

Youtube profile pic for College Horror Stories | Trash Taste #12

College Horror Stories | Trash Taste #12

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[00:00 - 00:05] The speaker, Ray, is discussing a podcast and introduces himself and his two guests.

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[00:34 - 00:41]They talk about their brains and how they handle their lives.

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[01:04 - 01:11]Ray talks about his drastic life change since moving to Japan.

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[01:29 - 01:53]They discuss their weekly schedules and how it has changed since working on the podcast.

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[03:09 - 03:28]They talk about the lack of social interaction in their lives and how it affected them.

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[05:02 - 05:11]They reminisce about studying in college and the use of Indian YouTube lectures.

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[06:55 - 07:00]Ray talks about his unhealthy lifestyle in college.

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[06:55 - 07:00]They conclude by discussing the topic of the podcast - healthy lifestyles in college.

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[07:00 - 07:10]The speaker mentions a healthy student in his college.

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[00:00 - 07:17]The speakers discuss their lifestyles and how they have changed since moving to Japan and starting a podcast.

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[07:17 - 07:23]People in the rowing club or sports club had an optimal lifestyle

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[07:23 - 07:34]Others were seen as "wankers" for not being in a club

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[07:49 - 07:59]The speaker went straight into YouTube from uni and didn't change their lifestyle

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[07:59 - 08:06]They procrastinated on videos and lectures

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[08:22 - 08:28]They lived a double life, putting YouTube first

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[08:43 - 08:53]They managed to do daily uploads while also going to university

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[08:58 - 09:06]Their old videos were easy to edit

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[10:09 - 10:15]Their computer eventually exploded due to constant use

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[10:49 - 10:54]The speaker lived at home during university

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[10:55 - 11:01]They never got the experience of living in a dorm

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[12:46 - 12:56]They had roommates who were destructive and disgusting

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[12:46 - 12:56]One roommate kept used utensils in their room and wouldn't wash them

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[13:08 - 13:14]The speaker found one of their items in their roommate's underwear drawer

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[13:44 - 13:51]The speaker's roommate was pompous and called people "peasants"

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[13:59 - 14:07]The speaker would find it amusing that someone in the year 2000 was using "peasant" as an insult

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[14:14 - 14:21]The roommates would do mean things to each other, like pissing on their belongings

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[14:14 - 14:21]The roommates would piss on his belongings as revenge

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[14:14 - 14:21]The speaker would warn the roommates not to do it, but they would still do it anyway

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[14:29 - 14:39]The speaker tried to stop it but ultimately couldn't do much

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[07:17 - 14:39]The speaker's experience at university involved living with roommates who were destructive and disgusting, and they lived a double life, prioritizing YouTube over their studies.

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[14:56 - 15:01]The speaker did not stop their friends from bullying and ruining another student's belongings in university

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[17:08 - 17:16]The speaker's friends retaliated against a neighboring bungalow by throwing feces through their mailbox and smashing a pumpkin against their window

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[17:08 - 17:16]The speaker's friends also smashed the front door of the neighboring bungalow as a joke, but ended up getting in trouble with the university

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[18:03 - 18:08]The speaker was on good enough terms with the bullies to know about their actions, but not be targeted by them

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[18:34 - 18:44]The speaker lived in a cheap dorm room with a small, stained bed

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[19:34 - 19:43]The speaker learned important life lessons in university, including the need to put oneself first and not let others take advantage

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[20:04 - 20:13]The speaker sometimes skipped lines for the bus by pretending to already be on the bus

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[14:39 - 21:59]The speaker and their classmates often saw vomit and feces on campus, which fascinated the speaker Overall, the speaker had a wild and chaotic university experience, witnessing and sometimes participating in inappropriate and destructive behavior. They also learned important lessons about self-preservation and standing up for oneself.

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[22:05 - 22:13] The speaker talks about their time at university and recalls instances of vomit on campus.

