

Youtube profile pic for We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

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[00:14 - 00:23]Introduction to a game of hide and seek across Switzerland over four days

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[00:39 - 00:49]Seekers start in Lucerne, hider's location unknown

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[02:02 - 02:13]Five types of information available: relative info, radar, photo requests, oddballs, and precision questions

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[02:38 - 02:44]Seekers must buy information from hider using coins to find their location

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[02:38 - 02:44]Seekers buy relative longitude and determine hider is east of them

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[02:38 - 02:44]Seekers buy relative latitude and determine hider is in the southeast

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[02:38 - 02:44]Seekers take a gamble and choose a direction to move towards

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[04:48 - 05:01]Seekers debate whether to go towards Zurich or into the mountains

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[06:37 - 06:54]Hider struggles to take a photo without revealing the amount of snow in their location

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[06:37 - 06:54]Game continues with seekers trying to find the hider's location

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[07:21 - 07:30]Seekers decide to buy a photo from hider, specifically one of five buildings in the same frame

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[00:02 - 08:56]Seekers play a four day game of hide and seek across Switzerland, using coins to buy information from the hider in order to find their location. They determine the hider is east of them and then in the southeast before taking a gamble and buying a photo from the hider.

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[09:21 - 09:29]The person is trying to take a photo of buildings and notices that they look new and dry.

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[11:25 - 11:33]They use a 25-mile radar to narrow down the possible location of the person they are looking for.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[12:27 - 12:35]They discuss using coins to buy curses that could help them find the person.

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[14:46 - 14:53]They use two dice to roll for a curse and get the William Tell Curse.

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[15:20 - 15:26]They decide to go to Goshenen to transfer to another train and potentially clear the curse.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[15:20 - 15:26]They take a train to Andermacht and find an apple to complete the curse.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[15:37 - 15:45]They continue to explore and look for potential hiding spots.

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[18:13 - 18:28]They climb up a steep area and find a good spot to hide.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[19:57 - 20:03]The person throws a sock at the other person and they finally find a good hiding spot.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[08:58 - 20:03]The person uses various tools and strategies to try and find the person they are looking for, including using a 25-mile radar, discussing buying curses with coins, and finding a good hiding spot to evade their search.

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[20:09 - 20:15] The speaker is not feeling good about something and mentions an apple

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[25:18 - 25:24]The speaker talks about a slushy area and discusses potential strategies for finding the hiding spot

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[28:15 - 28:21]They mention a train schedule and decide to go back to a cafe

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[28:53 - 29:02]They have a limited amount of time to find a hiding spot

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[28:53 - 29:02]The hider is confirmed to be within 10 miles of the speaker

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[28:53 - 29:02]They narrow down the potential locations to two towns and decide to check one of them

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[28:53 - 29:02]The hider is confirmed to be in the same town as the speaker

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[29:09 - 29:18]They discuss a question to ask the hider and send a request for a photo of a train station

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[29:35 - 29:50]The speaker throws objects to try to hit the apple mentioned earlier

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[30:03 - 30:16]The speaker mentions that the hider's hiding spot is likely covered to avoid hypothermia

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[20:03 - 30:16]The speaker and their team successfully locate the hider, who is within 10 miles of their location. They narrow down the potential hiding spots to two towns and confirm the hider's presence in the same town as them. The hider's hiding spot is likely covered to avoid hypothermia.

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[30:16 - 30:25]Adam gets cold easily and they are searching for him

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[30:40 - 30:46]They discuss their team name and ask precision questions to figure out where he could be

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[30:55 - 31:01]They ask for an upward photo and realize he must be under something

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[31:03 - 31:12]They request an upward photo and see Adam on top of a castle

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[32:49 - 32:56]They try to figure out how to get to the castle

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[35:43 - 35:58]They use good skills and ask the right questions to find Adam

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[36:44 - 36:51]They take a direct route to the castle and Adam is annoyed

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[38:50 - 38:56]They discuss other content available on Nebula and encourage viewers to subscribe

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[40:16 - 40:18]They have two and a half hours to catch him before he can move

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[40:16 - 40:18]Ben is still in the game and they are still trying to catch him

A youtube thumbnail wor We Played Hide And Seek Across Switzerland

[30:16 - 40:18]The team searches for Adam, asks precision questions, and uses good skills to find him on top of a castle. They have a limited time to catch him before he can move. They discuss other content on Nebula and Ben is still in the game.