

Youtube profile pic for Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[00:01 - 00:12] Introduction to H3 podcast and discussion about a serious topic

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[00:50 - 01:06]Mention of Vosh, a political streamer who leaked his "oh-no" folder

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[01:16 - 01:23]Sponsorship from

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[01:24 - 01:33]Discussion about Vosh's "goon folder" and disturbing content found within it

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[02:31 - 02:58]Mention of a loss of innocence and realization of the prevalence of disturbing content online

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[04:30 - 04:51]Defense of Vosh from some fans and public figures, including Kefos and Tipster

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[05:53 - 06:02]Discussion of Super Bowl and audio issues during the halftime show

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[07:21 - 07:27]Party and drinking game during Super Bowl

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[07:35 - 07:46]Criticism of celebrities participating in Super Bowl ads and mention of Kanye's ad

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[09:26 - 09:35]Conclusion with a question about the cost of making ads versus the cost of buying a Super Bowl spot

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[00:01 - 09:35]The H3 podcast discusses a serious topic, including Vosh's leaked "oh-no" folder and disturbing content online. They also mention the Super Bowl and criticism of celebrity ads during the event. The podcast ends with a question about the cost of making Super Bowl ads.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[17:13 - 17:41] Bachelor hopeful Jeff is still open until Wednesday

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[17:41 - 18:03]Every application is good so far

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[17:41 - 18:03]Applications are open until Tuesday night at 11:59 PM

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[18:03 - 18:09]Tips for applicants include being creative and filming in landscape mode

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[18:17 - 18:36]Videos will be shown and applicants will be reminded if they are picked

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[09:36 - 18:36]59 PM, and applicants are encouraged to be creative and film in landscape mode. All videos will be shown and the chosen applicant will be reminded.

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[23:17 - 23:27]Vash and his supporters deny that the content in his leaked folder is concerning and claim it was taken out of context.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[23:53 - 23:59]The folder contained images of a young-looking girl performing sexual acts with a horse and other disturbing content.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[24:05 - 24:20]Vash's defense of his consumption of loli hentai is that it is just a genre and does not harm anyone.

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[25:51 - 25:57]There is speculation that the folder may contain even worse content than what was leaked.

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[28:47 - 28:55]Vash's supporters claim that Ethan is only criticizing him because he is anti-Israel.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[29:13 - 29:23]Vash made a two-hour response video to Ethan's criticism, claiming it is all part of a conspiracy by Dan Schneider.

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[18:36 - 29:32]The overall issue is the normalization and comfort that consuming this type of content can provide for individuals who may act on their impulses or seek out real child pornography.

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[29:38 - 29:48]Vash's supporters claim that the content in the folder was not lolly, but it has been debunked.

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[29:49 - 30:04]The defense for every clip is that it was taken out of context.

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[30:17 - 30:29]Vash claims to be anti-capitalism, not pro-CP.

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[31:53 - 32:08]The hosts grapple with the disturbing content and background of Vash.

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[33:13 - 33:19]The hosts were not aware of this and do not care about the situation.

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[34:17 - 34:29]Keemstar accuses Vash's friend of drawing CP of his daughter.

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[37:12 - 37:29]Vash's fans and defenders either don't understand the severity of the situation or are also into lolly.

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[38:07 - 38:23]Tippster and Kefels have sacrificed themselves for Vash.

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[38:46 - 38:57]The community supporting Vash is on life support.

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[38:58 - 39:05]The truth will be brought to light and the hosts urge for the community to be flooded with truth and justice.

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[39:05 - 39:12]The hosts urge for the community to be flooded with a blinding light and for the rats and cockroaches to scurry.

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[39:14 - 39:21]The hosts make a comparison to rats and cockroaches living in the sewer.

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[39:35 - 39:40]The hosts make a reference to a general climb.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[29:33 - 39:40]In summary, Vash's supporters claim the content was not lolly, but it has been debunked and taken out of context. The hosts grapple with the disturbing content and background of Vash, and Keemstar accuses Vash's friend of drawing CP of his daughter. The community supporting Vash is on life support and the hosts urge for it to be flooded with truth and justice.

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[39:41 - 39:46]Thought he'd be more like, and today, soldiers, we will fight on Lolly Hill.

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[40:00 - 40:05]They are canceling their membership.

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[40:06 - 40:13]Ethan's recent behavior with memberships or subscriptions.

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[41:13 - 41:21]Just donated 50 memberships.

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[41:13 - 41:21]Somebody got the chocolate factor.

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[41:22 - 41:28]There's been a lots of generous donations.

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[41:36 - 41:42]He is Ben.

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[41:36 - 41:42]He is making money right now.

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[41:43 - 41:48]He hopes that bothers you.

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[41:48 - 41:54]He is doing it.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[41:48 - 41:54]It is funny and because he knows it bothers you.

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[41:54 - 42:02]He did the first show for financial reasons.

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[42:03 - 42:08]The first show had 40,000 viewers.