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[22:36 - 22:47]The speaker's university had porta potties on weekends due to excessive partying and potential for public defecation.

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[22:47 - 22:54]They then mention multiple occasions of finding poop on sidewalks and in common areas.

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[24:31 - 24:37]They share a story about finding a turd in the common room during Christmas time.

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[25:44 - 25:50]The speaker also talks about their unhealthy lifestyle in university, consuming large amounts of energy drinks and junk food.

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[25:44 - 25:50]Despite their unhealthy lifestyle, the speaker has fond memories of their time at university.

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[28:03 - 28:12]They mention a time where they had to pull an all-nighter and ended up ordering seven pizzas for their group.

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[28:35 - 28:40]The speaker reflects on their weight gain during university and shares a photo of themselves from two years ago.

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[22:00 - 28:59]Overall, the speaker's time at university was full of wild stories and questionable choices, but they have no regrets.

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[29:17 - 29:23] Narrator talks about a moment where they realized they were chubby

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[32:12 - 32:21]They talk about gaining weight in university

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[32:30 - 32:36]They reflect on their unhealthy lifestyle in high school

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[33:07 - 33:16]The narrator's friend won 10k and lost it all in two weeks

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[33:43 - 33:52]They mention a housemate who was a neo-Nazi and had strange behaviors

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[33:52 - 34:00]The neo-Nazi housemate would bring older women for threesomes and was addicted to gambling

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[35:43 - 35:52]The neo-Nazi housemate mixed chemicals in his room and talked about guns and Mein Kampf

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[35:43 - 35:52]The narrator's friend had to break into the neo-Nazi's locked room to retrieve his belongings

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[28:59 - 36:16]In conclusion, the narrator reflects on the warped experience of university and how it is seen as a time to grow up and take on adult responsibilities. However, they also mention meeting people who were incapable of taking care of themselves and the bizarre behaviors they encountered.

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[36:17 - 36:23]The speaker discusses a person they knew who had a gaming PC and no door to his bungalow.

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[36:24 - 36:34]The person would often leave the front door open and take things like utensils.

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[36:34 - 36:39]One day, the person took the door handle and hinges off, leaving the door to the side.

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[36:45 - 36:52]The speaker found the person to be insane and uncomfortable to be around.

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[36:52 - 37:00]The person also had two 40-year-old women as girlfriends, which the speaker found disgusting.

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[37:07 - 37:16]The speaker talks about transitioning from university life to working and making YouTube videos in London.

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[37:16 - 37:22]The speaker's parents were supportive of the decision to not pursue a master's degree.

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[37:41 - 37:46]The speaker's friend Sydney was already living in London when they first met.

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[37:54 - 38:02]They moved to London and found a roommate to split costs.

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[38:35 - 38:43]The speaker spent a gap year between university and their job at the BBC, during which they focused on YouTube.

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[39:00 - 39:08]They traveled to different countries and were invested in Potaku.

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[39:41 - 39:50]The speaker eventually wanted a stable job at the BBC, but later realized it wasn't what they wanted.

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[41:05 - 41:22]They had a nine-to-five job but stayed up until 4am talking to friends in North America.

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[41:05 - 41:22]The speaker and their friend Joey often stayed up late talking to friends in North America.

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[41:22 - 41:29]The speaker found university life to be more stressful than having a real job.

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[42:06 - 42:11]The speaker's sleep schedule was irregular, with short naps throughout the day.

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[42:54 - 43:02]They often had to adjust their sleep schedule to accommodate time differences.

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[43:18 - 43:23]The speaker would slowly deteriorate their sleep schedule over time.

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[36:17 - 43:23]The speaker discusses a person they knew who had a gaming PC and no door, their transition from university to adult life in London, and their sleep schedule while working at the BBC and making YouTube videos. They often stayed up late talking to friends in North America and found university life to be more stressful than having a real job.

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[43:23 - 43:28] The speaker's sleep schedule was completely messed up, going to bed at 6-7 AM and waking up at 4 PM.

