

Youtube profile pic for We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207


A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[00:00 - 00:45]The speaker and his friends are recording another episode of Trash Taste.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[00:46 - 01:48]The group went to a cafe nearby and the speaker's friend was excited about trying the toasted cheese sandwiches.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[01:06 - 01:23]He also went to Wales and Belgium during the trip.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[01:49 - 02:03]The group went to a cafe nearby and the speaker's friend was excited about trying the toasted cheese sandwiches.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[02:03 - 03:20]The museum was well-done and had an audio tour.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[03:27 - 04:06]The speaker learned some new information about the Anne Frank story.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[03:55 - 05:13]The speaker recently visited the Anne Frank museum in Europe.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[04:43 - 06:24]The group went to a cafe nearby and the speaker's friend was excited about trying the toasted cheese sandwiches.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[06:24 - 06:58]The speaker has also been watching World War 2 videos on YouTube.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[06:36 - 08:19]The speaker expresses a desire to have a clearer understanding of historical events and enjoys piecing together different stories and perspectives

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[06:58 - 07:40]The speaker had a medical issue that was misdiagnosed by a Jewish doctor.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[08:19 - 08:39]The speaker recently visited the Anne Frank museum in Europe.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[08:19 - 10:10]The speaker describes their preferred way of visiting museums, which involves spending a longer time looking at specific pieces

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[08:39 - 10:10]They saw a special exhibit on Rembrandt at the museum.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[08:50 - 09:59]The speaker and his friends are recording another episode of Trash Taste.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[09:53 - 11:21]The speaker shares their experience at a contemporary art exhibit where they saw a piece by a controversial Japanese artist

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[10:15 - 13:47]The speaker describes their preferred way of visiting museums, which involves spending a longer time looking at specific pieces

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[11:09 - 12:30]They share a personal interest in the artist Rembrandt and their frustration with tourists taking selfies at museums

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[12:30 - 14:02]They discuss contemporary art and its provocative and simplistic nature

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[13:08 - 15:47]The speaker shares their experience at a contemporary art exhibit where they saw a piece by a controversial Japanese artist

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[14:56 - 17:06]The hosts talk about a painting depicting the execution of male children

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[15:47 - 17:36]They mention a famous contemporary art piece of a urinal and its backstory

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[16:17 - 16:53]The speaker shares their experience at a contemporary art exhibit where they saw a piece by a controversial Japanese artist

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[16:17 - 18:01]The discussion spirals into a tangent about censorship in Thailand

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[17:36 - 17:48]The speaker talks about the internet's love for contemporary art and their personal dislike for the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[17:49 - 19:19]They mention a specific YouTube channel that they enjoy and recommend

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[17:49 - 19:19]The episode is sponsored by xpressVPN and discusses Van Gogh's final painting

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[17:56 - 18:17]The speaker expresses a desire to have a clearer understanding of historical events and enjoys piecing together different stories and perspectives

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[19:19 - 21:19]They mention a recent visit to a Van Gogh exhibit in Tokyo that was more interactive and enjoyable for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[19:19 - 22:24]The museum glossed over Van Gogh's mental illness and focus on his art

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[19:26 - 19:44]The speaker talks about the internet's love for contemporary art and their personal dislike for the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[19:32 - 20:11]Mental illness was not as accepted or understood back then

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[19:44 - 20:11]The speaker shares their experience at a contemporary art exhibit where they saw a piece by a controversial Japanese artist

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[20:54 - 23:29]The museum glossed over Van Gogh's mental illness and focus on his art

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[21:19 - 22:31]Van Gogh's brother had supported his entire life due to his mental illness

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[22:01 - 23:35]Van Gogh cut off his own ear, a result of his mental illness

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[23:05 - 26:00]The hosts talk about a painting depicting the execution of male children

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[23:20 - 26:40]Mention of famous paintings with nudity and babies

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[24:01 - 24:58]Personal opinion about the Last Supper painting

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[25:09 - 26:26]Mention of famous paintings with nudity and babies

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[25:15 - 25:21]The discussion spirals into a tangent about censorship in Thailand

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[26:00 - 28:00]They also mention the risks of showing such content on YouTube

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[26:34 - 27:52]The discussion spirals into a tangent about censorship in Thailand

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[26:40 - 27:23]Discussion about niche and popular museums

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[27:23 - 29:58]Personal anecdote about visiting a Vietnam War museum

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[27:41 - 28:48]Mention of a death and medical museum in Thailand

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[28:00 - 31:12]The hosts talk about a painting depicting the execution of male children

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[28:15 - 29:03]They mention the lack of censorship in Thailand and the possibility of showing graphic content

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[29:04 - 30:08]The discussion spirals into a tangent about censorship in Thailand

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[30:00 - 31:58]Discussion about disturbing images in museums

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[30:17 - 31:18]Personal anecdote about visiting a museum about death and deformities