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[42:08 - 42:15]He is kind of a big deal.

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[42:22 - 42:29]It is not that difficult for them because it's Friday.

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[42:36 - 42:45]He is going to make a ton of money right now, bro.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[42:36 - 42:45]He is literally coming at them in a suit of cash.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[43:11 - 43:17]He is coming to expose them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[43:37 - 43:44]He is literally plated and gold.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[43:37 - 43:44]He is literally plated and gold, my friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[44:05 - 44:14]Keemstar put out a video right before and it's we went live and basically he said that Chris from Mr. B's shared a post from this artist.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[45:43 - 45:50]They are an important part of their ecosystems.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[46:40 - 46:46]He is literally coming at them in a suit of cash.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[46:48 - 46:54]We are coming and we are coming in way.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[46:48 - 46:54]We are coming and we are coming in way.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[48:46 - 48:53]He is literally plated and gold, my friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[48:46 - 48:53]He is grabbing a dollar.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[48:54 - 49:02]He is saying there is business, there's industry and exposing this disgusting vertical of drawn CP.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:10 - 49:17]He is exposing them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:10 - 49:17]The artist was canceled at a later time for doing some shady stuff.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:10 - 49:17]He said that Tibster defended that artist.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:10 - 49:17]That's a Keemstar thing.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:10 - 49:17]He is seeing what H3H reproductions did to Vash earlier tonight.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He is not saying anything about that.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He doesn't know nothing about nobody when it comes to that.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He is genuinely disappointed.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]After everything has SON's community, as well as others in the past have done to misrepresent Ethan.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He wouldn't be so quick to do the same to others.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He doesn't justify.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He doesn't justify the shit that he did.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He engages with the stuff that he has done in the past openly and honestly and as frequently as he needs to.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He is aware that stuff he has said and done are extremely offensive and mean.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:17 - 49:25]He reckons with them.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[39:41 - 49:25]He is sorry.

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[49:25 - 49:32]Speaker discusses the importance of context and watching full clips

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:33 - 49:39]Criticizes someone for saying their words were taken out of context

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[53:24 - 53:41]Acknowledges the wrongdoing of the person being discussed

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[53:24 - 53:41]Addresses criticism of the person in question for being a hypocrite

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[53:47 - 53:54]Mentions how this behavior is routine for the person

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[53:47 - 53:54]Dismisses common arguments used to defend the person's actions

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[55:42 - 55:50]Argues that just because a group of people may have similar beliefs, it doesn't mean they are all wrong

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[56:24 - 56:29]Acknowledges that the person has apologized for past offensive statements, but is not doing so in this case

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[57:34 - 57:44]Discusses the use of sound bites and sound drops in response to the person's actions

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[57:34 - 57:44]Mentions that the person's analogy was not a good one and that even the person now believes this

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[57:51 - 57:58]Suggests that there is a large group of people who share the belief of hating pedophiles

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[57:51 - 57:58]Discusses an acronym used to refer to child sexual abuse material and how it was being used out of context to falsely accuse the person in question

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[58:17 - 58:26]Shares comments from viewers showing support for the speaker's stance

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[58:33 - 58:38]Criticizes those who are dabbing up with Nazis on this issue

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[49:25 - 58:38]Speaker discusses the importance of context and watching full clips, criticizes someone for saying their words were taken out of context, acknowledges the wrongdoing of the person being discussed and dismisses common arguments used to defend their actions, and addresses their hypocrisy and the use of sound bites. They also mention the false use of an acronym for child sexual abuse material and criticize those who are aligning with Nazis on this issue.

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[58:38 - 58:44]The speaker discusses their frustration with constantly having to defend against accusations of being a Nazi and their conclusion that the other person is wrong

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[58:45 - 58:50]They question whether the other person is also a hypocrite

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[58:52 - 58:58]The speaker talks about a philosophical question related to the other person's arguments

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[1.00:26 - 1.00:32]They express disappointment in the other person's recent behavior and making good faith arguments

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.01:47 - 1.01:53]The speaker criticizes the other person's analogy and their repeated defense of it

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[1.01:53 - 1.01:59]They discuss the other person's response to their criticism and insinuation

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[1.01:59 - 1.02:05]The speaker argues that their comments were not light-hearted and that the other person's defense is strange and potentially concerning

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[1.03:24 - 1.03:36]They mention collecting evidence and clips related to the other person's behavior

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[1.03:48 - 1.03:55]They mention the possibility of the FBI investigating the other person's hard drive

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[1.04:13 - 1.04:19]The speaker states that they do not want people who defend animated child pornography on the left, but rather want them to stay with the Nazis

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.05:22 - 1.05:27]The speaker and their team make fun of the other person and their beliefs, including posting pictures of "Hot Jesus"

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.05:53 - 1.06:00]They mention how the other person has accused them of being in bad faith and lying about the other person's position

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[58:38 - 1.07:15]Overall, the speaker is frustrated with constantly having to defend against accusations and is disappointed in the other person's recent behavior and arguments. They also criticize the other person's defense of animated child pornography.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.07:45 - 1.07:50]The speaker is discussing a meme they saw, involving a conversation about Japanese cartoon pornography.