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[44:07 - 44:15]They would try to fix it, but would eventually revert back to their old schedule.

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[44:07 - 44:15]This cycle continued for about 2 months.

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[44:33 - 44:43]The speaker struggled to fix their sleep schedule, especially since they had no responsibilities or a set schedule.

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[45:04 - 45:12]Eventually, they moved to Japan and were able to fix their sleep schedule.

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[46:22 - 46:30]They also mentioned relying on 24-hour convenience stores to eat late at night.

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[48:04 - 48:10]The speaker also talked about recording videos and podcasts late at night, which annoyed their neighbors.

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[48:11 - 48:17]In return, the neighbors would purposely have loud sex whenever the speaker was recording.

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[48:48 - 48:55]The speaker also mentioned a specific incident where they recorded a podcast with moans in the background.

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[49:45 - 49:50]The neighbors also stole a package from the speaker.

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[43:23 - 49:50]In summary, the speaker's sleep schedule was messed up for about 2 months before moving to Japan. They also had annoying neighbors who would purposely have loud sex whenever the speaker was recording.

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[49:50 - 49:57]The only experience of living with neighbors was in Japan

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[51:42 - 51:51]Had a passive aggressive neighbor who sent multiple letters about noise complaints

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[53:14 - 53:28]Responded with a handwritten letter in Japanese

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[55:42 - 55:51]Introductions with other neighbors were awkward due to the husband not wanting to talk to foreigners

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[56:55 - 57:03]Other neighbors were mostly friendly and chill

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[49:50 - 57:03]Overall, the experience with neighbors in Japan has been mixed and somewhat challenging.

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[57:03 - 57:09] Aki is not proficient in Japanese, but people know it

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[57:09 - 57:15]Walking to local supermarket and neighbor with Australian/British accent greets them

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[57:15 - 57:21]Expecting traditional Japanese greeting but instead it was a casual one

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[57:50 - 57:59]Old people in Japan either really nice or want you dead

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[57:59 - 58:14]Japan takes extreme approach to interacting with foreigners

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[58:28 - 58:33]First time in America (New York) someone talks to them in elevator and they freeze up

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[58:46 - 59:07]In England, people don't talk or acknowledge each other

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[58:46 - 59:07]British friend experiences similar situation in Canada on bus

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[1.01:33 - 1.01:49]First time in LA, someone says offensive comment in elevator causing discomfort

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[1.01:33 - 1.01:49]Ladies in elevator compliment British accent giving confidence boost

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[1.04:15 - 1.04:22]British and Australian friends turn on accents for fun and to get better service

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[1.04:15 - 1.04:22]British and Australian friends don't see American accents as attractive

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[57:03 - 1.04:28]Aki not proficient in Japanese, neighbor greets with casual Australian/British accent, extreme interactions with foreigners in Japan, people don't talk in England, awkward encounters with Americans, accents used for fun and to get better service, British and Australian friends don't find American accents attractive.

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[1.05:02 - 1.05:15] The speakers discuss the perception of American accents in Britain and how they are viewed as exotic or impressive.

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[1.06:08 - 1.06:16]They also talk about the cultural differences between Americans and Brits, particularly in slang and swear words.

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[1.07:24 - 1.07:32]Joey mentions his experience with American friends not understanding Australian slang.

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[1.08:19 - 1.08:26]They discuss how the British accent was once praised on the internet but is now often mocked.

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[1.08:56 - 1.09:03]The group also talks about the differences between Northern and Southern accents in Britain, with some accents being harder for them to understand.

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[1.10:41 - 1.10:47]Garnt talks about how his accent has changed over time and how he is often mocked for not sounding like he's from the North.

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[1.04:29 - 1.11:09]Overall, the speakers discuss their personal experiences with different accents and how they are perceived in different cultures.

