

Youtube profile pic for SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

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[00:06 - 00:14] Narrator talks about feeling good to be back in America with his friend Matt

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[00:21 - 00:28]They discuss their trip to Australia and how it was not what they expected

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[02:37 - 02:54]They mention being hosted by Max, Chad, Scott and the rest of the Cool Shirts office

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[04:22 - 04:28]They talk about getting very drunk on the Cold Ones podcast and breaking things

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[06:37 - 06:46]Narrator says he doesn't remember everything that happened after the podcast

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[06:46 - 06:53]They mention the footage will be released in a few weeks

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[06:53 - 06:59]The narrator talks about not experiencing a hangover due to his "McGee jeans"

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[06:59 - 07:05]They end with mention of not being able to talk about what happened after Cold Ones

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[00:06 - 07:05]Narrator sums up the experience as a wild and drunken trip to Australia and the Cold Ones podcast in which they broke things and were very intoxicated.

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[07:42 - 07:48]Individual details about the aftermath of a drinking incident

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[09:07 - 09:15]Mention of a video that will not be posted

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[10:07 - 10:13]Reference to a previous incident of getting drunk and passing out on a toilet seat

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[10:27 - 10:32]Description of getting drunk at a movie theater and being pranked by a friend with whiskey

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[11:47 - 11:56]Description of a video of throwing up multiple times

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[12:01 - 12:06]Mention of trying to cut back on drinking

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[12:21 - 12:30]Discussion about potential alcoholism

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[12:36 - 12:44]Recap of seeing the movie "Midsummer"

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[12:36 - 12:44]Discussion about not being able to tell how the other person enjoyed the movie

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[13:02 - 13:08]Comment on uncomfortable movie theater seats causing fidgeting

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[07:05 - 13:14]The speaker discusses a recent drinking incident and a video that will not be posted. They also talk about previous incidents of getting drunk and potential alcoholism. The conversation then shifts to seeing a movie and a prank involving whiskey. The speaker mentions trying to cut back on drinking and gives a brief review of the movie. They also comment on uncomfortable movie theater seats causing fidgeting.

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[13:41 - 13:48]The speaker discusses their preferred sitting position and gestures while walking.

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[15:05 - 15:12]They mention being told that certain gestures, like crossing legs, are considered "gay".

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[15:12 - 15:19]The speaker shares a story about being told not to cross their legs in a certain way because it is perceived as feminine.

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[18:08 - 18:17]They joke about the idea of having a "beautiful pussy" as a southern man.

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[18:30 - 18:38]The topic shifts to discussing trans individuals and the speaker expresses admiration for their genitals.

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[18:53 - 18:58]The speaker mimics a southern accent and jokes about a father's reaction to their child drinking cider.

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[19:12 - 19:18]The father gets uncomfortable when the topic of female reproductive parts is brought up and leaves the conversation.

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[19:25 - 19:35]The speaker and their friend discuss the smell of sex and the fact that they have never experienced it.

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[13:14 - 19:35]The overall theme of the conversation is about societal norms and perceptions of gender and sexuality.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[19:40 - 19:46] The speaker discusses a specific smell associated with sweat and sex.

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[20:40 - 20:50]They share a story about their dad embarrassing them by wearing a bicycle helmet.

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[21:38 - 21:48]The topic of sex makes the speaker uncomfortable and frustrated because they have never experienced it.

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[22:31 - 22:37]They mention the possibility of having sex with someone else, including each other.

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[25:05 - 25:11]They go on a rant about a couple in the theater and their personality.

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[25:21 - 25:27]The speaker expresses annoyance with people using their phones and talking during the movie.

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[25:58 - 26:04]The conversation shifts to discussing the movie "Midsommar" and the director's cut.

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[19:35 - 26:25]The speaker discusses their frustration with the couple's behavior and questions why they would come see a movie like "Midsommar" if they are not interested in it.

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[27:53 - 27:58]Conversation about hairline and movie etiquette

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[29:34 - 29:42]Annoyance with talkative and disruptive movie goers

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[29:34 - 29:42]Specific examples of disruptive behavior during movies

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[29:34 - 29:42]Frustration with people who don't respect the movie experience

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[32:02 - 32:21]Appreciation for well-made and realistic dialogue in the movie

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[32:45 - 32:50]Praise for the main actress's performance

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[26:26 - 32:50]Discussion of hairline and movie etiquette leads to frustration with disruptive and disrespectful movie goers, but also appreciation for well-made dialogue and praise for a standout performance by the main actress.