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[1.15:15 - 1.15:25]The speaker and others are discussing a controversial figure, "Vosh," and his defense of cartoon CP.

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[1.15:15 - 1.15:25]The speaker and others argue that defending Vosh is harmful and unethical.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.15:26 - 1.15:33]The speaker and others criticize Vosh's defenders for using phrases like "bad faith" and not understanding the context of the situation.

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[1.15:26 - 1.15:33]A person named Kefil's defends Vosh, saying they have lost opportunities for being his friend.

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[1.15:26 - 1.15:33]The speaker and others criticize Kefil's for defending Vosh's actions.

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[1.15:26 - 1.15:33]Kefil's and others respond, defending their support for Vosh.

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[1.15:56 - 1.16:03]They mention theories of math and accuracy.

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[1.16:04 - 1.16:12]The conversation devolves into drama and accusations, with the speaker calling the situation "Lolly Hill."

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.16:12 - 1.16:19]The speaker and others point out the irony of Kefil's defending Vosh's actions while also criticizing others for not understanding the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.16:12 - 1.16:19]The speaker states that they did not make any comments about trans people, but the defenders of Vosh are trying to use their trans identity to deflect criticism.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.16:12 - 1.16:19]The speaker and others point out the absurdity of using phrases like "peto jacketing" and "bad faith."

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.16:12 - 1.16:19]The speaker and others criticize Vosh and his defenders for not understanding the gravity of the situation and for prioritizing clout and financial gain over ethical considerations.

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[1.16:12 - 1.16:19]The speaker and others emphasize that defending Vosh's actions is harmful and unacceptable.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.16:12 - 1.16:19]The speaker and others continue to criticize Vosh's defenders for their actions and statements.

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[1.16:12 - 1.16:19]The conversation becomes heated and the speaker expresses their frustration with the situation.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.16:12 - 1.16:19]The speaker and others call out Kefil's for potentially trying to contact them through their phone number and defend their right to criticize Vosh's actions.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.16:19 - 1.16:24]The speaker and others express concern for Vosh's frequent defense of controversial actions and statements.

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[1.16:25 - 1.16:30]The conversation ends with no clear resolution or agreement.

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.07:15 - 1.16:30]Overall, the conversation revolves around a controversial figure and their supporters defending their actions, while others criticize them for their lack of understanding and ethical considerations.

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[1.16:50 - 1.16:59]Speaker discusses the possibility of debating the ethics of child pornography

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[1.16:59 - 1.17:10]Vash's fans disagree and claim it is out of context

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[1.20:41 - 1.20:48]Speaker believes it is part of Vash's agenda based on previous conversations

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[1.21:04 - 1.21:15]Speaker did not ask to debate Ethan or anyone on this topic

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.23:32 - 1.23:37]Speaker invited Vash to call in during the show but Vash rejected the offer

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.24:10 - 1.24:15]Tipster claims Vash only wants to debate for the clout and money

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.24:57 - 1.25:05]Speaker did not ask for this title and it does not mean Ethan knows them personally

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.24:57 - 1.25:05]Speaker does not consider Vash or others online to be friends

A youtube thumbnail wor Vaush: No More Horsing Around - H3TV #107

[1.25:06 - 1.25:12]Vash knows it is not a conversation he wants to have

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[1.25:14 - 1.25:22]Ethan called speaker a hero on a show for something they did years ago

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[1.25:14 - 1.25:22]Speaker gave Ethan a chance to explain his stance but did not agree with it

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[1.25:14 - 1.25:22]Ethan and Vash defended each other against criticism from other communities

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[1.25:14 - 1.25:22]Speaker believes in thorough research and preparation for debates

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[1.25:14 - 1.25:22]Vash has nowhere to hide and would have to tie himself into a logical pretzel

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[1.25:14 - 1.25:22]Speaker challenges Vash to call in and debate if they believe they are lying or being bad faith

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[1.25:14 - 1.25:22]Vash insists that because they defended speaker in the past, speaker owes them

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[1.25:35 - 1.25:46]Speaker would not cover for animated child pornography because someone said something nice about them

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[1.16:31 - 1.25:46]Speaker discusses the possibility of debating the ethics of child pornography and believes it is part of Vash's agenda based on previous conversations. Vash's fans disagree and claim it is out of context. Speaker did not ask to debate Ethan or anyone on this topic. Ethan called speaker a hero on a show for something they did years ago, but speaker did not ask for this title and it does not mean Ethan knows them personally. Speaker gave Ethan a chance to explain his stance but did not agree with it. Vash rejected the invitation to call in during the show, and speaker challenges Vash to debate if they believe they are lying or being bad faith. Vash insists that because they defended speaker in the past, speaker owes them, but speaker does not consider Vash or others online to be friends.

