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Ep 7 - We Turned New Zealand Into a Real-Life Board Game

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[00:00 - 00:12]Episode 7 of Race Across New Zealand

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[00:22 - 00:31]Toby and partner have advantage with 1PM ferry tickets

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[00:22 - 00:31]Ben and Adam take longer, more expensive ferry

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[00:22 - 00:31]Ferry leaves late and challenge is vetoed

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[00:22 - 00:31]Toby and partner take Eastern route while Ben and Adam take Western route

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[00:32 - 00:41]First challenge on Western route is to get drunk on local wine at the Weirau River

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[01:03 - 01:10]After getting one team member drunk, they must complete a math minute at Saint Arnott

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[04:37 - 04:54]They reach Christ Church and rest for the night

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[05:29 - 05:35]Skip Kaikoura fishing challenge

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[06:57 - 07:19]Toby and partner must listen to The Element Song on repeat until Christ Church

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[08:44 - 08:53]Day 4 begins, they are 10 minutes from Y-Row River crossing

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[08:44 - 08:53]Toby and partner still have 80 minute lead in race

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[09:09 - 09:21]Ben drinks half a bottle of wine at 8AM for a challenge

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[00:00 - 11:00]Toby and partner have an 80-minute lead in the race as they complete challenges and drive through New Zealand, facing obstacles and making strategic decisions along the way.

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[11:01 - 11:19]Need to get to Saint Arnard quickly to complete a math minute before getting too drunk

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[11:26 - 11:33]Can't remember song lyrics despite hearing it many times

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[11:42 - 11:54]Trying to memorize elements for math minute

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[11:56 - 12:09]Taking a scenic route through South Island, New Zealand

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[12:52 - 12:58]Adam has IQ of 1000 after drinking half a bottle of wine

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[13:34 - 13:41]Attempting math minute while drunk on a train

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[13:34 - 13:41]Successfully completing math minute after a few attempts

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[16:52 - 17:02]Ben and Adam may have a chance to catch up by pulling a curse to choose their next route

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[18:07 - 18:14]Next challenge involves skipping a stone six times at Constanten Joy Space

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[18:28 - 18:36]Studying instructional video on skipping stones

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[18:43 - 18:49]Arriving in Christchurch and starting challenge

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[18:58 - 19:05]Need to find a small plant to bring to various locations

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[18:58 - 19:05]Finding a cactus to bring to museums

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[19:11 - 19:19]Seeing vague political signs on the road

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[19:30 - 19:35]Seeing signs for a worker cooperative

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[21:21 - 21:28]Successfully completing stone skipping challenge

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[21:30 - 21:35]Next challenge at Motu Piki Beach Wok involves finding a real starfish

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[21:43 - 21:51]Difficult to access beach during high tide

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[21:51 - 21:58]Finding a secret entrance to the beach

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[22:10 - 22:15]Arriving at the International Antarctic Centre

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[22:32 - 22:37]Trying to find parking at Botanic Gardens

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[22:32 - 22:37]Finally finding parking and entering the gardens

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[22:38 - 22:45]Successfully completing challenge within 10 minutes

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[11:01 - 22:45]Two friends race to complete various challenges on a scenic train ride through South Island, New Zealand. Challenges include completing a math minute, studying the elements, skipping stones, finding a starfish, and bringing a plant to various locations. They also encounter political signs, a worker cooperative, and difficulty finding parking. Despite some setbacks, they successfully complete all challenges and continue on their journey.

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[23:05 - 23:11] The speaker and others are on a trip and are trying to catch up to someone who is currently in Christchurch.

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[24:16 - 24:21]The museum is visited and the singer is mentioned.

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[30:12 - 30:17]The group visits the beach and looks for a starfish.

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[30:12 - 30:17]They are unable to find a starfish and have to veto the challenge.

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[30:18 - 30:24]The group is gaining on the person they are chasing.

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[30:18 - 30:24]They are still gaining on the person they are chasing.

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[31:37 - 31:53]They continue on to Hokitika and complete a challenge to make a beach sign.

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[33:34 - 33:39]The group visits the New Zealand Museum of Toys and Collectibles.

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[33:34 - 33:39]The group then visits the Air Force Museum of New Zealand.

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[22:45 - 34:33]A group is on a trip and trying to catch up to someone in Christchurch. They visit museums, the beach, and complete a challenge to make a beach sign in Hokitika. They are unable to find a starfish and have to veto a challenge. They continue to gain on the person they are chasing.

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[34:59 - 35:06] The speaker and their partner are preparing for a challenge on the beach.

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[36:33 - 36:45]They need to buy an egg for the challenge and decide to use cotton balls and cups to protect it.

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[36:46 - 36:59]They write their own sign and head to the landing site of Guy Menzies.

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[37:07 - 37:14]They realize they are taking a different route than the other team and will not be able to complete challenges for them until the end.

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[37:15 - 37:22]They decide to buy curses to even out the game.

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[40:38 - 40:45]They visit a skate park and then go to see penguins.

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[41:17 - 41:33]They hurry to do an egg drop challenge and buy a curse that allows them to force the other team to take a different route.

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[42:35 - 42:40]The other team barely makes it work and the speaker and their partner are determined to catch up.

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[44:06 - 44:18]The season finale is available on Nebula and viewers can support the creators by signing up for an annual subscription.

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 7 - We Turned New Zealand Into a Real-Life Board Game

[34:33 - 44:31]The speaker and their partner prepare for a beach challenge, buy an egg, and realize they are taking a different route than the other team. They buy curses and visit a skate park and penguins. They hurry to complete an egg drop and buy a curse to force the other team to take a different route. The season finale is available on Nebula and viewers can support the creators by signing up for an annual subscription.