1.22:18 - 1.22:24]The speaker notes the film's interesting concept and how it was executed well.

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[1.15:32 - 1.22:49]The speaker discusses a high altitude skydive and the movie scene involving it, as well as praising Tom Cruise's dedication to performing stunts without CGI. They also discuss the film "Top Gun" and its action scenes involving real jets. The topic shifts to the film "Everything Everywhere All at Once" and its success in executing an interesting concept with humor and impressive cinematography.

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[1.22:51 - 1.22:58]Fight scenes and camera angles in "Everything Everywhere All at Once" were impressive and well choreographed

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[1.22:59 - 1.23:04]Michelle Yeoh's fighting skills were showcased in the film

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[1.23:15 - 1.23:22]The bagel scene was initially seen as dumb, but ended up being surprisingly invested in it

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[1.23:36 - 1.23:41]The film is refreshing and unique, avoiding the cliches of other movies

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[1.24:08 - 1.24:14]"Matrix Resurrection" was disappointing and tried too hard to include fan service and meta elements

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[1.25:46 - 1.25:52]The replacement of Lawrence Fishburne and Hugo Weaving's characters was a let down

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[1.26:49 - 1.26:57]"John Wick" is also a great action film with impressive choreography

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[1.28:04 - 1.28:13]"Crazy Rich Asians" is a film that also represents Asian culture, but was criticized for its use of English

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[1.28:51 - 1.28:57]"Everything Everywhere All at Once" accurately portrays a mix of Chinese and English dialogue, reflecting real life

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[1.29:09 - 1.29:15]The film's setting may be fantastical, but the dialogue and characters feel grounded in reality

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[1.29:30 - 1.29:36]Seeing representation of their culture in a positive light made the speaker happy

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[1.22:51 - 1.29:36]Overall, "Everything Everywhere All at Once" is a refreshing and accurate portrayal of Asian culture with impressive fight scenes and well-developed characters.

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[1.29:36 - 1.29:44] Discussion about shows that incorporate multiple languages into the story

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[1.29:44 - 1.29:53]Examples of shows that do this well (Narcos, Breaking Bad)

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[1.30:02 - 1.30:07]Importance of representation and attention to detail in film

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[1.30:20 - 1.30:31]Praise for the movie "Parasite" and its representation of bilingualism

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[1.30:32 - 1.30:39]Mention of Hollywood's past aversion to subtitles

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[1.31:15 - 1.31:21]Discussion of the movie "The Last Samurai" and its use of English

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[1.31:46 - 1.31:59]Tangent on Hollywood's tendency to use English in place of other languages

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[1.31:59 - 1.32:06]Criticism of the use of English in foreign settings

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[1.33:28 - 1.33:33]Reference to the movie "Better Call Saul" and its connection to Breaking Bad

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[1.34:58 - 1.35:03]Overall enjoyment of Season 3 as the best season so far

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[1.35:03 - 1.35:10]Discussion of the show "The Boys" and praise for actor Karl Urban

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[1.35:16 - 1.35:22]Discussion of the high quality of Season 1

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[1.35:22 - 1.35:27]Mention of the slower moments in Season 2 of "The Boys"

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[1.29:36 - 1.35:27]Discussion of representation and attention to detail in film, mentioning of Hollywood's past aversion to subtitles and their tendency to use English in place of other languages, praise for the movie "Parasite" and its representation of bilingualism, criticism of the use of English in foreign settings, and discussion of shows like "The Boys" and "Better Call Saul" and their connection to popular shows like "Breaking Bad."