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[1.25:48 - 1.25:55]Speaker tells someone to shut up and accuses them of being the "queen of bad faith"

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[1.25:58 - 1.26:05]Speaker mentions defending the other person during a meltdown and receiving backlash for it

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[1.26:06 - 1.26:12]Speaker asks for some charity and claims to not be an enemy

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[1.26:12 - 1.26:19]Speaker says they don't need anyone's charity and only speak for themselves

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[1.26:19 - 1.26:25]Speaker welcomes support from those who agree with them

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[1.26:25 - 1.26:31]Speaker clarifies they did not ask for the other person's support and it shouldn't come with a price

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[1.26:25 - 1.26:31]Speaker says they didn't ask for it and it's not worth it

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[1.26:32 - 1.26:38]Speaker mentions being accused of putting their neck out for someone

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[1.27:32 - 1.27:39]Speaker talks about being on a diet and not wanting to consume high calorie drinks

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[1.30:07 - 1.30:15]Speaker mentions being accused of taking clips out of context and offers Vosch to come on the show and explain

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[1.30:15 - 1.30:22]Speaker says Vosch declined and makes fun of the term "pedo-jacketing"

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[1.32:01 - 1.32:07]Speaker says Vosch declined because he doesn't trust them to be in good faith

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[1.32:17 - 1.32:23]Speaker mentions Vosch inviting them to his show but then changing his mind

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[1.32:17 - 1.32:23]Speaker mentions accepting Vosch's invitation to be on his show

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[1.32:24 - 1.32:31]Speaker receives advice not to debate Vosch and reveals that they have already invited him on the show

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[1.32:24 - 1.32:31]Speaker asks Vosch what the difference is between being on his show or theirs

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[1.32:31 - 1.32:36]Speaker mentions Vosch accusing them of doing it for views and clarifies the actual viewership numbers

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[1.33:16 - 1.33:23]Speaker talks about a large hay bale in the room and the cost of feeding farm animals

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[1.25:48 - 1.33:56]Speaker discusses past interactions with Vosch, including defending them and being accused of putting their neck out for them. They also mention inviting Vosch on their show, but he declined and accused them of not being in good faith. Speaker also talks about being on a diet and makes fun of the term "pedo-jacketing." They also mention accepting an invitation to be on Vosch's show.

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[1.34:32 - 1.34:43] Ethan discusses DMs with person who called him a snake and a liar

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[1.35:42 - 1.35:48]Vosh responds saying there will be no debate and that Ethan was being snakeish

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[1.35:42 - 1.35:48]Ethan jokes about Vosh's potential anti-semitism

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[1.35:42 - 1.35:48]Vosh's subreddit discusses suing Ethan for slander

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[1.40:21 - 1.40:32]Ethan watches Tippster's video and criticizes his gameplay

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[1.41:06 - 1.41:22]Ethan calls out Kefel's and Tippster for not being able to defend Vosh's controversial statements

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[1.33:57 - 1.42:17]Ethan discusses DMs with Vosh, Vosh denies debate and is accused of anti-semitism, Ethan jokes about it, Vosh's subreddit talks about suing Ethan, Ethan critiques Tippster's gameplay and calls out Kefel's and Tippster for not being able to defend Vosh's controversial statements.

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[1.42:17 - 1.42:22]Bro and someone else had a conversation about the potential benefits of a sexual relationship with a child

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[1.42:23 - 1.42:30]The term "internet asspat" was used and discussed

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[1.42:23 - 1.42:30]The concept of patting someone on the butt in sports was mentioned

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[1.42:59 - 1.43:04]Vosch, a person being talked about, was described as funny, smart, and a good speaker

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[1.43:38 - 1.43:46]Vosch has a friend who draws goblin porn

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[1.43:46 - 1.43:55]The hosts of the conversation were not previously aware of what goblin porn was and asked for a description

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[1.46:05 - 1.46:10]A clip of Vosch discussing Midna, a character from a video game, was played and discussed

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[1.46:57 - 1.47:06]Vosch's infatuation with Midna was criticized and compared to a "lollicon loophole"

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[1.46:57 - 1.47:06]The conversation ended with the hosts expressing disbelief and discussing the potential illegality of Vosch's infatuation with Midna

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[1.50:12 - 1.50:19]The hosts of the conversation questioned whether Midna could be considered both a loli and a beastiality character

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[1.42:17 - 1.50:25]Overall, the conversation involved discussing a controversial statement made by someone named Vosch and his infatuation with a character named Midna, including its potential legal implications.