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[32:51 - 32:59]Um, she's dating Zach Raff

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[35:03 - 35:12]They talk about joining a commune together

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[35:29 - 35:36]The commune is Austin Powers themed

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[35:56 - 36:02]They discuss the value of George W. Bush's paintings

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[36:46 - 36:52]Poor girl, she's dating Zach Raff

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[37:46 - 37:54]They talk about painting and the behavior of small animals

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[37:46 - 37:54]Small animals see humans as a threat, while larger animals see them as prey

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[37:54 - 38:00]Animals don't have the ability to be confident

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[38:23 - 38:31]It's self-sustaining and located in the mountains of Norway

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[32:51 - 38:59]The conversation includes discussions about Zach Raff, joining an Austin Powers themed commune, George W. Bush's paintings, and the behavior of small and large animals towards humans.

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[38:59 - 39:05] Talking about attacking someone and using profanity

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[39:11 - 39:16]Fear of encountering large wild animals

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[41:00 - 41:06]Discussing the size of prehistoric animals compared to modern animals

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[41:36 - 41:45]The concept of size and how it is relative and based on our own understanding

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[42:24 - 42:29]A dream about sloths and researching prehistoric sloths

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[43:32 - 43:37]The idea of a carnivorous sloth and the possibility of it having sharp teeth

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[43:43 - 43:59]Reflecting on the fact that we will never know exactly what extinct animals looked like or sounded like

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[44:13 - 44:25]Scientists trying to accurately recreate the sounds of T-Rex and Neanderthals based on bone structures

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[45:15 - 45:26]The T-Rex's roar being based on other animals, not rooted in reality

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[45:26 - 45:32]The topic of conversation is constantly shifting and evolving

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[45:50 - 45:55]The vocal boxes of Neanderthals being similar to monkeys

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[45:55 - 46:04]Neanderthals potentially having high-pitched voices similar to monkeys due to their evolutionary chain

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[45:55 - 46:04]The concept of size and how it relates to evolution and the understanding of the world

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[38:59 - 46:04]The audio contains a conversation between two individuals discussing various topics such as attacking someone, encountering large wild animals, the size and appearance of prehistoric animals, the concept of size and its relation to our understanding, dreams about sloths, attempts to recreate the sounds of extinct animals, and the potential voice of Neanderthals based on their evolutionary chain. The conversation is constantly shifting and touching on various subjects.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[46:04 - 46:09] A discussion about cousins and a family reunion

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[46:10 - 46:15]Imagining having a monkey in the office

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[46:39 - 46:48]The monkey causing chaos and being a nuisance

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[48:54 - 49:08]The idea of saving the planet and the selfish motives behind it

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[50:09 - 50:16]Ad reads for Away luggage company

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[50:25 - 50:33]Features and benefits of Away luggage

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[52:49 - 52:55]Special offer for listeners of Super Megacast

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[46:04 - 53:11]The conversation covers topics such as family, monkeys as pets, the destruction of the planet, and an ad for Away luggage.

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[53:46 - 53:55] The speaker discusses the need for a toothbrush while traveling and introduces Quip as a solution

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[55:00 - 55:06]The speaker praises Quip and its features, such as sensitive sonic vibrations and a built-in timer

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[55:06 - 55:15]The speaker mentions a special offer for Quip and encourages listeners to check it out

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[56:12 - 56:20]The speaker and his friend engage in playful banter and discuss their recent trip to Australia

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[56:26 - 56:31]They mention a podcast they did with Max and Chad, which they got very drunk during

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[57:24 - 57:33]The speaker gives an update on the progress of their Super Megaplex project and apologizes for a lack of content on their Patreon

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[58:08 - 58:13]They discuss their upcoming schedule and plans to focus on creating more content for Super Mega

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[58:39 - 58:45]The speaker acknowledges the high expenses of their line of work and thanks listeners for their support

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[59:20 - 59:25]The speaker and his friend discuss the cost of living in California and Los Angeles

A youtube thumbnail wor SuperMegaCast - EP 160: The Cult of Austin Powers

[53:12 - 59:25]In summary, the speaker discusses the need for a toothbrush while traveling and highlights the benefits of Quip, gives an update on their Super Megaplex project and apologizes for a lack of content on their Patreon, and thanks listeners for their support and acknowledges the high expenses of their career. They also mention their recent trip to Australia and upcoming plans for creating more content.