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[30:17 - 32:15]One host finishes off his snack while the others comment on an image.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[30:47 - 32:15]Discussion about the famous Starry Night painting

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[31:45 - 32:39]Mention of famous paintings with nudity and babies

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[31:45 - 32:46]The hosts talk about a painting depicting the execution of male children

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[32:15 - 32:51]One host finishes off his snack while the others comment on an image.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[32:15 - 32:51]Discussion about the famous Starry Night painting

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[32:39 - 33:31]Personal opinion about the Last Supper painting

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[33:31 - 33:47]Discussion about the famous Starry Night painting

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[33:47 - 36:44]Discussion about the popularity of the Mona Lisa and possible reasons for it

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[34:05 - 34:19]Discussion about the Louvre and the Mona Lisa

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[34:57 - 36:15]Mention of the most famous paintings in the world

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[36:01 - 37:03]Personal opinion about the Last Supper painting

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[36:26 - 38:14]Mention of the most famous paintings in the world

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[36:44 - 36:51]Personal anecdote about visiting a Vietnam War museum

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[36:44 - 37:34]The speaker and the other person discuss the painting "The Kiss" and its significance, or lack thereof, to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[36:51 - 39:09]The speaker and another person discuss various famous artworks and their thoughts on them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[37:28 - 38:27]Personal anecdote about visiting a museum about death and deformities

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[37:47 - 38:21]Discussion about the famous Starry Night painting

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[38:01 - 39:54]The conversation moves on to "Gurnica" and the fact that it is not well known.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[39:31 - 39:46]The conversation turns to "The Persistence of Memory" and its use in popular culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[39:54 - 42:10]The speaker and another person discuss various famous artworks and their thoughts on them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[43:00 - 45:05]The speaker shares a personal experience of being scammed in relation to art.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[43:06 - 43:31]The conversation turns to "The Persistence of Memory" and its use in popular culture.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[43:53 - 46:35]The speaker reflects on the correlation between strong emotions and powerful art.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[44:47 - 46:55]The speaker and another person discuss various famous artworks and their thoughts on them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[45:14 - 45:26]The speaker reflects on the correlation between strong emotions and powerful art.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[46:55 - 47:23]The speaker and another person discuss various famous artworks and their thoughts on them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[47:23 - 48:26]The speaker reflects on the correlation between strong emotions and powerful art.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[47:36 - 49:32]The speaker and another person discuss various famous artworks and their thoughts on them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[48:34 - 48:51]The speaker reflects on the correlation between strong emotions and powerful art.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[49:32 - 52:04]The conversation turns to a famous photo of influential scientists and their impact on history.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[52:04 - 52:29]They mention the discovery of blue LEDs and its significance.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[52:30 - 52:48]The speaker brings up the ending of Evangelion as a powerful piece of art for them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[52:52 - 54:01]They mention the trope of the tortured artist and its prevalence in modern day art.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[54:01 - 55:57]The speaker shares a personal experience of being scammed in relation to art.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[54:07 - 55:01]The conversation moves on to "Gurnica" and the fact that it is not well known.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[54:07 - 56:49]The speaker arrived at the restaurant and felt underdressed.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[56:49 - 59:49]The meal lasted for four and a half hours and the speaker was served expensive and unfamiliar dishes.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[57:07 - 1.03:54]The speaker was disappointed with the meal and felt that the chef had "sold out."

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[59:49 - 1.01:55]The speaker and his friend later discovered that the chef had opened a new restaurant with the same name.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[59:55 - 1.08:13]The speaker was disappointed with the meal and felt that the chef had "sold out."

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.06:19 - 1.11:43]The speaker and his friend later discovered that the chef had opened a new restaurant with the same name.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.09:38 - 1.12:29]The speaker was disappointed with the meal and felt that the chef had "sold out."

