

Youtube profile pic for OUR BOY GOT MARRIED | Trash Taste #107

OUR BOY GOT MARRIED | Trash Taste #107

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[00:17 - 00:29] Joey and the others are in LA for Trash Taste.

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[00:52 - 01:00]They are in a beautiful Airbnb with a grandiose set and comfortable couches.

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[02:03 - 02:13]They had issues with their baggage containing $50,000 worth of filming equipment, which is still missing.

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[02:20 - 02:25]They had to scramble to get new equipment to film episodes and have guests on the show.

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[02:52 - 03:04]Joey was in charge of bringing the equipment to America and encountered issues at Heathrow Airport.

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[06:57 - 07:07]The flight from Heathrow to Dublin was on time, causing their bags to be stuck in Heathrow.

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[07:15 - 07:21]A Reddit post was made about their situation and the group is still waiting for their bags.

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[07:54 - 08:00]Their second flight to America was delayed by an hour due to a queue on the runway.

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[00:00 - 08:00]In summary, Joey and the others are in LA for Trash Taste, but their baggage containing expensive equipment is missing and they had to scramble to get new equipment.

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[08:01 - 08:14] The speaker is on a flight and bad news has been announced causing everyone to feel uneasy and pull out their phones.

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[08:28 - 08:36]The speaker uses the extra two hours on the tarmac to catch up on spy family.

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[09:20 - 09:25]They eventually land in LAX where they have pre-clearance and do not have to go through immigration.

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[10:11 - 10:18]However, their bags are delayed and it takes an hour for them to come out due to a backlog.

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[11:45 - 12:01]Despite the speaker's frustration and stress, they mention that they do not expect Japanese level customer service.

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[12:50 - 12:58]The whole experience adds an extra 5-6 hours to their already long travel time from England to America.

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[13:56 - 14:02]They eventually have to physically go to LAX to retrieve their bags and face more unhelpful customer service.

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[14:26 - 14:37]The speaker experiences unhelpful and uncaring customer service while trying to retrieve their bags.

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[08:01 - 16:38]The speaker's flight experience is summarized as a nightmare with delayed bags and unhelpful customer service.

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[16:38 - 16:48] About needing a service and feeling guilty for explaining the situation

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[16:56 - 17:02]Driving to pick up luggage that has not been delivered

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[17:09 - 17:19]Being delayed for a flight and wasting time

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[17:19 - 17:33]Returning to the studio and facing worse traffic

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[17:47 - 17:53]Feeling close to exploding from frustration

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[17:54 - 18:08]Wanting to avoid being a "Karen" to customer service

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[20:06 - 20:14]Needing urgent next day delivery but having to pay extra for it

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[21:03 - 21:15]Privilege and underlying issues surrounding customer service and delivery in different countries

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[21:17 - 21:24]Frustration with lack of convenience in LA compared to Japan/UK

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[22:58 - 23:03]Complicated issues surrounding next day delivery in America

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[16:38 - 24:20]Frustration with lack of convenience and urgency in customer service and delivery in LA compared to Japan and UK, along with complicated issues and underlying privilege surrounding next day delivery in America.

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[26:02 - 26:17]Discussion about Amazon fulfillment process and customer service in the US and Europe

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[29:57 - 30:04]Positive experiences in Pasadena and Glendale

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[30:10 - 30:19]Mention of the TV show "Drake and Josh"

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[30:28 - 30:37]Discussion about extended stay in LA and exploring outside of downtown

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[30:28 - 30:37]Nitpicking about small inconveniences in LA

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[30:37 - 30:43]Personal experience with poor customer service at LAX airport

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[30:43 - 30:49]Comparison to Japan's efficient shipping network

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[30:43 - 30:49]Missing the convenience and walkability of Tokyo

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[31:07 - 31:20]Comments on America's societal issues and complaints about the country

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[24:20 - 31:20]Overall comparison of living in Tokyo versus visiting LA

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[31:20 - 31:28] Narrator meets friend in middle of Pasadena and Glendale

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[31:28 - 31:33]Walks from hotel to friend's place, takes 20 minutes

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[31:33 - 31:39]Has lunch in Pasadena and decides to walk back to friend's place

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[31:51 - 31:59]Friend thinks it's weird to walk and asks if narrator is homeless

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[33:15 - 33:23]Five minutes into walk, narrator realizes it's a dangerous area

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[33:15 - 33:23]Narrator reflects on the dangers of walking in LA and how it makes him feel weird

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[34:42 - 34:50]Narrator talks about inviting people to sketchy Airbnb in the past