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[1.50:26 - 1.50:32]Discussion about a humanoid character in a game

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[1.51:50 - 1.52:14]Mention of Vosch's Discord and his interactions with his audience

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[1.52:33 - 1.52:45]Reference to a previous incident involving a girl named Poppy

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[1.55:26 - 1.55:34]Discussion about character assassination and the possibility of Ethan calling in to talk

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[1.55:41 - 1.55:49]Mention of Vosch wanting to have a conversation without being live

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[1.56:20 - 1.56:31]Criticism of Vosch's content and behavior

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[1.56:20 - 1.56:31]Doubts about Vosch's good faith and debate abilities

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[1.58:05 - 1.58:10]Vosch being warned about being a "snake"

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[1.58:30 - 1.58:36]Discussion about food and potentially getting McDonald's

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[1.58:44 - 1.58:52]Lena ordering food and a previous incident involving soggy tacos

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[1.50:26 - 1.59:17]The audio discusses various topics such as a humanoid character, Vosch's Discord and behavior, and a previous incident involving a girl named Poppy. It also includes a discussion about food and potential plans for a conversation without being live, as well as doubts about Vosch's good faith and debate abilities. There is also mention of Lena ordering food and a previous incident with soggy tacos.

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[1.59:17 - 1.59:22] The speaker discusses getting a burrito and enjoying it with his friend Dan

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[2.00:24 - 2.00:35]They then discuss Taco Bell and its supposed scandal involving horse meat

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[2.01:14 - 2.01:20]The speaker clarifies that he does not believe Vosch has harmed any children

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[2.01:39 - 2.01:52]They discuss leaked DMs and accusations against Vosch

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[2.01:39 - 2.01:52]The speaker criticizes Vosch for not taking responsibility for his actions and engaging in inappropriate behavior

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[2.04:43 - 2.04:49]The speaker questions why Vosch talks about sexual topics with his fans on Discord

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[2.07:19 - 2.07:28]The speaker mentions that this behavior has been addressed before but still remains a topic of discussion

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[2.07:58 - 2.08:07]Vosch and the speaker have a disagreement and Vosch ends the conversation by calling the speaker "low IQ" and engaging in "bad faith" behavior.

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[1.59:17 - 2.08:07]Overall, the speaker is critical of Vosch's actions and believes he needs to take responsibility for his behavior.

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[2.08:08 - 2.08:19] Guy is apparently smart and talks about being called a pedo

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[2.08:20 - 2.08:25]He speaks in a stern tone and is called disingenuous

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[2.09:00 - 2.09:08]He is called a vile snake and accused of antisemitism

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[2.09:10 - 2.09:16]He talks about the number 19 and the Holocaust

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[2.09:16 - 2.09:22]He talks about someone having a mental breakdown

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[2.12:33 - 2.12:41]He talks about Ethan and DMs

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[2.13:25 - 2.13:31]He talks about wanting to debate

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[2.13:31 - 2.13:38]He talks about character assassination and bad faith

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[2.13:58 - 2.14:08]He talks about convincing people it is settled

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[2.15:04 - 2.15:09]He talks about old and new content

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[2.15:49 - 2.15:54]He talks about being called a pedo

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[2.16:04 - 2.16:09]He talks about not being high roaded

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[2.16:34 - 2.16:41]He talks about being condescended

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[2.08:08 - 2.16:41]Guy talks about being accused of being a pedo and having a mental breakdown, DMs with Ethan, and discussions about character assassination, bad faith, old and new content, and being called a pedo and not being high roaded.

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[2.16:41 - 2.16:48] The speaker did not watch a video made by the person they are discussing

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[2.20:54 - 2.21:04]The speaker mentions a specific example of the other person's characterization being inaccurate

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[2.23:43 - 2.23:50]The speaker expresses curiosity about how the other person can be so sure of their accusations

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[2.23:50 - 2.23:58]The speaker acknowledges that they may be misremembering their interactions with the other person

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[2.23:50 - 2.23:58]The speaker acknowledges that they have expressed admiration for the other person's content multiple times

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[2.23:50 - 2.23:58]The speaker expresses frustration at not being able to post clips from the show on TikTok due to the platform's policies

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[2.24:12 - 2.24:18]The speaker questions the other person's portrayal of their show as being in bad faith

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[2.24:18 - 2.24:25]The speaker denies attacking the other person's community or other streamers

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[2.24:18 - 2.24:25]The speaker expresses doubt that the other person genuinely believes their accusations against them

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[2.24:26 - 2.24:37]The speaker denies condescending the other person and expresses surprise at their belief that they were on good terms

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[2.24:26 - 2.24:37]The speaker acknowledges that they have a tendency to put their foot in their mouth and make things difficult for those who defend them

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[2.24:26 - 2.24:37]The speaker denies condescending the other person and expresses surprise at their belief that they were friends

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[2.24:26 - 2.24:37]The speaker mentions that they have enjoyed some of the other person's content

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[2.24:26 - 2.24:37]The speaker questions the timing of the other person seeking their perspective on the issue

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[2.24:26 - 2.24:37]The speaker mentions that they have already heard everything the other person has to say

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[2.24:26 - 2.24:37]The speaker acknowledges that the issue discussed is a heavy one and believes the other person should have an opportunity to respond and provide context to their audience

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[2.16:41 - 2.24:43]The speaker and the other person have different perspectives and beliefs about the situation, and the speaker expresses frustration and confusion about the other person's actions and words.

