

Youtube profile pic for We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan) | Trash Taste #197

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[00:00 - 00:11]Drew and the boys are going clubbing tonight and tell the ladies to get ready to screenshot

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[00:11 - 00:21]Drew welcomes the viewers to another episode of Trash Taste with guests Ryn Ryn, a model expert in Japan

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[00:26 - 00:34]Ryn Ryn has been modeling for over 10 years and specializes in Lolita and subculture fashion

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[00:26 - 00:34]Ryn Ryn got started by being selected as a model for Angelic Pretty in LA and then coming to Japan to study

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[00:34 - 00:40]She was interested in Lolita fashion before becoming a model

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[00:58 - 01:05]Lolita fashion is a subculture fashion in Japan, based in Harajuku

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[03:17 - 03:30]The Lolita scene in LA was still niche at the time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[03:30 - 03:50]Ryn Ryn's first experience with Lolita fashion was through a Gothic Lolita magazine

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[06:58 - 07:30]She was selected to be a model for Gothic Lolita Bible and Kera and became a trendsetter for a specific style

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[08:37 - 08:45]She had to select a style that was uniquely hers and easily copyable for others to wear

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[09:05 - 09:17]Gothic Lolita style can look good on people who can match it with their own style

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[00:00 - 09:17]Ryn Ryn is a Lolita model expert who got started by being selected as a model for Angelic Pretty in LA and then coming to Japan to study. She specializes in Lolita and subculture fashion and has been modeling for over 10 years. She was interested in Lolita fashion before becoming a model and her first experience was through a Gothic Lolita magazine. She became a trendsetter for a specific style and had to select a style that was uniquely hers and easily copyable. Gothic Lolita style can look good on people who can match it with their own style.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[09:17 - 09:43]High barrier of entry to Gothic Lolita fashion, expensive and not for everyone

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[09:43 - 09:51]Japanese girls often have a certain look and aesthetic that suits the style

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[09:51 - 10:07]Finding your own style through experimenting and accessorizing

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[11:10 - 11:21]Interviewed for a fashion job and chose Doku Kawaii (poisonous cute) as her style

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[12:56 - 13:13]First job involved transforming a summer look into an autumn look in one hour

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[14:49 - 15:20]Competitive and collaborative industry in Japan, exposure is valuable

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[15:43 - 16:47]Tokyo Treats is a monthly snack box with exclusive Japanese snacks and cultural information

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[15:43 - 16:47]This month's theme is Sakura Matsuri (cherry blossoms under the moonlight)

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[17:04 - 17:24]Use code "trash taste" for $5 off first order

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[09:17 - 17:24]Page content discusses the high barrier of entry to Gothic Lolita fashion, personal experience and experimentation in finding one's style, and working in the competitive and collaborative Japanese fashion industry. Sponsored by Tokyo Treats with a Sakura Matsuri theme.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[22:20 - 22:32]Host thanks Tokyo treat for sponsoring the episode

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[22:47 - 22:58]Guest reveals they used to be an English teacher

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[23:16 - 23:25]Guest also did modeling and fashion work on the side

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[24:53 - 25:06]Guest had a tough schedule, often waking up at 4-5am to commute to a school in the countryside

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[24:53 - 25:06]Guest talks about various experiences with modeling and fashion work

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[24:53 - 25:06]After getting sick, guest quit teaching and focused on fashion and modeling full-time

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[24:53 - 25:06]Guest got an opportunity to participate in a YouTube boot camp through a contact in the fashion industry

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[25:06 - 25:19]Guest would often have to do their makeup on the train

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[25:06 - 25:19]Boot camp taught guest how to shoot and edit videos, and they were given a stipend for equipment

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[25:44 - 25:51]Guest joined a large Japanese MCN and agency after graduating from the boot camp

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[27:16 - 27:39]The agency takes a large cut of the guest's earnings

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[27:39 - 27:52]Guest eventually got sick and was hospitalized

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[27:58 - 28:26]Guest mentions the strict contracts and rules they had to follow, including not being able to have a boyfriend or express certain opinions on social media

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[17:24 - 28:44]Guest used to be an English teacher and did modeling and fashion work on the side before eventually focusing on it full-time. They got their start through a YouTube boot camp and joined a large MCN and agency. The agency takes a large cut of their earnings and has strict rules about their social media presence. Guest eventually quit teaching due to health reasons and focused on fashion and modeling.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[28:52 - 28:57]The contract stated that there could be no boyfriends or partners.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[28:57 - 29:41]This was for modeling agencies before joining YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[31:01 - 31:18]The agency has control over personal life and can dictate who you can be seen with.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[31:41 - 31:51]The legal department gets involved when there are apologies or problems.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[31:51 - 32:10]The agency offers legal services and handles issues such as doxing.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[32:53 - 33:17]The industry is harsh and models often have to fight for themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[33:36 - 33:47]They also take half of the model's earnings.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[33:58 - 34:08]Some agencies offer a 50/50 split while others take up to 95%.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[34:21 - 34:30]There is protection in having an agency, but is it worth half of earnings?