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[35:40 - 35:47]Narrator insists on walking, friend reluctantly follows

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[36:00 - 36:07]Friend asks if narrator still wants to live in America, he says yes for content purposes

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[36:31 - 36:40]Narrator mentions wanting to experience mundane things like signing up for a water bill

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[37:09 - 37:16]Narrator reflects on having a week's worth of content from a few days in LA

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[37:30 - 37:35]Narrator reveals he got married recently

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[37:35 - 37:46]Friend asks about his experience with marriage, narrator says it was okay

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[37:35 - 37:46]Narrator jokes about missing Jujutsu Kaisen for marriage

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[31:20 - 38:01]Overall, narrator has mixed feelings about LA and enjoys it for its content potential, but wouldn't want to live there permanently. He also reflects on the dangers of the city and mentions getting married.

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[38:13 - 38:19] The speaker attended a friend's wedding, which was their second or third wedding.

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[38:19 - 38:28]The wedding was a traditional Japanese wedding with the speaker's boss and colleagues in attendance.

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[38:50 - 38:58]The speaker expected to cry at some point during the wedding and was moved to tears when the groom cried.

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[39:57 - 40:04]The speaker also almost cried when hugging the groom on the dance floor.

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[40:04 - 40:18]The wedding was filled with wholesome moments and good vibes.

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[40:30 - 40:36]The open bar was a success but resulted in a small refund due to the amount of alcohol consumed.

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[40:51 - 40:57]The speaker had a great time and enjoyed the wedding.

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[42:06 - 42:14]The speaker was dragged by the bride to take multiple shots of tequila.

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[44:57 - 45:02]The wedding also included all-you-can-eat pizza and free espresso martinis.

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[38:02 - 45:31]Overall, the wedding was a happy and emotional gathering with good vibes and wholesome moments.

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[45:31 - 45:43] The speaker talks about feeling shaky after drinking three drinks before the wedding.

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[45:43 - 45:49]The wedding had around 62 people in attendance and the speaker enjoyed the intimate size.

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[46:10 - 46:15]The night before the wedding, the speaker was nervous and excited, comparing it to the feeling of Christmas as a child.

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[48:13 - 48:20]The speaker struggled to fall asleep and ended up sleeping on the hard floor.

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[48:21 - 48:29]On the day of the wedding, the speaker was nervous and jittery, but had his friends there to support him.

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[48:21 - 48:29]The bride was not as nervous because she was busy getting ready.

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[50:39 - 50:45]The speaker's friends hyped him up before the ceremony.

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[51:09 - 51:14]The speaker started crying during his personal vows and had to hype himself up again.

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[52:45 - 52:57]The speaker's cousin advised him to not look at his parents during the ceremony.

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[52:45 - 52:57]The speaker's friends were supportive and helped alleviate some of his nervousness.

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[52:45 - 52:57]The wedding was planned two years ago and the speaker's relationships with his friends have grown since then.

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[53:02 - 53:08]The speaker's parents were emotional during the ceremony.

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[53:02 - 53:08]The speaker cannot fully describe the feeling of seeing his parents' emotions.

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[53:02 - 53:08]The speaker experienced a mix of emotions throughout the wedding experience.

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[53:02 - 53:08]The overall experience was emotional and meaningful.

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[53:02 - 53:08]The speaker's parents' emotions during the ceremony were a special moment for him.

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[45:31 - 53:15]Overall, the speaker's wedding was a memorable and emotional experience surrounded by loved ones.

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[59:40 - 59:50]Speaker talks about seeing a reenactment of their wedding and the quartet playing music

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[59:57 - 1.00:03]Talks about the emotional moment when the quartet finishes playing and the bride walks down the aisle

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[1.00:28 - 1.00:37]They reminisce about listening to Gus's theme on the day of the passing of the anime's creator and how it made them cry

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[1.00:37 - 1.00:43]The registrar's mispronunciation of the groom's name leads to a hilarious moment that feels scripted, but wasn't

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[1.01:01 - 1.01:07]The bride's entrance is perfectly timed with the music and the couple stumbles through their vows, making everyone emotional

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[1.01:01 - 1.01:07]The groom jokes about the moment being a year's worth of content for their podcast and the bride jokes about the marriage "hitting different"

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[1.01:08 - 1.01:14]Speaker discusses why they chose to walk down the aisle to Gus's theme from the anime "Guts"

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[1.01:08 - 1.01:14]They explain how they came up with the idea to walk down the aisle to Gus's theme and how it felt like the right choice the more they thought about it

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[53:15 - 1.01:14]The speaker recounts the emotional moments leading up to the bride's entrance and the decision to walk down the aisle to a specific song. They also share a funny moment during the ceremony that provided content for their podcast.