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[2.24:44 - 2.24:50] Person was speechless and confused by tone and claims made by someone

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[2.24:50 - 2.24:56]They had a bad read on the person's thoughts and feelings

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[2.25:04 - 2.25:10]Person invites them to come on stream and talk about the situation

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[2.25:11 - 2.25:18]They do not expect the person to accept the invitation

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[2.25:24 - 2.25:33]Person sees the other's social media stories and realizes they are a "meanie"

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[2.25:35 - 2.25:41]They offer to call the person onto their stream

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[2.25:57 - 2.26:03]Person denies screaming and being belligerent

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[2.25:57 - 2.26:03]They question how the person can accuse them of bad faith without watching the episode

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[2.28:49 - 2.28:57]Person believes the conversation is done and calls the other a "little bitch"

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[2.29:12 - 2.29:19]The other person responds with insults and claims to have evidence against them

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[2.29:20 - 2.29:25]Person tells the other to seek help and stop defending their actions

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[2.32:15 - 2.32:21]They point out inconsistencies in the other's arguments

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[2.32:29 - 2.32:35]Person presents evidence of the other's past statements defending child pornography

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[2.32:29 - 2.32:35]Person believes the evidence proves the other's interest in child pornography

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[2.33:00 - 2.33:07]They claim to have seen proof of "vile" content involving underage girls and animals

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[2.24:44 - 2.33:16]Overall, the conversation involves confusion, accusations, and evidence surrounding potential interest in child pornography.

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[2.33:16 - 2.33:30]Vosch believes that production of commodities like cobalt and cocoa butter can exist without exploitation of children.

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[2.33:56 - 2.34:04]He also suggests that there is a possibility for positive outcomes in a sexual relationship between an adult and a child.

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[2.35:24 - 2.35:30]Vosch's audience does not push back on these statements, which is concerning.

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[2.37:59 - 2.38:04]He states that we have all watched and enjoyed loli (animated child pornography) at some point, and does not see a problem with it.

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[2.37:59 - 2.38:04]Vosch also defends the idea that there is a relationship between watching loli and being attracted to real children.

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[2.39:22 - 2.39:29]He accuses someone of being a pedophile without proper evidence.

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[2.41:11 - 2.41:17]Vosch's beliefs and statements are concerning and disturbing.

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[2.41:17 - 2.41:26]Vosch's friend agrees that the average American man would be most attracted to 14-17 year old girls.

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[2.41:57 - 2.42:04]Another friend says that 15 is the ideal age for attraction.

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[2.42:18 - 2.42:29]Vosch introduces himself in a debate by saying his YouTube was banned for child pornography.

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[2.33:16 - 2.42:29]In summary, Vosch believes that the production of commodities can exist without exploitation of children, defends the idea of positive outcomes in adult-child sexual relationships, and enjoys loli and defends its relation to real child pornography. He also accuses someone of being a pedophile without evidence and introduces himself in a debate by mentioning his banned YouTube channel for child pornography.

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[2.42:29 - 2.42:36] Bosch spoke with someone for 90 minutes, and the speaker knows what they're talking about.

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[2.42:37 - 2.42:43]Bosch suggests talking to someone who was banned for promoting CP, the speaker thinks it would make for a great conversation.

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[2.42:43 - 2.42:50]The speaker dislikes Ethan for being mean to their "king" and community.

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[2.42:50 - 2.42:58]Bosch stated that the average American man wants to have sex with 14-17 year olds.

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[2.42:59 - 2.43:05]The speaker mentions another one of Bosch's takes that they don't understand.

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[2.43:45 - 2.43:52]The speaker notes the similarity in voices between Bosch and another person called "quartering".

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[2.43:59 - 2.44:05]The speaker suggests harmonizing their voices.

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[2.44:06 - 2.44:13]Vosh hesitates before making a spicy comment.

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[2.48:01 - 2.48:08]The speaker questions what motivates pedophiles.

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[2.49:45 - 2.49:57]The speaker mentions a model who brags about having sex with 18 year olds.

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[2.50:52 - 2.51:09]Vosh suggests that society fetishizes youth when it comes to women's desirability.

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[2.51:41 - 2.51:47]The speaker clarifies that they are not talking about pedophilia in beauty standards.

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[2.51:47 - 2.51:59]Vosh tries to build a bridge between two separate thoughts.

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[2.42:29 - 2.51:59]In summary, Bosch talked to someone for 90 minutes, and Vosh believes society fetishizes youth when it comes to women's desirability. The speaker clarifies that they are not talking about pedophilia in beauty standards.