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[34:30 - 34:48]Certain agencies have this clause, but some are more lenient.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[34:30 - 34:48]The agency may have clauses that allow them to terminate the agreement.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[34:48 - 34:57]Geeks+ is a good agency, but there have been some legal problems.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[35:18 - 35:24]The agency's legal representative, Mailin, is very good.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[36:37 - 36:48]The man was willing to pay for the surgery, but it was conditional for joining the agency.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[37:12 - 37:22]The man also wanted the model to change a part of her body.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[37:32 - 37:38]There was a man at a fashion show who wanted to sign the model, but also wanted her to get plastic surgery.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[37:32 - 37:38]The agency takes a percentage of earnings and offers legal services.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[37:45 - 37:56]The industry can be harsh and focus on looks, but the model refused the offer.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[37:45 - 37:56]The industry can be harsh and focus on numbers and appearance.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[37:45 - 37:56]The industry is harsh and models often have to fight for themselves.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[37:56 - 38:02]The model has known the interviewer for four years and the industry has not changed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[28:44 - 38:02]Overall, the modeling industry can be harsh and controlling, with agencies taking a large portion of earnings and dictating personal life, but having an agency can also provide protection and legal support.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[38:02 - 38:08]Person discussing their experiences with a person who said inappropriate things

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[40:16 - 40:29]They did not feel comfortable and felt upset

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[41:46 - 41:51]They had three people with them

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[43:35 - 43:46]They talked about needing a certain attitude to be in the industry

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[43:35 - 43:46]They talked about being lucky to not be the first to try and work in the industry

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[43:35 - 43:46]They discussed agencies and their experiences with them

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[44:38 - 44:45]They tried to understand the situation and be forgiving

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[44:52 - 45:00]They discussed their own struggles with management and being emotion-driven

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[45:00 - 45:05]They mentioned the issue of models tearing each other down

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[45:05 - 45:14]They were upset for them

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[45:14 - 45:20]They talked about the best and worst experiences with agencies

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[45:41 - 45:46]They came to a foreign country with different norms

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[45:46 - 45:57]They talked about cultural expectations in meetings and dating

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[45:46 - 45:57]They discussed the challenges of dating foreigners and their independence

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[45:57 - 46:16]They mentioned the expectation for Japanese women to be obedient and good housewives

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[38:02 - 46:30]The person discussed their experiences with a person who said inappropriate things, their struggles with cultural expectations, and their experiences with agencies and dating in the industry.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[46:30 - 46:36]Discussion about Japanese men's expectations in relationships

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[47:09 - 47:31]Awkward experience at a bar with a Japanese man pushing for marriage

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[48:33 - 48:39]Different experiences with assumptions about relationships based on race

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[49:34 - 50:10]Sponsorship by Honkai Star Rail and introduction of new characters

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[51:14 - 51:22]Discussion about being scammed in modeling contracts and negotiating

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[53:59 - 54:08]Posing challenge with random items for fashion experimentation

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[55:17 - 55:24]Joey's success in pulling off the Bruno Mars glasses

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[55:25 - 55:34]Mention of mewing and its effectiveness

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[46:30 - 55:39]Overall discussion about fashion and embracing oneself.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[55:39 - 55:46]There is no science behind fashion choices

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.03:13 - 1.03:24]Some items are good for summer and should be worn then

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.03:13 - 1.03:24]They try on a bondage vest and discuss how accessories can elevate an outfit

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.03:42 - 1.03:48]They try on a party popper inspired jacket and discuss it as a statement piece

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.04:18 - 1.04:27]The speaker's partner also tries on the vest and they take photos

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.04:42 - 1.04:52]Fashion is about trying new things and feeling comfortable and confident

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.04:53 - 1.04:59]The speaker models an Asian John Lennon-inspired look

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.04:53 - 1.04:59]The designer of the clothing explains how in Japan, people can wear whatever they want

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.05:05 - 1.05:12]They try on wide, baggy Hakama style pants and discuss experimenting with new styles

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.05:12 - 1.05:19]The speaker tries on a big baby man suit and they take photos

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[55:39 - 1.05:19]The speaker and their partner try on various fashion items, including an Asian John Lennon-inspired look, a bondage vest, a party popper jacket, a big baby man suit, and Hakama style pants, while discussing the importance of feeling comfortable and confident in one's fashion choices.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.05:19 - 1.05:25] The speaker talks about their experience with wearing a certain item of clothing and how it has become comfortable.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.06:15 - 1.06:20]The speaker mentions a collaboration they did with a brand called Map Hat.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.06:44 - 1.06:51]They discuss the process of trying on different clothing styles and learning what works for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.08:57 - 1.09:02]The speaker talks about their collaborations with other YouTubers such as Sophia, Poppy, and Cameron Dallas.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.08:57 - 1.09:02]They discuss their experience shooting a crossover video with Poppy and being a part of her "Dream Lore".