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[1.01:15 - 1.09:28]The speaker reflects on a memorable moment where their name was mispronounced at a wedding. -The speaker and their spouse had a traditional wedding but added personal touches, including anime references. -The wedding was delayed for two years, giving the couple more time to plan and add personal touches. -The couple gave postcards with anime drawings and personal messages to guests. -The couple also incorporated their travels and cultures into the wedding, such as giving out custom made Masu boxes. -Overall, the wedding was a memorable and unique experience for the couple and their guests.

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[1.09:53 - 1.10:01] Someone brought crates of a drink called soju to the wedding and it caused some controversy among the guests.

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[1.13:34 - 1.13:39]During the cake cutting, the bride messed up and ended up with cake and makeup all over her face.

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[1.13:47 - 1.13:53]Karen got extremely drunk and had to be taken to a room to sleep.

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[1.15:09 - 1.15:15]Jan disappeared before the dinner and was found later talking to a homeless man.

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[1.16:14 - 1.16:20]The speaker texted Jan after the wedding to make sure he was alive.

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[1.09:29 - 1.17:17]Overall, the wedding was filled with funny moments and everyone had a great time.

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[1.17:19 - 1.17:26] Gruffy homeless dude wearing a red bathrobe and smoking a cigarette.

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[1.17:42 - 1.17:50]Jan is properly dressed with sunglasses and a cigarette.

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[1.17:50 - 1.17:57]Jan is approached by a stranger and asks for help.

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[1.18:04 - 1.18:12]Stranger turns out to be an acquaintance of Jan's, who just needed a cigarette.

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[1.18:20 - 1.18:27]Jan is too nice and naive, tries to sweet talk everyone.

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[1.18:20 - 1.18:27]Jan is saved by Guy.

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[1.18:35 - 1.18:45]Mood on flies in from Estonia for the wedding.

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[1.18:53 - 1.19:08]Mood on receives a hard disk of previous Trash Taste episodes.

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[1.20:45 - 1.20:55]Connor's mom downs a beer and tries to do it again.

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[1.21:18 - 1.21:23]Sydney helps carry Karen to her room, but is interrupted by Connor's mom.

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[1.22:03 - 1.22:11]The dance floor is either packed or empty.

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[1.22:11 - 1.22:24]Everyone starts dancing to "Cougar of Summer" and "Devmano Uta".

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[1.23:08 - 1.23:18]September plays and everyone gets hyped.

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[1.23:19 - 1.23:28]Joey and Garnt hug during "September".

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[1.24:33 - 1.24:48]Garnt regrets not being able to be with everyone at all times.

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[1.24:33 - 1.24:48]Garnt regrets not seeing everyone's reactions to the postcards and messages.

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[1.24:48 - 1.24:57]GoPro was present to capture the wedding.

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[1.17:19 - 1.25:04]A gruffy homeless man approaches Jan, who is saved by Guy. Mood on receives a hard disk of previous Trash Taste episodes and Connor's mom gets drunk. Everyone dances to "Cougar of Summer" and "Devmano Uta" and Garnt regrets not being able to be with everyone at all times. A GoPro is present to capture the wedding.

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[1.25:04 - 1.25:10] The speaker learned from Trash Taste and encouraged everyone to film whatever they wanted at his wedding.

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[1.25:54 - 1.26:06]The footage captured by the videographers and guests on GoPros gave a unique perspective on the wedding.

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[1.26:45 - 1.26:50]The speaker's wedding was the happiest day of his life and he was glad his friends got to share it with him.

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[1.28:21 - 1.28:31]The speaker forgot to bring suit shoes to London and ended up wearing Vans with his suit to the wedding.

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[1.31:49 - 1.31:56]They also visited Stonehenge, which was underwhelming due to being fenced off, but the speaker was glad to have seen it.

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[1.32:35 - 1.32:43]The speaker's time in the UK was more enjoyable this time around as he got to see the countryside and quaint villages.

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[1.32:35 - 1.32:43]One of the best experiences was stopping in a small village and getting the full experience of the UK.

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[1.25:04 - 1.32:56]The speaker had a memorable and enjoyable time in the UK, attending his wedding and exploring the countryside and quaint villages. He also visited Stonehenge, although it was underwhelming due to being fenced off. Overall, it was a happy and special experience that he was glad to share with his friends.