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[2.53:24 - 2.53:36]Vash is discussing the prevalence of pedophilia and the societal acceptance of younger girls being sexually desirable

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[2.54:55 - 2.55:06]Vash discusses a Discord conversation where he and others are talking about sexual topics and underage sex

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[2.56:08 - 2.56:19]He mentions that he is 26 and his friend is 40, implying that there may be a double standard in age differences in relationships

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[2.56:54 - 2.57:02]He mentions a poll on Destiny's Discord about Western men and pedophilia, with 60% saying yes because of society

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[2.56:54 - 2.57:02]Vash's friend, Destiny, had to ban him from his Discord for sexually harassing others

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[2.56:54 - 2.57:02]Vash formed his own community after being banned and people followed him, despite his previous behavior

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[2.57:27 - 2.57:34]Vash questions the morality of having sex with a child sex toy and argues that if it is not paid for, it is not immoral

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[2.58:08 - 2.58:16]Vash is challenged on his views, but continues to defend his stance on the morality of consuming unethical goods and actions

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[2.58:25 - 2.58:35]He brings up the comparison of buying child pornography or blood diamonds, saying there is no ethical difference between the two

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[2.51:59 - 3.02:19]Vash discusses pedophilia and societal acceptance of underage sexual relationships, referencing a Discord conversation and poll on Destiny's Discord. He defends his beliefs on the morality of consuming unethical goods and actions, including child pornography. The text ends with a discussion on the implications of his beliefs and actions.

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[3.02:19 - 3.02:27]The speaker discusses a "pretzel of rationalization" and how they believe the other person is talking to themselves.

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[3.02:27 - 3.02:32]They mention buying chocolate bars and loving chocolate.

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[3.02:33 - 3.02:38]They bring up the argument of ethics and killing an innocent person.

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[3.02:52 - 3.02:59]The speaker discusses the concept of suffering and buying a child being abused.

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[3.02:59 - 3.03:06]They mention the child's suffering as the product and how it is hidden in the diamond industry.

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[3.03:19 - 3.03:25]The speaker questions why the other person talks about this topic so much and mentions their own lack of passion for most things.

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[3.08:06 - 3.08:13]The speaker argues that buying products that support unethical practices is not the same as purchasing child pornography.

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[3.08:34 - 3.08:41]They bring up a debate with Vegan Gains about pedophiles and consuming child pornography.

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[3.09:08 - 3.09:15]They mention that the person is trying to rationalize their behavior and justify their actions.

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[3.09:29 - 3.09:35]The speaker expresses disgust and disbelief at the other person's views on child pornography.

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[3.09:29 - 3.09:35]The other person's views on child pornography are characterized as "sick" and "dirty."

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[3.10:29 - 3.10:43]They mention the other person's "final clarification" on the topic, where they express concern with the capitalist economy and condemn people for participating in "icky" industries.

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[3.10:56 - 3.11:07]The speaker dismisses this as "lib shit" and a tacit endorsement of exploitation.

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[3.02:19 - 3.11:07]In summary, the speaker discusses a conversation about rationalizing and justifying the consumption of child pornography and expresses their disgust and disbelief at the other person's views on the topic.

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[3.11:08 - 3.11:20]Audio starts with discussion of moral condemnation and industries

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[3.11:20 - 3.11:29]Disgust towards people who care about certain issues but not others

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[3.11:58 - 3.12:07]Mention of Vos and his 2019 sorted folder

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[3.11:58 - 3.12:07]Discussion of Vos' response video and donations received during the stream

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[3.16:14 - 3.16:27]Mention of goblin porn and Vos' reaction to it

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[3.16:49 - 3.17:25]Discussion of H3 podcast segment about Vos being a pedophile

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[3.19:26 - 3.19:44]Vos' response to the podcast segment and refusal to watch it

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[3.19:26 - 3.19:44]Observation that Vos has been in similar situations before

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[3.11:08 - 3.20:36]Discussion of moral condemnation, Vos' reaction to H3 podcast segment about him being a pedophile, and his refusal to watch it.

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[3.20:37 - 3.21:10]Vash heard from someone in discord that Ethan said he had a folder full of CP

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[3.25:27 - 3.25:36]Vash is disappointed because he thought he and Ethan were on good terms

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[3.25:27 - 3.25:36]Ethan has made fun of Vash before for being a "pedophile" but Vash says that is disingenuous and he has heard from people in his comments about it

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[3.25:27 - 3.25:36]Vash talks about how Ethan reached out to him to discuss a tweet he had liked and Vash ultimately unliked it at Ethan's request

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[3.25:36 - 3.25:41]Vash talks about how he and Ethan used to be friendly and Ethan even offered to give him access to his content manager on YouTube

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[3.25:36 - 3.25:41]Vash says he helps people all the time with video and IP and YouTube issues because he knows how difficult it can be

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[3.26:16 - 3.26:22]Vash says this was all before the loli folder controversy

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[3.26:16 - 3.26:22]Vash says a lot of loli cons think everyone is a loli and it's like how racists think everyone is secretly racist

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[3.26:30 - 3.26:40]Vash is upset and says if Ethan is going to make such a claim, he should at least know what he's talking about

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[3.26:40 - 3.26:53]Vash says he's known for a while that Dan doesn't like him and may have set up the dislike on the video

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[3.26:40 - 3.26:53]Vash says people have told him that Dan despises him and may have set up the situation