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[1.12:25 - 1.12:40]Speaker discusses how their accent has changed over time, influenced by different environments and accents

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[1.12:40 - 1.12:46]They mention a study done in Antarctica where scientists' accents changed over time

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[1.16:14 - 1.16:23]Comparison to unhealthy food options in the UK and US

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[1.16:39 - 1.16:47]Discussion about how living in Japan has affected their lifestyle and health choices

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[1.16:39 - 1.16:47]They talk about the availability of healthy food and the amount of walking they do in Japan

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[1.17:13 - 1.17:27]Mention of popular fast food chains in Japan and why the speaker prefers one over the others

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[1.11:09 - 1.17:50]Living in Japan has led to a healthier lifestyle due to the availability of healthy food options and the influence of those around them.

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[1.17:50 - 1.18:04]The speaker talks about their experience in Japan and how they appreciate having English options when ordering food.

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[1.18:13 - 1.18:36]They mention the awkwardness of trying to get a waiter's attention in Japan and compare it to the etiquette in England.

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[1.20:24 - 1.20:37]The speaker and their friend discuss their favorite fast food places in Japan and mention Matsuya as the best one.

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[1.23:36 - 1.23:42]They recall a time when they ordered an expensive dish at a local ramen place and were surprised by the large portions.

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[1.24:11 - 1.24:16]Despite feeling guilty, they still try to finish their meals but end up leaving a lot of food behind.

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[1.24:28 - 1.24:36]The speaker has never experienced a situation like this before.

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[1.17:50 - 1.24:36]In summary, the speaker talks about their love for Japanese fast food and their experience with ordering an expensive meal.

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[1.24:36 - 1.24:46]Narrator discusses being afraid of leaving food at a Japanese restaurant, and accidentally ordering too much food.

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[1.25:31 - 1.25:40]Narrator recalls being at a restaurant and forcing himself to eat too much food, feeling shameful but not wanting to waste food.

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[1.28:15 - 1.28:23]Narrator discusses experiencing large portion sizes in America, particularly in Texas and at an Italian restaurant.

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[1.29:02 - 1.29:11]Narrator mentions ordering tiramisu at the restaurant and receiving an entire cake instead of a slice.

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[1.30:40 - 1.30:50]Narrator talks about the concept of bottomless fries and free refills at American restaurants, and being shocked by the amount of food offered.

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[1.30:50 - 1.30:58]British and Australian narrators discuss their shock and confusion at the portion sizes and concepts of free refills and bottomless food in America.

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[1.31:48 - 1.32:00]Narrator and Aki discuss the laziness of some Americans who choose to pay more for a larger drink rather than getting up for a refill.

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[1.24:36 - 1.32:08]Narrators discuss their experiences with large portion sizes and concepts such as bottomless fries and free refills at American restaurants, expressing shock and confusion at the amount of food offered.

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[1.32:08 - 1.32:14] The speaker discusses their frustration with not liking buttered popcorn and feeling pressure to eat it at the cinema

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[1.32:52 - 1.32:57]They mention being conditioned by Australian cinemas to think that popcorn is an essential part of the movie experience

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[1.32:52 - 1.32:57]The speaker talks about the high cost of popcorn in Australian cinemas and how they would sneak in their own snacks instead

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[1.33:52 - 1.34:09]They compare their experience in American cinemas, mentioning a butter machine and a lard dispenser for popcorn

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[1.35:28 - 1.35:39]The speaker expresses disgust at the concept of American spray cheese and how it is used

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[1.35:28 - 1.35:39]They mention that many Americans love spray cheese, but the speaker finds it baffling and not appetizing

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[1.37:40 - 1.37:55]The speaker talks about their overall love for America and American food, despite finding it strange at times

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[1.32:08 - 1.39:00]The speaker discusses their love for America, but also shares their bafflement at some aspects of American culture, including the obsession with buttered popcorn and the use of spray cheese. They also mention the high cost of snacks in Australian cinemas and their love for American food, particularly five guys burgers.