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[1.32:56 - 1.33:01]Protagonists stop at a village to find establishment

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[1.33:21 - 1.33:28]Old man directs them to a duck race happening

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[1.33:21 - 1.33:28]They witness the duck race and find it very British

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[1.34:03 - 1.34:15]They visit a quaint pub with a p-flicking poster on the wall

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[1.34:36 - 1.34:43]They also find out about a p-flicking tournament in a small town

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[1.35:38 - 1.35:45]They discuss a Bookwalker promotion for manga and light novels

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[1.36:39 - 1.36:50]Protagonist meets girlfriend's family and has a wholesome experience

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[1.39:22 - 1.39:27]Protagonist enjoys the food and activities in England

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[1.39:27 - 1.39:33]They visit the Borough Market and have a good time

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[1.39:57 - 1.40:04]They also attend the Jubilee weekend in London and witness a flyover by jets

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[1.40:10 - 1.40:18]Protagonist comments on the military power and the red, white, and blue formation

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[1.32:56 - 1.40:18]Overall, the protagonist has a fun and eventful trip back to England with his girlfriend.

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[1.40:18 - 1.40:27] The speaker is describing a chaotic experience where they were unable to get phone signal due to the large crowd.

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[1.40:46 - 1.40:57]They eventually found a spot to start their stream, but had difficulty with internet connection.

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[1.41:32 - 1.41:43]They had to switch Wi-Fi connections to get a better signal.

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[1.42:00 - 1.42:07]The speaker and their friend Chris had a fun time exploring London and experiencing British culture.

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[1.43:46 - 1.44:03]The speaker's American family also visited and they had a comical experience at a local pub.

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[1.43:46 - 1.44:03]They also had trouble understanding a man with a very rural Irish accent.

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[1.45:04 - 1.45:15]The speaker and their friend struggled to understand a man with a strong northern accent.

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[1.47:32 - 1.47:41]The speaker wishes there was a close caption option for difficult accents.

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[1.40:18 - 1.47:48]The speaker and their friend experienced chaotic and comical situations while exploring London and interacting with British culture, including struggling to understand strong regional accents. They also faced technical difficulties while trying to stream their experiences.

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[1.48:27 - 1.48:35] Discussion about accents and dialect differences in Wales

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[1.48:54 - 1.49:01]North and South Wales have different accents and words

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[1.51:34 - 1.51:39]Talk about the history and aesthetic of Ireland and how Wales is similar

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[1.52:09 - 1.52:16]Description of nature reserves and hiking spots in Wales

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[1.53:06 - 1.53:16]Difficulties of traveling through Wales via public transport

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[1.53:59 - 1.54:05]Mention of representation of Wales in media, specifically anime

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[1.53:59 - 1.54:05]Personal experience and interest in showing others around Wales

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[1.54:21 - 1.54:26]Parents' enjoyment of walking around Wales

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[1.47:48 - 1.54:26]Discussion of accents and dialects in Wales, mention of representation in media, similarities to Ireland, nature reserves and hiking spots, difficulties with public transport, personal interest in showing others around, and parents' enjoyment of walking around Wales.

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[1.54:32 - 1.54:38] The speakers discuss walking trips and their lack of interest in exercising.

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[1.56:26 - 1.56:35]They talk about the history of the UK and how it is more complex and convoluted compared to other countries.

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[1.56:26 - 1.56:35]The conversation touches on the convoluted history of Japan and its similarities to the UK.

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[1.57:47 - 1.57:54]They discuss the age and significance of different countries' histories.

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[1.58:00 - 1.58:06]The speakers mention their love for history and their envy of people who have a specific era or topic they are interested in.

A youtube thumbnail wor OUR BOY GOT MARRIED | Trash Taste #107

[1.58:51 - 1.58:57]They mention the America arc and upcoming guests on the show.

A youtube thumbnail wor OUR BOY GOT MARRIED | Trash Taste #107

[1.59:39 - 1.59:45]They encourage viewers to support the show through Patreon and social media.

A youtube thumbnail wor OUR BOY GOT MARRIED | Trash Taste #107

[1.59:52 - 1.59:58]The speakers end the episode and mention the upcoming LA stories.

A youtube thumbnail wor OUR BOY GOT MARRIED | Trash Taste #107

[1.54:27 - 1.59:59]The speakers discuss walking trips, the complex history of the UK and Japan, their love for history, upcoming guests on the show, and encourage viewers to support the show. They also mention upcoming LA stories.