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[3.27:39 - 3.27:46]Vash says he doesn't know if that's true or not

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[3.27:58 - 3.28:12]Vash says he doesn't understand the "Dan conspiracy" and thinks Dan may have orchestrated the loli folder being leaked

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[3.27:58 - 3.28:12]Vash says he's curious to know what Dan thinks about the situation

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[3.28:20 - 3.28:28]Vash says Dan called him a tankie and they pulled up a debate between Dan and another YouTuber who they agreed with

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[3.28:40 - 3.28:53]Vash says it's disingenuous to suggest that he got the content from the smaller YouTuber because of bias

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[3.29:04 - 3.29:11]Vash says it feels like Dan is jealous of him

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[3.29:13 - 3.29:20]Vash says his ancestors may have been tankies, but he doesn't consider himself one

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[3.20:37 - 3.29:20]Vash discusses the controversy surrounding Ethan Klein's claim that he had a folder full of CP, and how he thought they were on good terms. He also talks about how Ethan had helped him in the past, and how he helps others with YouTube issues. Vash also discusses the "Dan conspiracy" and his thoughts on Dan not liking him and potentially setting up the dislike on the video. He also talks about the accusation of being a "tankie" and how he doesn't consider himself one.

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[3.29:20 - 3.29:29]Someone asks about China and Taiwan

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[3.29:40 - 3.29:56]Discussion about being accused of being into horses

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[3.29:40 - 3.29:56]Mention of second-hand information about horse incident

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[3.30:01 - 3.30:08]Admitting to not wanting to watch the video

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[3.30:08 - 3.30:19]Accusations of acting like being into horses was a secret

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[3.30:08 - 3.30:19]Denying that being into horses was a secret

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[3.31:45 - 3.31:51]Mention of having a folder with horse porn

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[3.32:37 - 3.33:02]Explanation of accidentally opening the folder while trying to open a different image

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[3.34:20 - 3.34:36]Mention of other non-pornographic images in the folder

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[3.35:21 - 3.35:44]Admitting to having two images from a loli artist in the folder

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[3.36:22 - 3.36:30]Argument that the artist's style made the images look more like loli than they actually were

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[3.38:09 - 3.38:21]Mention of the vtuber drawing in the folder

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[3.38:09 - 3.38:21]Rejecting the argument that the vtuber's usual style made the loli images acceptable

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[3.38:21 - 3.38:27]Accusations of lying about not knowing the images were loli

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[3.38:47 - 3.38:52]Confusion over the statement "all or none is okay"

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[3.39:00 - 3.39:13]Difficulties in clarifying the situation due to perceived defensiveness

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[3.29:20 - 3.39:13]Discussion about accusations of being into horses and accidental opening of a folder containing horse and loli porn images, with arguments against being aware of the loli content and difficulties in clarifying the situation.

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[3.44:04 - 3.44:11] Audio conversation discussing lolly con and questionable images

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[3.44:12 - 3.44:17]Disagreement over whether or not certain images are considered lolly

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[3.45:23 - 3.45:29]Mention of the ongoing election and the importance of not engaging in petty drama

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[3.45:29 - 3.45:41]Discussion about the artist and their intentions

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[3.45:29 - 3.45:41]Debate about the responsibility of the viewer in interpreting the images

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[3.47:29 - 3.47:41]Accusations of transphobia and anti-semitism towards the speaker

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[3.47:53 - 3.48:06]Confusion over the speaker's stance on Israel

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[3.48:38 - 3.48:45]Discussion about the speaker's audience and their views

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[3.48:38 - 3.48:45]Multiple speculations and misconceptions about the speaker's intentions and beliefs

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[3.39:13 - 3.48:54]Audio conversation discussing lolly con and questionable images, disagreement over interpretation and responsibility, mention of the ongoing election and importance of avoiding drama, accusations and confusion about the speaker's beliefs and audience.

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[3.49:09 - 3.49:29] Vash is being accused of sexually harassing and grooming a member of Destiny's discord.

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[3.49:29 - 3.49:40]There are also instances of anti-semitism in Vash's discord conversations.

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[3.51:23 - 3.51:34]Vash has been banned from Twitch for saying he wants to nuke Israel.

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[3.52:40 - 3.52:48]Vash also has a history of defending child pornography and bestiality.

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[3.52:54 - 3.53:37]Vash has outed a victim of his sexual harassment after she brought it to Destiny's attention.

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[3.54:55 - 3.55:14]Vash's fans should not support him or share his content.

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[3.55:14 - 3.55:25]Vash should seek therapy and leave the internet.

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[3.56:25 - 3.56:31]The podcast will be launching Jeff Bachelor on Wednesday.

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[3.48:54 - 3.56:55]Vash has a history of sexual harassment, anti-semitism, and defending child pornography and bestiality, leading to a ban from Twitch and outing a victim of his harassment. His fans should not support him and the podcast is launching Jeff Bachelor on Wednesday. He should seek therapy and leave the internet.