

Youtube profile pic for Ep 3 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

Ep 3 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

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[00:00 - 00:06] Welcome back to episode 3 of Capture the Flag across Japan

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[00:06 - 00:16]Currently in the middle of round 2

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[00:06 - 00:16]To win, a team must capture both flags and get them over the line

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[00:06 - 00:16]Ben and Adam have captured the near flag

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[00:06 - 00:16]Adam must make it back with the far flag to win the round

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[00:17 - 00:22]Scotty and narrator made a beeline to capture the far flag

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[00:17 - 00:22]Currently on their way back

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[00:23 - 00:30]Ben is waiting for them at a choke point before Tokyo

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[01:27 - 01:38]Narrator strategizes and decides to carry the flag and take a route that does not go on the Shinkansen

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[01:50 - 01:59]Ben must make a decision to go for the narrator or Scotty

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[03:07 - 03:26]Scotty is running to catch a train with limited time

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[04:18 - 04:23]Narrator is willing to be the bait while Scotty takes the flag and crosses the line

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[04:24 - 04:35]Narrator and Ben are in a stalemate, both believing it is good for their team

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[04:57 - 05:10]Scotty has to take slow regional lines back while Adam's flag is inconveniently located

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[05:11 - 05:16]It's a speed run and a staring contest at the center

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[07:08 - 07:19]Narrator learns a few key phrases in Japanese

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[08:35 - 08:46]Scotty catches his train and makes a transfer

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 3 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[08:54 - 08:59]Scotty is taking a slow local line

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[09:07 - 09:17]Narrator is not falling for the tactic and is waiting for Scotty and Ben to burn daylight

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 3 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[00:00 - 09:17]In episode 3 of Capture the Flag across Japan, the team is in the middle of round 2. Ben and Adam have captured the near flag, and if Adam can make it back with the far flag, they will win the round. However, Ben is waiting for them at a choke point. The narrator strategizes and decides to carry the flag on a different route, while Scotty takes a train back. Ben and the narrator are in a stalemate, and Scotty is running to catch a train. He eventually makes a transfer and the narrator learns some key phrases in Japanese. Ben tries a tactic, but the narrator doesn't fall for it. It's a race against time and a staring contest at the center.

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[20:20 - 20:28]Scott is trying to win a round by quickly moving and reaching a flag

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[20:31 - 20:37]He arrives at Nishio Station and heads towards the flag

A youtube thumbnail wor Ep 3 - Playing a 96 Hr Game Of Capture The Flag Across Japan

[20:37 - 20:46]He finds the flag and then realizes he only has 250 coins left

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[20:37 - 20:46]Scott needs 2000 coins to get back and must leave the radius of the flag to do challenges

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[20:48 - 20:57]He starts walking towards the next station and draws a card for a challenge

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[20:48 - 20:57]Sam informs Scott that Adam has reached the flag, putting them on a three hour countdown

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[20:48 - 20:57]Ben has a faster path to cut off Scott, causing them to rethink their plan

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[20:48 - 20:57]Scott finds an egg at a supermarket and starts heading towards the station

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[20:58 - 21:09]He must eat an egg worth of egg, but it cannot be completely raw

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[20:58 - 21:09]Scott calls Sam to figure out a plan and realizes he has 45 minutes until his next train

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[20:58 - 21:09]He draws another challenge and is cursed to use only the Japanese language settings and keyboard for the next two hours

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[20:58 - 21:09]Adam has enough coins to return the flag but must complete a memory challenge involving taking specific trains and getting off at certain stations

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[20:58 - 21:09]Scott accidentally goes to the wrong part of the station and becomes frustrated

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[20:58 - 21:09]Adam heads back on the Shinkansen with the flag

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[20:58 - 21:09]Sam realizes they need to start applying pressure and figures out his next move based on game theory

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[09:18 - 21:09]Scott and Adam are in a race to return the flag, but Ben has a faster path to cut them off. Scott must complete challenges and return to the station, while Adam must complete a memory challenge to return the flag. Sam starts applying pressure and strategizing based on game theory.

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[21:10 - 21:30]Protagonist is unsure of how to proceed in their current situation.

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[21:30 - 21:43]They are trying to avoid being caught by someone named Ben.

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[21:30 - 21:43]Protagonist has a plan to slip past Ben at the train station.

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[21:30 - 21:43]If Ben thinks protagonist is staying on the train, they will stay on and avoid being caught.

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[21:30 - 21:43]If Ben thinks protagonist is getting off the train, they will stay on and slip past him.

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[23:33 - 23:38]Protagonist and Ben leave the train to find food.

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[23:57 - 24:03]Protagonist has a plan to trap Ben and buy more time for their teammate.

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[24:45 - 25:00]Protagonist and Ben have a conversation while waiting for the trap to freeze Ben.

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[26:32 - 26:39]Protagonist's teammate successfully captures the second flag.

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[29:20 - 29:28]Protagonist and Ben head back to Tokyo station.

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[30:53 - 31:01]Protagonist takes a Shinkansen train to Tokyo station.

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[30:53 - 31:01]Protagonist hopes to make it to the finish line in time.

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[31:18 - 31:31]Protagonist successfully crosses the finish line.

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[31:18 - 31:31]Protagonist's team wins the game.

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[31:32 - 31:38]Protagonist and Ben have a conversation about the possibility of their teammate being able to stop protagonist from crossing the finish line.

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[31:39 - 31:48]Protagonist heads to Tokyo station to try and block their teammate.

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[21:10 - 32:04]The protagonist successfully evades being caught by Ben and crosses the finish line to win the game.

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[39:43 - 39:49] The speaker is on a game show called Jetlide.

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[39:57 - 40:06]They are currently in Japan and have completed round two.

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[41:03 - 41:08]They find out that their teammate Adam has arrived at the station and took it over.

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[41:28 - 41:33]The speaker is trying to complete a challenge to break copyright law by finding four places where they have to mute the audio for copyright reasons.

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[41:54 - 42:00]The next round is worth three points and will determine the winner.

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[41:54 - 42:00]Round three takes place in the entire country of Japan with three points on the line.

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[42:00 - 42:09]The game show is available on Nebula, a streaming service created by creators for creators.

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[42:00 - 42:09]Viewers can use the link provided to get $20 off an annual subscription and support the show.

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[42:10 - 42:16]They successfully complete the challenge and head back to Tokyo station.

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[42:10 - 42:16]The teams tie and force a sudden death elimination round.

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[42:10 - 42:16]The podcast Layover discusses the lessons learned from round two.

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[42:10 - 42:16]The speaker and their teammate are trying to strategize for the final round.

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[32:05 - 42:22]In the end, the speaker's team ties with another team and forces a sudden death round to determine the winner.