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[1.39:00 - 1.39:06]Narrator discusses experiencing life and death at the same time

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[1.39:15 - 1.39:32]Mentions wanting to do a road trip in the US to experience diverse cultures and food

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[1.39:15 - 1.39:32]Talks about trying fast food chains specific to each state

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[1.39:32 - 1.39:38]Expresses love for In-N-Out, but also thinks it is overrated

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[1.39:55 - 1.40:01]Discusses wanting to try Waterburger in Texas

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[1.40:06 - 1.40:14]Narrator enjoys the food and hospitality in America, but acknowledges it may wear off if living there permanently

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[1.41:33 - 1.41:53]Mentions staying in a hotel in LA and hearing about recent shootings on the morning news

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[1.42:27 - 1.42:32]Narrator's first day in LA involves being approached by a homeless man and witnessing strange behavior

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[1.43:00 - 1.43:06]Similar experiences in New York and Japan, where strangers approach and try to get them to participate in religious activities

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[1.39:00 - 1.45:44]Final bullet point should be a comprehensive summary of the narrator's experiences with food, culture, and strange encounters while traveling in the US and Japan.

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[1.45:44 - 1.45:53] The speaker was walking home when a group of men approached him and asked where he lived.

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[1.46:10 - 1.46:17]They followed him to the gym and kept asking him to pray.

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[1.46:32 - 1.46:40]The speaker was creeped out and worried about the men staying at the gym until he was done.

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[1.46:59 - 1.47:04]The speaker talks about the safety differences between the area he is from and America.

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[1.48:53 - 1.49:02]The speaker pushed the homeless man over and ran away out of fear.

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[1.49:02 - 1.49:10]The speaker and his friend had a scary encounter with a homeless man while walking to their Airbnb.

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[1.51:06 - 1.51:33]The speaker learned to be more cautious when walking around in America.

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[1.51:53 - 1.52:00]The speaker recalls a scary encounter with a homeless man in San Francisco.

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[1.51:53 - 1.52:00]The speaker clarifies that he does not want to demonize homeless people or Americans.

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[1.45:44 - 1.52:22]The speaker shares his experience of being followed and harassed by a group of men in his neighborhood, followed by a scary encounter with a homeless man in San Francisco. He also discusses the cultural differences and safety concerns between his home country and America.

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[1.52:22 - 1.52:31]The speaker talks about their love for America and how it always provides great stories.

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[1.52:31 - 1.52:40]They mention something always happening at conventions and teasing upcoming stories.

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[1.52:40 - 1.53:05]The speaker thanks patrons for their support and encourages others to join.

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[1.52:40 - 1.53:05]They point out the names of patrons on the screen.

A youtube thumbnail wor College Horror Stories | Trash Taste #12

[1.53:11 - 1.53:31]The speaker jokes about people not pooping in pumpkins or mailboxes.

A youtube thumbnail wor College Horror Stories | Trash Taste #12

[1.53:11 - 1.53:31]They invite listeners to share their own poop stories on the subreddit.

A youtube thumbnail wor College Horror Stories | Trash Taste #12

[1.53:11 - 1.53:31]The speaker promotes following them on Twitter and mentions all relevant links in the description.

A youtube thumbnail wor College Horror Stories | Trash Taste #12

[1.53:11 - 1.53:31]They identify themselves as "neanderthals" and "men who don't poop in mailboxes."

A youtube thumbnail wor College Horror Stories | Trash Taste #12

[1.53:31 - 1.53:37]The speaker states that they are a changed person and concludes with a goodbye.

A youtube thumbnail wor College Horror Stories | Trash Taste #12

[1.52:22 - 1.53:37]The speaker's love for America and its interesting stories is a recurring theme throughout the audio. They also mention upcoming convention episodes, thank patrons for their support, joke about poop stories, promote their social media, and identify themselves as "men who don't poop in mailboxes."