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.09:15 - 1.09:22]The speaker and the YouTuber try to find the meaning behind an Alita video.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.09:23 - 1.09:31]They talk about the secretive nature of Lolita fashion brands and the high cost of getting into the fashion.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.13:41 - 1.13:49]They talk about becoming friends with someone through guiding them around Akihabara and appearing on their show.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.13:41 - 1.13:49]The speaker mentions organizing tea parties for the Lolita community and promoting experiences and community within the small community.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.05:19 - 1.14:06]The speaker discusses their experience with wearing a certain item of clothing, their collaborations with various YouTubers, and their involvement in the Lolita fashion community, including organizing tea parties and promoting experiences and community within the community.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.14:06 - 1.14:26] The speaker discusses their experience in the fashion industry and their role in bringing together industry professionals and showcasing trends.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.14:53 - 1.15:42]They mention organizing a remote lolita tea party and creating a program for talk shows.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.14:53 - 1.15:42]The first live event was attended by the listener.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.16:59 - 1.17:11]They mention always being the worst dressed person at tea parties.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.18:21 - 1.18:28]The speaker discusses their love for the podcast Trash Taste and their own fashion choices.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.19:07 - 1.19:15]The speaker talks about their own experience trying on different fashion styles.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.20:19 - 1.20:24]They mention using a wrinkle release spray for their clothes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.21:31 - 1.21:46]The speaker suggests selling the wrinkle release spray at anime conventions.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.22:02 - 1.22:07]They discuss the presence of men selling aftershave in club bathrooms.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.14:06 - 1.22:15]A comprehensive summary of the text is that the speaker discusses their involvement in the fashion industry, organizing events and showcasing trends, their love for Trash Taste, and their use of a wrinkle release spray for their clothes. They also mention the presence of men selling aftershave in club bathrooms.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.22:29 - 1.22:42]Discussion about using hacks for wrinkles and Joey not sharing his knowledge

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.24:02 - 1.24:10]Lolita fashion and difficulties finding fitting clothing

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.25:10 - 1.25:16]Discovering a store that will cut pants for customers

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.26:19 - 1.26:26]Joey's experimentation with different haircuts

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.29:53 - 1.29:58]Discussion about different men's hairstyles and products used

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.29:58 - 1.30:09]Connor and Joey's "bed head" look

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.30:25 - 1.30:32]A story about a flight from Korea or Thailand

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.22:17 - 1.30:32]Group discusses fashion, haircuts, and personal grooming habits. Joey shares a story about a flight.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.30:38 - 1.30:51]Person is in a rush and flying home

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.31:16 - 1.31:30]Gets recognized at Hanada airport and takes a picture

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.31:16 - 1.31:30]Picture becomes popular on Reddit and he is known as "gaijin beetle"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.32:27 - 1.32:40]Friends joke about his outfit and suggest doing an outfit swap

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.33:01 - 1.33:12]Person gives fashion advice about confidence and trying on new things

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.35:51 - 1.35:59]He recently started doing music for lolita fashion and streaming games

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.37:03 - 1.37:15]He is currently playing Elden Ring and Final Fantasy 7

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.38:51 - 1.38:56]Final Fantasy 7 has attractive characters like Tifa and Aerith

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.39:16 - 1.39:21]He learned the term "kick W" from his friends and can say it on stream but not in real life

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.30:32 - 1.39:21]Person is in a rush and flying home when he gets recognized at the airport and takes a picture, which becomes popular on Reddit. He gives fashion advice and talks about his recent ventures in music and streaming. He is currently playing Elden Ring and Final Fantasy 7, and has learned lingo from his friends.

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.40:45 - 1.40:52]Discussion about using certain phrases while streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.43:44 - 1.43:49]Enjoyment and learning experience of streaming

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.44:50 - 1.45:04]Introduction to the terms "base" and "giga chat"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.45:11 - 1.45:16]Discussion about fashion and stereotypes associated with certain names/terms

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.45:27 - 1.45:32]Explanation of the image of "hanging chat"

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.46:02 - 1.46:10]Differences between online and in-person persona

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.46:02 - 1.46:10]Discussion about how fashion has become more relevant in society

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.46:10 - 1.46:20]Links to find the guest online and support the show

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.46:38 - 1.46:53]Possibility of committing more to streaming in the future

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.46:38 - 1.46:53]Reminder to follow on social media and listen on Spotify

A youtube thumbnail wor We Sat Down with Tokyo's TOP Lolita Model (ft. @rinrindolljapan)  | Trash Taste #197

[1.39:22 - 1.46:58]Overall, a fun and informative episode with a fashionable guest.