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.11:18 - 1.15:35]The speaker is discussing a disappointing experience with a place they used to love.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.11:23 - 1.14:20]The speaker and his friend later discovered that the chef had opened a new restaurant with the same name.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.15:03 - 1.17:18]The speaker describes a recent trip to Wales and visiting tourist spots such as a castle and a gift store.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.17:18 - 1.18:26]The speaker brought their nephews a suitcase full of crane game winnings, specifically Pokemon items.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.17:18 - 1.18:35]The speaker then talks about their experience with their nieces on a recent US tour.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.17:46 - 1.17:59]The speaker reminisces about a favorite place they used to go to as a child.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.18:26 - 1.20:46]The nephews were familiar with the speaker's YouTube channel and asked about other popular YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.18:35 - 1.19:58]The speaker then talks about going back to their old school and giving a speech to 12-year-old students.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.19:01 - 1.20:57]They mention being asked questions about their job and their connections to other YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.20:46 - 1.21:45]The speaker revealed that they also do voice acting and showed the nephews an example.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.20:59 - 1.22:50]The speaker then talks about going back to their old school and giving a speech to 12-year-old students.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.20:59 - 1.23:40]The nephews were familiar with the speaker's YouTube channel and asked about other popular YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.21:09 - 1.23:03]They mention being asked questions about their job and their connections to other YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.21:53 - 1.23:14]The speaker then talks about going back to their old school and giving a speech to 12-year-old students.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.22:11 - 1.23:03]The nephews asked for advice on growing their own YouTube channels.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.23:03 - 1.24:51]The nephews were familiar with the speaker's YouTube channel and asked about other popular YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.23:03 - 1.25:28]They mention being asked questions about their job and their connections to other YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.24:51 - 1.27:04]The speaker then talks about their experience with their nieces on a recent US tour.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.24:51 - 1.29:46]The speaker played Pokemon games with their nephews and taught them strategies.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.25:10 - 1.25:46]The speaker is discussing a disappointing experience with a place they used to love.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.26:41 - 1.28:53]The nephews were familiar with the speaker's YouTube channel and asked about other popular YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.27:21 - 1.29:26]The speaker also bonded with their nieces over the mobile game Genshin Impact.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.28:59 - 1.31:11]They successfully pulled a rare character in the game, making the nieces excited and forming a special bond.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.29:50 - 1.32:57]They jokingly mention that bribing their nieces and nephews with gifts makes them the "cool uncle."

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.30:04 - 1.32:12]The speaker and their cousin did some pools together and got a rare item on the second try.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.30:26 - 1.32:30]The nephews were familiar with the speaker's YouTube channel and asked about other popular YouTubers.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.31:23 - 1.32:57]The speaker discusses how they gifted their niece some in-game currency for a game they both play.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.32:57 - 1.34:04]The speaker brought their nephews a suitcase full of crane game winnings, specifically Pokemon items.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.32:57 - 1.34:57]The speaker talks about their honeymoon, which was delayed for two years due to scheduling conflicts.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.33:19 - 1.34:10]The speaker ends by mentioning that they do not have "trash tastes" and are ahead on videos for their main YouTube channel.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.34:24 - 1.35:16]The speaker talks about the pressure of booking a honeymoon and wanting it to be a luxurious experience.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.35:16 - 1.36:45]The speaker admits to being afraid of the ocean and opting for the easier, safer snorkeling option.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.35:32 - 1.37:32]They assure the audience that snorkeling in the UK is possible, but not very exciting.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.36:52 - 1.38:02]The speaker talks about their experience seeing different fishes and going island hopping.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.37:45 - 1.38:56]The speaker struggles with figuring out the right technique for diving down deep with flippers on and expresses frustration with not being able to get used to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.38:02 - 1.39:30]The speaker talks about being scared of the ocean and mentions a specific incident where they felt something at their feet while diving.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.38:02 - 1.40:01]The speaker admits to being afraid of the ocean and opting for the easier, safer snorkeling option.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.38:56 - 1.43:35]The speaker talks about their experience seeing different fishes and going island hopping.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.39:45 - 1.43:19]The speaker also talks about diving into the ocean from the boat, and how they ended up belly flopping.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.40:01 - 1.41:41]The speaker struggles with figuring out the right technique for diving down deep with flippers on and expresses frustration with not being able to get used to them.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.40:07 - 1.42:59]The speaker talks about being scared of the ocean and mentions a specific incident where they felt something at their feet while diving.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.40:28 - 1.43:19]The speaker admits to being afraid of the ocean and opting for the easier, safer snorkeling option.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.42:31 - 1.43:28]They discuss the difficulty of peeing on demand and how it is even harder while swimming in the ocean.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.43:19 - 1.46:25]They talk about how, with the sail, they could go in any direction as long as it wasn't directly against the wind.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.43:28 - 1.45:27]They recount a time when they tried to correct themselves while jumping, but ended up belly flopping and feeling like they were hit by a truck.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.44:29 - 1.46:25]They discuss the difficulty of peeing on demand and how it is even harder while swimming in the ocean.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.45:49 - 1.46:15]The speaker mentions that they have lost brain cells from doing flips and dives, possibly due to hitting their head.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.46:08 - 1.48:18]They were amazed by how sailors in the past were able to navigate using the stars and the position of the sun.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.46:25 - 1.50:28]The speaker talks about being scared of the ocean and mentions a specific incident where they felt something at their feet while diving.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.48:18 - 1.52:27]The speaker also talks about diving into the ocean from the boat, and how they ended up belly flopping.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.48:33 - 1.49:09]They discuss the pain of stepping on a jellyfish and mention that they have been stung by one before.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.49:21 - 1.49:45]The speaker talks about being scared of the ocean and mentions a specific incident where they felt something at their feet while diving.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.50:07 - 1.52:27]They recount a time when they tried to correct themselves while jumping, but ended up belly flopping and feeling like they were hit by a truck.

A youtube thumbnail wor We AREN'T SMART ENOUGH FOR ART | Trash Taste #207

[1.52:09 - 1.54:23]They mention going deep sea fishing and checking off items from their bucket list.